

Alan an ordinary orphan boy who has one goal which is to enroll in the most prestigious academy in the kingdom receives the OVERGOD system which changes his destiny.

blood_rogue · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs

Chapter-4 (Round 2)

Alan moved towards the outer region of Haze forest and continued killing beasts along the way.

[Ding.. rank 2 iron boar killed 70 exp rec.. ]

[Ding.. rank 2 iron boar k.. ]

[Ding.. rank 2 iron boar.. ]

[Ding.. rank 2 iron boar kil. ]

[Ding.. host level increased 1 rank]

[Ding.. host got new skill Dragon sence]

Alan received system message and couldn't help but to smile as he was very satisfied with his current progress.

"system show my stats"

[showing hosts status

Name: Alan

Age: 14

Title : commoner

Tallent: Grade 8

Class : Mage

Rank: Apprentice mage rank- 9

Bloodline: chaos dragon


1. quick step ( 20% speed boost) (shadow)

2. Hell flame (fire)


1. basic sword mastery (90/100)

2. basic knife skill (40/100)

3. dragon rage (non upgradable)

4.Resistance : fire(10%) ; dark(10%)

5.Dragon sence. (passive)


[Dragon sence increases hosts all sences. Host can detect any lifeform within 20m of range]

"peak junior mage at 14 year of age. Even nobles children won't be my match and with bloodline power my strength as rank -4 senior mage now let's see what this new skill of mine can do."

Alan used his dragon sence which increased all his sence then he focused his eyes suddenly his pupils turned red and his eyes were like a dragon.

He was able to see everything within 5 miles clearly. Then he spotted something and a grin appeared on his face.

"shadow leopard it's time for round 2"

Alan leaped towards its direction. Leopard was currently eating it's prey. Alan used hell flame to sneak attack the leopard but it quickly evaded it and senced Alan's location and dashed towards him. Alan used quick step to create a distance between them but leopard was too fast. it hit him with his claws but due to magic robe Alan was wearing which he got from the ring reduce the damage.

Alan used dragon rage skill to buff his strength and again used hell fire which hit the leopard with full force. The leopard went flying and slammed again a tree.

" Damn this skill is great but it is too taxing " Alan was breathing heavily as dragon rage skill has used up almost all of his strength. The leopard was trying to get up but Alan didn't give him the chance as he quickly casted quickly steps and pierced the leopard's heart with his sword.

[Ding.. rank 3 shadow leopard killed host rec. 200 exp]

[Ding.. host level increased by 1 level]

[Ding.. as host has reached senior mage rank system will go through update an will be unable to use]

[remaining time 3hrs]

Alan felt his body surging through energy as he entered senior mage rank.

"This feeling is great." Alan exclaimed and his fatigue also reduced. Alan dug out the beast core from it as he can sell it at a good price.

"I need to learn more spells. if I had more spells this fight would have finish easily, those kids of nobles have learned many spells and will be pain in as* if I just face them with my two spells, with money I have and by selling the beasts I have hunted I have to get my hands on few spells".

With settling every thing in forest Alan went to the village and quietly entered his small hut without attracting anyones attention .His huts dimension was 5×3m only a single room in which he has everything he needed. Thought his hut was small but he had all basic things as he lived alone and his strength was enough to hunt rank 1 beasts he made a decent money by selling the beasts in near city stores.

"Since I have enough money I should start living In city, but before that I should change my appearance to hide my identity till I get admitted in academy as many will eye for my wealth".

Alan put all the things he needed in his storage ring and changed his appearance.He chaged his appearance to look like son of a wealthy noble as no one offends a noble easily. Due to Alan's dragon bloodline his appearance became very handsome and didn't need to put much effort in changing his appearance as noble and he got some elegant clothes from storage ring. He wore black shirt and a black jacket which has golden line around the edge and they were reinforced with magc protection. Anyone would mistake Alan as a prince.