
Only Another History

It's eternity, so after created a new dimension in my room, let's eat popcorn and drink some juice, this is life, becouse it's show time... Leon, after dying of old age, wakes up with his young body, in another world ... 'King Arthur? Is it not obvious that you are a woman? ' 'Isn't that Escanor bartender?' 'Oh my God, Jesus Christ in person' 'what crazy world is this?' World of origin? *Characteristics of the following works: *Nanatsu no taizai *HighSchool DxD *Fullmetal Alchemist *Granblue fantasy *Assassins Creed - series *End of the world *Xianxia *I will be creating some stories that precede the original works or that are a complement. * The copyright of the image belongs to its creator, if there is any problem, notify me. * Any character in the story belongs to their respective creators, minus the original characters of course.

SolrakRK · Fantasía
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16 Chs


Pov (Unknown)

In a place whose location cannot be defined ....

The mysterious Kingdom of Heaven.

A palace that could only be described as "divine", all made of material similar to being white marble, but even better, covered with golden details, whose brightness confuses those who look, making them question whether it is real or illusory, whose own material shines in a glow that blends in gold and white.

When observing from a distance, the palace has 4 entrances, one in each cardinal direction.

In the central part, a great throne can be seen, and on it sits the "almighty God", who cares and leads over all those who accept him, and who is responsible for the souls of all mortal beings.

And around him, those known as "Seraph", who are the Guardian Angels of the Throne of Heaven, and their most striking features are the 6 pairs of wings, and are among the strongest angels created by the power of God.

"Father, the forces of the alliance that are in conflict at the border of the great forest are being able to keep up with the enemy's offensive, no energy of divine class beings has been found in the region"

"And according to the new information gathered, some mid-level freaks are moving towards the kingdom of Britannia, and according to military force, they will not be able to cope with the invasion. "

After the report provided by the seraph, all those present wait for the decision of their Sovereign.

Like the one who knows all things, the one who is everywhere, and the one who can do everything, his words are the truth that all who hear him obey.

In his soft but powerful voice, He spoke.


One of the seraphim, whose name bears the meaning of "strong man of God", "stronghold of God" and "messenger of God", presents himself before the Lord.

"Here I am, Father"

[Send my message to the priest of the church of Britannia, "behold, I say it, the time has come to choose the next king, the king will have the strength to deliver the kingdom from destruction.]

"I will go immediately to my father"

Bowing, he turns around, and in the blink of an eye, his shadow is no longer found in the Kingdom of Heaven.

[Michael, prepare your forces, in 1 month go to the abandoned territory, the seal is losing strength due to the frequent attack received, strengthen the seal and prevent the aberrations from entering the territory, if necessary, ask for help to the cultivators near the fortress of Haze. ]

[Uriel, Ariel, you will be the backup if the situation gets worse. ]

"" As you wish, father. ""

Ariel, whose name is "fire from God" and Uriel which means "the Lord is light", readily accept the order.

[For others who do not have a specific task, continue with your duties. ]

"Gabile, communicate your presence"

After receiving permission, an 8-winged female angel enters the throne room, and kneels in a sign of respect, but the happiness of being called in person cannot be hidden in her face.

[Gabile, go to Britannia, in the region of the city of Halks, your mission is to find and protect a man named Leonardo, when you find him, you will know that it is him, seal your power to the minimum level to avoid affecting ordinary humans, and draw unnecessary attention. ]

"I will carry out my mission successfully, father. "

'This world cannot afford to leave someone with a destiny with so many variables, to die before he can even be ready for battle'

['If I interfere more than that, I'd be weakening you in the end ...']


Pov (MC)

[I've been waiting for your call, son. ]

[Your words echo in my ear even before you came to this world, and your knowledge of me comes from times that will still occur, tell me, what do you hide from those around you, that fills your heart with discouragement? ]

Lifting my head, I look around, but I can't find anyone, but institutionally I already know the owner of that voice.

"Father, you know my heart, I ask you to show me a direction, like a foreigner far from my homeland, lost without direction, so I feel, therefore, simply walking without a goal, it corrodes my interior. "

"So when I thought I would have rest for my soul, I find myself in a strange world, which is in the middle of the destruction process, this development is happening very fast to follow, and since I got here, I have been able to be distracted by the events around me, but when I empty my mind, that feeling of incongruity gets stronger. "

"And because of that,' I lift my eyes to the hills; where does the help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. '' When you cannot find the solution yourself, it means that the solution is not with you, 'then I will seek the one who can help me, the one who knows me, because if I allow my spirit to get sick, it will be very difficult to recover when you progress to a state of deep depression. "

[even if I tell you the answer you want, and point you in the direction to go, you already have it in your heart, when you don't know how to do it, and feel lost ...]

"Stop, breathe, think about what you want to do, and what to do to achieve them ..."

[So son, what is your dream?]


[Living beings are only called living, because they chase something, be it the simplest, or the most complicated things, but regardless, they chase what they want to do, in other words, the desires move people. ]

[When you, in your old age, already lived the fulfillment of your desires, and died having lived a full life, you were full, but when your memories were taken away, it left a void in your heart]

[the desires of the moment, when fulfilled, they end in momentary satisfaction, and soon, another desire is born to satisfy, but eternal desires, they are not simple, they are a way of life, and in your case, although you know that your wish has been fulfilled, your wish is not something momentary, but something constant.]

[Even though you are aware of it, it is difficult to accept, and this contradiction is what consumes you. ]

[So son, what is your dream? What is your goal? Be it old or new, what do you want to do? ]


As I review my memories, tears are streaming down my face like a tap that was left open, from my childhood, adolescence, maturity, to my deathbed, so many achievements, feats produced, although I don't remember them all, and not even those who should be part of it, my main wish, throughout my life, was only one ...

"I just want to live in peace with my family"

So I also remember, that one day I spent here, those that I talked about, the smiles, the conversations, the life of each one, the warmth I felt while sharing the dinner table, the feeling of being part of a family, of be present with everyone ...

'That was what was bothering me'

"No matter how many times the memory is erased or changed, the soul does not forget the bonds that were made"



[Her name]

[A gift for wiping out a heart demon before he was even born. ]

"Thanks dad"

"What should i do to ..."

[the rules for determining who wins eternal life, whether to win a second chance or to be sent to hell, are simpler here, just be an enemy of injustice, and be just and upright, and do the works of good]

"And, you know, if by any chance, there is the possibility that I want to make all those who share a bond with me, happy? "

Although somewhat embarrassing, I bite the bullet and speak my thoughts, how does something hide from the one who knows everything? Isn't that stupid?

[In this world, as long as there is love, and not being an incestuous relationship, polygamy is widely recognized, after all, because it is a time of war, the world's female population is 6 out of 10, and in some races, it reaches the incredible 99 out of 100, it is of course, excluding those that are breeds with only female individuals]

"Again, thank you dad. "

[No matter the moment, or what the situation is, 'Can a woman forget her still-breastfeeding child, so that she doesn't feel sorry for the child in her womb? But even if she forgets about him, I will nevertheless forget about you.' My words are alive, and it may pass as long as it is, my word will prevail. ]

[When the situation is unfavorable, and you can't take it anymore, and you feel weak, then just call out the name that has all the power, because I can only act in the life of those who allow me to be used.]

"I understand, thanks dad"

[um, good luck in training, you still have 76 hours and 59 minutes to use, as a being born of love and full of love, you already have enough.]

Although a very surprised, after thinking a little, I do not try to think anymore, after all, the word "omnipotent", is not just a word of decoration.

'Not only has it helped me to stabilize my spirit that was at the beginning of depression, but it has also become an emotional pillar that will not allow me to "break" so easily, incredible.'

'Well, it's time to start doing what I came to do'


"Enable skills training"