
Path of a Pilgrim (Legacies-TV) EN

Synopsis: A Demon, a barely living being, created for death and destruction, feeding his power with the darkest emotions of the heart, who during a daily massacre, saw a simple and mysterious flower that breathed into him his first breath of life. For the first time his heart beat, first time felt emotions, watch how this demon, will change his path filled with carcass, ruined lands, for a path of redemption. More than just Legacies fanfiction, More than just a character added to the story, the path to absolution is not found on the rose, but on its thorns.

_Just_a_guy_ · TV
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25 Chs

The Greenseer Mystery

A new day arrived in the Salvatore school, Aiónia arrived in the breakfast room and sat next to Josie, he talked with her, They were soon joined by MG, they all talked together while eating, blood for MG , Cereal for Josie, and just coffee for Aiónia. MG still looked disturbed by the discussion he had with Aiónia, the more he thought about it the more he didn't know what to do, he was totaly lost, so he made the easiest decision but the most devastating in the long run, he simply decided to stop thinking about it. Josie then told us something interesting:

" My dad is in a panic today, he called the sheriff, and would be on the phone for hours to find the human boy who came in yesterday; Landon. " she said whispering.

" Wow, Landon? I saw the boy yesterday, for the conjuration, I didn't succeed the first time, but in any case he looked nice to me..." MG said skeptically.

" Yeah I saw him too yesterday, at the Old Mill party, I kinda sneaked him out to do Raphael a favor, Honestly I don't know what to think of him... " Josie said before remember something and turn to Aiónia.

" Besides, I didn't see you at the party, why didn't you come? " asked Josie, secretly disappointed.

" Well, parties, I can't have fun, this is not for me. " said Aiónia calmly.

Josie raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he meant, or even how it was possible to dislike being amused, but said nothing. They continued discussing, imagining what the human boy had done to make Dr. Saltzman so on edge. Until Lizzie arrives, and sits next to them, she smiles at her twin then turns to the boys and says:

" Hey MG, Hey Aiónia. " she said last, blushing.

Milton and Josie tensed slightly, then MG answered her with a slightly restrained smile, which did not escape Aiónia, who greeted her in return too.

" You know him? " Josie asked, bad feeling rising within her.

"Yeah, he kinda saved me yesterday." she answered with an embarrassed but happy smile.

'So this is him, the boy Lizzie kept talking about yesterday before going to bed' Josie thought, and she absolutely not liking it . they continued talking, for a while Josie talked about her meeting with Aiónia, hoping that Lizzie would understand, that he was the boy she had told her about a day ago, and that Lizzie would stop flirting him. unfortunately her twin usually only thought of her, not paying attention to these details, before the discussion returned to normal topics, Aiónia always avoided talking about his past, skillfully diverting the subject.

Then the lessons started, the one with Dorian was particularly the most interesting, he talked about the clans of witches, the Covens and the congregations, Like the Gemini of which the Saltzman twins were a part, the Coven of the old square which were witches using an ancestral magic that draw energy from the bodies of their ancestors from the cemeteries, but they could not leave New Orleans at the risk of losing their magic, the clan of Druids who disappeared, he used the energy of nature, vital energy to do incredible things, like transforming into any living animal, or being able to control the earth, agriculture, and for the most gifted wood and trees. there's also the Greenseer clan, which was one of the most mysterious clans that ever existed, it is said that their power comes from a comet that crashed into their mountain, he could see everywhere in the present, everywhere in the past, and had glimpses of the future, it was extreme powerful and mysterious, and even their end was strange; came a tragedy that killed them all overnight, it is said that it was other clans who exterminated them, others say that they all killed themselves after having had a glimpse of the 'life after death' , but the original legend speaks of a very powerful prediction, which must have mobilized the whole clan, they apparently predicted the future of humanity, and according to the stories that speak of it, a disaster was about to befall on the planet, they would all have sacrificed themselves to modify the future.

The lessons were interesting, the day ended quite quickly, Aiónia give many advice to a lot of teenagers. Night fell and Dr. Saltzman had assembled all the students over 16 in the great hall.

Tell me if sentence or word are bad translated.

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