

A/N: Thank you all for the suggestions, I've chosen one that I think will work best with my plans, I hope you like it when it's revealed.


-Present time-

Azuma is 25 years old, and everything has been fine and dandy, Saiga knows the truth, Miu is still a cute although stronger and older little angel.

Azuma has been on missions or traveling the world, he even got to see a small number of underground fights, mainly from the Death God of the Muay Thai Underworld in his early years, and even watched the 100-Dan Street Brawler of Karate create his legend in tournaments.

Life was pretty good, he even reached advanced grandmaster, which wasn't really a surprise, there actually isn't a 'requirement' to reaching it, and advance grandmaster is simply a grandmaster that has a greatly easier time against other grandmasters, and with Renewal, a martial art, used by literal fucking gods, well, it really wasn't a surprise.

Even if he couldn't use the more advanced techniques, as they would break his body. By now his life simply was tranquil, being above almost all others, with only six people on his level, and two confirmed above him.

This was the time to relax, except to his bewilderment he seems to have caught a thief, a diminutive, surprisingly human-like thief If the small mouse with grey fur and a pink ribbon attached to his tail, trying to steal the sword on his back meant anything.

Azuma is completely bewildered, that presence near him could only mean one thing. But how? Why?

"I know you are there, your hiding technique's pretty good, but I can still feel your ki." He yells, he was in a small town in Japan, sightseeing.

As he yells, a figure appears in front of him, a fairly tall and beautiful young woman, twenty years old if he had to guess, with a slender frame yet remarkably curvaceous figure, long waist-length raven hair, tied back in a high ponytail, peach skin, and light purple eyes.

Her most eye-catching feature is her eyebrows, which resemble lightning bolts. Wearing a chain mail with a black strap under her bountiful breasts to keep the chain mail in place. Carrying a hiltless Ōdachi, resembling his own.

He was surprised, astonished, and confused, seeing what could only be, a twenty-year-old Shigure Kōsaka.

After appearing in front of Azuma, pointing her hand at who could only be Tōchūmaru, on top of Azuma's sword, still trying to steal it, said.

"Sword." That's it, the only word that came out of her mouth.

"Huh….?" Now he was even more confused, sword, what sword? His?

"Sword." She only pointed at the sword again, more annoyed.

It was time to think about it, Shigure Kōsaka, was out here, in front of him, asking for his sword, the only reason he knew she traveled outside of Ryōzanpaku in the manga was to hunt for her father's swords.... shit, her mother said Tenken was one of the best swords in the world, hadn't she…...

She was right, her son was stupid. How could he have forgotten about it, 'one of the best swords in the world' she said, 'from one of the best blacksmiths' she said. The best weapons in Kenichi were forged by Shigure's father.

Seeing him with a -Who am I? Where am I? – look on his face, Shigure opted to, once again, annoyance more clearly in her voice, says.

"Give…. me…...the.... sword." She always talked with a pause in the original, it seemed that had been progress, right now, it would appear the fewer words the better.

"No," Azuma said, to the woman asking him for Tenken.

Shigure, with an expressionless look on her face, narrowed her eyes at his answer. Before she could say or do anything, Azuma followed.

"I will not give you Tenken, this was a gift from my mother, and I even had to do, the most boring, annoying, mind-numbing training I've ever done to learn how to fight with this, and trust me, little lady, I've done A LOT of training in my life. The name is Azuma by the way."

By the time Azuma had called Shigure 'little lady' her earlier emotionless face changed, not the expression, not really, but more her face color, adopting a deep, deep blush.

Now, after seeing her blush, unbeknownst to him, a small smile formed on his face. Realizing that, he quickly adopted a serious look, trying to not smile.

Shigure, after letting her blush pass, still with an emotionless face, starting drawing her sword, signaling the small mouse, Tōchūmaru, to jump out of Tenken, and fully drawing her sword, launches at Azuma.

Azuma, still trying to control his smile, watches how Shigure is heading towards him, sword in hand, ready to attack.

"Aw shit." He exclaims and readies his stance, this would have been a perfect opportunity to practice sword fighting, especially against the young Mistress of all Weaponry, but noticing the woman was not playing he decides to use Renewal, not seriously, he does not want to kill her or injure her. Just enough for him not to get kebabbed by her sword.

Easily dodging her first swing, he goes ahead and plays with her, Shigure not really posing a problem against an advanced grandmaster.

Slowly, her frustration starting to grow, she proceeds to do a critical hit against Azuma...…

She pouts…... expressing her frustration due to her inability to connect an attack.

Azuma, stupefied by her expression, mutters, "So cute…."

Realizing this was her chance, Shigure swipes her sword at Azuma's chest. Azuma still in the clouds, muttering 'cute' over and over, not realizing Shigure's attack, gets hit, the attack launching him a couple of meters.

He expertly maneuvers in the air, landing on his feet. Slowly, a cut appears in his shirt, being much stronger than her, with years of battle experience, he subconsciously avoided most of the attack, but still!

With his mouth wide open, he looks at the cut, then at Shigure, the cut, Shigure, the cut, Shigure.

Exclaiming, "Alright little girly, I went easy on you." He jumps in the air, launching a combo of kicks in Shigure's way, each kick creating a sound like a whip breaking the air.

At first, Shigure was confused about why his opponent Kicked the air nowhere near her. Soon she got her answer, the kicks that seemed to not connect to anything, sent shockwaves her direction, seeing the shockwaves, like when a bomb goes off and the air is visibly seen moving, she tries to dodge them, but as Azuma had said, he went easy on her at first.

Too many to dodge, at different angles, horizontal, vertical, sideways, one finally struck her, sending her flying against a house nearby. As small as a town this was, there were still people here.

Shigure, landing with her feet on a wall, springboards off it, running toward a forest nearby, not trying to cause any panic or destruction due to the fight, not before sending a -do you dare follow- look at Azuma. Shigure was a firm Katsujinken believer so it made sense why she would not want to hurt any innocents.

Seeing her gaze, Azuma's pride was struck, following her to the forest, whispering," …..stupid girl didn't she see I was going easy on her…"

Reaching the forest, Shigure is nowhere to be seen, Azuma trying to sense her, when suddenly, out of the tress, projectiles rush at him, getting out of their way, Azuma takes a closer look, they appear to be shuriken, Shigure was called the Mistress of all Weaponry for a reason, besides, the Kōsaka Style, focused on armed ninjutsu, so it made sense.

Waiting a few more seconds, and dodging a stupid amount of Shuriken later, wondering where on earth they came from if Shigure didn't have any pouches or bags on her.

Azuma gets tired, he sends another combo of kicks, this time in all directions, the shockwaves breaking all trees near him, hearing a grunt nearby he rushes forward, seemingly a kick had hit.

Following the direction of the grunt he nears its location, what he sees, will be engraved for the rest of his life on his mind.

There is Shigure, grabbing her chest in pain, the attack had struck, but only enough to create a diagonal line on her clothes, ripping them to shreds.

Seeing her opponent, she readies her stance, not caring in the slightest she is, for all intents and purposes, naked.

Azuma will never confirm nor deny it, but some blood dripped from his nose.

You see, this was a common scene in the series, Shigure never cared if someone, be it female or male saw her naked in the middle of a fight.

Having fought against girls before, Shigure knew that if a woman's clothes are torn, they would drop their stance and become defenseless trying to cover themselves, a habit she removed from herself.

Azuma wondering how could someone be so clueless, and shameless, had to enter his stance, even if his eyes were printing the image before him.

After a couple more bouts, Azuma stops the fight yelling. "Alright enough, as much as I am enjoying this, by now I'm probably more embarrassed for you, than you, for yourself."

Shigure can't understand why her opponent had yelled in the middle of their fight. He even said he was enjoying it, why would he stop it then?

She watches Azuma unstrap the sword on his back, seeing this Shigure smiles, believing that Azuma will give him his sword and retreat. Not really asking to herself, why would he, who was clearly stronger than her, retreat.

That was until Azuma proceeded to take his shirt off. Why would he take his shirt off, Shigure wondered. Azuma walked to Shigure, who even more confused, believing he would give her Tenken, instead he gave her his shirt.

"Lady, please, for my own sanity and self-control, cover yourself!" Azuma told her, as she instinctually grabbed his shirt, Azuma, seeing her in a trance, ran away, not wanting to fight anymore.

What he didn't realize was, the moment he gave Shigure his shirt and ran away, Shigure's face was red like a tomato, steam threatening to come out her ears. This was the first time someone had treated her like a woman, and she didn't know how to react.

Did she like it? She wasn't sure, but she did know that she needed to get Tenken out of Azuma's hands. Readying herself for their next meeting, he was strong, so she would need to get better.




She would insistently track him, demanding Azuma to give her Tenken.

It would appear Azuma got himself a stalker, a cute, beautiful, and sexy stalker.

As he had thought before 'Life was pretty good.'



Hello everyone, I hope you liked the chapter.

Some may say, Why Shigure reacted that way? And I will tell you the truth, that's how she reacted in canon.

Give your comments on the chapter, Shigure, or... I don't know, whatever.



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