
Paradise Dream

" What is with this partiality of fate treating some as sacred existences and others as worthless scum ? Even though I am forced to walk beneath the moonlight I shall do it with a mesmerising smile on my face ! I shall be responsible for the Fall of Legendary Empires and the Damnation of the tormented ! In this world where night is eternal ; I shall be a shining pearl , my radiance overshadowing the Sun , the Moon and the Stars ! For I shall enchant the Heavens to dance in my palm !" Jing Ke is a morose teenager who hasn't got much time left to live . After being entrusted by his dead father with an impossible mission which if completed shall offer him a slim possibility to live on he decides to take his destiny into his own hands. Racing against fate he sets off in a quest in a World which has long since been damaged beyond repair after being ravished by Egotistic Tyrants and Foul Abominations all in a bid to seek out the pinnacle of Martial Arts in order to devour the greatest tyrant of them all.

Venerable_Truesoul · Acción
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6 Chs

Character Introduction

Jing Ke

A youth who has just recently ascended to manhood and is also the Protagonist of this story. After training for years with the Sword he reluctantly manages to become a respectable martial artist . He uses these skills efficiently as a mercenary which allows him to earn enough money to splurge on his favourite extracurricular pursuits , namely wine and women .

His personality changes drastically however after his father reveals a shocking secret to him on one stormy night. He has an extremely rare constitution ; the [Nine Yin Heavenly Meridian] which because of his sex is undoubtedly fatal . The only hope he possesses is to somehow procure the [Heart Blood Of A Heavenly Dragon ] which when treated using the skill of a true master can cure his condition .

But since Heavenly Dragons have long been extinct his only hope is to found a substitute source of the [Heart Blood] , his father convinces him that the only conceivable source is the Dreaded Tyrant, Zheng the King of Qin who has the highest possibility of unifying the lands and proclaim himself as the True Emperor . Once he bears the Mandate of Heaven he shall turn into a Heavenly Dragon as well thus allowing for a slim possibility of Jing Ke to survive if he collects his Heart's Blood.

Realizing the vast gap between them Jing Ke concludes that he must become a Legendary Grandmaster whose fists can shatter mountains and whose kicks can stir up the seas if he were to even have a remote chance at fulfilling his goal. Further adding to his difficulty he only has five years left to live , therefore he must reach a stage that countless Martial Artists haven't been able to reach in a lifetime in a matter of a mere five years !

Being aware of the unsolvable conundrum placed before him ; in search of a miracle he journeys to the Abandoned Land of the Gods where myths say the secret of the pinnacle of martial arts lies , waiting to be claimed by the worthy.

Zheng , the King Of Qin

An incomparably talented genius , born to one of the greatest vassal states ; he astonished the entire Mainland with his impressive feats from a tender age itself . Now , a youthful king full of ambition , he aims to do the impossible by uniting the fragmented Kingdoms and creating a new era - The Era of Qin !

To fulfill his aim , he rules with a merciless fist and has used savage tactics throughout his myriad campaigns which has caused him to earn the title of the 'Dreaded Tyrant' .

At the beginning of this story he concludes that the only way that he can gain enough prestige in order to convince his fellow vassals to topple the 'Emperor' from his seat is to perform a feat which has never before been performed and has long thought to be impossible - namely to conquer the Abandoned Land Of The Gods.

To this end , he sends his able subordinate along with a huge army that would trample Heaven itself in order to fulfill the goal of their liege.

Ren Woxing

The former leader of Three Stars Holy Cult who was once feared as the 'Number One Demon in the Wulin' , who is an expert in Martial Arts , Politics and Manipulation ; after being ousted from his position , at the time this story begins he is but a refugee who arrives at the Abandoned Land Of the Gods in order to hide from his fearsome pursuer who would leave no stone unturned in order to find him.

Dongfang Bubai

The captivating new leader of the Three Stars Holy Cult known in the Central Plains as the 'Undefeated' because of his tremendous Martial Prowess which has caused many to fear that he is truly invincible and impossible to defeat . Extremely charismatic with a twisted personality to match he will do anything , including severing his manhood , in order to fulfill his goal - which is to master all Martial Arts and ultimately uncover the essence of the World .

To this end , he plots in order to seize the legendary skill exclusive to the Cult Masters of the Three Stars Holy Cult - "The Stars Plucking Great Skill " . At the beginning of this story , he is after Ren Woxing who after being ousted ran away with the scripture containing the The Stars Plucking Great Skill .

Jiang Ziya

An incomparably old existence who was responsible for the installation of the previous dynasty and who has managed to survive till its last days. He once was the Sacred Preceptor of the Empire but eventually retired after his opinions were unheeded and the worse situation of the Empire spiralled out of control .

He then , journeys to the Abandoned Land Of the Gods in a last ditch effort to find a way that can reverse the inevitable decline of the Empire . There he spends his day fishing with the belief that the solution would turn up on its own in his net , a belief which had served him well in the past.

Zhuge Liang

Once recognized as the 'Greatest Strategist of an Era' he is now , nothing more than a drunkard wallowing in self pity . He has long since grown sick and tired of the world and has journeyed to the Abandoned Land Of the Gods in the hope that this mystical place would become the paradise that he dreamt of.

Zhuang Zi

An ancient sage whose eccentricities have long caused him to become incomprehensible to the masses.

Long before , he walked freely under the Stars with the entire World as his home and the Heaven as his playmate.

Long after , he spends countless years in the Abandoned Land Of the Gods weaving a cocoon of dreams , when the silkworm eventually metamorphs into a butterfly it knows not from where it came.

Was it an offspring of a Dream or did it always exist in Reality preying on the morning drew and drinking the light of the stars ?


The favoured consort of the Last Emperor of the Previous Dynasty . She is in fact a Fox Spirit who after many arduous years managed to transform into a Human Shape. After being transformed her unparalleled beauty attracted the lust of the then Emperor who then took her as his wife .

Indulging in wanton pleasure , the Emperor neglected his official duties causing the Empire to fall into ruin.

This proved to be the last straw , as his faithful official Jiang Ziya turned traitor and caused the downfall of the Empire .

Daji as a consequence was banished . Hunted from all sides , the fathomless Abandoned Land of the Gods provided the only possibility of refuge which she took up wholeheartedly.

Nursing her hatred all alone for many years has dyed her heart black with the flames of darkness . She feels that she was unjustly incriminated for what happened all those years ago and has a result given up faith in humanity itself .

All she hopes now is to one day bring ruin to the world that forsook her so cruelly.


An extremely talented Buddhist Monk who decisively abandoned his monastery after realizing that the Teachings of the Buddha were no longer followed there.

Now , a renegade who is being pursued everywhere ; a cryptic message left behind by the legendary monk Xuanzang prompts him to journey towards the Abandoned Land Of the Gods in the hope that there he might be able to attain the legendary enlightened state known as 'Paramita' .

Gongsun Bai

A battle crazy maniac who is also a trusted subordinate of Zheng , the King Of Qin , he is in charge of the current expedition to the Abandoned Land Of the Gods and is willing to do his best in order to make it successful even if it requires that a Mountain Of Corpses be erected and the land be inundated by a Sea Of Blood .

Demon Lord

A mysterious man who comes along with the Expedition Army at Qin Zheng's behest . He seems to bear no interest in mundane activities like 'warfare' and spends most of his days in isolation .

He however seems to possess an abnormal interest in interrogation and torture wherein his true purpose is revealed which is to prove that All beings who roam the world are inherently sinful and under the right circumstances the most virtuous of men end up becoming the most sinful eclipsing even True Devils.