
The Dead Nightmares Part 6

Day 11: 5:30 P.M

Osaka: Shitennoji Gakuen Junior and Senior High School: Gymnasium

Melee: Brass Knuckles, Wakizashi, Kitchen Cleaver(Repaired and Enhanced), Piyavka Sickle

Guns: AR15(Scope and Suppressor attached) Colt 45, Beretta M9 Pistol, Hunting Shotgun

(Kyosei's View)

It took me quite a while to finish gathering the bottles necessary. Not only that, I have to go outside and scrounge for cars with fuels left in their tanks for these fuels from no longer functioning cars are needed for the Molotov Cocktails to properly work. It took me a while before I managed to siphon enough fuel for the amount I can bring. There is no point siphoning lots of fuel if I won't use the rest after.