
our time together

idk honestly it's about a couples days together

kentisntimportant · Combinación de músicas
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10 Chs

First day of school

It was my first day if school and i bumped into a beautiful blonde hes perfect "im sorry" i stated and he turned and smiled "lets be friends!"he said happily and i nodded smiling i couldnt believe hes my first friend i hope hes not homophobic "ewww its the faggot!!!" a student screamed and we stopped he looked at me and smiled "im the faggot of the school you shouldnt hang out with me" he said sad "haha im a faggot too you baboon" i said laughing and he smiled at me hugging me "my only friend please dont leave" he said blushing "are you ok your face is red?" i said panicking "im fine"he said with his gental smile thats gonna make me fall in love with him. i couldnt believe i met another gay person my life was getting better i though and suddenly i felt the cold wind on my stomach and i saw the blood on the ground i looked at the boy infront of me and i wiped his tears " why the tears?" i asked and he looked at me "this this is why the tears!!" he said pointing to my stomach and everyone stopped and was looking at me shocked and they all started running to the principal to report it immediately i was picked up And carried to the office i leaned into his touch because it was loving and caring I've never felt this i just wanted to enjoy it. He smiled walking to the office the principal was shocked at what he saw a student had been abused right before school. They all ran to the police and told them everything i was then rushed to the hospital and they went to my house and arrested my parents. I was submitted into the hospital for 4 weeks with broken ribs and a punctured stomach it didnt hurt that bad they went in and did surgery fixing everything they could