
Other worldly Android

This story follows the life of a other world enthusiast scientist yuji as he sent himself to another world to explore, until he found out he turned himself into a living Android in the process,as well as gain magical abilities, which he uses to advance his life and the life of others he meets along his way.

know_one_7828 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Other worldly Android

at winter, In the year 2110, in the city of Tokyo.., the scientist known as, Dr zaraki yuji, or yuji the 31year old , and other world enthusiast , was in his basement, it was dark and full of his books, machine parts and other scientific equipment.., he was typing away on his computer, and was surrounded by wire's.

"Almost!.., it's almost done, "says yuji" the gate way to another world..., after years of studying every subject of every class, after a long time of disbelief, just to get here,i have finally done it"yuji said as he remembers his past" .

I never really had any friend's or even a girlfriend, everyone always thought i was strange for wanting to go to other world's, my parents moved to Okinawa about 7 year's ago, and never called since, so i guess i won't be missed" yuji said as he got up and walked towards a spot light, that had an altar like structure beneath it.

"Well, this is it.., the final preparations are done"he said as he pulls out a vile from his lab coat.. and starts drinking it's content..."it took me a while, but, I was able to get this done on time..., this should ensure i survive the trip and help me when I get there" he thought as he drank the vile.

He then presses a button on the remote in his pocket, and the machine activates.., and slowly he starts to disappear, as light starts to eminate from the ground below.., then suddenly he disappears..,and then.., he finds himself falling down a dark void while his body glows.., it seems endless as he continues.., and he eventually blacks out.

[Unknown energy detected.. now assessing ].

"WELL!, will you look at that"says a distorted voice"this one might be trouble..,"he then awakens as he reaches a bright light.

"Wh-where,oh right... Hang on... could this be .., the light at the other side.., it's not so bad"he thought, while smiling as he crossed.., next thing, yuji then found himself in the sky...,(((;ꏿ_ꏿ;))).. and began to free fall.

"Wa-wait, wait, wait, wait...,wait! a moment, the machine isn't suppose to do this..," he yelled as he fell", damn it!, i thought these kinds sinerios were a trope!?...,"he then covers his face and brace's for impact.., and he crashed right into the ground creating a dust cloud, and a small crater on impact..,"it.. it looks like I'm still alive..., oh, right.., I forgot" he said as he got up "i gave myself the nanites earlier.., so i should be able to survive a great deal now.., but, was it always this strong tho ?".

He dust's himself off while looking around,... and finds himself at a rocky plains surrounded by mountains"so this is another world huh!,i..., i.. DID IT!"he yells with excitement.

"Alright!, time to go see more of this world"he then started walking towards a mountain.., "sigh "it's too bad, since this world is surrounded by a strange dimensional barrier,I can't bring any technology that isn't infused into a living being.., well it's a good thing I created the nanites,"a while later ,he reached a valley which seems to be close to a forest.

[Unknown energy assessment, complete... advance skill scavenger acquired].

"What!, who said that?" he said as he looked around "wait is the computer already active?.., was that you computer?".


"Odd, does the ai seems more advance"he thought.

[Correct..,due to dimensional barrier, to adapt the host's body for travel and survival, all nanites were required to fully merge with the host].

"Ok anyway...,(●__●), Wait What!?, what do you mean fully merged!?".

[Due to external orders given by host, all nanites were ordered to protect all individual host's cell's,by adapting them to the dimensional barrier and other world]

"I know that!, I mean.., I programmed you to draw some energy from the barrier and use it to strengthen my body, as well as keep you intact, since I couldn't find any other way to bring technology here".

[Correct, during process of travel unknown energy from the barrier, merged itself with all nanites and forced nanites to merge with all host's cell's]

"Wait, are you telling me I'm a robot"

[Negative, all nanites are merged with host's living cell's, so all living cell's are nanites... host's race added to data banks..host race... Android]

The ground then suddenly starts to quake, and yuji looks at the forest as a dust cloud was getting closer to him.

"What now?".

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