
Overlord: Zarathos Apotheosis

Quick Warning. This fic isn't like the others. If you come here expecting Nazarick to be well... Nazarick. Then sorry this is not for you. Power is everything. That was the only thing I learned all these years. With power, anything and everything is possible. Once I was a weak, an idealistic child who wanted the world to be different. Now... I am a God.

vtorx_0867 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Has… It always been this Weak or am I just that Strong.

His feet crunched the dried leaves that had heaped due to age and time, shifting pass the bulging roots, the New God made his way deeper into the northern side of the forest.

Nevertheless, while Orion scanned around his surroundings, he couldn't help finding this all strange. Ironically, what led to that sort of thinking was the pitch silence, as the only sound audible was the crunching of leaves.

The Great Forest of Tob.

This is a Jungle, situated at the outer fringes of the Kingdom. It is one of the most terrifying places to ever be in. It's a place where even the great Adamantites thread carefully.

And if the Pla-yahs still hasn't arrived, yet. That would mean that this woods was still under the jurisdiction of the Three Great Beasts…

His mind instantly went to the furry creature deployed by the Sorcerer King as his mount for his warrior persona, when the Undead had been spying in Re-Estize. He paused deliberating whether to hunt and kill it first, but then he shook his head.

One objective at a time. Hot-headedness isn't needed when dealing with those Death-gods. It would only lead to a meaningless death… Or a much more painful one.

Orion exhaled out blistering steam, coming back to the situation at hand.

"It's too quiet."


The Mother Box floated to his side, watching as her child halted. The former Dog of War's eyes narrowed dangerously, while it gained a dangerous glow.

"We are too deep in the forest, and not once have we been attacked by any monster. We haven't even heard a harmless bellow… No Orcs or Goblins, not even a mindless beast." Orion face was set blank, while scanning his surroundings.

"We aren't even near the Evil Tree's territory… I don't like this at all."

The Mother Box understanding her child's predicament, decided to probe the area.

A visible rippling pulse sprung out from the trio Boxes for over a 100miles. Sweeping through the area, while its probe provided a visual feedback to the Mother Box. It didn't take long when it had noticed something strange from the monsters far ahead.

[They are running away?]

It was like a mass exodus. Goblins and Orcs running away from their hamlets, while their giant predators trotted pass them without bothering to attack, they were all in a hurry. Occasionally, the cosmic computer could see the beasts glancing exactly at their direction… Wait, could it be?

[Orion, tell me how do you feel?]

"What do you mean?" The New God asked, raising a brow while bemused.

[At this moment, what can you sum your current emotion as?]

"Oh that… Anger, pure rage. I just want to kill something quickly." Orion replied, looking at his fist that lit up like magma, while a deranged smile tainted his face.

"Preferably something that doesn't die too quick. Although even now, I feel this close to snapping, if I don't have something to vent my grievances on." The wills of thousands roared in agreement, as a red haze flickered, encompassing his form.

"Even I don't know what I'll do…"

The air gained a strange tinge, while the Mother Box could see that the monsters within her scan were now straight up stampeding, bellowing out in terror. The more intelligent ones cried out garbles in fear as if they were directly facing a god's wrath.

In a way, they weren't wrong.

'So that's it…' The Mother Box thought in realization, unable to see how to break it to her son.

His bloodlust was wrapping the surroundings, inducing terror into the beasts. He was the cause of his concern, as ironic as it is.

On one hand, this is good as it was essentially providing them with free passage without any form of unwanted obstructions. On the other, it hurt the sapient cosmic supercomputer, on how different her child has become.

The effect of a God becoming tainted by over two thousand souls…

Pacifying her child from his growing bloodthirstiness with a blue glow, the Mother Box said. [In any case, there is no need to think too much on it, Orion. My probe just showed the monsters running away, particularly from something.]

"Is that right?" Orion shrugged. "Maybe it's a stronger Monster on the prowl, not my problem then. Let's keep on going."

Although as they sauntered forward, Orion could help but ask. "So, can I know why you were asking me about my current state of emotions, back there?"

[… … Nothing, serious. I just wanted to confirm a funny suspicion.]

'She's lying…' Orion thought impassively, while keeping a straight face. He didn't like being lied too. Clenching his teeth, the New God decided to ask her about this matter on more time later on…

Hopefully, she wouldn't tell him some constructed fib… Orion didn't want that from the one who had given him this chance.

Replying back with a nod, the New God continued forward, while the rest of the walk went on in silence.


"I think… We're getting closer. The Dryad's tree is supposed to be somewhere around here."

The trees in this part of the forest were tall enough that a small gathering of them would have completely concealed the sun. Thankfully, there were enough spaces around the trees that provided enough light.

Although the New God had the feeling that even in darkness, he would do just fine.

Nevertheless, Orion wasn't here for the beautiful but eerie scenery. The time displacer was here for that rather strange large tree in the middle of the clearing, which appeared estranged from its timber brethren.

'There you are…' The former human thought with a smile.

The vibrancy the tree projected had already given the away forest spirit that dwelled in it. But still, he didn't want to frighten the dryad into auto-attacking. So the New God decided to try being amiable.

Thankfully, he had a way to go about it.

"Greetings, plant spirit…" Orion began, with a smile.

The rustling of the leaves were an indication that the spirit was listening to him rather than going on aggressive, which is a good sign.

Now it's time for the bait.

"I was sent here by the Seven Stars. Remember those adventurers that promised you that they'll come back to take care of a certain Evil Tree problem? Well, they've sent me to help you do just that."

The branches shook, leaves rustling almost like it was excited. From the stem, a figure with a skin the same texture as the tree came forth, darting towards him animatedly.

"Why didn't you say so from the start?! Please, welcome. I'm Pinison Pol Perlia, but call me, Pinison! I don't have much friends that call me that, not like I have that much friends around here, anyway…" The dryad breathed in, as if realizing who she stood before.

"Eh, pl-pl-please forgive my rambling! I-I-I haven't seen anyone around this parts, except the Evil Deity, that is. But are you really sure you can do it… F-Forgive me for asking. But it's an Evil Deity, a destroyer of nations."

Orion gave an amused smile. 'She's still the same.'

Back in his timeline. The Pinison he met was exactly like this Pinison, except for the Supreme Beings praises of course. But even back then, the New God was thankful that she wasn't as Nazarikan like the others.

He had once wondered, how was she even inducted into the Undead King's service, anyway?

Trickery or coercion, if Orion had to take a guess.

Trying to project what little white-knight, he still had in him. Orion replied. "Please don't worry yourself about that, just direct me to where Zy'tl Q'ae is. I'll handle the rest."

The Dryad stared at him for a few minutes, before slowing nodding. With the little stirring that has been happening just some time prior, she knew that Zy'tl Q'ae was finally awakening. She had been expecting the Seven Warriors -or is now, Seven Stars?- but she was given a man who was obviously not one of them.

Under normal circumstances, she would have tried to dissuade anyone else from even attempting from battling an Evil Deity, but this man… If he really is just a man, gave the spirit a different vibe.

'It's taking all I have to not burrow back into my tree, and hide! What manner of being is the creature!? He's definitely not a human.'

Specks of tears appeared in her eyes, while her legs occasionally quivered. Honestly, the kind of bloodlust this stranger was projecting is insane! The dryad felt like she stood before an army of ancient beasts!

He was that scary!

'Is he an Evil Deity, here to take revenge, or is he one of those Divine Gods, those Humans told me about.' She thought, subtly trying to inspect the behemoth covered in dark robes. For the forest spirit knew that this being is definitely not human.

'Perhaps those adventurers prayed to their God to come destroy this monster.' Pinison gulped at ravages the upcoming battle is sure to bring.

May-Maybe, he wouldn't ruin her home too much.

Shivering, Pinison twirled around taking hasty steps as she led the New God to the Evil Deity's territory.

Meanwhile Orion folded his arms, following the spirit while confused on the Dryad's behavior. He rubbed his chin while stealing looks at his Mother Box, contemplating whether to ask her.

'Not now… After all, I still haven't forgotten that she lied to me back there.'

"Ehm… Forgive me for asking, but who are you?"

The question of the dryad who was still walking ahead drew him out of his internal reflection.

"Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself. I am… Orion. Pleased to meet you, Pinison."


"We're approaching the site of the Evil Diety, Orion-sama."

"Please call me, Orion. And I can see it already."

They had traversed some considerable distance, before the New God had spotted the sky-scrapping heteromorphic, up ahead. His eyes widened at the colossal size of the Deity.

"How is it that I missed something this large back when I was still in the air?"

Orion wondered, whether the Deity had a cloaking spell or something of that sort.

It was over 100meters in height, taller than any edifice he had ever seen throughout the course of his damned life. The New God speculated its size surpassed that of that Nazarick's Golem, he had seen on some occasions, 'Gargantua.'

It truly had the appearance of an Evil Deity. Although…

"So it's inactive, huh?"

"Yes." Pinison replied, bobbing her head. "But occasionally, its chassis stirs, vibrating as it leeches the earth of its vitality. Killing off the surrounding vegetation."

The dryad gestured around, pointing at the yellowed grasses and dried-up trees.

"Sooner or later, it would have reached my side of the forest. But thankfully, you-you are here now."

Orion nodded smiling, but internally he was relived for a whole other reason. 'That's really assuring to hear.'

As now that the existence of the Evil Tree has been proven. It meant that Ainz Ooal Gown hasn't reached this point, either. So even if the Great Tomb of Nazarick are already here, then there is still time.

Even if it isn't much in the grand scale of things.

"Mother Box." He whispered to the cosmic device. "Can you give me anything on that tree?"

[Scanning… There is a high concentration of an unknown energy pooling into it. Presently, designated Evil Tree appears to be extending its roots, slowly draining off the surrounding vegetation. It is as the dryad said.]

'At least, I know what I'm getting myself into…' Orion thought to himself.

Closing his eyes, he ruminated on the strategies and tactics he would use on such a powerful opponent, before realizing that he was employing the method Climb would have used. But he isn't Climb.

Not anymore.

He is Orion. The mixture of a god and a host of more than two thousand vengeful wills. The one who has surpassed the Realm of Heroes and has landed himself in the Gods Playing Field.

His method of fighting has to be fundamentally different.

'You are weak. You have no special power. This isn't some fantasy where your rage will activate a hidden power to slay me. But I am the only thing fair in this world. Death'

Cracking his neck, the Mad Dog clenched his fist, muttering to himself. 'Let's prove the bastard wrong by killing one god, today.'

Ghostly wails resonated in response.

The dryad on the other hand, flinched letting out a yelp. A strange cutting aura had erupted from the god behind her back.


"Thank you, Pinison. Why don't you go some distance away from here, it's about to get a little hot, here."

"Ye-Yes, thank you!" The dryad yelped, darting back at high speeds. In her heart, she began to wonder if she ought to relocate her tree somewhere else… Safer.

"She's behaving quite strangely." Orion commented, as he felt the spirit's presence becoming smaller. "I wonder what's wrong with her."

Dropping that line of thought, he glanced at the Mother Box. "Are you going to be alright? I don't even know what path this battle will take."

[Be at ease, Orion. I've always been by your side even as worlds fell around us. I'm sure that I can withstand some little skirmish.]

'Little skirmish, she says.' Orion thought. 'The old me must be quite incredible for the Mother Box to rate the upcoming battle on a skirmish level… It just goes to show how far I've got to go.'

He strode ahead, cape billowing due to squalls his environment provided. Drawing his right arm back, Orion formed a claw, the power of Astro-Force gathered as his entire arm lit up gaining a magma-like appearance.

A deranged smile formed on his face and then… The New God struck the earth with a rending might.


The power contained in that strike was such that it couldn't be comprehended.

From over 150meters away, the forest spirit tripped falling over.

"Wha-What is happening?!" Pinison cried as the earth around her rumbled and shook.

Some of the trees around her toppled over due to the incessant shaking, while tears freely flowed as the dryad was experiencing firsthand the power of a New God.

"Dear god, 'Orion,' I don't have much to ask of you but please don't ruin my home."

For that was the only entreaty, the dryad, Pinison, was capable of making amidst the quaking.


The unhinged smile was still on Orion's face as he got the reaction he hoped for.

The massive roots around him squirmed, slithering around as Zy'tl Q'ae awakened once more. Splinters of wood whizzed around, used timber parts for over a thousand years were gaining kinetic motions.

A maw formed at the giant Tree's torso, from it came out a low moan that became a terrifying roar! Its reverberation carried through the forest reminding all that dwells in it, who is its rightful ruler.


"Hey, Zy'tl Q'ae!"

It was almost comical. How humanoid was when compared to the unmoving colossal monster. The awareness of the treant was arrested, drawn to the tiny foolish mortal who had called it out from its slumber.

"It's a good day to die, right?"

The Evil God roared in reply. "!"

"No small talks, eh? That's splendid, I'm not built for chit-chats, anyway. May the best man live, while the worst… Die!"

So it begins. The battle of gods of different caliber.

Orion vs Zy'tl Q'ae


He expected to feel fear.

This is an Evil Deity, he was doing battle with.

A destroyer of nations, an entity that threatens the stability of the world at large. Yes, Zy'tl Q'ae was one of the few Evil Gods that had terrorized the world centuries ago, before their numbers were reduced by the Thirteen Heroes.

But then again, he felt no such thing. His body didn't freeze from Zy'tl Q'ae terrifying cry, nor did an unpleasant chill wash through his figure at the intensity of the Evil Tree.

Yes, Orion felt his heart beating rapidly, it is loud enough that he could even hear its drumming.

It wasn't out of feat, no… It was excitement.

[It's coming.] The Mother Box immediately informed him.


A large cloud of earth arose with a titanic root that swung tearing through the dead trees, another root followed from the opposite direction. Both left and right spoke of a hail of destruction that devoured everything in its path, setting course for Orion.

According to common sense, only a Mage talented enough to cast [Teleportation] would be capable of escaping such kind of predicament. Even an Adamantite won't be capable of evading the speed of gigantic roots.

It was truly a sure kill attack that leaves only the luckiest surviving its assault.

Under normal circumstances, that is.

The sound akin to that of a cannon being shot, followed soon after, as a black blur took high into the air, surpassing the height of the Evil Tree in an instant.

"The power within allows me go beyond the boundaries of the skies above. Zy'tl Q'ae, don't you dare disappoint me! Give me more, and die like the mindless sentient antique you are!"

"!" The treant roared, with whizzes following soon after. Fist sized seeds in their thousands shot towards Orion with a speed fast enough to vanish under even under the eyes of the finest warriors.

To Orion though, they might as well be snails crawling.

'No, this can't be it.'

Feeling confused, the New God batted away a lucky shot which exploded in midair due to the sudden change in dynamic resistance. There was a sudden bloom of suspicion in the New God, as the Evil Deity wasn't all what he expected it to be.

[Orion, if perchance you are concerned about your vulnerability. Then you could deploy your inherent {Barrier}]

"Barrier, How?" While he was doing just fine, additional defense is better defense.

[Focus with your mind, imagine the strongest defense, you can. The Astro-Force will handle the rest.]

Observing Zy'tl Q'ae, Orion decided to disregard his earlier line of thought. After all, now that his original reason for coming here has been fulfilled. He only needed a sparring partner.

The New God closed his eyes while descending. Unknowingly, peas crashed against his body… Only to splatter like they had collided into an unbreakable wall.

The Mother Box saw all that, but decided to not disturb her son in his concentration.

In his prime, Orion had withstood forces that rocked the very Universe, even as weak as he is compared to before. An attack that could be equated to an earthen shotgun is still minuscule to the New God.


In the darkness of his mindscape, Orion imagined.

He thought a silver shield that glinted faithfully no matter the circumstances. A protector for the people and most importantly, an infallible bastion for her.

A transparent silvery barrier with hexagonal shape sprang forth encasing him. Orion floated arms akimbo, observing the symbol of his dedication in life.

Look where it got him in the end.

Is this what you want?


The barrier shattered dispersing at his rejection. The Mad Dog of War didn't want something to protect, he needed something that could bite back. So he closed his eyes and recalled everything.

His joy, happiness, hopefulness… His desperation, rage, pain, and endearment for death.

What do you want?

"Nothing much, really." Orion's eyes were a vermillion orange when he opened them. "I just don't want anyone to touch what's mine… And if they dare to do so."

They get incinerated.

And so his will flowed out, and the Wrath of the Source manifested in the form of an Omega symbol.


Orion crouched a little as he landed nary a grunt, while the earth below him carved into a crater. His eyes glowed menacingly with the power of the Astro-Force bearing a symbol that the Mother Box couldn't help but notice.

[The Omega Effect! How can this be?]

She wasn't given chance to ruminate, as her corrupted vessel also began to glow dangerously. For a moment, the Mother Box feared that her container was altering into one, akin to that of a Father Box.

Luckily, it wasn't so as she suppressed it before it could have escalated to an alarming level.

If Mother Box were given a face, it would have grimaced at this moment. 'He still hasn't assimilated nor gotten used to the wills. It's still too early for such a reaction… May the Source, help his soul to remain strong before the corruption.'


Casting a glance to see that the Mother Box is still with him, Orion returned his gaze back to the Evil Tree that sent out hundreds of smaller sized roots to skewer the New God.

Grunting, Orion narrowed his eyes throwing up his barrier. A sulfur like smell charged the air, while a fiery transparent lattice barrier enveloped him, unlike the silvery barricade. This didn't project any form of assurance… It was a threat to anyone that dares to attack its conjurer.

Although, to the mindless Zy'tl Q'ae, it probably meant nothing.

With loud sound, all the roots crashed against the barrier… And consequently incinerated into ashes.

"!" The forest shook from Zy'tl Q'ae agonized cry.

"Painful right?" Orion taunted, dusting his cloak as if to get rid of an imaginary dirt.

"You stood there all high and mighty, both you and the Undead King. You looked forward in crushing us, ants. You never expected to be burnt… Get used to it! Because this isn't ending till one of us is dead.

"I can assure you, it definitely isn't going to be me ."

Large roots gathered together, melding, becoming bigger. Zy'tl Q'ae is finally taking this stranger seriously. Unfortunately for the heteromorphic it meant nothing in the end.

"Roots and seeds… Is that really all you can do?" Orion commented incredibly, as he lost his smile.

Once, he would have found even that overwhelming. The power within those seeds and particularly within these roots reminded the New God of the massacre at Katze plains by those bleating monstrosities.

Now though, he couldn't fathom what part of the Evil Deity was dangerous except for its menacing appearance.

He cancelled his barrier as over 2000tons of wood set course to bury him under their weight… Only for it to explode midair at Orion's outstretched fist that tore the air apart with an invisible explosion.

"Are you really this Weak or am I just that Strong?"

Zy'tl Q'ae only answered by pilling even more roots for bigger mass.

Sighing, Orion decided to try the one last connection he had from his past life.

His Martial Arts…

Taking on a fighting pose, Orion subconsciously narrowed his eyes into focus, drawing out the close-combats facets of Martial Arts.

"[Iron Fist]"

Only for nothing to happen.

In a burst of speed, Orion evaded an earth churning strike from Zy'tl Q'ae, disturbed by his lack of Martial Skill manifestation.

"What's going on? [Iron Fist]… Still nothing. [Physical Boost] [Pace of the Wind] [Possibility Sense] [Reinforce Hide]… [Showdown Declaration] huh, this is strange. Mother Box, do you know what has happened to my Martial Arts? I can't seem to use them, anymore."

Orion punched at the side as his physical strength detonated an incoming multi-ton mass of wood.

The Mother Box gave the New God a glancing scan, comparing it to one she had of Orion back in his former timeline… 'Oh… So that's it.'

[My child. The change in your physique has greatly disturbed your capability of using this dimension's magic arts. As a New God, you are an existence from a different reality, bearing physical structure that is fundamentally incompatible with this world's own.]

"Give to me in simple English."

[… Your new physique no more possess the capability of using this world's Mystical Techniques.]

Orion halted at that, which gave Zy'tl Q'ae the opportunity to bury him in roots mixed with boulder sized rocks.

"It's all gone…" It took the New God some seconds to process the shocking reply, while under the earth.

It was the totality of his hard work, all those years Orion spent training just to get a little bit stronger, vanished into the wind…

… He was actually ok with that.

A pillar of flame melted through the thousand tons worth of debris and stems, lancing through the sky briefly painting the world, orange.

"With the powers I command right now, losing some few obsolete Martial Arts that hasn't helped me in the long run, before isn't going to affect me. In the end, I am now much-much-much stronger, without them."

[I am glad, you think that way, Orion.]

Since he couldn't practice any of his past-life's skills to see their potency. There was nothing more he needed from the Evil Tree.

"Let's end this, Zy'tl Q'ae."

Both arms lit up like the dawning sun, as Orion shot ahead in a burst of speed that neared that of natural lightning! Leaving wakes of destruction due to friction, the New God tore through the steams as he dashed up the Evil Tree's body leaving a trial of fire and took to the air.

Orion to his surprise, never came down.

"So it seems. I am no longer bound by even normal rules."

Orion muttered, as he hung in the air with no sign of gravity reclaiming him.

He raised his left hand up, with palm wide open, like he was holding something… A small ball of fire promptly manifested, growing bigger by each passing second, till it became the second sun that lighted up the entire forest!

An unimaginable heat-wave coursed throughout the forest as a result of the intensity within the giant orb of lava-like flames. While Zy'tl Q'ae roared at in pain as a result of its proximity to the fiery orb.

"One down, more to go."

With that, Orion threw the orb towards the Evil Tree.



Its cry was cut off, as the 100meters tall heteromorphic was enveloped within the ball of fire that refused to collapse. The orb whirled and churned without losing its shape, disintegrating every molecule of what was once the Evil Tree.

In its dispersion some minutes later, what remained where the Evil Deity stood was a giant crater with patches of lava.

Orion smirked at the rush he was currently feeling.

"Heh, so that's how they always feel when fighting us. A battle that is predictable from the beginning of the fight. Luck, providence, numbers, equipment, information, trickery… It all means nothing in the face of absolute power. The kind of power I now possess."

His eyes flickered with flames, as he breathed in the sulfuric air. "Mother Box."

[Yes, Orion.]

"Let's begin with the Grand Plan, shall we."

Phew, writing a fight scene in Overlord is actually kind of hard. You see in the light novels, whenever they perform a spell or a martial arts, sometimes the specifications of what these spells do aren't described. So it's mostly left for us reader to formulate in our heads.

I was supposed to write about the Mother Box revealing to Orion what a Pla-yahs and an NPC means in these Chapter, but I couldn't. I apologies for that.

vtorx_0867creators' thoughts