
Overlord: So I'm a spider, so what?

I decided to write an overlord fanfic due to my deep love for the overlord series (and because they do pretty well). ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Anyway, the story revolves around the Mc whom dies and gets reborn in a heavily polluted and corrupted world completely ruled by corporate greed as just another wage slave with no way of achieving any riches or meaning. But just as the main character makes up their mind to kill themselves, preferring to die on their feet then live on their knees, they have a revelation that maybe, just maybe, this is the same world where the protagonist of overlord originates from. Due to that possiblity in combination with their instinct to survive, the mc decides to stick it out until the announcement of Yggdrasil. The story starts on the day of the announcement. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Btw as u might have figured out from the Cover and title, the Mc's chosen race will be a spider monster just like Shiraori from "Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?" another series I am very fond of. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This year I am very busy with my studies and I only have Sundays free so I can only guarantee one chapter a week on Sunday though I'll post one whenever I got free time.

Lustful_Death · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Spawn camping noobs.

[1392 Words] This is probably the shortest chapter I've ever posted, I feel great shame.

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



Sorry for not posting the last two weeks, I got sick, my cat was run over and I got addicted to reading Reverend insanity.


A cold blade shone with deep blue light as it whizzed by and the 15 meters tall, large black dragon had it's long neck severed from it's body, it's scales, flesh and bones offered no resistance as the blade cut through them cleanly, leaving the wound a smooth stump.

The dragon's large body fell to the ground heavily causing it to shake. The dragon's body slowly turned translucent and disappeared, leaving behind it's loot that floated on the ground, glowing with golden light.

"Yes! I finally reached level 75!" A warrior completely clad in full plate armor as black as the abyss shouted in excitement.

"See, I told you the combination of [Cursed Knight] and [Slasher] is top tier for swordsmen." A large, dark skinned man with bulging muscles that seemed to be at the brink of bursting said.

The dim light of the crystals which were imbedded in the cave walls reflected off of his smooth, bald head, making it shine like headlights on a dark night's road. He wore a revealing bikini maid outfit that showed off his muscular thighs and firm chest muscles, the tiny white bra barely covering up his nipples.

"Yeah, thanks for your advice man." The slim man in full plate armor scratched the back of his head and said.

"Could you please stop fucking doing that." The large muscular man said with a frown that contorted his face.

"Doing what?" the man in armour tilted his head.

"That. You keep using that over the top anime body language. Frankly it's both disturbing and disgusting." The muscular man said.

"Says the guy playing as an oily muscular man while wearing bikini armour!" The man in full plate armour shouted at him while pumping his fist.

The muscular man scoffed. "What would a plebian like you know, This is a limited edition ero maid outfit, only 900 people in the game have it."

"Bullshit, everybody in the guild knows that yours is just a replica!" The man in black armour refuted.

"You dare give your senior lip, boy? Do you want to be banned from the guild?" The muscular man folded his arms and talked down to the man in black armour.

"Senior? I've been playing this game for 4 months and it's been only out for 6 months." The man in armour said while flippantly waving his sword around.

"Pft only 4 months? what a noob. I, your father have been playing since day one." The muscular man said as he tilted his head back in order to look down on the man in armour even more.

"My father? you call me cringe for acting like an anime character but you talk like a character from some trashChinese cultivation novel." The man in armour said as he pointed his sword towards the muscular man.

"Sigh, he has eyes but can't see mount Tai." the man said as he shook his head.

"Did you just fucking say 'Sigh'? are you retarded?" The man with the sword asked.

"Fuck you newbie, I'm out." The muscular man said and disappeared, logging out of the game.

"All according to keikaku." The man in armour thought while looking at the loot on the ground.

Walking over to it, he opened the menu and just as his finger was about to press the "Pick up" option everything suddenly turned black and blood red colored letters that read "YOU DIED" appeared in front of him.

In the next moment he appeared in front of a fountain in a busy town square.

He paused, exhaled all the air in his lungs and inhaled deeply before roaring: "WHO THE FUCK KILLED ME!"

"Morning sunshine." A cold feminine voice spoke next to him.

Turning around he saw a woman with skin and hair as white as paper and pink eyes exiting a dark red portal while holding a scythe.

Before he could react and take some distance, the scythe mercilessly swung down and he died again.

The woman fully exited the portal, revealing the rest of her body. Attached to her slim torso weren't a pair of matching legs but a giant, vicious looking white spider.

The portal behind her closed and the scythe she held turned to dust in her hands that then scattered to the wind.

Her hand reached into the void and pulled out an identical scythe to the one that had just been destroyed.

[You have leveled up]

[You have killed a player. A penalty has been applied to you.]

[Your location will be visible on the map to all players in midgard for 5 minutes.]

The player killer dismissed the notifications before picking up The sword his victim dropped after he murdered them for the second time.

Joseph started spinning his scythe while waiting for his prey to respawn.

Once it respawned he swung his scythe killing him again and destroying his third scythe today.

The scythes he used were all custom made by him using data crystals. They all had one ability: they could use the [Rot attack] skill.

One might think that using a new weapon each time gets very expensive but they would be wrong, it's a bit expensive but not that expensive.

Other than their ability to use the [Rot attack] skill, these scythes could be said to be the worst weapons in Yggdrasil, all their stats were at 1. A random stick picked up from the ground has 100 times more durability and does 10 times more damage.

That was of course intentional by design. By making every aspect of the weapon so garbage far less data crystals were consumed, the weapon would be destroyed anyway after one use due to [Rot attack] so there's no sense in making it any good.

And in exchange for making his scythes consumable items, Joseph could now one shot any player or monster under Level 80.

His prey respawned once more and he struck once more in response, killing him. Due to an oversight in the game's design, the option to log out was only accessible through the menu, so as long as he kept quickly killing them before they could open the menu, he could kill any player an infinite amount of times.

Joseph exploited this little neat feature in order to drop many players from around level 80 all the way down to level 0 all the while stripping them of all their jobs, skills and items and allowing him to amass a fortune of items and materials and reach level 100 as easily as bending the bones of infants and murdering orphans.

After a few rounds of spawn killing, the newbie had dropped to level 0 where he belongs and had lost a large amount of items including half his armour set.

He tried to speak a few times but each time he would be cut off before he could finish a single word. Pun fully intended.

Joseph wanted the full armour set so he kept on killing him.

The half naked level 0 player respawned once again and just as Joseph was about to cut him down for umpteenth time, his [Spacial Detection] skill alerted him that a player had appeared behind him.

He immediately jumped to the left, barely dodging the sword that was about to slice his beautiful spider abdomen.

After taking his distance, he looked at the player who attacked him. He wore shining, silver full body armour with a red cape that billowed magnetically in the wind.

Pointing his sword at Joseph, he shouted heroically "Foul evil doer, cease your misdeeds for justice has arrived!"

He went by the gamertag: Touch me.

'Oh shit.'


Next chapter will be the meeting between the paladin of pure silver and the evil god.

Sorry for the short chapter. anyway I recently became less than a slave (unpaid intern) and it's 2 Am and I gotta be at work by 10 tomorrow.

I tweaked my writing a tiny bit, do you have any opinions that you would like to share?

leave a comment u cute cunts

Lustful_Deathcreators' thoughts