


"Are you okay?" Leo asked when she saw me on the veranda.

"Yeah, Im fine."

"Grandma is looking for you. She invited us for snacks before we leave," He sounded so worried.

I nodded and walk first and he followed. My tears were dried on my face. They can see me with visible tears so I washed my face to hide everything. Pain and regrets.

"Oh! Let's eat, food is now ready." Grandma announced while she puts some plates on the counter.

"Hmm, it always tastes yummy grandma. You always cooked delicious foods for us, just like before." I complimented while eating my banana cue.

This is one of my favorite snacks in the Philippines, the halo-halo and banana cue. No one can beat her cooking skills, even me and Lourie can't get how she cooks it properly. She always said, that to create delicious foods.

We should be in a good mood and sang a song while cooking. Mom do also believes in that belief so as a dad.

Lourie and I became a believer of that sayings too.