
Chapter 1: Patching Together a Life in the Land of Dawn

A full year has passed since the attack of the treacherous Devil in the Land of Dawn.

[Harper]: Hey Faramis, those look pretty heavy, I'll carry some of them for you.

[Faramis]: Yeah, sure thanks.

[Harper]: So, how's your research going?

[Faramis]: Well, I still have no leads on how the Devil appeared. I'll go inspect the area again after I drop off these groceries.

[Harper]: It's really been a year huh? Well, it looks like we've reached the house. I'll just place this here then head off for something that might catch my attention.

[Faramis]: Alright, thanks Harper. I'll see you around, I'll be back before dinner.

[Harper]: Okay, I'll go on ahead. I guess I'll head on to the Paxley's today? Or maybe the Baroque's? Oh I know, I'll head to Harley's place.

As Harper approaches Harley's house, a silhouette with a sniper approaches him.

[Lesley]: Oh, Harper! My brother and his friends are already inside. You should join them in.

[Harper]: Yeah, I will. By the way, are you being summoned to the battlefield again?

[Lesley]: Yeah, I'm on my way right now. Anyway, I'll head out now. See ya!

[Harper]: Ah, okay.

As Harper waves Lesley goodbye, the door opens to him as it reveals 4 child-like figures.

It's Nana, Harley, Harith, and Molina.

[Harith]: Yo, Harper. Came to spar again?

[Nana]: Don't mind him. He's just upset that Moonton nerfed him again.

[Harley]: Well, I've never left the meta and could be used at any rank, must be hard for you Harith.

-says Harley as he closes one eye and waves his index finger to Harith.

[Harith]: Oy, oy! You wanna fight clown?!

[Harley]: Bring it on furry-ears!

A feminine voice breaks in as the two children heat up ready for a fight

[Nana]: Stop it, you two! ~nyow

[Molina]: Harper! Harper! Pet Molina!!

[Harper]: Okay haha, you've gotten big Molina.

[Nana]: She really missed you ~nyow, Harper. As for the two of you, can't you just settle things like this! By the way Harper, where's Faramis.

[Harper]: He went to inspect the area where the Devil first appeared.

[Nana]: Nyow! It's been a year since that happened, huh?

[Harith]: You there, shut up! We're gonna settle our score right now, right clown!?

[Harley]: That's right, furry ears. If I can recall our record was 5-5-10?

[Harith]: That's right, with my amazing self, I'll settle this once and for all.

[Nana]: You two really didn't listen to me at all didn't you!?! (sigh) Fine! but don't fight here!

[Harper]: I'll take us to a custom game, the three of us will spectate.

[Harith]: Now that's what I'm talkin' about! I'm getting fired up just thinking of it!

[Harper]: Here we go!

A flash of light fills the area as the five form disappear along with the light. The area consisted of 3 lanes and 9 towers with 1 base on each side. The first one to destroy the other's base wins. The battle is set.




Anger and passion fill the eyes of both champions as they shout their titles!

[Harith]: Harith the Time Traveler!

[Harley]: Harley the Mage Genius!

Mana fills the atmosphere as the battle begins! The sound of mana transformed into magic and thrown around like toys!