
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Book&Literature
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68 Chs

Embera and Library

After helping everyone to their dormitories making sure to perform charms to ensure they don't wake up with a hangover, Harry made it to his bed. He quickly took out the vials from his pocket and transferred them to his subspace pouch before changing into his pyjamas. He laid down on his bed, and thought about the day. It was quite a spectacular day indeed, he remembered his stunt in the quidditch match. He didn't even know what had made him do it, it was almost instinctive. He smiled as he remembered his teammates faces as they saw him pull the stunt. 

As Harry drifted off to sleep, his consciousness slipped into a realm of flickering flames and dancing shadows. The air was heavy with the scent of smoldering embers, and the crackle of the fire echoed in his ears. It felt oddly real, as if he could feel the heat licking at his skin and smell the acrid tang of burning wood.

"Well this is a first...I thought I would be seeing the snake creature in that other space like environment", Harry thought.

The flames that surrounded him were unlike any he had seen before. They flickered with a dark, blackish-red hue, casting eerie shadows that danced and twisted in the shifting light. It was as if the fire itself was alive, pulsating with an energy that seemed to be pulling him towards them.

As Harry looked around, the flames seemed to catch his eye, drawing him deeper into their mesmerizing dance. It was a sight he couldn't tear his gaze away from, a sight that seemed to hold some deeper significance, though he couldn't quite place it.

Then, as if guided by some unseen force, Harry extended his hand and conjured a small fireball, the flames dancing and swirling in his palm. And as he held the fire in his hand, he realized with a start that it was the very same fire that surrounded him, the very same fire that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

"That's weird", Harry thought.

He looked around the place, but could see nothing but fire everywhere. He could feel the heat of the fire, but it was more pleasant than it should be. And surprisingly when he bent down to touch the fire, it didn't burn him. Instead it seemed to be welcoming him towards it. As if he was meant to be here. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, as he felt the fire rejoice when he touched it. As if it was welcoming him home.

"Now it's getting super weird", Harry thought." and creepy".

As Harry stood amidst the swirling flames, his senses heightened by the magic in the surroundings, he suddenly felt a shift in the air. Without warning, a magnificent creature materialized before him, its form illuminated by the flickering flames. Startled by its sudden appearance, Harry stumbled backward in surprise, his heart pounding in his chest.

But before he could hit the ground, the flames around him seemed to come alive, reaching out like hands to catch him. They wrapped around him, lifting him gently and preventing him from falling. It was as if the fire itself was supporting him, guiding him back to his feet.

As Harry regained his balance, he gazed in wonder at the majestic creature before him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, its feathers shimmering with a celestial glow, and its eyes radiating with an otherworldly brilliance.

As Harry stood in awe before the bird, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by its otherworldly beauty. The creature stood tall and proud, its body adorned with feathers that seemed to dance with a celestial light. Each feather glowed with a soft, ethereal hue, casting shimmering reflections onto the surrounding flames.

The bird's wings stretched out majestically, spanning the expanse of the fiery realm with a graceful elegance. They seemed to pulse with a flame like energy, as if harnessing the very essence of the flames themselves. As the creature moved, the air around it shimmered with an vibrant aura.

Its eyes, the most striking feature of all, held a deep, ancient wisdom that seemed to pierce straight into Harry's soul. They glowed with a fiery intensity, illuminating the darkness of the realm with their radiant gaze. Harry felt a sense of awe wash over him as he met the bird's gaze, as if he were staring into the heart of a flame itself.

As Harry took in the sight before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration wash over him. 

"You are beautiful," Harry whispered in awe, his voice barely above a whisper, as he reached out a tentative hand toward the creature. But just as he was about to make contact, the bird spoke, its voice echoing with a strange, ancient resonance.

"Why thank you, young one," the bird said, its words sending a shiver down Harry's spine. He froze in place, his eyes wide with shock as he realized that the creature could speak.

"Who... who are you?" Harry stammered, his voice trembling with awe and disbelief.

The bird looked at Harry with a piercing gaze. It regarded him with a knowing gaze, its eyes twinkling with a wisdom that seemed to stretch beyond time itself. "I am the guardian of the Eternal Flame, the keeper of the sacred fire," the bird replied, its voice resonating with power and authority. "I am known by many names, but you may call me the Celestial Emberlord."

As the Celestial Emberlord finished speaking, a subtle shift occurred in the air, and Harry watched in astonishment as the birds form began to blur and reshape itself. With a shimmering light, the bird transformed into a radiant figure standing before him, her presence illuminating the fire-lit realm with an ethereal glow.

She stood before Harry, her form exuding an otherworldly beauty that left him breathless. Her eyes, a deep crimson hue, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within their depths, and her hair cascaded around her shoulders in waves of blackish-red fire, mirroring the flames that surrounded them.

Harry was awestruck by her appearance, captivated by the grace and majesty that radiated from her being. She seemed to embody the very essence of the fire itself, her presence commanding respect and reverence.

Would Ginny look like this when she is older? Wait where did that come from? Harry thought.

"Who....", Harry couldn't quite get the words out of his mouth. 

The lady regarded him with a serene smile, her eyes alight with an ancient wisdom that seemed to transcend time itself.

"I have already told you that, young one, but if it helps call me Embera", the lady replied with a smile. 

Harry shook his head to come out of his stupor. He then looked at the Embera again. She smiled at him. 

"It's been quite sometime since a person visited this realm."

Harry's mind raced with questions, but he found himself unable to articulate them in the presence of Embera's serene gaze. Instead, he simply nodded in response, his thoughts swirling with wonder and curiosity.

"It's... it's an honor to meet you, Embera," Harry finally managed to say, his voice tinged with awe. "But how did I end up here? And where exactly is this place?"

Embera's smile widened at Harry's questions, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You find yourself in the realm of fire, young one," she explained, her voice echoing softly in the fiery expanse around them. "A place where the flames dance with the rhythm of creation, and the embers hold the secrets of the cosmos. It is called the Eternal Pyre by many."

Harry's eyes widened in astonishment at her words, his mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what she was saying. "But... but how did I get here?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

Embera's smile remained gentle as she reached out to touch Harry's shoulder, her touch as warm as the flickering flames that surrounded them. "Now that is a question I would like the answer to myself" she explained. "For all you seem to be dreaming right now"

Harry tried to make sense of what was happening. He was dreaming but then again he was transported to a different realm when he was dreaming? Was he dreaming or was he not? First the snake like creature, now this phoenix like bird who calls herself the Celestial Emberlord? And she somehow turned into a lady? What exactly is happening here? And more importantly why is it happening to me?

Embera seemed to be able to guess that Harry was thinking a lot. She just patted his head, "Don't dwell too much on these things Harry"

"Time will reveal all the answers you need"

Harry just looked at her, more confused than ever. She chuckled at his expression and gently touched his cheeks, "Now go young one, or else you would be late for your breakfast". She gently flicked Harry's forehead and he found himself zooming away from her. 

Harry jerked awake and sat up in his bed. He looked around, and saw that is was just 6:13 am and Ron was still in bed. He scrunched his head to figure out why he had woken up so suddenly. He remembered having a weird dream but couldn't exactly remember what had happened in the dream. Or did he really dream? Or was it a nightmare?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember any detail of the dream. Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the loss of the dream. With a sigh, Harry pushed the thoughts aside and swung his legs out of bed, his mind already turning to the day ahead. He should send his mails first before heading to breakfast. He quickly got dressed and wrote three letters, each to Sirius, his mum, and Ginny. He then quickly made his way to the owlery. 

Once he had found Hedwig and given her some treats. He quickly attached the letters and the vial to her feet. He also cast a quick charm so that the letters or vials don't fall during the flight. Hedwig looked at Harry disdainfully while he did this, almost as if saying, "Oh you don't trust me huh?". 

"It's just added precaution girl. I trust you completely", Harry said while scratching her head. "Now make sure that you find Ginny when she is alone okay? I wouldn't want Mrs. Weasley to send me a howler as well. Because I am quite sure mum will"

Hedwig nipped Harry's fingers and flew off in the morning sky. Harry smiled and made his way back towards the common room. He stopped by the kitchen to get a mug of hot chocolate from Tinsel. Once back in the common room, Harry sat down with mug of chocolate near the window and quietly enjoyed it. Soon Ron made it to the room and sat down beside Harry rubbing his eyes.

"morning mate...how do you manage to wake up so early always?", he grumbled.

Harry chuckled, "my dreams always wake me up Ron"

Ron looked at Harry sharply, "You mean nightmares?". Harry shook his head, "Let's just say that I have quite the interesting dreams now and then, that manage to wake me up early"

Ron looked relieved at that and yawned. "Great, now what classes do we have today?"

Harry laughed, "We don't Ron, it's Sunday"

Ron eyes snapped open. The prospect of not having classes always seemed to be cheering him up, even though he would most likely be studying with Hermione. Or maybe the fact that he would be studying with Hermione was the thing that cheered him. Harry didn't comment on that but simply chuckled to himself. 

"So mate, you might have to spend today with Hermione. I have some rather important things that I have neglected so far, which I think I should get started with", Harry said in a serious tone. "Though I will be teaching you guys some stuff by midnight if possible" he added with a smile. 

As Harry explained his plans to Ron, Ron's face lit up with unexpected joy, but he couldn't help but feel a bit bashful about it. "Wait, seriously? You're leaving me to spend the day with Hermione?" he exclaimed, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks.

Harry noticed Ron's shyness and grinned knowingly. "Yep, that's the plan. You two can enjoy each other's company while I dive into some research."

Ron tried to play it cool, but his excitement was palpable. "Oh, uh, yeah, that sounds... great. Maybe she will teach me some potion" he muttered, his cheeks now a deep shade of crimson.

Harry chuckled at Ron's reaction, understanding his friend's feelings all too well. "Brilliant! Thanks, Harry! This is gonna be a great day."

Ron nodded eagerly, still trying to maintain his composure. "Yeah, definitely. Thanks, mate."

As Harry made his way out of the common room, Ron settled back onto the couch with a mixture of happiness and nervous anticipation, looking forward to a day of quality time with Hermione. Harry quickly made it to the seventh floor. He quickly spotted the tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls to do ballet. He walked past the wall thinking about a library with books that would let him understand the wards of Hogwarts and all kind of forbidden spells and rituals. As he walked by third time, he saw a door appear. 

As Harry stepped through the door that had materialized on the seventh floor, he found himself in a small but cozy library, illuminated by the soft glow of enchanted lanterns that hung from the ceiling. The room was lined with tall bookshelves, reaching up to the ceiling and overflowing with hundreds of ancient tomes and dusty volumes.

The air was heavy with the scent of old parchment and ink, and the soft rustling of pages filled the silence as Harry surveyed the room. A large wooden desk stood in the center of the library, flanked by a comfortable chair and a plush couch. On the desk, there was a single flickering candle and a quill, poised as if waiting for someone to begin writing.

As Harry approached the desk, he could see that it was littered with parchment and scattered notes, evidence of previous occupants who had made use of the space for their own research. He ran his fingers along the spines of the books that lined the shelves, marveling at the wealth of knowledge that lay before him.

"This will be the best day ever.", Harry smirked.

With a sense of excitement and anticipation, Harry settled into the chair behind the desk, feeling a surge of determination to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the pages of these ancient tomes. Now only if he could increase his speed of reading somehow. Then he mentally slapped himself. 

He quickly thought a parchment with a spell that could increase his reading speed hundred times. He opened his eyes to find a small parchment in his hand. In bold golden letters, there was a spell written in it with a small description. 

 "Cognitio Transcribere"

This spell, when cast, facilitates the instantaneous transfer of a book's entire contents directly into the reader's mind. With focused intent and a wave of the wand, the spell initiates a process of extracting, condensing, and transmitting the knowledge contained within the book as a stream of magical energy. This energy flows seamlessly into the reader's consciousness, imprinting the information into their brain with remarkable speed and clarity. Upon completion, the reader gains immediate comprehension of the book's contents, enabling rapid absorption of knowledge without the need for conventional reading.

Harry's eyes widened with excitement as he read the incantation on the parchment. The possibilities that this spell presented were beyond anything he had imagined. With a grin spreading across his face, he couldn't contain his delight.

"This is incredible," he murmured to himself, his voice filled with wonder. "No more hours spent pouring over books. No more struggling to absorb information. Just instant knowledge at my fingertips."

The thought of all the mysteries he could unravel and the skills he could acquire filled him with a sense of exhilaration. With newfound determination, he eagerly prepared to put the spell to the test, eager to unlock the vast depths of knowledge that awaited him in those new books. 

Harry pulled out the first book he could find from the shelf. The title read, "Secrets of the Dark Arts: Forbidden Knowledge and Taboo Practices." As Harry read the title, he thought, "I am not going to like this" 

Elythral materialised in his hand sensing his need. He pointed Elythral to the book and muttered "Cognitio Transcribere".

As Harry uttered the incantation "Cognitio Transcribere," a black aura emanated from the tip of his wand, enveloping the book in a soft darkness. The pages of the book seemed to come alive, their words pulsating with a silverish black energy. Suddenly, streams of glowing symbols and intricate patterns surged from the pages, swirling around Harry before coalescing into a radiant stream of light that flowed directly into his mind. In an instant, the vast knowledge contained within the book was transferred to Harry's consciousness, flooding his thoughts with insights and revelations about the dark arts. 

As the stream of knowledge surged into Harry's mind, he was overcome by a sudden and intense sensation of pressure, as if his skull were being crushed in a vice. A searing pain ripped through his consciousness, each word and concept from the book feeling like a hot iron pressed against his brain. Harry gritted his teeth against the agony, his muscles tensing as he struggled to maintain his focus. 

"Well that was not listed in the parchment", Harry said out loud after the pain faded. He shook his head. The newfound knowledge floating around in his head. Various spells, curses, jinxes, forbidden rituals etc all in his head. He knew everything about them including how to perform them and how to find out if someone has performed them. There was one ritual that Harry for the love of his life couldn't figure out the need. It included the sacrifice of 21 infants ripped from the wombs before cutting it's head off and drinking the blood. It is said that this might give the wizard ancient powers. Harry's mind recoiled at the description of such a heinous ritual, the very thought of it sending a shiver down his spine. The idea of sacrificing innocent infants for the pursuit of power was beyond comprehension, a vile and abhorrent act that seemed unthinkable to Harry. He couldn't fathom how anyone could stoop to such depths of depravity, and the mere existence of such dark knowledge filled him with a sense of dread and revulsion.