
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

Fighting Raz Vulcan

„Have you heard? Boiling Destruction will be fighting a newcomer today."

"Yeah, I know. Manager Borgi told them to have a challenge match."

"I don't understand what the manager is thinking. Why not just punish the newcomer directly. Facing Boiling Destruction is too cruel."

"Yeah, I don't get it either. The manager has always been impartial."

"Maybe the newcomer has a chance? He made it into the Rising Genius List after all."

"Are you joking? Who doesn't know by now that Bai Jingshen only beat one trial. It only means he is good at one single thing. Boiling Destruction hasn't beaten a trial yet but managed to reach top 50 through hard work and many fights. How could the newcomer have a chance,"

"Hmm I don't know. I'm rooting for the newcomer though. This wasn't the first time Boiling Destruction bullied others, and it won't be the last."

"Psst… don't let that hear those from the Yellow Alliance. They will make your life hell."

"I haven't even thought about this yet. No matter how the match ends today, the newcomer has to deal with the Yellow Alliance. It seems there isn't any good way out."

Excitement and tension was permeating the air as Bai Jingshen made his way towards the designated fighting ring the next day. All around him he heard young elites discussing his fight today. Bai Jingshen had also looked into the rules of challenging matches. Under normal circumstances only someone of a lower cultivation could challenge someone stronger. However, the stronger one was only forced to accept if he was on the Rising Genius List. If the stronger cultivator lost, he also lost his place on the list. A situation like his was highly unusual.

Bai Jingshen didn't know what the manager thought as he forced this fight, but he wasn't worried. Contrary to the discussing youngsters he just passed, he was confident he could defeat anyone below the Foundation Establishment Realm with his Boundless Illusion Steps.

As the fore emperor was leisurely walking through a hallway leading to the fighting ring, a voice suddenly reached him from behind.

"Bai Jingshen. Good. I managed to catch up."

The young man turned around and saw the dark-skinned Stormspear jogging over.

"Morning, Stormspear. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Of course, it's to talk to you. How confident are you today?"

"I will win."

Stormspear was taken aback by this clear answer, but soon smiled and continued:

"Good to hear. But even so, Boiling Destruction probably isn't your only problem."

"Are you talking about the Yellow Alliance?"

"Yes! They are a huge alliance with members on every genius list. Even the number two on the Rising Genius List, Eruption, belongs to them. They will surely make things hard for you."

Bai Jingshen nodded before smiling slightly. He already realized where Stormspear was coming from.

"Let me guess, I should join your alliance. You belong to the Black Alliance, right?"

"Well, you got me. I won't hide it from you. The company sadly isn't as united as one would hope. The Yellow Alliance is supported by Manager Naarus, who has been a troublemaker for a long time now. However, I heard that you are favored by Miss Thobar, so you should join the Black Alliance. We are backed by Manager Offral, who is a close subordinate of Miss Thobar."

"I will think about it, but for now I only want to cultivate. Since I lost contribution points this time, I have to go on a mission soon."

"Ok… let me know if you change your mind. However, if you want, I can at least help you with contribution points. Since you seem confident in winning you can give me your points and I will bet on you. Afterwards I can give your winnings back to you."

"Is it allowed to bet on fights?"

"Yes! The company is even organizing the bets themselves. I head they did so because at the beginning everyone was widely betting on fights. Eventually management discussed on a ban, but betting was simply too widespread. After a while they came up with making bets official, and limiting the amount one could take out."

"Can I bet on myself then?"

"No of course not. That would lead to so many scams. Even with the company keeping check, someone tries to manipulate results once in a while."

"Makes sense. Then let me give you my points."

Bai Jingshen didn't fear that Stormspear would keep his points. Within Thobar Bionics' HQ any conversation will be recorded by their AI. No one was allowed to listen to those normally, but these recordings could be used as prove in case something happens. Therefore, the young man simply transferred his points before Stormspear wished him good luck and went in another direction.

A short while later Bai Jingshen walked through a huge opening leading outside. He only now realized that there were multiple arenas built into the mountain side. Looking slightly to the left, he noticed the glass corridor he passed the day before. Although the arena here wasn't small, he seemingly didn't notice it during the chaotic trial

Dozens of young elites excitedly made their way towards the arena. On Bai Jingshen's left and right flights of stairs led to a stand for the audience. Compered to the newcomer competition this venue seemed rather tiny but had an elitist feel to it. As the former emperor walked forward, the audience could be heard discussing in hushed whispers, as some of them saw Bai Jingshen for the first time. After crossing a small tunnel below the audience seats, the young man frowned as he noticed he was the first to arrive in the arena. Only a Golden Core Realm referee was already waiting, telling him to stand on one side.

Suddenly Bai Jingshen felt a weird sensation on his body. He realized that someone was observing him. Looking around, Bai Jingshen didn't see anyone who could give him such a feeling, although the arena was out in the open. A cultivator could technically fly up and spectate this fight, but he was sure the company wouldn't allow their elite's fighting styles to leak. Fortunately, the strange sensation vanished after a while. The young man could only attribute this gaze to some higher-grade cultivators of Thobar Bionics. He could only put it out of his mind now, concentrating on the upcoming fight.

On the highest floor Elena stood with a smile. She leaned on a railing outside her training room, enjoying the feeling of the wind caressing her hair. Just now she was really surprised, as Bai Jingshen seemingly noticed her gaze. While observing the proceedings in the arena she asked without turning around:

"Who do you think will win this fight, Johann?"

"I trust in your judgment, Miss."

Elena chuckled at her assistant's answer. However, she also knew that this man meant what he said. He had always trusted her judgment, helping her family through their hardest times.

"I'm sure we made the right bet this time. This is only the start of a bright future…"

After another twenty minutes, when no new spectators appeared, Bai Jingshen could finally spot a group of people walking through the tunnel. He only recognized Boiling Destruction at the front, surrounded by clown's singing their praises on him. Behind them a few more people could be seen, walking with pride on their faces as if grazing everyone with their appearance. Bai Jingshen understood that these must be the members of the Yellow Alliance. He observed as they made their way up to the stands, naturally walking towards the free seats at the back.

Bai Jingshen shook his head when Boiling Destruction swaggered into the arena, obviously pleased with the sporadic cheers he received. His opponent had a look of disdain on his face, as he took his position in the arena. The former emperor wanted to roll his eyes as the young elite began to speak in a mocking tone:

"Ready to be taught a lesson newbie?"

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Haha, I get it, you caught your tongue from fear."

Bai Jingshen continued to ignore his opponent before turning towards the referee:

"Can we finally start or is it so fun to watch a monkey dance?"

"HEY! What did you call me? Just you wait. After I'm done with you even your mother wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you and a monkey!"

Slight chuckles could be heard in the audience, while the Yellow Alliance members furrowed their brows. It was known that Boiling Destruction had never been the brightest, but he was really throwing away their face right now. Normally it should be him disregarding his opponent, not the other way around.

Stormspear had finally arrived at the other side of this stand. He laughed at Bai Jingshen's words while sitting down among the Black Alliance. Tension began to rise as the opposing Alliance member's tried to influence the neutral young elites. As small commotions spread through the audience, the referee finally signaled the fight to start.