
Paracausal power in My Hero Academia

My first book, go easy on me: Guy gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia with the ability to summon items (and possibly living things?) from the world of destiny, watch as he progresses through the plot and struggles to defeat Villains and evildoers of all kinds, or not idrk.

Wrighter_Mann · Cómic
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2 Chs


In a pitch black space there is no sounds. Until suddenly a figure appears that is impossible to recognize besides a vague light shining behind him. Then less than a minute later, another figure appears this time with a black suit on, however its face is blurry and also impossible to define.

He begins to speak to the glowing figure:

"Where am I! Who are you! Who am I!"

There nine words seem to resonate throughout the entire space, reverberating and cascading into each other before slowly fading away.

After a period of time somewhere between seconds and centuries, the glowing figure speaks: "Fear not young one, for I mean you no harm, you are in the void between time, space, death and life. More commonly known as Limbo: where all souls go after their judgement to be reborn. I am the impartial arbiter who gives judgement to all, whether through punishment or reward depended on you. But the time for judging has passed, you have served your sentence, and must now be reborn. You will be reborn in whatever universe or being you used to have an affinity for."

"And for your final question, you are an empty soul, having served time in the underworld or in heaven depending whatever you did while you were alive. Upon the completion of your sentence, you soul was fully cleansed of whatever attachment or thoughts you had upon death, leaving you a blank slate, Perfect to be reborn."

" One last question, are you a god"

"I would like to know that myself, child"

Fun fact, all those comments you see in every books author's thoughts? those are pre written, with that being said:

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Wrighter_Manncreators' thoughts