
Only Another History

It's eternity, so after created a new dimension in my room, let's eat popcorn and drink some juice, this is life, becouse it's show time... Leon, after dying of old age, wakes up with his young body, in another world ... 'King Arthur? Is it not obvious that you are a woman? ' 'Isn't that Escanor bartender?' 'Oh my God, Jesus Christ in person' 'what crazy world is this?' World of origin? *Characteristics of the following works: *Nanatsu no taizai *HighSchool DxD *Fullmetal Alchemist *Granblue fantasy *Assassins Creed - series *End of the world *Xianxia *I will be creating some stories that precede the original works or that are a complement. * The copyright of the image belongs to its creator, if there is any problem, notify me. * Any character in the story belongs to their respective creators, minus the original characters of course.

SolrakRK · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Training room


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It is an explanation of the moment of weakness during the conversation in the previous chapter.

For those who may have doubts about the apparent psychological weakness that our MC showed, remember, the MC is not a young man, he is not someone who had nothing, on the contrary, he is a man, at the end of his natural life , where he lived the most of his normal and natural life, together with his family, children, grandchildren, with his faith in his religion and his family as two spiritual supports, then.

What was present in his life, from one hour to another it is gone, you remember that you had a family, but you don't remember who they are, the emptiness that opens, destabilizes your emotional, and being someone with an open mind and receptive to opinions, intelligent and thoughtful, he realizes the lack of incongruity, but decides not to think in this.

Remembering that not a single day has passed since his arrival, then, when his mind relaxes and processes the fact of the God he believed in the past, it exists and is physically present in the current world, the emotions contained, flood it with in one time, completely venting what had been held back since his arrival.

It may seem that it is very forced, but think, your desires in this life are complete, and you have already conformed to your death, there is no way to simply leave everything that was experienced from one hour to the next, as if nothing had happened, this is not a natural human reaction, as I said at the beginning, he wasn't an orphan, he wasn't hated, he didn't hate the world, he wasn't excluded, he's normal, with a normal life, with normal thoughts, who didn't even think that would travel to another world.

On the superior intellect, no spoiler, I will put a flashback during some chapters so as not to be in the monotomy of fantasy world.

Thanks to anyone who decided to read the explanation.

and now the Chapter.


[Training started]

I can't help feeling shocked by the scenario that unfolds in front of me.

Buildings begin to take shape and take the form of a building like the quarters in the Middle Ages, surrounded by a simple wall, which should serve as a complement to the designer, several buildings, which look like warehouses, training dojos, open yards, literally as a new world that appeared in the blink of an eye.

As the main immediate objective, it is to achieve a synchronism with the knowledge of fights, with the condition of the body.

In front of a circuit that trains control over the body, as if he were looking at the training room shown in the movie "Kung Fu Panda".

'This is too much, isn't it?'

Without thinking twice, I close the door and turn in the opposite direction.

"Who is crazy to do this without having at least a mastery of martial arts? I am not a panda. "

Going towards the dojo, I prepare some equipment, with a collection that depends on the imagination, the variations are endless.

After focusing my mind, I look towards my opponent, a combat mannequin in human form, or it should appear, with several moving parts, that respond to the speed proportional to the applied force, besides hurting a lot when it is not blocked, besides improving the coordination of work between the hands, arms and legs, improves the reaction speed with the practitioner's own speed.

It may not seem, but the art of self-defense, which usually encompasses the strategy of "not being beaten", is the best against opponents who are stronger, my choice when I was younger, was Hapkidô, more than 5 years of practice guaranteed me the title of Mestre, black belt of 4th Dan, with fast and flexible movements, but with high destructive power, allowing the use of a wide range of objects, be it with bats, swords, knives and other types of weapons.

As it is done for self-defense, the destruction part may not be very developed, but nothing prevents me from changing the techniques.

But, no matter what you do, the more proficient you are in the basics, the more deadly you can become.

Thinking about it, the man known as Saitama, is the best example, there is no need for big movements, the most simple and direct is the most powerful

Fiction or not, the words are not wrong.

"Haa" * blow *

* Dodge *, * block *,

* dodge *, * dodge *, * block *.


"Master, is this really necessary? "

The young man looks at the old man next to him and asks

"I have been training with this doll for more than 3 months, when can I have a training session with others? "

"Have you started now and already want to run for a fight?"

"well, very good"


"Come with everything, I will be your opponent! "





'As you perform these monotonous movements, the movements are recorded in your muscles, and they react on their own even if you are not thinking. '

'remember this well boy, in a fight, the one who loses patience, makes a mistake, and only one mistake decides everything, even if your emotions are in turmoil, always analyze the situation around you, and don't let them cloud your thoughts'

'The emotions are yours, but you are not your emotion'

[End of the flashback]

'Wait for the perfect moment, just a single moment defines victory for defeat ...'

'And when the time comes, attack when your opponent makes a mistake and he can't defend himself !!!'

* impact ** Shard *


'Thank you for your teachings, Master'

As I feel nostalgic, looking at what's left of the wooden doll, a smile forms in my mouth.

"It is very good to feel the strength of youth once again"


[Time remaining 26 hours and 35 minutes]

After more than two days of training, I can finally incorporate the dormant knowledge into a fight itself.

I could start training on energy manipulation or start to awaken the use of the spiritual sense, but for now, I will focus on improving my physical skills and the mastery training of other skills, until I can win the first "test of truth", I will spare myself from increasing my opponent's strength.

'Seriously, mastery of my abilities, and the same thought process, if I start using physical strengthening magic, as an example, while I increase power by 10 as a beginner, my look-alike who will have better control can increase in 100, who is crazy to pierce their own eyes like that? '

"Start combat training"

After training, without an opportunity to put them into practice, knowledge is not fully absorbed, just 50 hours is not enough.

[Starting Combat Training]

[Indicate the specification

Opponent type

Fighting power

Opponent number]

"Opponent: corrupt, for power, start with normal strength, and increase exponentially in each phase, before increasing power, increase the number from 1 to 10 at the same strength level"

* Brightness * *flash*

Looking around, I find myself in a huge coliseum, it seems, it is an arena like those seen in movies, a cracking sun and incredible heat due to having no clouds.

[Choose weapons to be used in battle]

"I will start in unarmed combat, I will only wear battle gloves"

'After all, it would be a waste to use weapons when I practiced unarmed combat skills'

When I look ahead, in a beam of light, a corrupted one appears, and without waiting, it is already thrown in my direction.

But this time, without risk of being contaminated, I must at least find out the level of strength ...

Or is that what I thought ...

* Crack *

"Ugh !!!"

With just a flick of his claws, in a position to block with the back of the glove, I just hear my arm being bent in an unnatural direction without the slightest resistance.

'It hurts, it hurts, it hurts a lot, what the fuc*!!!!'

As I grit my teeth, I remember again, bodies with natural force limiters unlocked, have superhuman strength, it is not something that the natural body can block when it encounters it.

As I take advantage of the force of the impact to get out of the creature's front, I pull back a little without taking my eyes off the opponent.

Even though I felt great pain with each movement of the arm, and only having the right arm to use, remembering not to try to block these monsters without the strength to warm up the impact.

'But this is also good, if I tried to do that at that time, the consequences would be disastrous.'

I return to my position earlier, working with the body on the side with my right hand in front of me and ready for the opponent's arrival.

When the corrupt regains his posture and begins his advance again with his claw attack, I use my hand to redirect the path of the claws while using my footwork to keep my distance and avoid the spurts of speed when he kicks the ground and moves forward at an absurd speed.


After 20 minutes of relentless fighting, if you can say that, my breathing is already heavy, my muscles are sore from continuous effort, my arm that I use to deflect attacks is burning with every action after redirecting the attacks countless times .

My body has countless injuries, and the poison that is being injected into me through the claws and blood of the corrupt is further deteriorating my situation.

Looking at my opponent, who remains in full force even after so long on the move, it only reinforces the terror that is corrupt, if this were not a spiritual world, and a real battle, even if I won, death would be guaranteed, and the only right thought that I acquire through struggle ...

After dodging the onslaught again, with a movement of the feet, I turn with my right hand on the head of the corrupt, forcing him against the ground, and using his own strength and speed, I smash the head at once ...



As my body begins to regenerate like a magic step, the way to deal with the corrupt after studying my initial struggle is.

'Kill them as quickly as possible without letting them attack'

"Until I have a strong body to warm up this monstrous force, or a means of strengthening my body to do the same, there is no chance of facing them in a frontal battle"

Even when fighting only one, each is an eminent mortal danger, each can kill with one stroke.

"Thinking about it, the shield-bearing villagers, without a doubt, are exceptional, and it shows the difference between those who can use magic empowerment and those who can't"

I rejoice in the careful thought I had when facing the 3 corrupt, eliminating more quickly without being hit, otherwise, I would have died right there.

[Complete recovery]

[Do you want to start the next battle?]

I get up from the floor, as if nothing happened a few seconds ago, even my clothes are back without any bloodstains.

With more complete information about my opponents, extracted from the first battle, the chances of defeating the corrupt in one-on-one fighting increase even more.

"Yes, proceed with the battle"

With a confident expression, with a determined look, and with a smile that is formed by emotion when fighting with your life on the line.

I patiently wait for my opponents to come to me.

Taking a stand, I stare at them as I sidestep and redirect their attacks ...

'I must get used to the way of fighting at each stage, the goal is not to kill, but to gain the experience of battle, something that is not possible on peaceful Earth.'

For my dreams, and for the people I want to protect, even if it is selfishness, even if I may not want to, I need to move on, because if I choose to die, even if I have another chance to live, it means failing with everything I believe in .

I must move on, always.

'That was our promise, wasn't it?'