
Overpowered PokéMon Adventures Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Mon Mari Milliardaire Secret

    "Chéri, je n'en peux plus, je me sens terrible..." "Bébé, sois sage, finis ce médicament." Le bel homme enlace la femme dans ses bras, la cajole doucement pendant qu'il lui donne le médicament. Joanna Lawrence tombe sur Ashton Heath, le scion le plus estimé de toute la ville de Closia, et finit par passer la nuit avec lui. Après qu'il lui a offert des avantages en échange de leur mariage, la nouvelle Mme Heath a soudainement le pouvoir d'avoir tout ce qu'elle a toujours souhaité. "Chéri, j'ai giflé la reine du cinéma Faye aujourd'hui, est-ce que j'ai été trop loin?" "Bébé, ta main te fait mal ? Laisse-moi la masser pour toi." "Chéri, j'ai atteint la limite de ta carte de crédit, es-tu en colère ?" "Bébé, es-tu contente de ton achat ? Fais-moi savoir quand tu en auras besoin de plus." "Chéri, je suis fatiguée aujourd'hui, je ne veux pas bouger..."

    Gentle Dance · General
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  • Mon Mari Accidentel est Mon Partenaire de Vengeance

    Anastasia Harrison, une jeune femme maltraitée par sa cruelle famille, pensait que sa vie était terminée lorsqu'ils l'ont forcée à épouser Richard, le mouton noir peu recommandable de la riche famille Wallace. Pendant ce temps, sa jeune sœur préférée, Michelle, allait épouser Xavier, l'aîné, qui était un PDG. Pourtant, une erreur à l'hôtel de ville a fini par inverser leurs noms sur leurs certificats de mariage respectifs. "C'est quoi ça ?! Comment se fait-il que tu sois mariée à Xavier Wallace ?" "Tu n'auras ni nourriture ni eau jusqu'à ce que tu signes les papiers du divorce !" Pour envenimer les choses, le vieux M. et Mme Harrison sont décédés, laissant tous leurs biens à Anastasia et non au reste de la famille. Cela a poussé les Harrisons à bout. Pour échanger contre une vie paisible, Anastasia était prête à abandonner son héritage et quitter la famille, mais les Harrisons avaient d'autres projets en tête. Ils voulaient se débarrasser d'elle. De manière permanente. Cependant, ce fut par un coup de chance qu'Anastasia fut trouvée par son nouveau mari, Xavier, avant que sa famille ne réussisse. Déterminée à prendre sa revanche, elle a conclu un pacte avec Xavier. "Continue d'être ma femme et je t'aiderai à prendre ta revanche !"

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • Le Démon Maudit

    Mort en Héros, rené en Démon... Le plus fort des Héros du monde a tué le Roi Démon, le démon le plus puissant jamais apparu sur Terre. Il a accompli ce qu'aucun autre héros n'avait jamais réussi. Mais hélas, le Héros ne s'attendait pas à ce que sa propre petite amie, ses propres amis et l'organisation en laquelle il avait confiance se retournent soudainement contre lui et tentent de le tuer. C'était le coup le plus cruel qu'il ait jamais reçu dans sa vie. Il ne s'est pourtant pas avoué vaincu et a essayé de tenir bon, mais ils étaient venus préparés, et il fut pris au dépourvu dans leur piège. Il s'est battu jusqu'à la mort pour se retrouver transmigré dans le corps d'un démon ! Mais qui aurait cru qu'il serait le mari de la Reine Démon ! Toutefois, la vie en tant que consort royal n'était pas du tout facile. Alors lisez pour découvrir comment il va surmonter ceux qui cherchent à l'écraser et finalement obtenir sa revanche. ===== Lien Discord https://discord.gg/HjWkd4nB3z =====

    Resurgent · Fantasy
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  • I'm Actually Not Overpowered!

    Getting caught up in another world, especially the same kind as your favorite Novel, sounds all fun and sweet... … Until it's not! As an avid Weeb, this wasn't how Samuel expected his Transmigrated life to turn out. Completely removed from the comfortable life he once knew, this ‘modern guy' finds himself in a fantasy world that is in polar contrast with what he had imagined. His mission? Kill the Demon God and bring the world to peace! It sounds so easy, right? Too bad his new life isn't as grand as he expected. 'Now that it has come to this, there's only one thing left to do...' Gather as many allies as he can on his grand quest. "I'm not Overpowered, but... no one has to know that, right?" Watch as Samuel Peterson, a seemingly ordinary guy, overcomes his tribulation in a place where everyone relies on him and actually believes he is their only hope. An epic Kingdombuilding Misunderstanding Story awaits you! ______________________________ {A/N: Please check Auxiliary Chapters for information on Characters. Original Character Artworks will be made available on the Discord Server, so please do well to join.} https://discord.gg/yMPNRURZJh ~Thanks!~ _______________________________ As the Theme dictates, this is a Kingdom Building Novel, and one that has character progression. Even though the MC is as weak as possible (initially), it does not affect the story negatively. In fact, it's actually the opposite. Just read a few chapters and you'll be convinced. This is a fun book. I certainly hope you enjoy it and support the Novel. Since I'm in a contest, please help me to win. Thanks!

    Magecrafter · Fantasy
  • Adventures Of A Goblin

    In the darkest and most cruelest dungeon is the birth of a specie who lives his every day life trying not to fall prey to the claws of the predators. To survive amongst predators, one most shed off the flesh of a prey and take on the skin of an even bigger predator. P:S be sure to check out my other novel "Lord Of The Sky" Power Ranking Note The numbers refer to existential value, and all lifeforms has it. ADVENTURER GUILD POWER RANKING Lv 1 - 20 = F (1 - 49) Lv 20 - 30 = E (50 - 99) Lv 30 - 50 = D (100 - 499) Lv 50 - 60 = C (500 - 999) Lv 60 - 80 = B (1,000 - 4,999) Lv 80 - 100 = A (5,000 - 9,999) Lv 100 - 200 = S (10,000 - 19,999) Lv 200 - 500 = SS (20,000 - 29,999) LV 500 - 900 = SSS (30,000 - 49,999) LV 900 - 1000 = XS (50,000 - 99,999) SPIRITUAL ENTITY RANKING SYSTEM BELOW ■MONSTERS AND OTHER NON-HUMAN LIFEFORMS ●Apocalypse > 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 ●Armageddon > 10,000,000 - 99,999,999 ●Cataclysm > 1,000,000 - 9,999,999 ●Disaster > 100,000 - 999,999 ■HUMAN ●Transcendent > 100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 ●Warlord > 10,000,000 - 99,999,999 ●Mystical > 1,000,000 - 9,999,999 ●Heroic > 100,000 - 999,999 Note The numbers refer to existential value, and all lifeforms has it. Cover does not belong to me, credit goes to whoever made it

    Catastrophy_Y9 · Fantasy
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  • My Wives Are Too Overpowered

    With the rising power of humans, who can come close to being a Blessed? Deriving their powers straight from the Gods, the Blessed are the forerunners of humanity, super humans with peak mortal prowess, ruling all over mankind from the shadows. Waking up to find himself reincarnated back as his 21-year-old self, Alexander Gray finds an alternate path to life, one that transcends beyond the way of the Blessed and touches upon the infinite untapped human potential. Follow the mortal Alexander Gray, as he walks a path exclusive to himself, journeying to find immortality and godhood. All the while being surrounded by gods themselves, aka, his wives. ——————————————— This novel is your one stop destination for all the wholesome fantasies. I know you’ve read too much serious plots, cultivation, action, adventure, and now want something to relax and calm yourself. Indulge in the wholesome and slow fluff that this novel offers, with the smut so good, it not only warms you up, but also makes your heart orgasm. No NTR/Rape. If there’s any traumatizing content, appropriate warnings will be put forward. If you don’t prefer the explicit scenes, they can be skipped and the reading experience will still be the same. Have a good read and I’ll see you in the latest chapters! Discord: https://discord.gg/4zqpN8xNBB

    SocialHippo · Fantasy
  • Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse


    Lazy_leon · Fantasy
  • Sovereign Of The Overpowered Ring

    My view about life seriously has always sucked, as my opinion about rings, it was nothing special. Everyone has always had that time when something happened and it influenced their point of view on many things. And Everyone has always had that point of extraordinary where a single variable begins to defy all your point of view and make you rethink it all. For some it could be love, some may be the new launching that defies all their past judgment about games, for some it could be phones but for me, it was a ring. A ring that transmigrated me and gave me another chance to relive my until now, pathetic life. The world of CERIA was beyond what I had expected, beasts, vassal weapons, magic, martial arts, endless exploration and still improving concepts. It was a world that made me look forward to every day I woke up. However, with this new chance came responsibility, come along with me and my ring companion as we take a big step into the world of Ceria and discover unquestioned answers. The story Pace is neither too fast nor too slow, all are in a perfect rhythmic format with the story itself. Note: This book is written in first person omniscient and the information power the narrator has over other characters is limited. Because the narrator is the MC, he won't reveal much information about other characters until they are actually revealed in the story progression, but he explains himself freely, hence it is possible to feel a slight voice change when narrating other scenes where MC is not present. But if you pay attention from the beginning nothing will change, since there won't be frequent POV changes. :::::;:; Cover is not mine, credit goes to whoever owns it....and I will still change it::::::::: :::: To enjoy the ecstasy of this book, it shouldn't be read absentmindedly because one of its unique traits is the narration voice:::: Follow sage_m8de on Instagram to see updates about characters and stories. The pictures are not mine however they are exactly how the characters are and are nearer to the description given. Spoiler alerts: there are pieces of information about characters that are yet to be introduced in the story.

    RighteousFilth · Fantasy
  • Pokémon: Last Quake

    I appreciate you reading my book "Pokémon: Last Quake". To start, I want to outline a few points and establish some rules that I will adhere to throughout the writing process: System: The main character (MC) will not be provided with any system, ensuring that all achievements are earned through effort rather than given due to external factors. Additionally, there will be no levels, signifying that growth is achieved through experience, not predetermined by numbers. Ships: The narrative will not be heavily centered on romance; however, if it does emerge, there will be just one canonical partner for the main character. Comments: Ideas and critiques are welcome as they help maintain focus. Please feel free to share them, and if they are incorporated, the contributor's name will be acknowledged at the chapter's conclusion. Lemons: There will be no on-screen lemons, I will be only providing brief descriptions before cutting to the next part of the story. Embark on a tale of transformation from weakness to strength, centered around a young man's adventure in the Pokémon universe. Thank you for being part of this journey, and I hope you enjoy the experience. By Mugen Strife

    MugenStrife · Fantasy
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  • Reformat Adventures

    Professor Nicholas is killed for speaking out against the tyranny of his government, but he is reborn with his memories intact due to a system error. He lives his second life in the primitive land of the Nozul Islands as Linus Stannous, a local chief's son. Life seems peaceful as the young Linus spends his idle time learning about his new world. But in his tenth year, the System starts interacting with him, giving him game-esque quests with rewards for their accomplishment. To add to the complication, his usual leisurely life is brought to an abrupt end when the enemies of the Nozulian peoples invade. At this point, Linus finds his purpose as he uses his broad knowledge of anthropology, civics, and technological evolution together with the power of the System to come up with innovative solusions to transform his Nozulian hometown, Solus, and defend it from invading forces. Inadvertently, his interference ends up affecting not only his people’s fates but the others’ as well. Follow Linus in his quest of transforming and expanding the Solus Dominion into a more advanced civilization in Reformat Adventures.

    riverkingyuwa · War
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  • Adventures of Reya

    Reya is a ten thousand years old vampire who had her birth process churned anew before being abandoned at a foster home. She grows up with a human family, however due to the memory loss attained during the procedure, she grew up human not knowing her abilities as a night creature. One day she witnesses a murder from the top of a mountain between three men, one of whom got killed and turned to dust piquing her curiosity. Stealing away from her siblings watchful eyes, she climbs down the cliff to investigate what had transpired only to fall to her death. This was supposed to be the end of her story, notwithstanding, the fall only succeeded in activating her vampiric nature healing her fatal injuries instantly. Looking around, she found Ramul a strange boy who was still new to town with a girl whose face was hidden with a piece of cloth over her mouth. While their presence wasn’t overwhelming, their actions afterwards definitely was supernatural with the duo displaying extraordinary abilities. Ramul puts her to sleep disappearing into the night with the strange girl causing her to wake up the next day in her bed surrounded by her family. Henrietta a dark mage is summoned only to reveal that she is a dark creature to the shock of her mother. Not wanting to kill anyone in her family, she takes the bold choice to run away from home in terms of protecting everyone. During her flight she encounters Ramul, the strange girl and a man who claimed to be her siblings, prompting them to tell her their history when they find out her memories had not yet been retrieved. This leads her to follow them back to their castle in the dark forest as she finds out she had been in existence for thousands of years as a Primordial vampire — the first set of vampires to be created — as well as been married to a dark mage called Aaron. Everything starts getting complicated while she tries to navigate her way through the mythical world, protecting both human and mythical worlds from old threats which loom over them.

    MichealAchonye · Fantasy
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  • Pokémon: Unova Adventures

    Hello! This is my very first fanfiction on Webnovel. As the title states, this is a Pokémon fanfiction. The story revolves around a young trainer named Sean and his quest to become Pokémon League Champion. The story takes place four years after the events of White 2 and Black 2. A hidden organization begins to reveal themselves. Their goal will be revealed later down the road. They become known for causing some horrendous attacks around the region. Sean will encounter this group during his journey. However, the story doesn't just revolve around him. It also revolves around a Lucario named Lucar (sorry for the terrible name). Her life has changed for the worse when she was captured by the organization's leader. She tries to fight for her own survival while at the same time, trying to control something that could end up causing her own demise. The two stories will intercept at some point in the fanfiction. If you decided to read through all of this, then I must thank you! I hope you enjoy the story!

    HeartsDemise · Games
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  • Der verdammte Dämon

    Gestorben als Held, wiedergeboren als Dämon... Der stärkste Held der Welt tötete den Dämonenkönig, den mächtigsten Dämon, der je auf der Erde erschienen ist. Er hat etwas erreicht, was kein anderer Held je schaffen konnte. Doch leider hat der Held nicht damit gerechnet, dass seine eigene Freundin, seine eigenen Freunde und die Organisation, der er vertraute, sich plötzlich gegen ihn wenden und versuchen würden, ihn zu töten. Es war der grausamste Schlag, der ihm je in seinem Leben versetzt wurde. Er gab trotzdem nicht auf und versuchte, sich zu behaupten, aber sie waren vorbereitet, und er geriet unversehens in ihre Falle. Er kämpfte bis zum Tod, nur um festzustellen, dass er in den Körper eines Dämons verwandelt worden war! Aber wer hätte gedacht, dass er einmal der Ehemann der Dämonenkönigin sein würde! Doch das Leben als königlicher Gemahl war alles andere als einfach. Lies also, um herauszufinden, wie er alle, die ihm nach dem Leben trachten, besiegen und schließlich seine Rache bekommen wird. ===== Diskord-Link https://discord.gg/HjWkd4nB3z =====

    Resurgent · Fantasy
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  • Pokémon: Journey Beyond

    He Zhi had a car accident while reading Pokémon novels, and came to the Pokémon world he had been dreaming of, and replaced the original Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi: In this case, I will change Master Zhi's original fate, first set a goal, win all the championships, and then persecute Gou Hao once a day! In order to surpass Zhiye's achievements, the system, please open it for me!

    Gold_D_Dragneel · Fantasy
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  • Pokémon world journey

    A competitive Pokémon player on earth with lots of world and regional titles. Even when he became old, the love for the game never stoped. But nothing lasts for ever. At the age of 82 knowing the end is near, he battles his first rival with his first team one final time, honouring the team and the game that started his career in the first place. Then at the time his heart beat for the last time he gets a second chance at life in his most beloved world. Will he be able to create a new legend in this new world like he did in his first life? Follow Wes to find out.

    Talanjo · Fantasy
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