
Eri's Rescue part 2

"Destroy everything I built." Bold words from you hero. You even looked like a villain for a moment. - Said Overhaul.

- Does not matter! The important thing is that I came to save Eri! - I say that.

- Ahh, really? What if I tell you this girl doesn't want you to rescue her. To her you are not a hero. - Overhaul responds.

- I promised her that I would rescue her. Take her out of this suffering. And that's what I'm going to do. - I say this with a serious expression.

- You will never understand. Allow me to clarify for you. I'm telling you to die. - Said Overhaul.

The moment I was about to move I felt like I was dizzy and I couldn't stand up.

💭What was that?!

- You are drunk? Your legs are shaking..... Mine too.... That's why I'm walking up here. - said a voice above me and the moment I looked up, I saw a small man drinking a bottle of beer.

💭 I forgot about this annoying drunk! His voice makes you feel like you're drunk. The other one should already be here!

The moment I thought about it I saw another Overhaul servant who used a pistol to shoot me, I dodged it, but a little dizzy.

- What is your individuality? - he asks and I feel forced to speak, but I create a mental barrier at the last second.

💭This guy is also annoying. Every question he asks makes the person forced to tell the truth.

- You won't force me to speak. Your quirks are useless against me. This won't stop me from rescuing Eri. You can stop me as much as you want! Because I will destroy all these barriers using my fists! - I say that and I quickly punch Overhaul's two servants, not letting them speak anymore and then I go to Overhaul.

Overhaul looks back and sees his servants lying on the ground, but he didn't expect to see me behind him.

- Overhaul!!! - I shout his name going to throw a punch, but Overhaul narrowly dodged it, but the wind from the attack cut his face. Soon after, I use my telikinesis to get the other servant that is holding Eri to hit the wall and I catch Eri in my arms, not letting her fall.

- Why? You can't stay here..... He's going to kill you! - Eri said with a sad expression.

- I said I would come and here I am. It's okay Eri. I will protect you. Because I am your guardian Hero! - I say this holding her steady.

- How dirty. Come back here Eri. Kill him? How many times do I have to say it? You break people. This is how you were born. Aren't I always saying? I have to get my hands dirty because of your selfishness. Your every action kills people. You are cursed. - Overhaul said, leaving Eri with an expression of pure fear.

- Don't worry, Eri. I'll get this over with in a jiffy. - I say this.

- Do you want to test your confidence, One Punch Man? - Said Overhaul, who placed a hand on the ground and destroyed it instantly, causing parts of the concrete to become spikes.

I manage to dodge at the right time, not letting Eri get hurt.

- Do you really care if she gets caught?! - I say that.

- Yes, it wouldn't be an impediment if it were broken. If I put her back in time, I can revive her. Even if she didn't keep her shape, I could get her back to normal. She must already know that. - Overhaul explains.

Hearing this personally makes me very angry and it is increasingly difficult not to explode with anger.

💭 Watch out Saito! If you get angry, Eri will be affected too. You don't want that!

Overhaul once again messes with the concrete making many spikes and he also blocked the exit.

- What will you do if Eri is hurt? Under these conditions, I am the only one who can cure her. I also sealed your exit, you won't be able to leave so easily. You will have to fight me Hero. - Said Overhaul.

💭Hmmm.... The other one called Kurono has the bullets with Eri's blood. If I hit one of them, everything is lost. So I better use my barrier to avoid this situation.

- Wait for me just a little longer. - I say this by placing my cape in front of us and bullets passed through certain points, but didn't hit Eri.

Like Mirio did, I use my cape to protect Eri and I use my speed to go to Kurono.

- Kurono! - Shouted Overhaul who tried to get his servant out of the way of my punch, but he reacted too late and saw me throwing a strong punch at Kurono's head and he hit the concrete wall face-first.

Without wasting time I step on the ground destroying the pistol instantly. Overhaul was going to attack Eri, but he notices me heading towards him, he puts his hand in front, but I use my telikinesis to make him fly and hit the wall.

- I don't need to throw punches to beat you Overhaul. - I say this in a cold tone.

💭I can end this right here, but I have to.....ah! I can tell my father and mother.

I look at the other servant with the "confession" power and simply take him out of hiding and make him also hit his head against the wall making him lose consciousness.

💭Ok, one less problematic annoying person in my way, now it's just me and Overhaul.

(A/N: This is a bit anticlimactic if you compare it to Mirio's epic scene, but Saito is too op to let that happen again.)

I look at Overhaul who is starting to get up from the ground, but just as he was about to put his hand on the concrete his body stops moving.

- W-What? I-I can't move! - Said Overhaul. - That's because I'm controlling you now Overhaul or rather, you're in my control Chisaki. - I say his real name and start to approach him.

- A piece of information that few know about my telepathy capacity is very high, so I can make you be my puppet without any problem. Of course, if the user has strong mental resistance or is very traumatized, it is difficult for me to enter the mind, but with you I can do this without any problems. - I say this by placing my hand on his forehead.

- Judging by your face, you must have noticed that you lost badly. And that's true. You had no chance against me from the beginning, of course you had a chance of winning, but those chances can only happen if I let my guard down against you and if there is anything I learned that not if you try to fight against you. - I say this with a smile.

Overhaul stared at my face with an expression like he can't believe he lost against me.

- Well, I promised that I would destroy everything you built, didn't I? So! I'll stick to the deal. - I say that and Overhaul starts to let out screams of agony for a few seconds and then he stops.

- The pain was on purpose since I can't kill you, but I took away something that makes you so dangerous. - I say that and I take the box of special bullets from Overhaul's pocket.

- I'll keep that too. - I say this, moving away from Overhaul and I let him go.

- One Punch Man!!!! - Overhaul screams and he puts his hand on the concrete, but nothing happens.

- Nani?! How am I not able to use my individuality? - Overhaul said shocked and I laughed lightly.

- That's because your brain doesn't have the command to activate your quirk, Chisaki. You now no longer possess your power! Isn't that what you wanted? Take the world out of the disease of powers? - I say this with a certain sadistic smile.

I may sound like a villain now, but I really wanted to kill Overhaul, but I knew that wasn't possible.

So to satisfy my desire I decided to humiliate him instead of killing him.

To be honest with you, it feels good even though I don't like it at the same time.

Seconds after that Nighteye, Izuku, Mirio and the rest of the gang appear and see what is happening.

- One Punch Man! Did you defeat, Chisaki? - Nighteye asks.

- Yes, I took away his quirk. Overhaul is now not a threat. - I say this going to Eri who is holding my cape firmly.

- Are you okay Eri? - I ask.

- Yes I am. - Eri responds.

- Great. As you can see now, Overhaul will no longer come after you. - I say this pointing to Eri seeing Overhaul being handcuffed along with his servants.

- One last thing I have to do with you Eri, for your safety. Can you trust me? - I ask and I see Eri nodding.

- Right. This won't hurt, but you should feel a little uncomfortable, but it won't be a big deal. - I say this by touching her forehead and I use my powers to deactivate Eri's quirk.

I'm startled when Eri lets out a small scream of pain.

- Are you well? - I say this with an expression of concern

. - Yes I am. I just felt a little pain in my head, but it's gone. - Eri responds and I let out a sigh of relief.

💭A false alarm.

With that Eri was taken by the police to the hospital, to see her wounds and when I start to leave Overhaul's hiding place, I hear his scream of pure agony making it even echo, it was exactly the same scream he let out with Tomura .


The operation to rescue Eri and arrest Overhaul was a success. Nighteye wasn't seriously injured, Mirio didn't lose his quirk and I have the box that contains the special bullets, meaning Shigaraki won't have them. In general, everything went well.

Those injured in the operation are not in a state of risk. Kirishima just has bad arms, but it's nothing serious, Fat Gun has some broken bones, Tamaki is injured, but he's fine and Mirio and Izuku are intact and lastly Nighteye just has certain injuries, but he's not either in serious condition.

Thanks to my help and the help of my parents, I prevented tragedies from happening.



A few hours after Overhaul's arrest, I decide to visit Eri since she doesn't have a fever and her quirk is deactivated, she is not in quarantine and she was discharged, but I didn't expect my parents to also accompany me.

- Why did you come together? - I ask.

- Because your mother really wants to see the child that you really want to protect, I wanted to go home, but I ended up being dragged to come. - My father responds by receiving a punch in the face courtesy of my mother.

- Liar! You wanted to see her too! I can't help but be curious to see the girl you're talking about, son, no big deal. - said my mother with a smile, but I feel a bad impression if I let my parents see Eri. But since I have no evidence, I end up letting them follow along.

When I open the door to Eri's room, my mother immediately hugs her.

- My god, she's so cute! - My mother said and I see Eri being in complete shock.

- I knew she would do it. - my father responds.

💭I should have expected this.....

Eri being confused looks at me with an expression that says she wants help.

- I'm sorry Eri, but I can't take my mother away from you. When she goes into "mom mode" she won't stop until she is satisfied. - I say that.

- So you're Eri? Wow, you are very adorable, I expected you to be beautiful, but not like this! With that appearance you kill my heart! - My mother responds and she doesn't stop hugging Eri.

I see Eri starting to get uncomfortable, I take her away from Eri.

- Son, why? - my mother asks.

- Because you're bothering her! Eri isn't comfortable with new people yet. - I answer.

💭Even more so with her past that I already mentioned to you!

Tatsumaki:💭Ahhh! I forgot about that. I'm sorry, I just couldn't contain myself.

- Anyway! Eri. These are my parents. This is my mother called Tatsumaki and this is my father called Saitama. And I'm Saito Tatsumaki. - I introduce myself and my parents.

- Pleasure. - my father responds.

- N-Nice to meet you. - Eri said, being a little shy.

- How is she, son? - my mother asks.

- From what the nurse said, Eri is fine, she has nothing wrong with her body and is healthy. - I answer.

But this atmosphere ends when Eri decides to speak.

- I'm sorry, Saito. Because of me, I caused a lot of trouble for you and your friends. - Eri said and I simply put my hand in her hair, stroking it.

- You have nothing to apologize for, Eri. My duty as a Hero is to save people and make them smile and create new possibilities. This is my way of being a hero. - I answer.

Eri was silent until I saw her moving her lips.

- I'm sorry, but I don't know how to smile. - Eri responds, leaving even my parents surprised.

💭How could I forget this detail. Even though Overhaul is trapped and far away from her. His shadow still disturbs her. Fortunately the day of the festival is..

While I was thinking, my mother decided to say something that took me by surprise.

- Son, Eri, don't have anywhere to stay? - My mother asks.

- After the hospital she would stay in the orphanage. Why do you ask? - I say that.

- Well, from today onwards, I, Tatsumaki, will adopt Eri to be my daughter!!! - said my mother, leaving me and my father in silence.

After a few seconds that seemed like hours, my father and I responded.





With Overhaul's arrest and Eri's rescue. Our protagonist is not immune to the changes he causes in the world he is inhabiting.

Now he will have to deal with his mother's idea of adopting Eri as her daughter.

What will become of Saito now that he will have a younger sister in the family? We'll find out in future episodes.

Next episode:A date with a Yandere