
Interlude: Rekindling the flame of life

In the Land of Dawn, right after the subjugation of the Devil, our hero Harper is on line in between life and death.

[Harper]: So this is how it ends, huh? Life's been good. From guiding new players to playing the main character in defeating the Devil, putting a smile on their face puts a smile on mine. I made alot of friends and that was enough, I guess.

As the blue warrior braces himself to embrace the afterlife before him, he hears voices. Voices that are familiar to him, he thinks twice as tears build up in his eyelids.

[Voice 1]: Don't go, please. Don't leave us. nyow~

[Voice 2]: Oy better get your butt back here, you still gotta sit on the bottom corner of my screen telling me trivial tips.

[Voice 3]: If you go now, I'll never forgive you! (sobs)

Harper feels the guilt build inside him. His life is slipping away, but his conscience says no. The blue hero is caught in conflict.

[Harper]: Everyone, I don't wanna go. My voice can't reach you anymore but, I don't want to leave you.

Just as Harper was about to reach out to the light that extended its reach towards him. Brighter and brighter, he hears a mysterious voice. A voice he has never heard of before. Who is this mysterious fellow?

[???]: You heard them, buddy. You can't just leave them out here like that. It's about time you get back here, I suppose.

The light that reaches out to our hero is slowly fading as he is sucked into a vacuum. The dying youth grasps for air and opens his eyes, coughing. A sightly crowd before him appears.

[???]: Looks like you're back. Are you okay? I've treated your wounds, but most importantly, congratulations on slaying that big fellow over there.

[Harper]: Everyone! I'm glad you're all safe and --umm. -hmm. You are?

[???]: I believe I have not given you my name, even I know well introducing one's self is the first step to establishing a relationship. My name's Faramis, just Faramis will do. I sensed an enormous shockwave from the colission of two extremely powerful forces so I came in and checked it out for myself. It seems you did the job well.

[Harper]: Well, okay, whatever. Wait, what? Couldn't you have come a little sooner then?

Faramis tilts his head and gives a wry smile to the confused Harper. The crowd before them starts to cheer and laugh along.

[???]: Hiyaaaa! nyow~

[Harper]: Oy! What was that for?!

[Nana]: Fool! you had me worried, in fact ~nyow. I thought you were gonna leave me and Molina alone ~nyow.

[Molina]: Molina worried, Harper leave Molina. (sobs)

[Harper]: Sorry, sorry. But here I am right now, did you really have to hit me?

[Nana]: You deserved it, I suppose ~nyow.

Harper laughs along as they celebrate their victory. As he looks around in the crowd, he turns to Faramis, who is sitting with his legs crossed and his staff on the ground.

[Harper]: So hey, um. Thanks for saving me, even though I don't know you.

[Faramis]: No, no it's alright. But you shouldn't be thanking me, really. You should thank everyone, even with my stored power, resurrection magic is extremely difficult to pull off it means giving them their life again. It is true I can resurrect them, but only momentarily. It was thanks to everyone's shared power that I was able to resurrect you.

[Harper]: You still played a big part in it though, and that means I'm in debt to you. Thanks!

[Faramis]: Don't mention it.

[???]: Hey there, Hero-san. That was some crazy act you put up there.

[Harper]: Oh, hey Lunox! Are you unhurt?

[Lunox]: Don't worry about me, you saved us all. Not to mention, the balance between light and dark have been restored.

[Harper]: That's good to hear after risking my life to beat that monster. That final blow I took was not a smooth one.

[Lunox]: (chuckles) You really are a funny type of organism, Hero-san.

Harpers open his eyes wide and sees the sun rise from the horizon.


[Everyone]: Hooorahhh!!!

Harper looks around in the vicinity, smiles on everyone's face. He is happy. Tears stream down his face.

[Harper]: I did it!

He stares into the horizon as he wipes the tears off his face. The Land of Dawn is saved. Everyone is alright, thanks to our Blue Hero.