
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Cómic
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159 Chs

Kira's death

1 weeks later

"Haiz. I wonder what are they doing now." Jean watched the blue sky on a random park.

"Finding a broken arm person is not that hard, is it? Beside, Josuke's father has ability to divine the target he want to find. Why he didn't use it. I'm very confused."

Hermit Purple can give a piece of information. A piece of information is enough to find the clue where Kira is hiding. It's better than clueless.

She can recognize Kira who changed his face in a second as long as he stands before her eye's sight.

His face changed but his soul didn't.

Beside, their research had no result. She also heard that Stand User in this town increasing.

"There is another set of arrow in this town. Since when those arrow is easy to find."

It's undoubted that arrow belonged to Kira's side since new Stand Users are hostile towards Jotaro's side.

She also wondered why no one came for her.

She stared at the sky for a while.

"Whatever. Go to school first and think later. The sky is going to rain."

In a blink of eyes, the sky started raining at the moment she said that.

"The weather seems to be bad today. The rain is so sudden. Usually this will be a sign of bad event."

She checked her clock. It's 8:29 AM.

She stood up and went to school slowly.

She decided she will take a bus to school instead of walking like usual.

A bus came, she took a step on it. She thought she stepped on a bus but. The feeling is not right.

The bus before her was disappeared. Nothing was there.


"Did my eye deceive me?" she rubbed her eyes in puzzlement.

She looked around again and realized that. This place is not a bus stop.

"Damn. Does someone finally decide to attack me?" She raised vigilantly to her surrounding.

Many times later

"Ha ha. I am the winner here." Kira laughed out loud while taking a nurse as hospital.

"Time stop." Jotaro said. The world became silent. Only Jotaro can move freely in this world.

"I don't have enough time" Jotaro watched the distance between him and Kira. Inside he knew that he can't stop this.

If Kira used Bites the Dust now then everything will return to its trajectory. The next time, the chance for Kira's win is higher.

2 seconds is not enough to stop this. Even so, he tried his best to stop this.

2 seconds passed.

"Too late for you. Killer Queen. Bites the Dust." a nurse was exploded. Everything returned to the time 1 hour ago.

At this time, Kira who was walking on street suddenly stopped.

"Ha ha. It's my win." his body is excited after escaping in last seconds.

Because of this action, he unconsciously created completely a new universe. A unique universe where he succeeded pressing the button and going to past safe and sound.

Not like other universe where he died after this. In this brand new universe, there was no existence called Koichi. Original of this problem was meddled and changed by traveler.

That traveler, L/F, robbed the chance that Koichi becomes Stand User.

"Calm down, me. I still have a lot of time to do something. But first, I must teach that little guy a lesson first." he took out a clock from his pocket. It's 7:45 AM.

"Hmm. Wonderful." Kira made his way towards a boy named Hayato Kawajiri. He didn't kill him because Killer Queen's third bomb, Bites the Dust was on him that time.

Now the situation is different. He can kill that annoying brat and those who after him.

Starting with that boy and Rohan. And then, he slowly killed one by one.

He was too excited to contain his laugh. "Aw" he touched his left arm where Jean kicked. This is a scar that he couldn't forget.

"They didn't know me yet."

He walked away with menacing smile.


"Killer Queen." A explosion rang out blowing Hayato. Hayato was heavily wounded on the ground.

"Boy. You taught me a precious lesson and I learn from that."

Hayato grunting in pain changed his face's color.

"I don't need you anymore. You can die now" Killer Queen touched Hayato and threw him like a drag doll.

"Without this cat, you can't turn the table anymore." Kira held Stray Cat.

"Goodbye. I will take care of your mom well."

Hayato, for the first moment, want to cry out loud and call for help. But he knew no one will come.

"I will finish you before 8:30AM and Rohan at 8:30AM. You should thank me for giving a quick death."

The time is stop for Hayato but for Kira, the time is running very fast.

"3… 2… 1… Boom" Kira imitated bomb sound. A bomb exploded. A fierce fire swallowed Hayato.

In Kira's eye, Hayato was reduced to ash.

"Ha ha ha. That's what you deserve." Kira turned his head and saw Rohan riding an expensive car.

"You are next."

A rustling wind passed through his ears.

"Killer Queen" Kira shouted out. Killer Queen blocked a sudden attack.

"You are still killing people. Is it hard for you to contain your killing pleasure?" this legs, he didn't forget it.

An attacker retreated to secure safe distance.

"I remember you. You are that person at that time."

"Yeah. That's right." Jean replied with sense of humor.

"You shouldn't have appeared here."

"Appear here or last time. I have a doubt but that doubt was never on you."

"What doubt"

"Time keeps repeating at same point. I thought this was done by new Stand User but I never thought it was you."

"So, you can see Bites the Dust."

"I don't know why but I can keep my memory after time reset. However, that matter is not important. Kira. You are going to be stopped at this place. Any last word."

"I admit that I lost you last time but this time is different. Killer Queen, Bites the Dust can turn impossible into possible. You can't stop me now."

"No, you are wrong. I did." Jean summoned her own Stand. "Didn't you feel this place is too quiet for after you have done a big mess."

Kira looked around and indeed, it was so quiet as if he was in ghost town.

"There is no one coming for you so you can't use 3 bomb anymore."

"I wonder how you can do that."

"Easy. I'm just telling people around here that there is a big sale at supermarket. The biggest sale is 99%." Jean took out a book and pretended reading.

"You are not afraid of being beaten by those people."

"Comparing to you, being beaten by those people still a better choice. Beside, I can tell them that this is April Fool's prank."

"That doesn't change that I am a winner."

"Are you sure?" a deadly silence spread through space.

"Killer Queen. Blow that bitch away." using a cat in his hand, he created invisible bomb bubble.

Jean who is reading book opposite didn't move an inch. The bomb bubble floated slowly towards Jean. When it moved close enough.

"Catch you" Killer Queen pressed the button. 1 seconds passed. No explosion happened.

Jean looked at the bubble before her face blowing it back to Kira.

"Why the bomb don't explode."

"I will show you why." with a flick of hand, a Stray Cat in Killer Queen abdomen slowly transformed.

"Nani." that is no longer a cat that he knew. That thing turned into books. That book multiplied itself. Feeling the weight on its body, Killer Queen gradually bent his knees to the ground. Kira also partly felt that heavy.

"That stray cat has been replaced by me" Jean took a sip of cola. "And also that's boy."

Kira turned to the previous place that he blew up Hayato. Looking closer, he can see piece of burnt paper.

"I told that boy to call more help. You can't escape this time anymore." Jean looked at Kira's distress eyes. Kira can't do anything now beside grinding his teeth. Unless, he killed the woman before him.

"I have go this far. There is no way this is my ending. My luck is on my side." Kira lunged forwards despite being carried tons of books on him. Seeing him move easily with the weight of tons, Jean is a bit impressive.

"Did you make a deal with Issac Newton?" Jean looked at Kira charging like a mad beast. "Doesn't matter. I can run or" Jean's eye glinted a sharp light.

Like a speed of sound, Jean appeared behind him. "I can teach you an expensive lesson. Goddess of luck is never on your side." a sharp sound tore the air.

Kira can't turn his head but he can command Killer Queen blocking this attack precisely. But it's too fast and Killer Queen is too slow. A hard punch landed on Kira's face knocking out some of his teeth. Jean punched Kira too hard that it printed a punch shape on his cheek.

"I am not allowed you to escape this time anymore." Jean drew a knife from his pocket. "Breath of sound."

A sound of clashing blunt object reverberated. Killer Queen prevented a knife head millimeter from his artery at his neck.

"You should remember that I have Stand." From behind, Story Guilder punched straight into handle of knife. A fountain of blood spurted out.

"You bastard."

"Breath of Celestial." In a short moment, he can see his own body.

"What." Kira slammed into the ground and rolled on it until his head touched the wall.

Kira has officially death. While Jean, who killed Kira, tried to press her hand to stop blood from pouring out. A bone protruded from her wrist upwards. This is the result of using technique that human's body can't stand pressure from it.

"No one will die in your hands anymore." Jean hid Kira's corpse with books that made by her Stand.

"And no one will find your death." Jean picked the fragment of knife and left silently in the sound of rain.

In the street that stood between life and death, Reimi expressed a rare smile.

"So you have come, Kira. I have waited for you for too long."