
Path of a Pilgrim (Legacies-TV) EN

Synopsis: A Demon, a barely living being, created for death and destruction, feeding his power with the darkest emotions of the heart, who during a daily massacre, saw a simple and mysterious flower that breathed into him his first breath of life. For the first time his heart beat, first time felt emotions, watch how this demon, will change his path filled with carcass, ruined lands, for a path of redemption. More than just Legacies fanfiction, More than just a character added to the story, the path to absolution is not found on the rose, but on its thorns.

_Just_a_guy_ · TV
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25 Chs

Goldy Princess

Lizzie Saltzman was freaking out, she totally screwed up, she was mad at herself for saying what she said to the boy she liked, she was mad at the world for being born with her problem of mental fragility, from a very young age she was recognized as an IED (intermittent explosive disorder), while she was exploding with rage, Aiónia got closer to this wave of negative emotion that he was feeling, until arriving in the aisle L of the school, he entered the kitchen, or at least what was left of it, the room was devastated; utensils, plates, knives and cutlery pressed on the walls…, and in the center of all this a blonde with tears in her eyes, who was in the midst of an emotional crisis.

" Hey Goldy Princess, bad day? " Lizzie heard a voice, turned around to see a pretty boy she'd never seen giving her a sweet smile, speaking in a calm voice.

Lizzie didn't know if it was because of the boy's nice mood, his beauty or the fact that she felt calm and at peace the moment she saw him, but she suddenly ran towards him. Aiónia took her in his arms and left her crying. the minutes passed like this, calm except for the girl's few sobs, which gradually decrease over time. The young blonde, once calmed down, realized very embarrassed that she had just thrown a fit of anger in front of a boy she did not know. , and then ran him into her arms like a spoiled brat. 'Oh my god, what did I do...' screamed in her mind. ashamed is a little word for what she feel, she didn't even dare raise her head or move away from him to confront him.

" And like a drunkard after an disgraceful evening that has been very revealing, you are embarrassed of your actions? " asked the boy with a light laugh, making her more red with his actions, even shivering and curling up in his arms, which the boy felt and laughed even more.

"I...." she said in a small voice before being cut off.

" Lizzie, darling, calm down and breathe. " shouted a man who was walking in a hurry before entering the kitchen and saw the two of them.

" Oh, 'Aiónia' right? what are you doing here? " asked the man who turned out to be Dr. Saltzman.

" Well Principal Saltzman I was passing by until I heard a loud noise and came in here, to find a wanton genocide of utensil and furniture orchestrate by this golden haired princess. " Aiónia said quietly, smiling slightly.

Alaric nodded and removed Lizzie who had a big smile , from the boy's arms to check if she was okay and if she hadn't hurt herself.

" Are you feeling better, darling? " Dr. Saltzman asked her softly and cupped her cheeks with his hands and looked into her eyes.

" Yes, dad, thank you. " she said to him, her eyes a little sad.

" Okay, dad will always be there for you. " he said with a warm smile.

" No one is immortal, above all not humans. " Said Aiónia speaking loudly as if to bring them back to reality, which was away leaning on a piece of furniture in the kitchen.

" Thank you for that clarification. " Alaric told him with a sarcastic voice.

" And besides, what are you doing here, aren't you in class? " Alaric asked him, dazed by the boy's calmness and his lack of mental awareless.

" What the hel…. who cares about me, it's your daughter we're talking about, but what kind of father are you?" Said Aiónia with an exaggerated expression of shock and reprimand, which is just a glaring opportunity to change the subject.

Lizzie chuckled and burst out laughing, with Alaric, who at first was shocked at the boy's gall, but then joined her, the boy return his normal expression and slight smile, showing to anyone watching well that his aim was to make the girl laugh with his ridiculous performance.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

Aiónia came out of Alaric's office where he spent a few hours talking with the principal, thanking him for calming his daughter down and telling him about the administrative files and the test for his admission. Aiónia wondering 'why the hell did i take classes if i wasn't even enrolled in school yet.'

It's the end of the afternoon and probably lessons, he said to himself, looking out the window at the sun which will soon set, he went to the main rest room and saw some student including Josie who was sitting alone in a corner with a book.

Tell me if sentence or word are bad translated, or make no sense.

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