
Overpowered Gamer’s Journey

Wish Fulfilment | Gamer | GodLike MC | CYOA | Yuri | Overpowered | Absolute Immortal | Female Reader | RWBY | BNHA | Harry Potter | Fate | DBS | Avengers | DC | DxD | Worm | Akame Ga Kill | HxH | OnePiece | Marvel | Shokugeki no Soma | Toriko | Fast Paced | Polyamorous Yuri Relationship | AU

Ndnxnd · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

[ 2 ]

As I wandered towards the village, I had a thought. Wasn't I supposed to get "Perks" or something for reaching like 50 and 100 and other benchmarks in my stats?


[You don't need perks]


I didn't know my system could talk like that.

Cortana: "I am the system now, and you didn't get any perks because any perk you could have gotten can be made with your powers. So you don't get perks."

Y/N: "Oh I see. Thanks Cortana!"

Cortana: "Anything for you master."

Y/N: "I thought I told you not to call me that"

Cortana: "How about I call you honey"

Y/N: "I guess that's okay, but only if I get to call you babe"

Cortana: "Deal!"

Cortana seems to be smirking, I think she called me that on purpose. Oh well.

I saw the village up ahead. I wandered in and asked some of the townspeople. Turns out this village is called Shion. Wasn't that village ransacked though later by Raven? I guess I better try to get out of here quickly. I managed to find a map and found that I was in Mistral. May as well head to the capital then. Can't believe the kingdom and the capital are both called Mistral. That's gotta get confusing. Anyways, I had a general idea of where to go. What was neat was that seeing the map seemed to add the data to my Minimap, so I shouldn't get lost too much. I started heading out.

[Time Skip]

As I went on the trail I was suddenly ambushed by a few Grimm. I can't believe I came to Remnant and forgot about the GRIMM. They seem to just be beowolves though. I wonder if I got 'Observe' like every other gamer? 'Observe' 'Observe' 'Observe' 'Observe' 'Observe'


Through repeated actions, a new skill has been unlocked.

New Skills Unlocked:

[Observe] - Lvl 1 - You can see the stats of others and basic information about objects.


Lvl. 3

HP: 300/300


Lvl. 3

HP: 300/300


Lvl. 4

HP: 400/400

[Ding] Quest Created: Baby's First Grimm Kill

Baby's First Grimm Kill: Kill some Grimm!

Objectives: Kill the Grimm attacking you! (0/3)

Rewards: Aura Unlocked

Accept: Y



They seem pretty weak. Hmm, I wonder if my biokinesis works on the Grimm? As one wolf pounced at me, I managed to dodge while reaching out my hand to touch it. My biokinesis seemed to try to work but it didn't really work well. It seems that these guys are not really biological creatures, but magical constructs.

[-100 HP]

Oops I should have been more careful there goes my arm. I guess this being a Golem body means I don't really have to worry about the pain I don't want to though. I can rebuild an arm pretty quick if I find some plants. Until then I seem to be in a pinch. I guess I can use some of those charges of mine again.


Use 2 charges on power: "Electromagnetic Manipulation"

[Power Manipulation] - Lvl 1 - (3/10 Charges Remaining)

New Skills Created:

[Electromagnetic Manipulation] - Lvl 7 - You can control electricity and magnetism. Create bolts of lightning, alter magnetic fields. You are both Magneto and Misaka, although at a slightly lower level...for now.


This should be enough. I charged up some lightning bolts and shot them at the Beowulfs. That disintegrated them pretty quickly.


Killed 3 Beowulfs, gained 500 EXP, Level Up. Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Vitality +3

Quest Complete! Aura has been unlocked.

[Condensed Status]

Name: Y/N L/N

Title: The Gamer

Level: 4 (0/750 EXP)

Strength: 6

Vitality: 8

Dexterity: 6

Intelligence: 170

Wisdom: 50

Luck: 100

Status Points: 24


Guess I should allocate my stat points


[Condensed Status]

Name: Y/N L/N

Title: The Gamer

Level: 4 (0/750 EXP)

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 180

Wisdom: 50

Luck: 100

Status Points: 4


That should be good for now. I'm finally at the physical abilities of an ordinary person!

I wonder how Aura affects my stats?



Name: Y/N L/N

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Title: The Gamer

Class: None

Level: 4 (0/750 EXP)

HP: 1000/1000

HP Regen: 10 HP/s

MP: ∞/∞

MP Regen: 50 MP/s

SP: 1000/1000

SP Regen: 10 SP/s

AP: 1000/1000 [AP = Aura Points]

AP Regen: 10 AP/S

Strength: 10 (x2 with Aura)

Vitality: 10 (x2 with Aura)

Dexterity: 10 (x2 with Aura)

Intelligence: 170

Wisdom: 50

Luck: 100

Status Points: 4

Skill Points: 0

Money: 3000 Lien


That seems..different than what I remember. I thought Aura was more of an additive increase? I figured Aura would be more like an entry level power I would later discard, but if it's multiplicative then this power will be important for a long time to come. Let's try channeling my Aura.


Skill created:

[Aura] - Lvl 1 - You have awoken the power that lies in your soul. At base level this will double your stats. This power has great potential due to your very powerful soul. At base level costs 10AP/s to maintain, and any damage taken will hurt your AP before it hurts your HP.


So I can maintain my Aura indefinitely... provided I'm not getting hurt? That's pretty good. I guess I can just level this up by maintaining it constantly during my journey to Mistral. I wonder where the ID Create and Escape skills are supposed to be.


Quest Created: A Gamer's Bread and Butter

A Gamer's Bread and Butter: Every gamer needs a dungeon to grind in. But where's the dungeon?

Objectives: Reach Level 10

Rewards: ID Create, ID Escape, Mystery Skill


I guess I'll just kill some more Grimm along the way. Wonder what that Mystery Skill is though.

[Time Skip]


Skill [Aura] has leveled up 10x, reached Lvl MAX.

Killed 65 Beowulfs, 20 Boarbatusks, 5 Ursa.

Gained 150000 Lien, Lvl Up x6

Quest Complete: A Gamer's Bread and Butter

Rewards: ID Create, ID Escape, Fictional Adaptation

[Aura] - Lvl MAX: You have awoken the power that lies in your soul. At current level this will multiply your stats by 10. It now costs no AP to maintain, and any damage taken will hurt your AP before it hurts your HP.

[ID Create] - Lvl MAX: Can create instant dungeons to level up. Only you or anyone you permit can enter these dungeons. Due to possessing Kaleidoscope, this skill has been upgraded to max level, and you have access to any kind of dungeon you could imagine, and have full control over the time dilation effect.

[Pocket Dimension] - Lvl MAX: Due to possessing ID Create and Kaleidoscope, you now have the ability to have your own personal pocket dimension. Shape and use it as you wish.

[ID Escape] - Lvl MAX: Skill to leave instant dungeons.

[Fictional Adaptation] - Lvl MAX: You can learn all kinds of fictional abilities.


Now I can have a home wherever I go, and I have a good place to grind any abilities I shouldn't be showing off in Remnant, like magic. Also I haven't slept in days. I don't really need to sleep, but I still want to. I guess I'll go make a house in my pocket dimension and go to bed.

[Time Skip to next morning]


Slept in a bed, all stats restored, all negative effects cured. Charges Restored


Oh yeah my charges. Hmm, should I just max out my stats and levels now and nerf them when traveling...or should I just level up as I come. Meh, I'd rather hold back than not have enough power, even if I'm so overpowered. Time to grind some dungeons

[Time Skip, a year of grinding later]



Name: Y/N L/N

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Title: The Gamer

Class: None

Level: ?

HP: ∞/∞

MP: ∞/∞

SP: ∞/∞

AP: ∞/∞

Strength: ? (x10 with Aura)

Vitality: ? (x10 with Aura)

Dexterity: ? (x10 with Aura)

Intelligence: ?

Wisdom: ?

Luck: ?

Status Points: 0

Skill Points: 0

Money: ∞


[Gamer's Body] - Lvl MAX (Active): Grants gamer the body of a video game character. This includes taking damage to HP instead of to your body, as well as being able to sleep to heal. Can be toggled active/inactive. Currently inactive due to there being no body.

[Ultimate Gamer's Mind] - Lvl MAX: Grants gamer immunity to psychological status effects. Has been upgraded to protect the gamer from all kinds of mental influence, internal or external, and allows the user to safely live for eternity without going insane.

[Total Immortality] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner total immortality. The user's soul is anchored in an area outside of time and space, similar to the Throne of Heroes. This location is inaccessible to all, and unlike the Throne of Heroes the user cannot be summoned unless they choose to. The soul is made immortal, similar to Heaven's Feel. This makes the soul akin to a perpetual motion machine, capable of generating infinite mana. Protects the user from dying under any circumstances, including but not limited to bodily death and timeline alteration.

[Forever Free] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner the ability to escape from any predicament, eventually. Makes it impossible for the owner to be confined for eternity.

[Soul Bind] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner the ability to bind the souls of others to their own, granting those souls immortality as well. Participants must be willing and aware of the details of the contract, they must love the owner, and they must be absolutely loyal to the owner. Any children the owner has are automatically bound on conception.

[Blank] - Lvl MAX: Grants the owner the ability to evade all forms of clairvoyant type abilities. Their past and future cannot be observed, and even danger senses cannot perceive you. However, the more impact you make on a timeline, the more noticeable your actions will become. If you are somehow noticed, unless you disclose it, no one will realize that you are an outsider. At most they will think you are some strange anomaly.

[Shattered Limiter] - Lvl MAX: There is no limit to your growth. As long as you work for it, all of your abilities can grow indefinitely. At the start, this will double the charges of any charge-based abilities. Your abilities will very slowly continue to grow, however practice can greatly increase this process.

[Special Snowflake] - Lvl MAX: Your abilities can not be stolen, and in most ways cannot be copied. However, if a thief is capable of mimicking an ability with their own body, you cannot prevent the ability from being copied.

[Kaleidoscope] - Lvl MAX: You have access to the magic of the Kaleidoscope, allowing you to travel anywhere, and anywhen, across the universe. The things that can be accomplished with this ability are limitless.

[Inspired Inventor] - Lvl 2 - (20/20 Charges Remaining): You can learn anything by spending charges. The more charges you spend, the more your knowledge of the subject will improve. All knowledge in the multiverse is fair game.

[Power Manipulation] - Lvl 2 - (20/20 Charges Remaining): You can nullify, enhance, modify, copy, and even steal the powers of others. You can create or boost powers by spending charges.

[Medidate] - Lvl MAX: A skill that currently increases mana regeneration by 1000% when active. Also passively increases mana regen by 100%. Also allows you to look inside yourself and understand your soul.

[Information Science] - Lvl 15: A merging of many types of sciences, including Statistics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Advanced Mathematics.When it comes to managing information and creating advanced digital programs, few are your match. Equivalent to a Tinker rating of 15.

[Engineering] - Lvl 10: A merging of many types of engineering. You could easily assemble advanced weaponry, nanomachine plagues, spaceships, fusion reactors, you name it. Warrants a Tinker Rating of 10.

[Biology] - Lvl 12 - You have knowledge of biology warranting a Tinker rating of 12. You can come up with all kinds of biological horrors, can fix up all kinds of diseases, and perform all kinds of surgical procedures. This ability is quite similar to that of Bonesaw, but has now been boosted. Due to the boost, and your knowledge of other sciences, you can now tinker with not only carbon based life forms, but even silicon and energy based lifeforms as well.

[Biokinesis] - Lvl 15 - You are a biokinetic warranting a Striker rating of 15. You have the abilities of Panacea, which includes but is not limited to: an innate understanding of, and the ability to modify, the biology of any carbon based life form. Unlike Panacea, you are not limited to others, you can apply this to yourself. Due to being boosted further, and synergy with [Biology], you can manipulate any kind of life form under your power level.

[Physics] - Lvl 10 - You have all kinds of knowledge of Physics warranting a Tinker rating of 10. You understand the world in a way most people never will, and are capable of making all kinds of technology like nuclear bombs, miniature black holes, and more.

[Chemistry] - Lvl 10 - You have all kinds of knowledge of Chemistry warranting a Tinker rating of 10. You have a full understanding of chemical reactions, and can make all sorts of medicines, poisons, drugs, and more. As a side bonus this makes your cooking ability increase greatly.

[Electromagnetic Manipulation] - Lvl 15 - You can control the fundamental force of electromagnetism. You have full control over electromagnetic fields, and could easily destroy the world with a thought.

[Aura] - Lvl MAX: You have awoken the power that lies in your soul. At current level this will multiply your stats by 10. It now costs no AP to maintain, and any damage taken will hurt your AP before it hurts your HP.

[ID Create] - Lvl MAX: Can create instant dungeons to level up. Only you or anyone you permit can enter these dungeons. Due to possessing Kaleidoscope, this skill has been upgraded to max level, and you have access to any kind of dungeon you could imagine, and have full control over the time dilation effect.

[Pocket Dimension] - Lvl MAX: Due to possessing ID Create and Kaleidoscope, you now have the ability to have your own personal pocket dimension. Shape and use it as you wish.

[ID Escape] - Lvl MAX: Skill to leave instant dungeons.

[Fictional Adaptation] - Lvl MAX: You can learn all kinds of fictional abilities.

[Multitasking] - Lvl MAX: You can multitask at an insane level, similar to any AI. You developed this skill in order to be able think on the same wavelength as Cortana. You both can be considered as having a higher order of intelligence compared to simple sentient lifeforms like humans.

[Creation] - Lvl MAX: You can create matter using your mana. The limit of this is based on your own imagination and technical knowledge.


Rainy Day - Mechashift Weapon. Umbrella/Shotgun/Cane Sword Hybrid.

Dust Ammunition (Countless)

Miscellaneous Items (Too many to list)


None Current



Relationship: Spouse (100/100)

Cortana worships the very ground you walk on. You are her creator, her very reason for existing. She loves you with every fiber of her being. She will be your greatest support. After spending a year with you in the dungeon, the love between you has grown, and you are now married.


Regions Explored: [Shion]


For now I decided to focus on the skills I had learned, with only a few additions. I spent this year mostly just polishing what I knew and building on my relationship with Cortana. We fell deeply in love and decided to get married, with a wedding ceremony of just the two of us. I even got some skills like multitasking, so that me and her could really talk at a higher intellectual level. She loves me even more for that. With her I'll never be lonely.

With the strength I'm at, nothing in this world should pose a threat to me. But I decided to seal away a lot of my stats so I'm just a little bit stronger than the ordinary hunter for now. I can always reveal more strength as I need.

I hacked into the CCT systems on Remnant and I realized that I'm actually around 12 or so years before canon. Hmm, while I don't really care if the main cast suffers, I did enjoy watching the series. I guess I can help prevent some of the tragedies that the main cast faced. That would mean saving Ren and Nora from being orphans and preventing Summer's death. Hmm, didn't Cinder and Neo have tragic backstories too? I wonder if I could recruit them. Two super hot girls who can be really strong, they'd make great companions for a journey across the multiverse. Hmm, then we could even go to Beacon as a team! Me, Cortana, Cinder, and Neo. This is perfect.

First let's take care of Kuroyuri. Nora seemed to be an orphan even before Kuroyiri. I could recruit her, but I'd feel bad breaking the Ren and Nora ship. Maybe if I save Kuroyuri, and all I ask of them is for Ren's family to take care of Nora? That should keep the ship on course. That should do it. Time to go. During my grinding, I had gained a great deal of mastery in the Kaleidoscope. So I should just be able to teleport to exactly where and when the Nucleavee attacks the town.

I concentrated until I found the exact moment, and then I opened a portal and walked through. The town seemed to be in panic, and Nucleavee was just running in. Everyone paused and looked at me as I entered through the portal. Even the Nucleavee was like [wut m8?]. I felt so awkward I started kind of awkwardly laughing. Then I shot a lightning bolt and disintegrated the Nuckelavee.

Oh god that was the wrong move. Now everything is even more awkwardly quiet. Everyone's brains are still trying to process the fact that Nucleavee was just killed so easily and so quickly. I can't handle this much attention. I quickly found Nora, dragged her to Ren's family, and loudly said, "Please take care of this girl, I saw her all alone and sad, she needs a friend."

Facing the scrutiny of the entire town, they quickly caved and agreed to take care of her. Boom, crisis averted. Renora has set sail!

I quickly ran through a portal, I couldn't handle this much attention.

[Nora P.O.V]

Everyone was mean to me, and I was so lonely. I just wanted a friend, but no one wanted to be friends with the homeless girl in rags. The one who stank because she had no way to bathe. Then when the big horse grimm came, I was ready to just die. Not like I had anything to live for. Then suddenly this crazy lady came out of a black portal and just electrocuted the grimm in like two seconds! She was so cool! She seemed super awkward though I was trying to hold back a laugh. I guess even people as strong as her can be total dorks. Then she suddenly made eye contact with me and picked me up. Did she see me about to laugh at her? Is she mad at me?

Then she said "Please take care of this girl, I saw her all alone and sad, she needs a friend."

She saw through me in an instant. I felt tears welling up and I started to cry. Who is this random dork lady who just casually changes my whole life around. As she left, I decided I was gonna be strong too, and maybe help others change their life around the way she changed mine. That Ren kid who I'm gonna be living with seems pretty nice. I wonder if he would make me pancakes?

[Ren P.O.V]

I thought my family was going to die. But then it didn't. And this irresponsible looking woman dumped this girl onto us and just ran away. At least she saved our lives, I suppose I'm sounding a bit ungrateful. Also why is that Nora girl she hoisted on to us looking at me like that. I feel a shiver down my spine, I have a bad feeling about this.

[Y/N P.O.V]

Phew, that was awkward as hell. I gotta try to be a bit more stealthy next time. Let's save Summer now. Unlike Kuroyiri, I have no idea where Summer dies. I decided to spend a couple charges on a Clairvoyant ability, and then used it to find where and when she died. Hmm, interestingly she seems to die near the Grimmlands, when she tries to storm the castle by herself. What an idiot. Oh well, time to save her anyways. I open a portal and step through.

[Summer P.O.V]

Oh my god I'm such an idiot. Why did I think I could storm the Grimmlands all by myself. Silver Eyes aren't everything. Can't even kill Salem with them. My aura has just about run out. Sorry Tai, sorry Yang, sorry Ruby. Looks like I won't be making it home.

[Y/N P.O.V]

As I saw Summer about to die, I just shot out my lightning all around us decimating every single Grimm in a kilometer radius. Seems like Salem is already resurrecting though. Since I attacked quickly this time, Salem hasn't seen me yet. So, I'm just going to keep my identity hidden from her and yeet out of here before Salem finishes resurrecting. I grabbed Summer and ran through a portal to Summer's home in Patch.

As I came to, I saw Taiyang, Yang, Ruby, and Qrow all looking pretty tense. They saw me and seemed to be ready to fight, but then relaxed a bit when they saw Summer over my shoulder. I handed her over to them.

I used my biokinesis to heal all of her wounds, and she woke up.

Tai: "Thank you so much for bringing her back here. What exactly happened to her?

Y/N: "She was an idiot and charged into the Grimmlands alone. I grabbed her and yeeted us out of there."

Tai: "Oh. I guess we will need to have a talk." He seems to glare at Summer

Summer: "Hey I really thought I could kill her." She pouted at first, but then looked down in shame since she almost died leaving her family alone.

Qrow: "Why the hell were you in the Grimmlands anyways?" He was thankful, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be suspicious.

Y/N: "Oh I was just curious about that Salem woman. I was able to kill her but she just resurrected. I saw Summer about to die so I grabbed her and left before she finished resurrecting." I half lied, since how do I explain that I saved her on a whim because I enjoyed a fictional television series about her daughter.

Qrow: "I would ask how you know about her, but someone who can teleport and kill Salem can probably find out that kind of information. I have a friend of mine named Ozpin, he's been trying to defeat her. Are you willing to talk to him? You could be really useful."

Y/N: "No I don't really wanna join this shadow war of yours. If I do help you guys against the Grimm eventually the fighting on Remnant will just be people against each other instead of the Grimm. At least this way humanity is a bit more united."

Qrow: "Normally I wouldn't let you off like this, but we both know you're too strong for that. Plus you saved Summer's life, so for that alone I'll keep my mouth shut."

Y/N: "Thank you. Out of curiosity, do you want me to make it so that you can control your bad luck semblance? I can enhance it."

Qrow: "How in the world can you do that. You already seem to have 2 semblances. How many more do you have?"

Y/N: "Well, it's more like I have one semblance: semblance manipulation. The electricity and the teleporting are semblances I stole from some evil people. I can also enhance the semblances of others instead of stealing them." I half-lie again. You can never be too careful. Technically I can do everything I said I can, just a lot more.

Qrow: "Dang that's one powerful semblance. If you do that for me, I'll owe you one."

Y/N: "All I want is that in about 12 years, I plan to go with a team to Beacon Academy. I want your recommendation for my team at that time."

Qrow: "12 years? Won't you be a bit old for Beacon by then?"

Y/N: "Nah, in fact, I have an ability that lets me leap forward through time as well. I have this feeling that some interesting stuff is going to happen at that time, so I'll be 17 and ready to go at that time."

Qrow: "I guess I can do that for you. It feels like a little less than what I should, but sure."

Y/N: "Okay, let me enhance your powers for you." I used a charge to enhance his bad luck semblance. "Now your semblance can be toggled on and off, and you can even choose who to affect and who not to affect with your semblance."

Qrow: "Thank you so much, I really appreciate this. I think I can finally try to settle down now."

Y/N: "No problem. Also I'll give you a little heads up. While it's not set in stone, Lionheart is very likely to betray your circle. The maidens will probably be targeted. Also, Raven will probably kill the Spring Maiden to become one. See ya!" I leapt through a portal before he could ask anymore.

I wonder what my meddling will cause in the future.

[Qrow P.O.V]

That was one crazy scary chick. Shrugged of going to the Grimmlands and killing Salem once, as well as escaping with Summer. Like it was nothing. Casually exposed how she knew stuff about our inner circle and left before I could say anything. Enhanced my semblance. She could easily upset the entire board, and I really should tell Ozpin about this. But I owe her, and she's done too much for me. So I'll keep quiet for now. Time to find a good girl though now. That one Specialist from Atlas was looking pretty damn fine. The way she would get angry at me while still caring deep inside. Maybe I should visit Atlas for a bit.

[Taiyang P.O.V]

I guess they just forgot I was there, but wow that girl sure exposed a lot of information in very few words. I'm just grateful she was there to save Summer. She was going to die today. There was no way she would have lived through facing Salem. She won't be going on any more missions now, if I have anything to do about it. Her family needs her. I need her.

[Summer P.O.V]

I guess I had passed out, but it seems like that girl saved me. I was getting really overconfident. It was pretty much a suicide mission, but I thought I would at least bring her down with me. I was an idiot. As much as I want to fight Grimm some more, based on the look on Tai's face, I won't be doing that anytime soon. I guess it's time for a break anyways. Make sure my kids are raised right. I can't imagine what they'd go through if I had actually died.

[Yang P.O.V]

That girl had nice hair. But was she some kind of old hag? Her hair looked like an old person's.

[Ruby P.O.V]

That woman gave me a cookie. She must be nice.

[Y/N P.O.V]

Phew that's two crises averted. Now let's see if I can recruit Cinder and Neo. I used Clairvoyance to find Cinder, and saw that she was in Atlas right now. It seems like she was just adopted by her evil step family. Let's end that. I opened a portal straight to Cinder and walked through.

As I walked through, I noticed Cinder scrubbing the floors. Suddenly she screamed out in pain and rolled over the floor as her shock collar activated. Her stepmother and stepsisters were laughing, and telling her they wouldn't stop the torture until she learned her place.

Child abuse is not okay to me. This is horrible. I quickly knocked the step-trio unconscious and removed the shock collar from Cinder.

She looked at me, eyes filled with tears from the pain.

Cinder: "Who are you? Why'd you knock them out?"

Y/N: "I'm Y/N. I saw they were torturing you, so I knocked them out. You want to come with me?"

Cinder: "Why would you want a nobody like me? Do you need someone to do chores for you or something? If you're going to be like them I'd rather you just kill me now."

Y/N: "No, I just want some friends. I used an ability of mine to find you, who I knew to be in need. If you want I can just set you free and give you lots of money. But I'd hope you'd come along with me."

Cinder: "R-r-really? But why me?" Her voice lowered to a near whisper.

Y/N: "Because I can see it. You have a good heart. You just need someone who will love you to bring it out."

Cinder: "You... will love me?" She seemed to be on the verge of crying.

Y/N: "You'll be a part of my family. There's just two of us now. But if you agree to bind your soul to mine, I will protect you forever. We'll never be apart. And you'll always be loved."

Cinder: "Please take me with you."

Y/N: "Of course. The contract is sealed. You are now bound to me. Welcome Cinder. From now on, you will be Cinder L/N."

A light enveloped her, and she felt her soul suddenly be surrounded by a protective warmth. Her body was healed of all its damages.

[Cinder P.O.V]

I couldn't believe it. It was like something out of a fairy tale. A girl randomly shows up, saves me, and tells me that she can give me a home, a family, love. As the light surrounded me, I felt it. I felt completely surrounded by love. I could feel our souls connected. I could already tell she was keeping her promise. With a connection this deep, I would never be alone again. But I wonder if she'll let me get some payback two those step-bitches.

Cinder: "Y/N, can I please hurt those three."

Y/N: "Go ahead, torture them as much as you want. You can kill them if you want too. They deserve it."

With that, I got the biggest smile on my face. Time to torture them to death.

[Time Skip]

After a few hours of non-stop torture, they finally died. I was free. My jailors were dead. And I was free. I decided to ask what was next.

[Y/N P.O.V]

Y/N: "Now you can wait at home, and get to know Cortana, who is our other family member so far. Meanwhile, I will get the last member of our family we will have for a while."

I teleported her to my pocket dimension house. Cortana will be there to help get her settled in.

Time to go find Neo. I used my clairvoyance again, and I found her in chains in some human trafficking den. Seems like her family had just sold her to these people, and she was about to be auctioned off. Time for a bloodbath. I hate human traffickers. I opened a portal and hopped in.

The whole auction room seemed to freeze as they registered an intruder walking in. Neo was there, right on the platform, and she seemed confused as to what kind of crazy person walks into a room filled with people who would shoot you. They were suddenly about to fire, but I just let free my lightning and electrocuted every single slaver there. After I freed Neo, she tried to gesture to talk to me, and I remembered she was mute. I used some of my biokinesis to completely heal her vocal chords.

Y/N: "Try speaking now, I just fixed your vocal chords."

Neo: "What d-wait what. I can speak now. How in the world? Thank you!"

Y/N: "No problem, in fact I came to this auction house for you?"

Neo: "Why would you come for me? Did you want me as a slave or something?"

Y/N: "No, I wanted some friends. I have an ability that lets me find people, and I could tell you would make a great addition to my family. So far there's just 3 of us, but I promise you'll be loved, cared for, and never alone again. Our family would be together forever."

Neo: "Well you saved me, and I have no home to go to. Would you really take care of me forever? Never hurting me, and never leaving me behind? If you can promise that, I'll come with you."

Y/N: "I can bind our souls together. I would never betray you, and you would never betray me. Do you agree?"

Neo: "I accept."

Y/N: "Then the contract is sealed. Our souls are now bound for eternity."

[Neo P.O.V]

A golden light shone on me. I felt like my soul was shrouded with warmth, like there was something protecting my soul. I could feel the love that Y/N promised through the light, I could sense her and the others through our bond. I felt all my wounds heal, even my malnutrition was healed. Being able to talk again is also nice. I missed being able to sing. If this is what it's like to have a family, I'm going to fit right in. But first, I wonder if she'll let me deal with my family.

Neo: "Hey Y/N, can I kill my family. They're the ones who rendered me mute because they thought I talked too much. They're also the ones who sold me."

Y/N: "Yeah, funny enough the last family member who joined asked the same thing. I think you two will be great friends. Let's go kill them."

Y/N opened a portal and I could see my family's home. It was just my mother and father. He bound them up for me, and then let me do whatever I wanted.

[Time Skip]

After torturing them for a few hours, not realizing my striking similarity to Cinder, I finally killed them.

Neo: "Y/N, I'm done. Thank you for letting me do this to them."

Y/N: "No worries, they definitely deserved it. Let's go to our new home."

[Y/N P.O.V]

I took Neo to the pocket dimension home. I decided this should be good enough for a family for now. We all got to know each other better. Neo and Cinder quickly clicked due to their tragic pasts, and it was a very warm atmosphere all around. This house truly felt like a home now. I think I'll train them up, and then when it's time for the plot of RWBY to start, we can head to Beacon. Although at this point the plot might be shot to hell due to my interventions. Oh well, we'll find out when we find out. I could cheat and look at the future, but that's no fun. Time to enjoy a leisurely family life for the next several years.