
Paradise Lost: War for the Crowns of Calamity

Varjo is a young boy who is abandoned in a strange forest and taken in by one of its inhabitants. Despite facing discrimination for his unique appearance and lack of horns, Varjo becomes a skilled hunter, bringing game to his caretaker. As he grows older, he begins to wonder about his past and where he comes from. One day, he is finally given the opportunity to leave the forest and discover the truth about his parents. Along the way, he encounters challenges and makes new friends, ultimately learning to embrace his true identity and place in the world.

AllenWisse · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Lord of the Wintered Woods

King Anu's wandering thoughts returned to him, helped in no small part by the soothing warmth of his beloved's touch. Her calming grasp of his hand flowed with a sense of concern that reached deep into his own being, teasing out his consciousness. 

Waking with a faint film of sweat on his brow, his fluttering eyes met Queen Aisly's bringing a gentle smile to her face.

"I'm always amazed at the ease with which you can fall asleep through the most turbulent events, we have voyaged deep with the waters." 

"Oh, that's a shame. I missed the chance to shower in the rivers of starlight"

"Must I remind you dear, that the last time you tried that you were completely engulfed in flames. I swear 

you must have driven our physician to an early grave with all the time the poor man spent treating you."

"And what a fine job he did, not a scar or blemish is left of the incident"

"That should be taken as a cautionary experience, it should not prompt another" The golden leaf- like sails stretched and wrapped themselves over the bow, completely covering the deck as the ship broke out of the lake's starry waters. 

Emerging with enough speed to take flight with the ship unfurling and the sails shifting in shape, now becoming odonata wings carrying the vessel through the luminescent mists of the skies.

The heavy clouds that they soared through hovered over immense buildings that took on such a natural design and shape that they seemed to be grown out of the ground itself. The tower tree-scapers huddled together like a forest canopy of wood and glass.

But what caught their attention was the persistent snowfall blanketing the region. The white veil of frost embraced every structure and the glistening white shimmer when the sun was high.

For Fionn and Varjo, this was the first time they had seen this, rain from the sky that felt cold to the touch.

While the boat cut through the snowing skies, the boys stood on the deck, embraced by the chill and the snow, chasing the falling flakes and rolling about in the pilling fluff until the King called for them to get inside before they got sick. With a curiosity that couldn't be shaken, Varjo scooped up an arm full of snow before rushing below deck.

As they entered, the Queen's attendants approached them, one holding their palm open with a gentle orange glow coming from it and heating the space around the boys, melting away the frost that covered them, before her twin rushed over with towels to help them dry off. 

Cleaning them up, before Anu thanked them as he checked in with them. Their pale faces bore rosy cheeks and reddened earlobes, with them even more surprised by the strange mist borne from each breath they took.

"For virgin eyes it is truly a sight. The tinge of cold possessed by each flake and the beauty of the veil it forms must be a wonder for the children of spring. Worry not, you will have plenty of time to grow accustomed to it" Rustling the young boys' hair, while his touch creates the same shower of snow over them, prompting his aid to rush in again to help clean them up again. 

Dioghaltus, the ship's captain, reappeared on the deck, urging them to prepare for docking. "Your Highness, make yourself comfortable, for we shall soon dock," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority. 

Following his words, the Queen ascended the stairs gracefully, and Fionn, with a nod to Varjo, followed suit. 

As Fionn and Varjo stepped out of the warm cabin, a gust of brisk wind welcomed them onto the deck of the flying boat. The vessel, adorned with intricate runes and ethereal symbols, soared gracefully through the clouds, revealing a breathtaking panorama. 

The Skidbladnir Skydocks emerged in the distance, a sprawling expanse of colossal towers rising from the snowy landscape below. These towers, known as the tower tree-scrapers, intertwined and soared high into the sky, creating a surreal forest canopy of wood and glass that melded seamlessly with the natural environment.

The air was crisp with the scent of pine, and the snowflakes danced around them like ethereal sprites as they descended towards the docks. The Wintered Woods, veiled in a perpetual snowfall, presented a captivating sight. 

Every structure below was cloaked in a pristine layer of frost, casting a magical glow when touched by the sun's rays. Fionn and Varjo marveled at the enchanting scene, feeling the cold embrace of the falling snow, a stark contrast to the rain they were accustomed to.

As they reached the deck, the flying boat descended towards the Skidbladnir Skydocks where Dioghaltus followed the line of fireflies lighting their path to an available space for the ship.

"Attention, attention. This vessel has special docking pardons. Please use the directed docking bay" A voice alerted Dioghaltus and he responded in kind, bringing the ship to the lower decks of the Skydocks where there were only a handful of docked vessels, all of grand and ornate construction.

Parking the vessel gently. The ship's wings unfurled and folded against the mast to become the sails once more, as branches protruded from the vessel and attached to the platform beside the ship. Now anchored, Dioghaltus left the wheel to quickly set the correct preparations to allow them to disembark. 

Opening the loading bay to get all their luggage, while they walked off the ship.

Bringing all that they traveled with to the deck with the help of Fionn and Varjo.

"Come on you two, we have to get going." King Anu called out to them, who brought out their luggage and rushed to meet him. But now, there stood someone beside the King and Queen

"I want you to meet someone. Robin" The figure stepped forward and pulled off the cloak of their hood before he shook their hands.

"A pleasure to meet you two. I must say it has been some time since Anu has personally brought along any prospects. I am curious to see what you can do. So who was the magically prodigy Puck told me about, in fact where is Puck?" 

"He had to remain in Fis to manage some affairs I had been made aware of but couldn't tend to in time." Aisly answered him. As for the talent you speak of, please introduce yourself.

"You may call me Fionn." Bowing before him, as Robin met him with the same gesture.

"And you are?"

"I am Varjo." Robin wasn't sure what to make of the boy's sternness but welcomed him all the same, trying to keep any comments about his strange appearance to himself before addressing the King once more.

"All right your Majesty, we have met. I believe we'll have plenty of time to be well acquainted once we arrive."

"Thank you. I'll be leaving them in your care for now, make sure mold them into fine individuals, I expect great things from them"

"Is that so…" Robin was a little shocked by how brazen he was with his intentions, though it seemed that no one around him expected anything different.

"Then I will take them there right away"

"Excellent. Now you two, until I return I want you to respect and obey him. He is my closest and most reliable knight and for the time that I am away, his authority over you is as close to mine. Now I've kept you my waiting long enough, I believe it's time we get going" 

Walking up to his Queen, the pair were surrounded in a mass of butterflies that grew until completely shrouding them before vanishing as the mass dispersed. 

Showing some interest in the King's chosen prospects, Robin tried to talk to them as they began preparing to leave the docks but before passing through the office of the Captain of the Port . 

Fionn was more than eager to entertain any discussion that involved him speaking on himself and his heritage while Varjo merely held onto this bow and shared the occasional one word answer, with an expression as though his mind was elsewhere. 

Following their guide to the Captain of the Port, they were informed on how to check in their belongings. With Varjo, this meant unpacking one bag that was arranged by Nia herself. 

Finding three items of note aside from clothes, one was a bow crafted from the Sol'ruaig antlers, another was a quiver strap pin made of ruby glass embedded into a detailed and well-crafted wooden carving of an arrowhead and tucked into a small pocket with some creased edges, was a letter, writing only that he take care of himself. With no name to address it.

Once they were checked, they followed Robin to the eastern edge of the Skydocks. Here were nests of impressive size. Holding the mounts of the most honored. For only they were permitted to command their King's chosen beasts. The Great Horned Owls. 

It's here that Robin pulled out a golden wooden flute that sounded a tone unheard by them as they could only hear the passing wind.

They get on the beast and take off, flying over the and past the structures they had seen from afar.

"When they were betrothed, their territories grew and encompassed one another, though they still belonged to their respective people. His Majesty merely convinced Her Highness to settle alongside him here and so they came to call this land their home" Robin answered Fionn who could only ask more questions as the Great Horned Owl descended towards the forest floor.

Flying over the villages built into the base of the towering tree lines, and the bridges of grown branches along with routed roots fashioned into roads connecting the pockets of settlements. These villages were shielded from the cold by a woven wall of golden leaves cradling them in hallowed baskets known as the Weaves.

With the root bridges acting as the main way of traveling from village to village, Robin would try to set the beast down, but the winds were spurred in such a sudden manner that their mount's flight took a strange turn.

The reason for their change in course came in the form of a large and descending shadow paired with a violent screech.

"Hold on, we're going to slip through the baskets. Corliblanc!" Tightening his grip on the beast's feathers, his call emboldened its flight. Swooping over and under the white bridges and knots of roots, the snow kicked up showered the forest floor in a growing cover white. 

The faster the beast flew the greater the size of the cloud, prompting the fae folk to rush into their homes as the owl passed over. 

By the end of the road, the owl tucked its wings to pass through the walls of the Weave into the open forest.

"Go! Go!" Robin cried. Its wings sprang forth, launching it through the open air in a fearsome dash–passing down its side in a dive, the source of the screech almost knocked the boys off the beast.

"Hold, it's not going to be a gentler flight. We are battling more than just the chilling winds." Robin outstretched a hand and from its palm, a soft yellow light started to radiate. Corliblanc flapped his wings to regain its balance, before pushing on towards the wall of Weave ahead of them. 

Taking to cut through and around the root roads, the creature chasing them savaged them. Casting the golden glow above them, the knots of gnarly roots warped and wormed themselves around the, summoning a dense canopy over them. 

Its giant claws ripped apart the green that covered the roads, missing owl and scarring its feathers while the nimble bird pressed on. Getting closer to the Weave, the 

Robin called upon his magic, birthing tendrils from the towering trees. The beast's hide was dense but the tendrils worked well to slow the beast with the wounds they inflicted. While they couldn't pierce it, they scarred it and threw it off course, allowing their mount to gain more distance. 

But with another terrifying screech, the beast outstretched its maw as it used the last of its strength to chase the down.

"Brace yourselves!" Fionn's centered tone echoed as he gave out his warning.

Watching as the monster was bearing down on them, Fionn summoned a vivid bolt of lightning, ripping through one of its wings, while Varjo drew out his Sol'ruaig Bow.

'That bow, what strange magic is that–' Robin's focus remained squarely on the approaching Weave, until the sensation of a deep and humming wave of magic washed over him.

Turning around for a moment, he caught a glance of them–

Letting loose twin arrows that flew against the fierce winds stirred by their flight and into the beast's eyes, Grounding it with a thundering crash as Corliblanc passed through the Weave into the Golden city of Tir nan Og, covering several times the area that the previous Weave-bound village stood upon.

"What was that?" Fionn wondered after collecting himself from the display of magic.

An Ember-Tailed Hawk, they usually aren't around this time of the year" said Varjo

"That's right. He wasn't wrong about you, but something must have brought them back to the Wintered Woods. Perhaps the return of the King has aroused a sense of curiosity" He muses as Corliblanc perched.

"That was a Hawk? The size of it–"

"It's nothing like the one you have on your family crest"

"Not surprising. They may grow out of the Lakewoods, but once they've left the nest they settle deeper in the Faelands. One of the places they come to is the Wintered Woods"

"So what, was that an adult Hawk?"

"Seems like it" From what Robin had told them, it made sense when he considered how large Corliblanc was, the size of something that would try to hunt in made the beast come to mind.

"You lot are bound to cause a stir down here. Not many people can bring a beast like that down. You may yet have what it takes to be knights. I'll make sure that the spoils of your quarry are returned to you"

"I have no interest in the beast's claws of feathers. Word of what I've done is enough." Fionn postured as he leapt off the owl onto the platform below the perch.

"Well then Varjo, guess it's all yours. Let us get going" Petting the fatigued Corliblanc before pulling out a shiny azure fruit that the beast took to with great enthusiasm.

"We are expected"

"Where exactly?" Fionn asked after taking down his luggage from the beast.

"For the two of you, you might as well call it home but if you want the name our King gave it after he built it, it is the Withering Sanctuary."