
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs


"Blimey Harry! You gave us quite the scare with that drop," Wood said as he clapped Harry's back.

Harry smiled sheepishly as he explained that it was the only way to get rid of Terence. The entire team hoisted Harry on their arms and carried him out of the stadium.

As they made their way to the Gryffindor common room, the celebrations were already beginning. Gryffindors flooded the corridors, cheering and chanting Harry's name. Hermione trailed behind, her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face.

"Harry, that was incredibly reckless," she scolded as they entered the common room. "You could have been seriously hurt."

Ron, still in a state of shock, could only nod in agreement.

Harry shrugged, unable to suppress his grin. "But it worked, didn't it?"

The room erupted into cheers as they entered, and the Gryffindors swarmed around Harry, congratulating him on his daring move. The twins, Fred and George, wasted no time in producing bottles of butterbeer and trays of snacks, setting them down amidst the revelry.

"Harry, mate, that was brilliant!" Fred exclaimed, clapping Harry on the back.

"Yeah, you had us all on the edge," George added, grinning.

Amidst the chaos, Ron finally found his voice. "I can't believe you did that, Harry," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're mental, you know that?"

Harry laughed, feeling the weight of the Quidditch match lift from his shoulders. Surrounded by his friends and fellow Gryffindors, he knew that this victory was one to be remembered.

But then, a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he surveyed the jubilant crowd. With a sly grin, he cleared his throat and raised his voice to address the room.

"I have an announcement to make!" Harry's voice rang out, capturing the attention of every Gryffindor in the common room. All eyes turned expectantly towards him.

"I'm absolutely thrilled that we've won today's match and are celebrating our victory," Harry began, his grin widening as he spoke. "But, my friends, we have another reason to celebrate... or rather, my friends and I do."

He glanced at Hermione, who shot him a pleading look, silently urging him not to go through with whatever he had planned. Ignoring her protests, Harry winked mischievously and forged ahead.

"Today just so happens to be the birthday of one of the most brilliant witches I know. So, if you all would be so kind as to join us for a birthday celebration, it would mean the world to us. Without further ado, I'd like to wish a very Happy Birthday to none other than Hermione Granger!"

A chorus of cheers erupted from the Gryffindors, drowning out Hermione's embarrassed protests. The room buzzed with excitement as students rushed forward to offer their congratulations and well-wishes to the birthday girl. Hermione's face flushed crimson, her embarrassment evident for all to see, but there was a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes as she met Harry's gaze. 

Harry ascended to his dormitory, ensuring no one trailed him, before calling out into the empty room, "Tinsel, can I get that cake now?"

In a blink, Tinsel the elf materialized before him, bearing a small birthday cake. Harry's smile faltered momentarily as he realized the oversight. The celebration downstairs had grown beyond what he initially anticipated.

"Tinsel, I'm terribly sorry," Harry began "But it seems I underestimated the size of the celebration. With the entire Gryffindor house joining in, we'll need a much larger cake and more food. Could you possibly help me out?"

Tinsel nodded enthusiastically, his large ears perked up with eagerness. "Of course, Harry Potter sir! Tinsel will have everything ready in a jiffy."

With a bow, Tinsel vanished the small cake he had brought, ready to fulfill Harry's request. Before he could disappear completely, Harry reached out and pulled the elf into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Tinsel, please bring the cake and food directly into the common room." Harry said sincerely, gratitude shining in his eyes.

Tinsel, the elf, blinked in surprise as Harry pulled him into a warm embrace. His large, luminous eyes widened with astonishment, reflecting the flickering candlelight of the dormitory.

"Harry Potter sir is too kind!" Tinsel exclaimed, his voice tinged with genuine gratitude. He returned the hug with a fervor that spoke volumes of his appreciation, his small frame trembling with emotion.

"Tinsel is so honored to serve Harry Potter!" Tinsel added, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty and devotion before disappearing with a pop.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Harry returned to the common room, where the celebrations were in full swing. He gave a subtle flick of his wrist, casting a charm on the Butterbeer bottles that would keep them endlessly flowing.

"Hey, everyone!" Harry called out above the noise, his voice cutting through the excitement. " I made sure we never run out of Butterbeer tonight. Enjoy!" he declared, flashing a mischievous grin as cheers erupted around him.

Meanwhile, Tinsel apparated into the common room, balancing a massive birthday cake adorned with intricate decorations. The cake was a masterpiece, with layers of moist sponge interwoven with creamy frosting. Each tier was decorated with shimmering gold and silver accents, while delicate sugar flowers cascaded down the sides. Hermione's name was spelled out in elegant script on top, surrounded by a wreath of edible blooms.

Hermione's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the masterpiece before her. She gasped in delight as she took in the intricate decorations, the shimmering gold and silver accents catching the light.

"Oh, Harry, it's beautiful!" Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. She turned to him with a wide smile, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you so much!"

Harry grinned in response, feeling a swell of pride at Hermione's reaction. "It's nothing, Hermione. Just a little birthday surprise," he replied modestly, though his eyes twinkled with mischief.

Hermione threw her arms around Harry in a tight hug, squealing with delight. "You're the best, Harry! I can't believe you did all this for me," she gushed, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

Harry hugged her back warmly, feeling a rush of affection for his friend. "Anything for you, Hermione. Happy birthday!" he said sincerely, his smile widening at her infectious enthusiasm.

As Hermione pulled away from the hug, she turned back to admire the cake once more, her heart filled with joy. "I can't wait to dig in! This looks absolutely divine," she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

The room erupted into cheers and applause as Hermione's friends gathered around the cake, eager to join in the celebration. With laughter and chatter filling the air, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at bringing so much joy to his friend on her special day.

The Weasley twins set off their fireworks, filling the room with bursts of color and light, Hermione cut into the cake, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. The room erupted into applause as everyone sang her a lively rendition of "Happy Birthday."

Amidst the festivities, Fred and George approached Hermione, each carrying a small package. "Happy birthday, Hermione!" they exclaimed in unison, their grins mischievous as ever.

Hermione eyed the packages warily, knowing full well the twins' penchant for pranks. With a cautious smile, she unwrapped the gifts to find an assortment of their latest creations.

"Thanks, Fred and George," Hermione said, her tone laced with amusement. "I'll be sure to put these to good use."

After accepting the gifts with a mixture of amusement and apprehension, Hermione turned to Harry with a grateful smile. "Thanks for this, Harry," she said, gesturing towards the lively party surrounding them. "Despite your reckless stunt on the Quidditch pitch."

Harry grinned back at her, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, what's a birthday celebration without a bit of excitement, right?" he replied playfully.

Hermione rolled her eyes affectionately, but couldn't suppress a chuckle. "I suppose you have a point there. This is the best birthday I have ever had. Thanks again" she conceded.

Harry's smile widened at Hermione's words, warmth flooding his chest at her gratitude. "Anytime, Hermione. You deserve it," he replied sincerely, his eyes reflecting the genuine affection he held for his friend.

As the thought crossed his mind, "Hey Ron, can I talk to you for a moment?" Harry said, pulling Ron aside from the bustling party.

"I want to show Sirius and my family what I did on the Quidditch pitch today," Harry explained, a determined look in his eyes.

Ron's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You mean that crazy freefall to catch the Snitch? Merlin's beard, Harry, that was mental! But how do you plan on showing them?"

Harry grinned, excitement bubbling in his voice. "I found this spell in one of my books, Memoria Videntia. It allows me to extract the memory from you, charm it, and then send it to Sirius and my family so they can view it without a Pensieve."

Ron scratched his head, trying to grasp the concept. "So, you're going to take my memory, charm it somehow, and then they can watch it like a picture?"

"Exactly!" Harry nodded eagerly. "I know it sounds a bit risky, but trust me it's not and I really want them to see what I did today. It'll make them proud."

"Yeah more like they will ground you for it mate! Your mum will go mental on you and not to mention your sister. I would be surprised if they are not here after seeing that."

"Oh, they definitely will be, if I know my mum and sister. And Sirius is bound to have a heart attack while watching it. But that's what makes it more fun," Harry said with a mischievous smirk, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"You're evil, mate," Ron said with a shudder, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Oh, I assure you, I'm not," Harry replied, chuckling.

"But what if I forget the moment if you take away the memory?", Ron said with a frown. "I don't want to forget it, even if it was dangerous, it was epic!"

"Now, don't worry, Ron. I won't actually be taking away your memory. It's more like creating a copy of it. You'll still remember everything perfectly."

Ron's expression relaxed a bit, but he still looked uncertain. "Are you sure, Harry?

Harry clapped Ron on the shoulder reassuringly. "I promise, Ron. You won't forget a thing. Now, let me explain how we'll perform this spell..."

Ron relaxed and nodded at this. Harry motioned him to follow him to the dormitory. After Ron and Harry entered the dormitory, Harry cast a silencing spell around them with a flick of his hand. 

"Alright, so first, I'll need you to concentrate on the memory of me catching the Snitch," Harry began, gesturing for Ron to focus. "Then, I'll use my wand to extract that specific memory strand from your mind."

Ron nodded, his brow furrowed in concentration as he recalled the exhilarating moment on the Quidditch pitch.

"Once I have the memory, I'll use the Memoria Videntia to charm it," Harry continued, tracing imaginary runes in the air to demonstrate. "This will stabilize the memory and prepare it for viewing without a Pensieve."

Ron watched intently, absorbing Harry's instructions with keen interest.

"Finally," Harry concluded, lowering his hand, "I'll place the enchanted memory into a special vial, and whoever taps it with their wand will activate the playback, just like a magical projector."

Ron grinned, impressed by the complexity of the spell. "That's brilliant, Harry! But are you sure you can pull it off?"

Harry grinned back, his confidence unwavering. "Of course, I reckon we'll have it sorted in no time. Trust me, Ron, it'll be worth it."

Ron nodded, feeling a surge of excitement. "Alright, let's do this then!" he exclaimed.

With a determined expression, Harry focused his wand on Ron's temple, delicately extracting the memory of the Quidditch match. He channeled his concentration, guiding the shimmering strand of recollection into the palm of his hand. He then proceeds to create a small glass vial and places the silvery memory strand in the vial.

He began the intricate process of casting Memoria Videntia, his wand tracing precise patterns in the air. He muttered "Memoria Videntia", weaving intricate runes to stabilize the memory and prepare it for playback. 

Harry begins by inscribing the Othala rune, symbolizing protection. Its intricate lines weave a barrier around the memory strands, shielding them from physical harm, magical interference, and any external disruptions. As Harry completes the rune, a shimmering aura envelops the vial, ensuring the preservation of the captured memory.

Ron, watching with fascination, couldn't help but ask, "What are those symbols you're drawing, Harry?"

"These are ancient runes, Ron" Harry replied, his voice steady with concentration. "Each one adds a layer of protection and functionality to the spell."

Next, Harry adds the Ingwaz rune, representing inner strength and illumination. Its radiant energy infuses the spell, enabling the memory strands to be projected and viewed without the need for a Pensieve. As Harry traces the Ingwaz, a subtle luminescence emanates from the vial.

Finally, Harry incorporates the Laguz rune, symbolizing flow and protection against the passage of time. Its fluid lines encircle the memory strands, creating a temporal barrier that safeguards them from the effects of aging, degradation, and decay. With Laguz in place, the memory remains immutable and untarnished, preserved in a timeless state within the enchanted vial.

"What does each rune do?" he inquired.

Harry, focused on his task but willing to explain, replied in between incantations, "The first one, Othala, protects the memory from harm. Ingwaz enables projection, allowing the memory to be viewed. And Laguz ensures it remains unaffected by time."

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The runes glowed a bright red as they merged seamlessly with each other before fading. The memory strand that previously was a deep silver color now glowed with a golden red hue indicating the success of the spell.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Harry decided to created three more copies of the memory. One would be sent to Sirius and one for his family, another for Ron to keep as a memento, and the last... well, that one was meant for Ginny, just for a bit of fun.

With another simple spell, Harry replicated the memory strands, each one shimmering with its own unique hue. Each enclosed within a glass vial, shimmering with a slight golden red hue.

As Ron observed Harry's skilled execution of the spell, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. His eyes widened in amazement as Harry deftly manipulated the magical energies, weaving intricate patterns with his wand.

But it wasn't just Harry's mastery of magic that caught Ron's attention. It was the wand itself – sleek and elegant, with a distinctly unique design. Ron had never seen anything like it before, and he found himself momentarily transfixed by its ethereal beauty.

As the enchanting glow of the spell illuminated Harry's features, Ron caught a glimpse of something unexpected – a faint shimmer of light dancing along the wand's surface, like wisps of silver flame. It was as if the wand itself was alive, pulsing with untold power. He had seen Harry's wand this close for the first time.

"Blimey," Ron muttered under his breath, his eyes widening in astonishment. "I suppose that is the wand you told us about?" he asked, his curiosity piqued as Harry finished with the spell. 

"Yes, this is Elythral, Ron.", Harry smiled at his friend's expression. Ron kind of felt bad about his wand now, which was Charlie's old wand. Harry knew that expression but smiled to himself as he knew it will not be long before the Weasleys were rich. And the twins probably would get him the wand by Christmas.

"Now come on, let's join the celebration downstairs. I'll send the memories off tomorrow morning" Harry said as he dragged Ron out of the dormitory to the common room. 

As they descended the stairs back into the common room, the lively atmosphere greeted them once more. Gryffindors were still buzzing with excitement, their voices mingling with laughter and music as they celebrated Hermione's birthday and Harry's Quidditch victory.

As they entered the room, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him. Despite the initial chaos and uncertainty, everything had turned out perfectly. Hermione was beaming with joy, surrounded by her friends and classmates, and the mood was positively electric.

"Harry, Ron, where have you two been?" Hermione called out, her eyes bright with excitement. "Come on! Fred and George are presenting there inventions"

Harry grinned, feeling a surge of happiness at the sight of his friends. "Sorry about that, Hermione. We were just sorting out a few things," he replied, making his way over to her side.

Ron followed close behind, his expression still filled with wonder as he glanced around the room. "Happy Birthday again, Hermione," he said, offering her a sheepish smile. 

Hermione blushed at the compliment, her cheeks flushing with pleasure. "Thank you, Ron." she said, her voice tinged with gratitude.

As they joined the festivities, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. Surrounded by his friends and fellow Gryffindors, he knew that this was where he belonged. And as he glanced around the room, taking in the joy and laughter that filled the air, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories they were creating together.

The party had gone on till late at night. Safe to say many most people were drunk by evening, including and not limited to Hermione and Ron. Harry smirked to himself, he had done the impossible, getting Hermione to drink. Before he helped them both to the dormitory, he cast a small charm to remove their drunk state but was careful enough not to remove the tiredness from them. After helping them to the dormitory, he came back down and helped whoever was too drunk to make it to the dormitories before going to bed himself. 

I gave out the detailed explanation of the spell so that it is easier to visualise it. I hope that is okay.

Alsiel_Acreators' thoughts