
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Kira escape

Shigekiyo yelled and turned for a long run. "Killer Queen"

*Bam* One of his teeth was knocked out.

"Kira. Kira. Don't focus on my student. The only person you should focus now is me." It was Jean who gave a lovely kick.

Seeing a person who knew his identity far away with each second, Kira was shaking.

"It's April now. The temperature is not too cold to shake crazily for a guy like you. I thought all killer have cold blood but you prove me that I'm wrong"

Kira is shaking more violent than before. He started to bite his nail in distress. His nail is growing at visible rate.

"Looking more closer, I remember where did I see you."

Hearing this, Kira stopped bitting his nail.

"You are the one who killed Reimi Sugimoto." Jean said it loudly in slow motion. As if something breaks inside him, he raised his head to look directly into Jean's eyes.

"Where did you know that name?" his eyes are clear like the surface of lake. "And why my Killer Queen's ability can't active."

"Oh. You reclaim composed sooner than I thought. Whatever. That doesn't change the fact you are cornered by me."

"Cornered. By you. What are you talking about? Me being cornered by you." Kira gave Jean a deadly stare. But sadly, Jean saw this stare many time before so she didn't flinch a bit.

"How many people know Reimi Sugimoto?" he continued asking.

"That's a pity and unfortunate girl. What if I say, only me." Jean started to walk around to change the view constantly.

"I see. Look like I have to make you tell how many out there knowing this. Killer Queen."

"Hmm. Assassination kind. Not a bit deal for me." Jean just shrugged her shoulder in respond. "Allow me to introduce my Stand. Story Guilder" a entity reading book floated behind her.

"Oh. You are also the Stand User. How interesting."

"I heard your introduce about your Stand. Allow me to give you something in return." Jean leaned against the wall. "My Story Guilder has a special ability. An ability allows me to see anything in this world. Even a ghost"

"Ghost. Are you telling me that you met a soul of Reimi?"

"Indeed. Not only I can see ghost, I can see you turn that button into bomb."

Hearing this, Kira's expression didn't change. Despite the truth, Kira will never bow to his demise.

"That button of your contains deadly aura. I don't like that aura too much. It represents Death too much."

"Since you figure out, then I won't hide it from you." Kira revealed the button from his clothes on his palm. "I did turn this into bomb, this is Killer Queen's ability. First Bomb."

"I like its mechanics. Too bad. Your Killer Queen can only turn 1 object into bomb. Imaging. If your Killer Queen can do it without constraint, I will surely give you 6 star. Not talking a lie."

"You are a good observer but." Killer Queen flicked that button instantly. "Ka-boom" an explosion rang out.

"What can you do with your eyes anyway? Strength is more important than good eyes." An explosion exploded right in Jean's face.

"With this damage, I think you should go for a surgery"

"I don't think so." a voice rang out behind him. "Your face looks not perfect. Allow me to give you a little orthopedic surgery on that face." a high kick aimed for his face. "Killer Queen."

Killer Queen blocked a high kick. "It's good that I stay guard. I don't want to stall this match long so I will end you here."

A sharp sound tore the air. "Hahuh"

A broken piece of class stabbed on his shoulder. "You shouldn't forget that I have a Stand too."

Right behind him, Story Guilder which is no longer reading book anymore held broken glass on the ground.

"Thank to its support." Jean's legs touched the wall. A explosion sound exploded. A clean kick stomped into Kira's beautiful face. "Your Killer Queen's grip strength reduces significantly."

Kira with face planted on the ground gradually stood back up. "Look. You are now handsome in my eyes."

Kira with dislocated chin looked angrily. His eyes contained a rage of beast like a certain tiger that lost its teeth.

"I wonder why you can stand back up again. That kick is lethal than you thought."

Kira struggled to stand up.

"Look. I just want to kill you here so that my life can be more peaceful. You want to kill me and I want to kill you. 2 different person but with 1 goal. Bring it on. Last one standing is winner."

He spilled out his own blood.

"You do this won't be afraid that you will be detained by police."

"Don't worry. This is where I work. I know every corner in this place than you."

"Is that so. Killer Queen" Killer Queen moved closer with intention to fight in close range.

Jean opened the window and jumped out of it.

In Kira's view, Jean fell from the building. When he came near to check, they is no one there.

"Don't check the window like that." Jean already stood behind him. She hurriedly gave a vertical kick into his crotch. He fell from the window but was saved by his Killer Queen. Killer Queen's arm prevented from falling.

Kira felt this situation more and more stranger. How can she, a obvious human, appear behind him without notice?

"You are in deadly situation. This is floor 4. If you fall from here, even your Stand can't save you"

"You don't have to do that. You will be become a killer."

"Don't giving me a psychological blow. I won't hesitate before psycho. Beside, I know you are smart. Do you hear this tone a little bit familiar?"

A tone of music dangled along his eyes. He was music appreciator so he knew this song.

"Moonlight Sonata" On the air, Story Guilder was playing piano. Even students who evacuated the building earlier saw this strange phenomenon.

"Look. A floating piano."

"That's right. That is my welcome and goodbye gift." Jean said. "Please receive this"

Story Guilder walked away from piano like a professional piano, immediately piano lost altitude.

"Killer Queen" his Killer Queen gave up on hanging and fell to the ground along with the piano.

Jean who stood above looked the situation through the reflection on mirror.

A bright light ignited. Killer Queen had turned piano into bomb. An explosion blocked Jean's sight.

She didn't know he is alive or not. Using her Stand's eyes, she saw he was on 1 floor.

"So this is what happened." Killer Queen broke the leg of piano then turned the rest of piano into bomb. An explosion blocking Jean's eyes, and then he turned piano's leg into bomb. He exploded that leg to kill the speed of falling. But unfortunately, instead of landing on the tree, he landed on the first floor.

"What'a brave man" Jean came to Kira in hurry manner.

While Kira lost conscious, some rescue team picked him up and loaded him on ambulance. This time, he is a bit lucky. When the ambulance started to run, Jean was already on first floor and witnessed everything.

"Jee." she want to after that ambulance but her human's strength can't compare to that of engine of ambulance car.

Despite impossibility, she still chase after that ambulance with her own legs.

Ambulance went to far that she lost her sight.

"This will be fruitless." she took a shortcut where she predicted the ambulance will pass by.

Just as her expectation, ambulance was on her sight. She jumped on it and opened from behind.

The moment she opened the door, she was shocked. Everyone inside was killed and Kira was no longer found.

"Damn" she tried to guess his direction and continued her chasing.


Kira, who is bleeding hard, dragged his body to the store named "Cinderella".

That afternoon at a street where you can't turn around

"You say someone die."

"That's right. Another victims have fallen into his palm. I don't know how she met him but one thing doesn't change. She is dead. And also other people"

"Josuke. I told you that guy is creepy. Can we move our house to somewhere?"

"Shigekiyo. You said that sensei faced him in exchange for your escape."

"Yes. I'm too scared at that time. I was searching for you guys but you guys ran too fast."

"Yare yare. That guy is active now." Jotaro added.

"Are you sure sensei facing him?"

"Yes. That guy is too creepy. He carried human hand around. And he is going to kill me also."


"Are you saying that Jean-sensei is dead?" Okuyasu asked Reimi.

"I don't know who is Jean-sensei. I only know this time is a woman die." Reimi answered.

"Jean-sensei is dead now, isn't it?" Shigekiyo asked but this question didn't target anyone presented here.

"Don't talk like that. I'm still alive" A voice rang out.

"That's Jean-sensei. She is still alive" Jotaro's voice broke everyone's bad mood.

"Sensei. Where do you hurt?"

"I'm not hurt but that guy ran away somewhere." Jean tried to calm her Breath. "By the way, Aya Tsuji is dead."

"Aya Tsuji is dead" everyone exclaimed.

"Speaking a which, I don't see her here."

"That guy is dangerous. I don't want to involve in this matter anymore" some guys started to leave ahead.

"Telling me that guy's face. I will come and face him."

"Useless now. That guy changes face. He can be everyone now." Jean said a fact that made everyone shock.

Doesn't this mean that they can be died anytime?

"Jean-sensei. Please calm down. Tell me everything that you know about him."

Jean took a deep breath and told everything that she knew including his address, habit, Stand, …

"Remember. That guy has broken left arm. I entrust you from now on. I will go to home for rest now" Jean left after finishing what she had to do.

"Jotaro. How can we solve this guy?"

"I don't know but that guy is too dangerous. He mustn't allow to roam freely. Josuke and Okuyasu. I know this is hurry but we will come to his house this night. The meeting will be 6:30PM so go home and rest."

Josuke responded with nod.