
One Slash System

Status : Currently rewriting. Without a blade, I am weak. With blade, I am invincible. ONE SLASH to cut rivers and mountains! ONE SLASH to cut the stars in the sky! ONE SLASH to cut your dreams! ONE SLASH to cut your life! In a random old dojo, there was a master that could cut through anything even in the ghost of the underworld! Ding! [[ TEN THOUSAND WORLDS APOCALYPSE ONLINE INVITATION. [ Accept? (Yes) or (No) ]]  

Man_Doggo · Ciudad
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10 Chs

New life 1/3

Before it, all began.

A man named Slyon Helmut woke up in the middle of the street. 

Eyes heavy, clothes felt scratchy, and the feeling of each foot where one was warm and the other was cold.

He stared at his surroundings and saw people looking at him, murmuring something in their mouths.

He realised it was somewhere else he didn't know.

These people don't look like Southeast Asians, Chinese, Filipinos, Arabs, Indians, Latinos, Latinas, black, or whatever.

However, they all still look like humans.

They all have silver-coloured hair, with a touch of black or blonde hair.

"Am I in another country?"

Still, there are some cars, bicycles, and stuff.

So it's easy to say this is still earth.

"I don't understand what is happening. How did I even end up in this place?"

He was just an average Information Technology student and a gardener.

One day he watched too many anime where a man can punch anything while drinking.

He finished all the episodes in 3 days, drinking without sleeping and then on the third day, he finally fell asleep.

Days had passed.

Slyon became a beggar, begging for money and food.

He did it so he could tour the city, to know everything.

Slyon realised that he was not in another country, he was in another world or the future.

At first, he thought that he was just in another country.

Slyon convinced himself that his alienated feeling is the same when someone or a group watches too much anime.

Then they travelled to Japan because they loved anime, and then they realised that the Japanese people needed to say something in English so they could understand them.

The problem was only a few of the natives knew how to speak.

However, one day he saw a fucking flying car.

That's when Slyon realised he was wrong.

The place was still on earth. 

However, the languages are different.

No Mandarin, Japanese, Indian, English, etc.

Slyon was flabbergasted. 

It's not the earth he knew.

He felt blood spitting on his mouth when he found out about it.

It's the same feeling when photographing two beautiful and sexy girls.

When a bus passed and covered them briefly, they became two old men instead.

That's how Slyon felt.

He cursed the novels and reincarnation mangas in his past life.

All of them are bullshit for showing the readers that they could blend easily in the new world, especially with the language barrier.

Plus, why was he sent to this alternate universe or whatever future this is?

Slyon could not communicate with anyone even though he was familiar.

It's like he knows something, but he doesn't know it.

Slyon always needs help understanding everything.

Such a tragedy 

Fortunately, he wore suitable clothing, and the person he possessed looked handsome in the car mirrors.

One day, Slyon was robbed.

"You bastard!"

He cursed.

However, these robbers have guns, so he cannot do anything but curse in his heart.

I am a beggar. Why rob me!?

They rode their bikes when they already took everything from him, including his clothes.

When they are slightly far away.

Slyon made a fist and searched for something below.

"I'll kill both of you someday."

Slyon said.

Knowing and accepting that everything was fuck up, 

He didn't know why, maybe because of being sent here with no recollection of the place, No Identity, a language barrier, complete alienation from everyone, becoming a beggar, and becoming naked.

His frustration made him pick up something.

A shard of broken glass.

Using his right arm, he lifted it to his face and then pointed to the bicycle of the people that robbed him.


Slyon almost jumped when he heard something like a bullet passes through his ear.

However, where his hand was pointing was even more worrisome.

When he looked over, the robbers and their bicycles were gone in the wind.


That is the only word Slyon could utter when that happened in front of him.

The highways are still long; they shouldn't reach that far.

It's as if the robbers and their bicycles were sent somewhere to other dimensions.

Slyon shook his head. 

Maybe he imagines things, or those robbers only turned in some random corner.

He convinced himself.

'Yes, it was just a hallucination.'

Slyon thought at that time.

However, he froze when something appeared in front of him.

He blinked continuously until his eyes were tired to confirm what it was.


[ One slash ability! ]

[ Level 1 sword slash used! ]

[ Performed slashes: -120. ]

[ Level 3 two robbers killed! ]

[ Gained 400 experience points! ]


[ The host reached 3rd order! ]

[ Experience: 20/30. ]

[ Slashing power borrowed: 120 slashes! ]

[ Host estimated demise: 15 days. ]

[ Exit. ]

Seeing this, Slyon had his mouth wide open.

'The legendary golden finger?'

He thought in surprise.

'I have a legendary golden finger?'

Slyon inspected.

He tried to look left and right just to make sure he was not just seeing things.

After a long time, he is finally convinced that this is a system while completely forgetting how he just killed two men.

After that, Slyon felt there was something on his skin, crawling.

He looked everywhere to see if there were public hidden cameras.

'On earth, police or government officials would hire robbers to rob people. After that, they would split the things the robbers took.'

'Then they would let it go again. If a rich person complains, they will lock those robbers and re-release them after a few years or months.'

'Throw them again to rob.'

Slyon knew that in every city, there was a corrupt system like that.

He needed to be careful whether it was in his previous life.

Slyon chose to run away.

If there were cameras, he would be fucked for his ability.

One slash ability.

It sounds good, but he could be a better fool.

It has a performed slash. He didn't want to know if he did not complete the estimated performed incision within 15 days.

Slyon wanted to use the broken glass in his hands to slash again. 

So he took it out, and the wand was about to perform a slash when something came up.

Suddenly, a system screen appeared.


[ Warning: 

[ The host doesn't have any target. The slash would indiscriminately kill quadrillions of living organisms.

[ The host wants to continue? ]

Slyon's hair almost became white after seeing that.

Among them were humans.

Probably millions of them.

So he turned to look where he would slash, and he almost shit his pants when his eye landed on it.

It was in the direction of the city, with towering buildings.

'Are you saying I will have a thousand of them?'

Slyon did not throw the glass shard in his hand. 

'I need to use it somewhere.'

Slyon eventually found a tiny ant on the corner.

'Or something!'

With effort, he raised his hand and the glass shard he was gripping with it.



[ One slash system activated! ]

[ Level 1 sword slash used! ]

[ Performed slashes: -146. ]

[ Level 1 black and killed! ]

[ Gained one experience point! ]


[ The host is still 3rd order ]

[ Experience: 21/30. ]

[ Slashing power borrowed: 1 slash! ]

[ Host estimated demise: 15 days. ]

[ Exit. ]

Slyon observed and had his mouth open wide.

'What the?'

He eyed the Performed slashes.

'Why did it become negative one forty-six when I only used one slash of power to the ant?'

Slyon observed himself and decided to drop the shard.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

After a hundred count, he retook the shard.

When it was in his hand, a new notification appeared.

[ Invincible state: - 1 performed slash a second. ]

Slyon nodded and understood.

'I see, so that's how it works.'

He threw it again and thought of a new alternative.

'How am I able to pay for it?'

Son's eyes wandered on his surroundings and then landed on a branch.

'If I use this, what will happen?'

Slyon wonders why he still talks to himself when walking towards the branch.

With a touch, he felt the branch's roughness when he gripped it. It was not comfortable.

Slyon has yet to receive a notification from the system.

Slyon eyed the glass shard and walked back to it.

When he picked it up, 

[ Invincible state: - 1 a second. ]

Slyon hurriedly threw the shard away again, afraid he would be penalised by slashes every second.

Slyon didn't know how to feel, so he asked the system.

''If I needed to perform a hundred slashes as a payment, why would I get penalised whenever holding it?''

Slyon asked.

However, the system was just silent.

He was curious, so he asked again.

Again and again and again.

So that he could make sure that it's not responding to him.


Slyon turned to look at the stick in his hands. He tried lifting it and waited for the system notification screen.


Slyon thought and just swung it anyway.


[ The host made one slash! ]

Slyon's chest felt his liver open.


He swung it again.


[ The host made one slash! ]

Slyon continued swinging it until his arms and shoulders felt numb.

He was also breathing heavily but still managed to open his mouth.


Slyon said as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"What's my Slashing savings now?"


[ Performed slashes: 101. ]

Slyon was a little surprised.

'I see.'

After that, he tried to stab, thrust, slam, etc.

No system notification is not appearing in other ways of fighting, but only when he slashes.

His look became calm and satisfied.

'Finally, I have a weapon to survive. I must go somewhere where there are no people.'

'I just killed two robbers. Even if they are bad in my eyes, I don't know how the police or the government might try to find me.'

'Those two robbers might be syndicates agents to pick on innocent civilians. If they found out I killed those two, I would have to kill them all.'

Slyon said.

'I might be overpowered, but I don't want to perform a slash every single day.'

So he walked away, and the direction was the small abandoned mountain.

In his pocket was the glass shard. 

He is not holding it, so it's not sucking his performance slashes away.

The other one was the stick.

His tool for performing slashes payment.

Slyon was quick to think. 

He would occasionally slash and slash and slash.

This is for his safety.

Just like when he was playing his favourite pocket monster game he used to play.

He would grind in grasses to ensure his pocket monster party was strong enough for any unexpected events he might face.

Like going to the gyms, they were challenged by random brats and stalked by rattatas.

After all, having a system means something will happen.

Plus, he is also going toward his goal.

To go to a forest and live there alone where there is peace.