
Oshi No Ko: Duet of Destinies

Orphanage walls whispered loneliness, but in Akira Ueno's heart burned a hunger for the spotlight. His voice, his moves were his only weapons against a world that saw him as invisible. Talent shows and underground gigs became his battlefields, fueled by dreams of escape and a desperate need to be seen. Whispers of record labels and fame swirled, a tantalizing glimmer just beyond his grasp. But fate took a cruel turn. A blinding flash, a truck, then darkness. Yet, a warm voice whispers a second chance, a new world. Transmigrated into the world of Oshi no Ko, Akira now holds the keys to potential stardom. Can he navigate this new path, and with a certain rising idol, discover how to love and be true to themselves? ====== Some more information before you hop into the fic: This book is very much inspired by the movie Yesterday and a fanfic I read: The Betrayed Hero and the Idol, but I want to keep the supernatural stuff to a minimum. Also, Akira will be using songs from this world as they don't exist in the world of Oshi No Ko. Akira is a performer, not a songwriter and the only one who would know the songs are not his is him. For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work. I am more familiar with pop and rnb music so that is what I will be using most likely Since the timeline in OnK is confusing, I am going to go ahead and make my own: Ai Birthday: Jan 25, 2002 Akira Birthday: June 11, 2002 Aqua and Ruby birthday: April 28, 2018 Date when Akira Transmigrates: October 3, 2019

XaviValentine · Cómic
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27 Chs

Family Matters

November 20, 2019

A persistent buzzing dragged me from the depths of sleep. I groaned, my hand fumbling for the source of the noise. My phone. My alarm.

I cracked one eye open, squinting at the harsh light of the screen. 4:30 AM. Shit.

Slowly, the pieces fell into place. The movie, the warmth of Ai beside me, the pull of exhaustion too strong to resist.

I turned my head, my gaze falling on Ai's sleeping form. In the dim light filtering through the curtains, she looked ethereal. Her face was relaxed, her lips parted slightly. A stray lock of hair had fallen across her cheek, fluttering with each gentle breath.

For a moment, I was transfixed. I wanted to stay, to watch the play of shadows across her face, to see her eyes flutter open in the soft light of dawn.

But the insistent buzz of my phone, now silenced but still flashing with notifications, pulled me back to reality.

Carefully, so as not to disturb her, I extracted myself from Ai's embrace. She stirred slightly, her brow furrowing, but didn't wake. I grabbed the blanket that had fallen to the floor and draped it over her, tucking it gently around her shoulders.

On silent feet, I made my way to the kitchen. I found a notepad and a pen, and scribbled a quick message.


Thank you for last night. Had to head out for practice. I'll call you later.



I propped the note on the coffee table, where she'd be sure to see it. With one last look at her sleeping form, I slipped out of the apartment and into the hallway.

As I walked the short distance to my own place, I kept feeling the warmth of Ai's apartment, the feeling of her in my arms, the simple act of falling asleep together on the couch... It had felt so right.

But there was no time to dwell on that now. The day was calling, and with it, all the responsibilities of my idol life. Practice, meetings, more practice... it never seemed to stop, but I loved every second of it.

Still, as I unlocked my door and stepped into the darkness of my apartment, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. That I was carrying a piece of that warmth, that belonging, with me.

With that thought tucked close to my heart, I began my morning routine, the memory of Ai's soft breathing a gentle echo in my mind.

The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon as I arrived at the studio, a travel mug of coffee clutched in my hand like a lifeline.

I pushed open the studio door, the familiar scent of polished wood and sweat hitting me. The others were already there, stretching and chatting quietly. Satoru looked up as I entered, a knowing grin on his face.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," he teased, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. "Late night?"

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't quite suppress the smile tugging at my lips. "Something like that," I replied, setting down my bag and joining them on the floor. "But I'm here now, ready to work. We've got a big day ahead of us."

Kenji nodded. "Takeshi mentioned something about a new PR rep coming in today. Apparently, we're gearing up for some major media coverage."

"About time," Hiroki chimed in, his leg extended in a perfect split. "With 'Dynamite' almost ready to drop, it's time for X-Factor to reclaim the spotlight."

"Then let's make sure we give them something to talk about," I said, clapping my hands together. "From the top, guys. Let's run through 'Dynamite' some more."

We took our positions, the opening beats of the song pulsing through the speakers. As I moved through the choreography, I could feel the difference. Our movements were sharper, more synchronized. Daisuke's rap flowed seamlessly into Kenji's soaring vocals, Satoru's adlibs adding an extra punch to the chorus.

But more than that, there was a new energy between us. A sense of unity, of shared purpose. The hours of grueling practice, the late nights spent perfecting harmonies and ironing out steps, it was all paying off.

As we hit the final pose, chests heaving and sweat dripping, I couldn't hold back my grin. This was it.

"Incredible, guys," I panted, grabbing my water bottle and taking a long swig. "If we perform like that, they won't know what hit them."

Satoru whooped, his energy seemingly boundless. "X-Factor is back and better than ever, baby!"

Even Kenji cracked a smile, his usually stern facade softening.

But as the adrenaline began to fade, my thoughts started to wander. To the scrutiny we were sure to face. Being an idol meant living under a microscope, every move analyzed and criticized.

Were we ready for that? Was I ready to navigate those treacherous waters?

I shook my head, banishing the doubts. We had to be ready. There was no other choice. This was our dream, our passion.

The sound of the studio door opening broke through my musings. I turned, expecting to see Takeshi, ready to guide us through another packed day.

But the figure that stepped into the room was unfamiliar. A woman, tall and sleek, with sharp eyes that seemed to take in everything at once.

Takeshi followed close behind, a rare smile on his usually stoic face. "Good morning, gentlemen. I'd like to introduce you to someone special. This is Yumi Fujiwara, your new publicist."

The woman, Yumi, inclined her head in greeting, her gaze sweeping over each of us in turn. When her eyes met mine, I felt a shiver down my spine. This was a woman who meant business.

"Pleasure to meet you all," she said, her voice smooth as silk. "I look forward to working with you, to showing the world the new and improved X-Factor."

This was it. The real work was about to begin. And one way or another, X-Factor would never be the same.

I glanced at my teammates and saw the readiness in their stances.

We were in this together. Come hell or high water, we would make our mark.

Dynamite indeed.

[Ai POV]

The first thing I noticed was the absence of warmth. Before I even opened my eyes, my body registered the cool emptiness beside me, the space where Akira had been.

I blinked awake, momentarily disoriented by the unfamiliar angle of the morning light. The events of the previous night came back to me in a rush - the premiere, the movie, falling asleep in Akira's arms.

A smile tugged at my lips, a pleasant flutter in my chest. It had been so long since I'd felt that kind of peace, that sense of rightness, if ever.

I sat up, stretching out the kinks in my muscles. The TV screen was dark, the room quiet save for the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. I glanced around, half-expecting to see Akira in the kitchen, maybe brewing a pot of coffee.

But the apartment was still. Silent.

My gaze fell on the coffee table, where a scrap of paper lay. Curious, I reached for it, my heart quickening as I recognized Akira's handwriting.

"Ai, Thank you for last night. Had to head out for practice. I'll call you later. Yours, Akira"

I traced the words with my fingertip, a lump forming in my throat. "Yours." Such a simple word, but it held a world of promise.

I clutched the note to my chest, a giddy laugh bubbling up.

This was Akira. The man who understood me like no one else, who saw past the idol facade to the real me beneath.

Waking up without him, finding his note... it was a bittersweet reminder of the life we led. The stolen moments, the snatched bits of normalcy amidst the chaos of our careers.

But it was also hope. A hope for more mornings like this, more nights spent in each other's arms. A future where we didn't have to hide, where we could just be Ai and Akira, two people in love.

I closed my eyes, picturing that future. Lazy Sundays spent cooking breakfast together, evenings curled up on the couch with a good movie. Family outings with Ruby and Aqua, filled with laughter and ice cream and silly games.

It was a dream, but for the first time, it felt within reach.

The sharp knock at the door shattered my daydream. I jumped, my heart racing. Who could be visiting?

I hastily folded Akira's note, tucking it into my pocket like a precious secret. With a final glance around the living room, making sure everything was in order, I hurried to the door.

"One second!" I called out, running a hand through my sleep-mussed hair.

I took a deep breath, composing myself. No matter who was on the other side of that door, I was ready to face the day.

Because I had something I hadn't had in a long time. Something precious and unshakeable.

I had hope. I had love.

I had Akira.

And with that knowledge nestled warm in my heart, I opened the door, a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

The future was bright. And I was ready to embrace it, come what may.

[Akira POV]

As Yumi Fujiwara settled into her seat, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of nervousness. Her posture was perfect, her gaze sharp. "Alright, gentlemen. Let's get down to business."

She opened a sleek leather portfolio, the X-Factor logo embossed on the cover. "As you know, your comeback is generating a lot of buzz. The media is clamoring for interviews, eager to get the scoop on the new and improved X-Factor."

Satoru leaned forward. "Bring it on! I was born ready for the spotlight."

I saw Yumi's lips twitch, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Satoru. But we need to be strategic about this. Your public image is just as important as your music."

She turned a page in her portfolio, her expression turning serious. "Which brings me to my first point. Is there anything I should know? Any potential scandals, girlfriends, skeletons in the closet?"

I felt the room fall silent, the gravity of her question sinking in. Hiroki shifted uncomfortably in his seat, while Daisuke suddenly found his shoelaces incredibly interesting.

Kenji was the first to speak, his voice steady. "I have nothing to hide. My life is my music."

Yumi nodded, making a note. "Good. That's the kind of dedication we like to see."

Her gaze turned to Satoru, who flashed a cheeky grin. "I'm an open book, babe. My fans know everything about me."

Yumi raised an eyebrow. "Everything? Even about that incident in Shibuya last Halloween?"

I saw Satoru's grin falter, a flicker of panic in his eyes. "Uh, well, maybe not everything..."

Yumi sighed, jotting down another note. "We'll work on your discretion, Satoru. The public doesn't need to know every detail of your life."

Then, her attention shifted to me, her pen poised over the paper. "And you, Akira? As the leader, your image is especially important. Anything we should be aware of?"

I hesitated, a war of emotions raging inside me. I glanced at my teammates, at the expectant look on Yumi's face.

"Well," I began, my voice carefully neutral. "There is something. Or rather, someone."

I could feel the room holding its breath, all eyes on me. Even Yumi looked surprised, her pen hovering over the page.

"I have... a special someone," I said, choosing my words carefully. "Someone who means a great deal to me."

Hiroki's jaw dropped, while Satoru let out a low whistle. Kenji's eyebrows shot up, disappearing into his hair.

"And," I continued, my voice growing stronger, "I also have kids. Not mine biologically, but kids I care for. Kids who are a big part of my life."

The silence that followed was deafening. Yumi stared at me, her expression unreadable. Daisuke's eyes were wide as saucers, while Satoru looked like he'd been hit over the head with a sledgehammer.

It was Kenji who broke the stillness, his voice rougher than usual. "How long has this been going on?"

I met his gaze steadily. "A little while. It's not something I've broadcast, for obvious reasons. But it's a part of who I am. And I don't want to hide it."

Yumi cleared her throat, drawing the attention back to herself. "Well, this is certainly unexpected. But not insurmountable."

She made a few rapid notes, her brow furrowed in thought. "We'll need to handle this delicately. The idol life doesn't exactly lend itself to domestic bliss."

I nodded, my shoulders squared. "I understand. But I won't lie about it either. If I'm asked, I'll tell the truth. I'll just be careful about how much I reveal."

Yumi considered this for a moment, then inclined her head. "Fair enough. We can work with that."

She turned to the rest of the group, her gaze assessing. "This goes for all of you. Honesty is important, but so is discretion. Think carefully about what you share, and how it might be perceived."

The boys nodded solemnly, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

"Good. Now, let's talk about the interviews themselves. It's not just about what you say, but how you say it."

She walked us through a mock interview session, roleplaying as a journalist and firing off probing questions. She coached Daisuke on projecting confidence despite his shy nature, and reined in Satoru's tendency to overshare.

But through it all, I could feel her focus keep returning to me. Her gaze was assessing, calculating. I met it head-on, my resolve unwavering.

I was X-Factor's leader. But more than that, I was a man in love. A man with a family. And I would protect them, even as I chased my dreams.

The world was about to be introduced to Akira Ueno. And I was ready for it.