

Alan an ordinary orphan boy who has one goal which is to enroll in the most prestigious academy in the kingdom receives the OVERGOD system which changes his destiny.

blood_rogue · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter - 3 (Chaos Dragon Bloodline)

[Ding... host has successfully fused with Chaos dragon bloodline]

When Alan woke up he heard system's message.

"system show me my status"

[showing hosts status

Name: Alan

Age: 14

Title : commoner

Tallent: Grade 8

Class : Mage

Rank: Apprentice mage rank- 8

Bloodline: chaos dragon


1. quick step ( 20% speed boost) (shadow)

2. Hell flame (fire)


1. basic sword mastery (30/100)

2. basic knife skill (40/100)

3. dragon rage (non upgradable)

4.Resistance : fire(10%) ; dark(10%)


"wow my talent and rank went up, hehe.. this bloodline is too grate and I got a new spell hell flame, this skill sounds op.Well after almost dying twice a day I finally got some thing good , now enrolling in storm academy will be a piece of cake. Now I have to get out of this place. current me has no strength to explore this ruin, I will come back after becoming a master mage and settle my score with that lizard "

Alan started walking towards the exit of the ruin in the way he found a skeleton who was wearing a ring. Alan identified the ring with one glare and his eyes we're full of excitement as that was a storage ring and that of a high quality having 100 cubic meter space which only powerful and rich people have as it worth more than 10m gold.He took that ring and suppressed his desire to check what's inside and quickly went for the exit.

After passing through the exit he found himself in inner region of Haze forest. He quickly found a safe place for him and started inspecting the ring.

"I stuck big this time, Haaa... there is about 100k of low grade mana stone, mid grade magic wepons, 500M gold. hehe I became rich over night, I am more rich than a viscount now"

In storm alliance 100 copper = 1silver , 100 silver = 1gold and 1 low grade mana stone = 1000 gold.

"oh. there are some books on alchemy also, well I can learn it to, according to village chief Alchemist make a sh*t load of money".

As Alan was checking things of the ring he hear foot steps coming towards him. He quickly Got up and was prepared for battle. He saw there were 3 rank 1 beasts wind wolf.

Alan got excited as after getting bloodline his strength was totally in a different level and he has a offensive spell.

He quickly casted hell flame. A fireball of reddish black color bust towards the wolves and burned them to ashes.

[ Ding.. rank 1 beast wind wolf killed 50 exp rec... ]

[ Ding.. rank 1 beast wind wolf killed 50 exp rec... ]

[ Ding.. rank 1 beast..... ]

[ Ding.. host level up]

suddenly system sent 4 message to Alan.

"this cheat system is too awesome. kill and level up. Todays danger totally worth it. At this rate I will become senior mage before the test".

. .....

15 days later

A youth 1.8 m tall, short black hair having pitch black eyes like bottomless pit was standing in woods covered in sweat. Around him were dead bodies of magic beasts.He was Alan, with 3 days after getting the system he went through major changes like his aura gave a feeling of an emperor, which is due to his dragon bloodline also his appearance became handsome, thought his looks were not bad before but now his looks his charisma were otherworldly, which can arose jealousy of men and make woman fawn upon him.

But the most important change was his strength.

Now he was a rank - 7 junior mage in just 15 day he leveled up from rank-9 appreciate mage.

"in just 15 days I have hunted more than 200 beasts of rank 2. Now with my strength there is no way a even a rank- 1 senior mage will be my match, having bloodline is soo good.Now it's time for me to head back to village".

Alan put all the beast he hunted in store ring and left the inner region of Haze forest and moved towards the direction of dusk village.