
Original Emperor

Follow the incredible journey of Max, a humble orphan from planet Earth who unexpectedly finds himself transported to The Whispering Wilds, a massive Wilderness within an unfamiliar planet. In this Dangerous Domain, Max is tasked with a responsibility he never asked for, forced to take care of a territory deep within lands able to take his life in the blink of an eye, while also having to take care of an ever-growing number of subjects with different mentalities, cultures, races, and beliefs, Lifting another heavy burden which is the life of his people alongside his. As Max progresses in his story, he experiences countless hardships, challenges, struggles, and catastrophes, So much for a job he never asked for, but cannot let go of due to his own ambitions, goals, and other reasons resulting from the consequences of his journey.

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20 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: I'm Max, An Orphan From Earth.

All Subjects stood close to the now Modified and bigger hut as Jeff was especially shaken by what he saw.

"Oh, My Heavens! Will you even be in need of me as a carpenter, My Lord?" He said as he who stood by the side all this time finally couldn't keep his act together, he voiced out in worry as he looked at the magic of Max's Work.

"Yes, and in serious need of your experience, vision, and when it comes to the objects we will need very soon for the coming subjects' houses." Max said in a serious tone.

"I see! Very well, My Lord." Jeff finally calmed down as his respect for his lord and loyalty rose a bit.

"Now, Now, let us get to know each other more." Max said as he welcomed them in the Middle Room.

All 7 of them soon assembled and sat down. The atmosphere quickly changed and Max looked more like Tiara and Old Red's son as he sat to Old Red's left and Tiara's right and only Othman separated them, Aria sat to her left and finally Darek and Jeff finished the circle.

"Let me begin by introducing myself." Max said once everyone was set.

"I'm Max, Just Max, I'm an Orphan from Earth, and I'm 17 years old. I've been summoned here as a Lord and I have taken this responsibility and will do my best to fulfill it. This is Old Red, my assistant, please consider him as me and don't mind his way of doing things." Max finished his introduction with a smile.

"Ohhhh, What a sweet child, Come here, Give this lady a hug!" Tiara's motherly instinct once again took over as she launched herself on Max and patted his hair.

Max was also trying to struggle free but something kept him from doing so, he stayed there until Tiara finished her thing, then fixed his hair and sat back down. Tiara however changed her seat as she put herself in between Othman and Max, both of them looked at each other and sighed.

That was when a brotherhood was formed.

"Ehhem, Let's continue." Max coughed and said.

"Very well, I shall tell you my backstory." Jeff stated.

"I am from planet Lekora as I've stated before, a planet which has fantastically reached an era of Industrial Revolution, We have made many incredible innovations as carriages capable of traversing large distances could be seen in every street, Large bird like machines that we used to travel all the way to the other side of the world were created, and objects called the telephones that allowed us to communicate with our family and friends hundreds of kilometers away were widespread." Jeff said excitedly before he looked at the faces of his comrades.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No no no! Don't mind my question, but did you guys have a thing called a television?" Tiara asked.

"Oh, that square thing! I'm surprised you guys know about it, did you have them too?"

"Ummm..." beside Old Red, all 5 looked at each other and after reaching a consensus Tiara said.

"Personally I came from the Zetra Revolution Era of my Planet, and our technology... Is probably around a hundred years ahead of yours..."

"Oh Great Heavens! What kind of terrifying advancements have you made? I wouldn't guess very far, but from your faces it seems like we are barbarians in your eyes." Jeff said in shock.

"Excuse me, Miss Tiara..." Aria looked at Tiara inquisitively.

"Yes, Honey?" Tiara replied sweetly.

"Umm..." Aria looked surprised before she smiled and said.

"I'm just intrigued, what do you mean by the Zetra Revolution Era? I am a citizen of Zetra and if I remember correctly I was from Emperor Ratius' Era."

"Oh, you seem to be from the previous era, around... 10 years earlier than when I died probably. You see, dear, An Organization by the name of our planet that showed up 5 years before the last Era dominated Planet Zetra and officially sent those lazy tyrants to their grave, making our dear planet a Haven for maidens." Tiara said proudly as she gestured with her hands that were also masked with gloves.

"Ohhhh!" Aria was happily surprised as her smile further intensified.

"So for your question, Sir Jeff. Yes, to give you an example we were able to reach our Moons, and also 3 of the planets in our Solar System, we have begun to create civilization in those planets and our computers are able to single handedly fight every single problem we've had for hundreds of years." Tiara looked at Jeff and said.

"Oh My Great Heavens! Is that true?" He looked at Max and Othman.

"W-well, something... similar happened to us." Othman said.

"Well it seems, Miss Tiara's World is a few years more advanced than us." Max said.

"Were your planets Male dominated or Female dominated?" Aria asked.

"What?" Max said in surprise.

"Mine was Female Dominated, Though, I was lucky enough to be the son of a duchess." Darek, who was silent in his own corner, finally spoke.

"Oh, no wonder you're so cheesy." Tiara said in mockery.

"What about you, Othman?" she added as she turned to look at him.

"Me too, it was Female Dominated, I was... I was an orphan an- and a Slave in a Baronnesse's Estate. So I... probably didn't have it as easy as Darek..." As soon as Othman finished speaking Tiara launched herself at him giving him another hug.

"You poor Soul!" She said in a sad tone, she then brought Max in the hug too and said.

"Then this Lady shall be your Mother from this day on! Call me, Mama Tiara!" she raised her finger and declared.

"I think that's a bit too fa- Yes, Ma'am." Max who was about to talk was shut down by Tiara sudden ominous stare that he felt even with her veil.
