
One Slash System

Status : Currently rewriting. Without a blade, I am weak. With blade, I am invincible. ONE SLASH to cut rivers and mountains! ONE SLASH to cut the stars in the sky! ONE SLASH to cut your dreams! ONE SLASH to cut your life! In a random old dojo, there was a master that could cut through anything even in the ghost of the underworld! Ding! [[ TEN THOUSAND WORLDS APOCALYPSE ONLINE INVITATION. [ Accept? (Yes) or (No) ]]  

Man_Doggo · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Beggar 2/2

The teen only glanced at his back, not taking what the beggar said in his heart.

Nodded, the beggar knew his words were empty to the kid's ear.

So he only stood there, not saying anything.


The creature's angry roar made the ground tremble.


[ Protein rabbit passive ability intimidate level 2 activated! ]

The air became suffocating as if someone was pulling them closer to one spot from their own respective place.

One could see that the beast's head became muddled in anger.

The savagery it was born to be written on its fangs at this very moment.

The mouth opened, ignoring the blood spurting from its bleeding left eye. It tightened its furry hips.


The eared creature's painful scream attracted particles in the air to form concentrated energy, and it was much faster than the concentrated energies earlier.

Raging as the days when it could see everything on the other side of its life eye were gone.

Right here, the beast desires the destruction of the creature in front of it.

Even if the beast was raging, the face of the teen in a school uniform was unchanging.

Tattoos were still there, ready to improve his combat ability.

With sensitive sensory feelings, he suddenly heard a breath coming from his ear.

He glanced at where it came from, and then his eyes widened.

'This beggar?'

He was even more flabbergasted when he saw the guy's face.

It looked like his soul was tired of living.

'What is that expression? Why are you still here?'

The teen in school uniform was about to call the beggar to get as far away as possible.

Suddenly, he saw the beggar only raise his right hand while holding a rusty knife.

The beggar stared at the kid and then at the giant rabbit.

He is letting the kid do what he thinks he must.

The beggar will not take it to heart, even acting as a side character.

He also can feel something different from this kid, so he wants to see what this kid is capable of.

However, his senses screamed when the beast was about to attack the kid as this kid would perish.

So he forcefully interfered.

With a little flick of the beggar's wrist, the teen in school uniform froze.


[ Unknown martial arts witnessed! ]

[ Player needs more qualifications to know the martial art.]

His spine felt chilled, as if the simple slash of the beggar gave him a glimpse of the future and the past.

It was fast, slow, sure, and steady.

It was scary that the tiny hairs on his chest were swaying violently.


The teen in a school uniform didn't know what was happening, what to feel, or even whatever he just saw.

It's like something so fast, but at the same time, it's not so fast, but he doesn't know it's real, and he wonders if it's real.

He begins to think and question what if it's not real, and then he realises it's real.

It was confusing, hypnotising, that kept spiralling in his head, never wanting him to have peace.

While the teen in a school uniform just stood there, staring straight at the empty air, the beggar strolled to where the beast was.

He shakes his butt from time to time.

Humming and mumbling words that the teen cannot hear clearly and understand.


A song that the beggar is singing, and from his look, he also doesn't know the meaning of those words.

The teen in a school uniform woke up from his stupor. 

He tried reaching the beggar with his hands but soon froze again.

One could see that the eyes of the eared creature were white.


Soon, the other part of its body fell.


The other part fell to the other side as well.


[ The protein beast murdered! ]

[ Kill steal! ]

[ The player gained two experience points. ]

[ 31/72 to reach 5th order. ]

The teen received a notification with only two experience points, yet he didn't care about it.

His eyes were locked on the beggar and the corpse of the beast.

A clean cut and the teen noticed that the cut bones of the protein rabbit were so clean.

"That's more like it."

The beggar spoke.

His smile was pure, and his voice was cheerful.

He was shaking his butt like a dancer, celebrating the kill he had just made.


Humming again, a language that no one can understand.


[ One slash system activated. ] 

[ Level 2 sword slash used! 

[ Performed slashes: 98,000. 

[ Level 10 Protein energy rabbit killed! 

[ Gained 4500 experience points! ]

A system screen appeared. However, the beggar didn't seem very surprised.

Just casually looking into it with boredom on his face.

However, reading the content, the beggar was a little taken aback.

"A level 11?"

The beggar thought.

A smile appeared on his face until that smile reached his ears.

Felt like his ears, while clapping, had little regret.

"The 20,000 in the 118 slashes I made were gone like that?"

However, it's not a regret since he just does it for fun.

Another system notification screen appeared again.


[ The host reached level 11th order! 

[ Experience: 20/300. 

[ Slashing power borrowed: 20,000 slashes!

[ Host estimated demise: …

[ Exit. ]

Seeing this, the beggar smirked.

He put his rusty knife back into its sheath that's made of fur.

The deed is done, and he has nothing more to do.


[ … ]

Another screen appeared.

The beggar's expression looks like he has never seen this notification.

'What is that?'

He asked.

However, the system did not answer him.

The system screen has no content, just nothing.

It's what he expected.

Then a fountain of blood splatters on his face from the corpse of the deceased beast.

The corner of his eyes gave it a little attention. Seeing that he had no plan about the meat, his eyes returned to the system, disregarding the blood on his face.

"Well, since I already made it to the 11th order, whatever it was, it's fine."

He said as he tried to bounce in excitement.

The beggar looked at the corpse with his mind still unrestrained.

'I'll need some exercise before eating it.'

The beggar said.

He suddenly took a tree branch out of his pocket without a complaint.

Gripping the stick, he made a stance.


The air whistled softly.

The beggar swung the branch. 


He shouted from his diaphragm.

Then he swung the branch again while counting on his head.



He was fast! 

Incredibly fast!

About fifteen minutes had passed, and finally, the beggar stopped while trying to catch his breath.


He called out in his head.

'How many slashes have I made?'

He asked.

A screen appeared in the air out of nowhere.


[ 1,000 slashes. ]

Seeing it in his eyes, the beggar nodded.

'I'm surprised why it's still the same.'

In the past, he would become faster once he reached a new level of order.

However, today, nothing has changed.

Thinking that might be a task he needed to face or check.

However, none entered his mind, so he just let it go.

'What's my slashing savings now?'


[ (98,000 - 20,000) + 1,000 = 79,000. ]

Seeing this, the beggar revealed his tongue a little.

'Welp, it's time to eat.'

He said.

The beggar sat down beside the corpse of the giant protein rabbit.

All of a sudden, he felt someone standing in front of him and the corpse.

When he lifted his head to look, it was the kid earlier.


The beggar said casually, planning to ignore the kid.

He knew that the teenager wouldn't understand him. He tried so hard in the past.

He already gave up.


One could see no light in the beggar's eye, and his face was pale.

A person who doesn't expect anything.

However, the beggar suddenly found something wild.

He was convinced the kid wouldn't understand him.

However, suddenly, the kid smiled at him and bowed.

"I, junior, greet senior."

After bowing, the teenager continued.

"Can this lowly one ask for the senior's name?"

The eyes of the beggar widened. 

Memories flash before his eyes, the days when he was talking to someone but only found that he could not be understood.

The days when he tries to cry but only finds himself being left alone.

He lost it.

However, when this kid spoke, the beggar felt as if he could see that there was light at the end of the tunnel.

The hope that he needed.


[ The host can now have the ability to absorb and use aura in the future. ]

The beggar's body burst out of unknown energy.

The teenager's eyes went wide.

In a split second, the beggar went in front of him at lightning speed.

The beggar didn't even give him time to think as he was already in front of him.

Gripping the kid's hand tightly.

"You understand me, and I understand you. How?"

The beggar asked.

The teen in a school uniform was terrified.

Suddenly, a dark mist surrounded him, and without further ado.


It flung the beggar far away.

The beggar rolled and stumbled down like a ball in the distance.

Meanwhile, the teen was looking at the shadow coming from his body.

'Why did Anakin get out?'

It was the head of a dragon, made of smoke.

Its eyes were shining in red light.

"Wake up!"

Its head was materialising, making the teen in a school uniform tremble.

"That thing is exuding an unknown hazardous aura, be prepared."

The dragon said. 

His whole body became flesh and blood as soon as he said that.

"I will not let you die here; my job is to protect you before you grant my highness wish."

The black dragon declared. 

Its claws crushed the rocks under it.

Its body was vibrating, releasing deep animosity towards the beggar.

"Even if I, Anakin, face the end of it all!"

After speaking, it opened its mouth and released a mighty roar!


After around ten seconds had passed.

As if a roar tries to wake up something.

Slowly, the beggar stood up.

Casually tapping and swiping his shoulder to clear the dust around him.

With a weak smile, the beggar could only raise his hand.

"Relax, I come in peace."

He said.