
Overlord: Zarathos Apotheosis

Quick Warning. This fic isn't like the others. If you come here expecting Nazarick to be well... Nazarick. Then sorry this is not for you. Power is everything. That was the only thing I learned all these years. With power, anything and everything is possible. Once I was a weak, an idealistic child who wanted the world to be different. Now... I am a God.

vtorx_0867 · Cómic
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6 Chs

The Truth and Isekai to World of the Gods I…

For the last passed hours, the Great Forest of Tob was in pandemonium. The migration of all the beasts and heteromorphic at a section in the jungle, ceased as they all in one form or the other, huddled to hide away from the earthshaking rumblings.

The sudden manifestation of a second sun didn't help matters in the slightest.

Fearful growls and whines escaped from the frazzled creatures, who looked up to the heavens in marvel, wondering whether there be a war in the Divine Realm.

Fortunately, it wasn't for long as it suddenly ceased. With an agonized cry, the presence of who the most powerful denizens of the forest, knew as the True Ruler of the Forest of Tob, Zy'tl Q'ae, vanished without any form of resistance.

The Evil Deity has been killed!

It was an incomprehensible notion to even begin to speculate off.

"It's a Divine God that did it!" A Goblin cried out.

"It's another Evil Deity that came to claim a new territory from Zy'tl Q'ae." In another gathering a blue Orc, snorted out nasally.

From every corner of the forest. Wild speculations were made concerning the sudden battle and vanquish of the Evil Tree, each one more incredulous than the other. Even so, in the end the monsters of the Forest of Tob all came into a tacit agreement.

That place should and must not be disturbed for whatever reason.

It was one made out of the preservation instinct buried within them as hunters and preys. To seek for death was just asinine. Rather, they should continue with the knowledge that whatever threat the Evil Tree posed is gone, and that the new de-facto ruler has claimed that new territory for his own.

For that is the nature of life, there was zilch to be done about it…

Nothing more, nothing less…

To the new residential deity, a name was given. One that will later grow to be whispered by every lips in the forest in fear and worship, called upon in the prayers of the most bloodthirsty of beasts.

… It was a name that will even reach the ears of a certain Death God.



Even as he was leaving, Orion couldn't help looking back at the destruction he wrought about in his battle with Zy'tl Q'ae. Earth tiled at the sudden uproot of large roots the lengths of a city block, trenches caused by his wind pressure and most importantly, the now 70ft large gorge caused by his attack.

It was truly a battle that can never be initiated by beings bound under the mortal coil.

'Even though, calling it a battle would be an insult. This was nothing more than slaughter.'

Orion honestly expected to be challenged, when he had decided to fight an Evil Deity. After all, it was among the few true superpowers of the world. A being that can never be challenged nor defeated.

The New God had initiated this fight with the expectation that he might lose… His main goal was to see how powerful he had become, compared to upper echelons of the Sorcerer Kingdom at least.

But it seems like once again, he had underestimated how strong he has become. For just a minuscule moment, Orion wondered how powerful he was compared to denizens of Nazarick.

'In any case, now isn't the time to be pondering on that, I've got things to do… Although now's the time to settle on that matter.'

"Hey, Mother Box." Orion called out to the cosmic computer floating besides him.

"I really don't want to beat around the bush and start twirling things around, so I'll come to you clean and ask this... Why did you lie to me back there, when I had asked what was the problem?"

The Mother Box blinked erratically at Orion's sudden question. It wasn't the suddenness of how he asked, it was the way he regarded her as he asked.

There was a great deal of suspicion in his eyes. Narrowed orifices that studied the cosmic object for any sign of deceit with a touch of hidden fear, buried under a mountain of rage. It was the look of a man who was once deceived and now doesn't even trusts his own shadow to deal fairly with him.

To the Mother Box, Orion just looked lonely.

[Forgive me, my child…]

Orion in a fit of surprise felt a wave of remorse emanate from the Mother Box. All the three vessels drifted towards him giving slow pulses.

[It wasn't our intention to hide it or anything from you.] The Mother Box explained.

[I… I didn't want you to see how… Different you have become. But I believe, I have erred in doing so. Please forgive me.]

For the New God, he didn't know what to say to that. Orion had been stewing dark thoughts about why the Mother Box had lied to him, whether it was the beginning of a dark conspiracy.

To be honest, he thought… He might have to destroy it.

Orion felt at something at that moment. Something he had felt once upon a time, that is from… His mother. A dark part of the New God was telling him that this might be an elaborate trick, a clever play made to distract him from fully concentrating on the subject issue.

But a larger part of him, the part that still glowed blue could feel the earnestness of the cosmic apparatus. It felt strange but strangely felt right…

Heaving out, Orion now felt a little bit awkward at his sudden conflicting emotions. Rubbing the back of his hair, he stretched his hands placing it on top of the middle vessel.

"… … Mother Box. You above all others ought to know that at this moment, I am not in a rather right state of mind. The things I've experienced. The horrors I have seen. The… The agony I've endured… They all shaped me into this cynical man before you. A man whose only goal is vengeance upon those devils. So please, don't ever lie to me. If you feel like you cannot tell me, then say clearly so. That'll be much better."

With a sense of relief, the Mother Box bopped as best as her vessel allowed.

[No more secrets, I swear to you on the Source. I will endeavor to fully transparent with you, Orion.]

Reflexively, a little part of his lips twitched upwards as Orion faced forward. "So, can you tell me, the real reason about why you had asked me that question, back then?"

[Definitely, my child…] The Mother Box enthusiastically replied, as she on into a full explanation on the activities of the Forest of Tob and Orion's turmoil of emotions at that time period…

In the end, Orion felt quite silly that he had even wasted energy asking in the first place.

Thus, both New God and Mother Box left the scene of their rampage, with a little bit of lightness within them.


"Is-Is it finally over?"

From the trunk of a vibrant tree, the dryad, Pinison pushed her upper body out with the lower part still within the stem.

After all that earthshaking, it was only a natural instinct of hers to dash back to the sparse safety of her tree and hide out the rest of the battle.

Occasionally Pinison felt the earth trembled, shaking like the world was about to flip over. The dryad hid just like she always did, but also a budding itch pushed her to spectate the rest of the battle…

Even though she couldn't see much from where she was, the coloring of the skies were enough to tell her of the magnitude of what was going on.

She expected that battle would go on for days and nights. Like the stories the adventurers from before told her about, concerning the battle of the gods for the salvation of Humanity. But no, Pinison was left witnessing a battle in which its scuffle didn't pass the hour mark.

"Is Orion actually Chief God?" Pinison whispered to herself, in deliberation after the sudden end of the Evil Tree.

The heteromorphic had seen the last attack made before the malicious presence of Zy'tl Q'ae had vanished.

It was a sun.

From Orion's hands came out an orb reminiscent to that of the sun. One that eclipses the radiance of even the perpetual star above. Its presence, and heat couldn't be denied. As for Pinison, she was experiencing a sort of existential crises.

"Did I just speak with a god that can create the sun?"

Her question was one born out of incredibility and awe. Just the fact that she, a lowly dryad was capable of communicating with a deity and surviving was one she would brag for ages. Even though she didn't have anyone to brag to at the moment.

Looking around, Pinison sighed. "It's moments like this that I wish I can just have someone to talk to."

Today was quite eventful, more so than all her centuries of living. It was scary, it was gratifying and also… Colorful. For a fleeting moment, Pinison wished that she could experience this from time to time. She felt she could now understand those with fleeting life spans who lived a full life as opposed to her who have lived triple of that, without experiencing life in its fullest.

"Well," She pulled out her entire body, relaxing her back under the shade of her tree on top of a branch. "At least, the problem of my vitality being taken by the Evil Deity has been taken care of. I just have to take that as a win."

Now, why did she had this nagging feeling that she was forgetting something very important.


"Gyahgubuhahehe!" Letting out an unladylike yelp, Pinison sank into her tree at the abrupt sound of the rumbling behemoth calling her name.

It was only when she peeked over did she saw the god, Orion, regarding her with a bemused look.

'This again? I wonder what she's so afraid of.' But then, his mind wandered back to small piece of information, the Mother Box gave him concerning his aura. Or more specifically, the scary qualities it carried.

Now observing Pinison fully, Orion could clearly see it in her eyes, the fear. Breathing in, the New God closed his eyes reigning himself as best as he could.

'This could be a problem in the future.' He muttered to himself.

Orion has plans, and some components of those plans required some form of diplomacy. It required people. The New God couldn't exactly have a fruitful discussion with one who thinks he is out to kill the person.

At the very least, before leaving this forest, Orion will have to take care of this.


The voice of the fidgeting dryad drew Orion away from his musing. Clearly his throat, the New God said. "I believe that your root problem has now been taken care of. So from now on, you don't have to worry about your vitality being leeched off."

Pinison bobbed eagerly. "Yes, Orion-sama! It's all thanks' to you, I don't have to worry about the Evil Deity leeching off my tree. I can't thank you enough."

"It's no problem, I just want to inform you before I go."

Just as he turned to vacate from the premises leaving Pinison back to her lonesome. Orion spotted a look on her face that made him almost miss a step, before he straightened himself continuing on with a slower gait.

The look on Pinison's face was one of forlorn loneliness.

Puzzled, Orion wondered why that was so. From what he remembered, Pinison once told him that she had been contented with what she had even before being under the thrall of the Undead King.

So shouldn't she be happy with being safe and sound without any need of being in constant fear?

[My child, perhaps may I offer an opinion on this matter?] The Mother Box telepathically suggested.

Orion gave a mental shrug. 'Go for it.'

[Then, perchance could it be that she too wants to see the wider world.]

'Pinison? I don't think so. She told me before, that her kind doesn't focus on worldly matters. They are more of a reclusive type, or at least I think so. And even if she wants to see the world, how am I supposed to help her do it? In case you don't know, she's a dryad, and dryads can't move far from their trees... Unless that capability is among my repertoire of powers.'

[ … … …]

The Mother Box didn't reply, but for the first time, Orion felt like this silence held more meaning to it. A meaning that held an answer which was easy for him to deduce.

"Huh!" His eyes widened slightly, as the New God slowed to a stop. "Wa-Wait, you mean I can actually help her with my powers?"

Orion's use of telepathy was forgotten, as he audibly asked incredulously to the Mother Box.

But at this point should he really have been surprised?

Time Travel. Body Reconfiguration. Mole… Molecular something-something… Each and every capabilities that the Mother Box has displayed, left Orion wondering whether it was even magic at all.

It just felt too powerful to even be classified as just magic.

'The Astro-Force, Wrath of the Source… I have a lot of learning to do, if I want to harness my power with such versatility.'

Sighing, he glanced back at Pinison who was now dully staring at the sky, all the while asking himself one little question.

Is it ok for him to offer this?

If it all went according to the supposed timeline. It would mean that Pinison would be met with an offer by the Undead King and transported to Great Tomb… In a way, her safety was guaranteed. As long as she could keep on worshipping the soles of the Undead Lords, she will be fine.

But do you really want that, Orion?

The answer came in psychic roar of more than a thousand souls. 'NOOO!'

Shaking his head at the sudden dizziness, Orion wondered why was he even pondering of this matter. Thoughts like this will only happen when there was a chance… That he might lose in the end.

A simple strategy to send those around him to join the opposing side, if his ship falls in the end.

"No, I won't. Not again… I won't…" His teeth chattered as the New God felt a cold shill wash all over him. Biting his teeth till blood flowed, he freely acknowledged it… The wills of more than two thousand freely admitted it.

He/they were still afraid.

Orion was one, while his enemies were many. There was no guaranty that his crusade for revenge will end fruitfully. He just might end up losing more in the end… And he was scared of that possibility.

The New God would rather his soul be destroyed, than to face 'that' again.

But does that mean he should take Pinison with him? On an uncertain journey that could either elevate or condemn them both to an eternity of torment… He didn't know. But that doesn't mean he will leave her to them.

They do not deserve anything from this world.

The New God stared at the blinding sun, not minding the numbness it gave his eyes. "The sky… It's truly beautiful."

Swerving, the New God made his way back to the dryad. Seeing Pinison perk up after sensing his presence, Orion closed his eyes for some seconds to affirm himself, before he asked.

"Pinison… I have a deal for you. How do you feel about going with me on journey into the wider world?"


For the better part of her life, Pinison Pol Perlia never had a true desire to do anything.

But that was a normal characteristics when dealing with dryad. They have nothing neither do they need anything. A good tree to bond with, a safe location, nourished environment, and good spot under the sun. That was all the luxury they knew and needed.

For more than hundreds of years, Pinison was contented with what she had… But that was it. She was just 'contented.' Sometimes, when the dryad sits beneath the canopy of her branches she would look at the passing avians with no small amount of envy.

"How lucky, they aren't bound to anything, only where their wings would take them."

Sometimes, she would stretch her hands imitating their cawing, trying to imagine how it feels to be up there among the heavens, free and capable of going where she wants to go.

Pinison knew what she was doing was nothing more than a self-serving lie. As a dryad she was bond to her tree and could never go too far from her tree, so anything like a long journey was out… Not like she could even get far anyway.

The rather ravenous denizens of the Forest of Tob, would be itching to see how the bark of dryad would taste like.

Brrrr. The nature spirit shivered at the gory imagination of her fate.

So with that in mind, the dryad had no choice but to get comfortable with her lot. The fleeting passage of time helped numbed the urge anyway.

But… But if that question would ever be asked to ask.

'Do you want to see the wider world?' What would be her answer?

It would be a question buried within the recesses of her heart for hundreds of years… That is until this moment.


The dryad blinked owlishly, looking around as if to spot whoever was the being the god was talking to, only to flush realizing that the two of them -with the exception of those strange floating boxes behind the god that kept on pinging- were the only ones present.

"Orion-sama, were you referring to me?" Pinison pointed at herself to which the New God nodded. With a tinge of red on her green face, the dryad shook her head frantically.

"I cannot impose on you, with that much!"

"But you aren't exactly denying my offer, are you?" Orion shot back. Seeing the diminutive dryad trying to shrink herself, he hastily raised his hand.

"Please, I don't want to force you to choose this. It has to be of your own free will…" Coming closer, Orion crouched placing a hand on Pinison's shoulders prompting the forest folk to look directly into the piercing blue eyes of the New God.

Strangely, the oppressive feeling that had been emanating from the Chief God had vanished.

"Pinison. I cannot disclose my reason for coming here, but know this. Presently, I am on a journey to nowhere, I have a goal that will put me against being that might literally kill me in the end. So I can't say that I can protect you 100%. But I can make sure before that they touch you they will have to pass over my corpse."

To the dryad, it felt like she just heard an impossible news. Looking towards Orion, Pinison asked in amazement. "But Orion-sama, are the people you're after truly that powerful?"

Blue eyes looked above her as if watching a distant memory. To Pinison, those eyes looked truly hunted.

"I… I am not sure at the moment. But I don't want to make guarantees I can't keep. The truth of the matter is that, the only thing I can promise in the end is a wide world out there. And if it's concerning the issue of your tree, then that's not a problem. Is it the monsters and humans that will be after you? Then I'll protect you from every one of them. But think very carefully, Pinison. Do you want to join me on an unknown?"

"Orion-sama…" The dryad couldn't help shaking under the storm of emotions that she had been suddenly thrusted into. Pinison wanted to go, she obviously wanted to see the wider world…

Like the birds the sky.

But she was a coward. Lord Orion for all the awe-inspiring power he possess, couldn't guaranty his safety against his adversaries. How was he supposed to keep her safe?

Was it selfish of her to worry about her safety? Yes. But that is the way Pinison Pol Perlia has been for the pass hundreds of years.

'Are people capable of destroying the world really common, this days?' Pinison asked herself. In any common given circumstances, she would have refused vehemently. Her life was more precious to her than anything else.

But then, when Lord Orion said that. The raw emotion in his voice, the sincerity and the weight behind them gave her an electric kind of feeling.

But I can make sure that before they touch you they will have to pass over my corpse.

Her face reddened so much that there wasn't any green left in them. The passion in his declaration gave Pinison a dizzy feeling she wouldn't mind experiencing again.

Pinison's core was in her tree, but there was this sudden urge to clench her heart, while she shook uncomfortably. Swallowing deeply, the dryad decided to accept the offer.

She knew that such an opportunity might never come again if she refuses.

Seeing that Pinison gave a concerting nod, Orion gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before communicating with the Mother Box. "Seems like you're right. So do your stuff."

[Of course. But first, Orion tell her to be one with the tree. It'll be much easier to rearrange their molecular bonds, that way.]

Nodding, the New God informed the dryad what the Mother Box had said, in which Pinison promptly responding by bonding back to the tree.

Her heart quivered at first at the unknown. It was a first for her, so the uncertainties were scary. But then, Pinison looked back to see Lord Orion give her a subtle nod. So the dryad steeled her mind, closed her eyes and dived back in…

The cosmic boxes left Orion's side circling the tree, immediately emitting an orange sonar-like pulse. Orion meanwhile, raised both palms together as if to squeeze an unseen object. Around more than some few diameters circling from the tree… Space began to blur,.

The tree and the land in which the Mother Box surrounded began to compress, leaving behind a chomped off tiled soil. Slowly, Orion meticulously closed his palms together as he didn't want to rough the structure of the conifer.

This required a fine work.

Breathing in, the vessels of the Mother Box gave one green glow. That was his signal to do what he needed to do, and Orion clamped his hands completely. What remained in the end was a miniature tree incased in a glass like transparent orb.

Judging from the intermitted magma like glow it was giving out, Orion speculated that Pinison was going through an evolution of sorts. He had used the Astro-Force when arranging her molecules, and according to the Mother Box, she would transcend into a state similar to a New God.

However it will be a pale weak imitation of one.

Gesturing, the floating tree encased in a transparent orb hovered towards him.

[It'll take some time before she'll be ready.] The Mother Box informed him.

At the moment, Orion digested the fact that he could at least empower people with his power. This was good, it was a game changing potential that decide many things… But he wouldn't be using this much.

Not until he was 100% sure of the kind of people he will be dealing with.

With the orb still hovering, Orion picked a spot beneath a tree not so far away to wait for the evolution process to be completed. Immersing himself into the silent forest, a lone dry leaf fell on his hand, which he gave it a quick squeeze letting its little fragments billow away.

"I'll be honest with you, Mother Box. All this while all I've doing is just running my damn mouth talking big. I don't even know who or what they really are. Only that in my past life, a friend of mine revealed to me that they were called Pla-yahs and NPCs."

[Pla-yahs and NPCs?] The Mother Box echoed in puzzlement, as those words sounded too familiar!

As an apparatus formerly connected to the Source, it wasn't a surprise the Mother Box knew almost everything there is to know in the Multiverse. From the secrets of the cosmos to the miscellaneous common information!

Not to mention that as the Mother Box, she was incapable of forgetting anything.

'Pla-yahs and NPCs.' The cosmic computer could remember the Flash, Barry Allen, of Earth, and Captain Marvel, the Champion of the Old Gods, Billy Batson, once say that word during Orion's visit to their Watch-Tower. Although theirs sounded different.

'Players and NPCs, Non Playable Characters.'

In fact, the Mother Box could even reckon that while the pronunciation sounded quite different, it might be the same as what those words meant Earthlings terms.

But that was strange on its own, as what the Earthlings were referring to was just a Game! Could it be that there was more to it? She had to be sure of her suspicions first.

[My child, I request for permission to scan your memories. I have budding certainties in concerns to the nature of our adversaries. But I cannot state on firm grounds on what they meant unless I'm fully sure.]

Cupping his chin, Orion closed in eyes pondering. While he didn't want his mind to be tampered with, the itch to know the nature of those Undead gods was clearly there. The Mother Box apart from that one hidden lie, hasn't been wrong all this time.

"Alright," Orion nodded. "Begin."

The three cosmic vessels flew above Orion, rotating as they took in what they needed.

{Any and all activities, monologues and discussions in relation to Earth's gaming terminology: Players, NPCs, Races, Class Jobs, Quest, Levels, Parties, Missions, Items...}

Their prime directive enabled them to skim through his memories, pulling out what the Mother Box needed. In the end, her worst fears had been confirmed.

'… … Lord Demiurge, permit this lowly servant for asking, but when you referred to my Class as being changed, what did you mean by that? '

'Of course, by that, I meant the Race Change Seed has upgraded your everything, while changing some of your essentials. Like your [Princess] status. Once, it might have been referred to as a Class, but now that the Kingdom of Re-Estze is no more, it is only natural that the [Princess] Class is gone with it …'

[Class Jobs…]

'… … The reason why Ainz-sama cannot be hit by ordinary attacks? Well, it's because his eminence of course...!... You're asking about the others? Oh, ok. It is because they have surpassed a certain threshold. The Guardians and the Supreme One referred to that threshold as Levels …'


'… Hmm… You ask why I am capable of calmly watching all of them die so gruesomely. Well, what can I say, except my Race is plain as day. I am an Undead. '


Time and time again, each and every word being uttered only served as conformation to the Mother Box. But what sealed the deal was this…

'… Japan?'

'Yes, the Holy Land from which all of the Supreme Beings originated from. It was said that from that Holy Land, they arrived at the Nine Realms, they called it a DMMO-RPG to create us all…'

[Japan. An island nation in East Asia, situated in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean. Planet… Earth.]

The Mother Box stilled not knowing what to do. She had confirmed that it was around a 96.3453% chance that Orion's enemies were indeed Players from Earth, but what could have been the cause?

This stank of Chaos Magic.

Although, it seems like they were no Lords of Chaos, for they would have realized that by going back in time. They were giving Orion the chance to ruin them in an alternate timeline. And it was most noted that the chaos imbued entities hates any form of obstruction, when having their supposed ' fun.'

But this without a doubt is a production of Chaos Magic.

So that meant that for all intents and purposes, they were human. At least, the one designated Ainz Ooal Gown is a Human.

Orion will not be pleased…


"So, what's the verdict?" Orion asked, while the Mother Box hovered back in front of him. Impatience seeped in his tone, as he wanted to know the origin of their divinity, and if it was possible to even defeat them.

[… … I was correct in my deductions, my child. I know what your adversaries really are?]

That was the best news, he had heard all day, -apart from his transmigration that is- straightening up. Orion said animatedly. "That's, that's good! So, what are they? Where do they come from? Why come here to this World?"

[I… Don't believe they came to this world with any original intention in mind.]

"What do you mean by that, Mother Box?" Orion asked bemused.

No intention in mind? That was ridiculous. Then, what was the reason for every single action they took. Orion expected to hear some grand conspiracies or some prudent agenda. But not a single reason? That was just too strange!

[Orion, I want you to listen to me calmly. The truth of the enemy you face. They are not gods, certainly not divine spirits, nor are they aspects of deaths… Human, Orion, the Pla-yah named Ainz Ooal Gown is a Human.]

"… … …. …. … … What?" It was like the world itself had frozen. Blue eyes grew dull, as Orion's muted word dryly rang across the Forest.


The wills of more than two thousand souls audibly repeated. It sounded cold and eerie. The Mother Box was shocked that they could even speak. But then the cosmic computer drew to Orion whose eyes were turning red.

Just as she was about to pacify him, a hand was raised stopping her.

"No, don't, not yet. First, tell me what you said what a bad joke. Because, it wasn't even remotely funny."

His mind went to the Sorcerer King, the most powerful spellcaster in the world, a being without equal. For someone like that to even be human… It was simply an inconceivable notion.

Orion knew that humanity as a whole could be summed as a rotten race. But for the Undead King to be human… He didn't want to believe it.

Orion's head shook, expression turning hysterical. "You just lied, right? I don't know how you did it, but you just lied."

[Orion, I did no-]

"How the fuck do you expect me to believe that!"

The Mother Box automatic shields rose, defending her from the shockwave that flowed out from the outraged New God's mouth. The environment on the other hand, was ravaged, as hundreds of trees were uprooted, leaving a rough clearing that stretched for miles.

"Gods, Mother Box! I expected them to be gods!"

The earth melted as the destructive nature of the Astro-Force leaked out of Orion, who had literally metamorphosed into a fiery incarnation of rage.

"All powerful beings that held no compunction for their genocidal actions! I thought that beings like them were so far above us, that they were never meant to be in the World of Man! And now, you're telling me that they are human?! Prove it, I don't care how, but prove it, before I turn you into a pile of junk!"

The Mother Box without fear, hovered towards the New God who stood still while emanating flames.

[The site of their arrival. From there, I will be capable of connecting to their dimension… I will show you, the World from which they came.]

It only took some few seconds before the flames died down. Orion stared at the Mother Box for a few moments before he shot into the air, with an encased transparent orb holding Pinison's tree trailing behind.

"I will lead you there. But Mother Box, I better expect my prof…"

Or else, was left unsaid…

As the Mother Box joined him, Orion took in a deep breath, his anger wasn't cleared off rather it was compounding. The sign of the Omega Force appeared once more, and the New God flew away leaving behind a sonic boom.


'Seems like I'm earlier than expected.' Orion thought as he looked at where the Great Tomb of Nazarick was situated from his position in the air.

Where there was supposed to be a large crypt, low valleys, and knee-length grasses decorated the spot. For a moment, Orion felt like he got the location wrong. But then a dark whisper told him that this was the site. This followed with an uncomfortable phantom pain of his eyes being eaten.

Clenching his fist, while stewing in his uncomfortableness, and his fear. Orion watched the Mother Box slowly descended, following not long after.

[Stay here.] The Mother Box instructed, whirling around Orion as he was over took by oscillating lights of different colors from which the vessels projected.

{… Initiate Boom Tube control. Directive: Astral Dimensional Projection...}

{… Ambient Energy Resource scanning, Type Confirmed: Chaos Energy…}

{… Connection hacking, Point A-B location: crucial reference to point B…}

{… Connection established. Cross-checking archive in reference, designation of Point B: Alternate Earth…}

The luminosities grew brighter to the point it began to hurt Orion's enhanced eyes. Wincing, he closed his eyes… Only to open them to see a different sight.

Grey skies. That was the first description Orion could think of.

It wasn't one that held the rain, nor was it one crafted from magic. For Orion knew magic had nothing to do with this. The skies felt polluted, distorted, the grey skies felt a like mockery to the crystal blue and white blurs of his world's firmament.

A rather fetid smell assailed Orion, making the New God to gag in disgust. As he looked down to see tall strange building made of rocks and glass. From some of the strange edifices, dark cursed smolders stemmed from their pipe-like chimneys that went up to join the clouds in the skies disfiguring the world even more.

It was like the world itself was being poisoned.

"What is this place?" Orion muttered in wonder and no small amount of disgust.

[Earth, Orion. This is the world from which the Undead King come from. Although, this wasn't how I thought it would be like.] From his side, the Mother Box explained.

Feeling a bit guilty at his rather rash action and hurtful words from before, Orion just nodded as he went back to scrutinizing the world below.

Not satisfied, Orion flew around, noting that this place or rather this world, held no signs of intelligent creatures; just Humans who dressed in strange clothing. There were some of them in uniforms which he guessed to be Law Enforcement Officers, but they held no sword in hand.

But what was most notable about all this world was the palpable suffering.

"This world is hell…"

Starvation throughout the streets, slums littered around across the large town -even more so than in Re-Estize- In some of the alleys, he saw dead children, and women with broken wills. Men who lay in wait for any who dares to cross their side of the alleys. Murder and bloodlust apparent.

On most people that Orion saw, there was a form of apparatus covering their faces; a mask of some kind.

This was a world without smiles.

"What of him," Orion asked. "What about Aniz Ooal Gown… Or whoever he is? Show me what he really looks like."

[I'm afraid that impossible my child.]

Swerving, Orion almost shouted before he caught himself. Forcefully remaining calm, he asked staunchly. "Why is that so?"

[For one, all we are at the moment, is an Astral Projection. While our senses may be working, we are not really here, so I can't scan the Planet for Ainz Ooal Gown. Unless we are physically here. Secondly, there is the issue of Time-Stamps and Alternate Earths. While we are before the arrival of the 'Great Tomb of Nazarick.' There is the issue of what time it would be before that day, and the Ainz Ooal Gown, we have in mind might not be the same one we seek.]

"That last part. What do you mean by that?"

[In one world, Ainz Ooal Gown might be a true benevolent ruler, in another a true tyrant. Different worlds, different discrepancies…]

'So our world, drew the short straw then.' Orion clicked his tongue. 'Wait, but if that's so, does it mean…'

An idea began growing in his mind. It was an idea made with the knowledge that the true Origin of the being he fears is that of a human. He only had an outline, but if even that is utilized right… It could change everything.

He would ask her… When he was out of this diseased world.

Nodding at the Mother Box, the cosmic computer gave a dull glow while Orion had the eerie feeling of him being stuffed back. The sights of a decaying world was slowing replaced by that of a lush forest.

Orion spared some moments to appreciate the clean intake of air, before giving a full bow to the Mother Box.

"I want to apologize for my earlier behavior, Mother Box." Orion began morosely.

He wanted to push the blame on that staggering news, but that did not excuse his threatening words against the Mother Box that has always been helpful since the beginning. 'It's like I'm becoming a different person.'

"What I said was hurtful and stupid, when just some hours ago, I had been rapping at you to always tell me the truth. Please forgive me."

[All is well, my child.] The Mother Box replied.

[Rather, I am surprised you even went through the effort to apologize for your outburst. You, or rather, your former iteration was a man with many faults. Pride being among them. So for the fact that you are capable of acknowledging of your err. It makes me happy to hear.]

Sighing out in relief, Orion felt like a burden has been lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you."

Before he could ascend back into the air, Orion paused as he immediately remembered that idea that he had. "Hey, Mother Box, quick question."

[What is it?]

"… Is it possible for me to go to the World from which the Ainz Ooal Gown came from?"