
A date with a Yandere

I never expected to receive this news that Eri will become my adopted sister.

Like, I already knew that she couldn't stay in the hospital every day and that she would be under Aizawa's care. But I didn't expect to see this action from my mother. In fact, I should have waited, but I was stupid for not realizing that.

Anyway, Eri will now live with my parents from today onwards and my father will have to get used to having a child to take care of again. Oh yes! In the past, my nanny was Genos.

Yes, my father's cyborg apprentice took care of me when I was a child, I admit that I didn't expect him to be so good at being a babysitter, I expected Fubuki to be good with children, not Genos. Anyway, my father (who is not good with children) is begging us to look for Genos to be Eri's Nanny, luckily my mother refused this idea.


In the evening, me, Kirishima, Ochako, Tsuyu and Izuku returned to our dorm. Everyone in class A, with the exception of Bakugou, showed concern, but fortunately no one suffered anything serious.

The next day classes return to normal and Bakugou and Shoto would have to make up for the test of having the provisional hero certificate.

Before all the students go to class, I warn everyone that I will be away for a day for personal reasons.

Everyone with the exception of Mina did so without any problems and went to the rooms, leaving Mina and me alone in the dorm.

- What was it Mina? It's time for you to go to class. - I say this looking at Mina.

- I know that, but I want to know why you're asking for a day out of nowhere? - Mina asks.

💭I can't say it has anything to do with Toga.

- Because I'm tired.... - I say this trying to talk to her, but it doesn't seem to work.

- Saito, you rarely get tired that it's almost impossible to see you with dark circles under your eyes. - Mina responds.

- Why are you so suspicious? I'm just going to resolve something personal. - I say that.

- It's because the two of us aren't spending much time together. - Mina said this with a pout.

- Well, I'm now a teacher and a hero to boot, so you have to understand my side. But we always stay together in the dorm, we even sleep together. - I answer.

- Yes, but I want us to spend more time together! - She said.

💭Okay, she won't let me leave easily. Time to use plan B.

- Ok, how about we schedule a free day at the weekend so we can go on a date. Does this make you satisfied? - I say that and she stands with her arms crossed.

- Hmmm....ok, you convinced me. - Mina said.

- OK! Well I have to go now. - I say this as I go to leave, but Mina stops holding my arm.

- Did you forget the goodbye kiss? - Mina said.

I'm a little embarrassed to hear this since I'm not used to this relationship yet.

- ...OK. - I say this, turning towards Mina and I kiss her. Mina, satisfied, lets out a smile.

- Now you can go. - She said.

💭She will be the end of me one day.




Arriving at the biggest prison in the Boku no Hero Universe. Where almost all known villains are imprisoned and recently Overhaul and his henchmen were also in this prison. This time, I'm not wanting to chat with All for One, even though I want the biggest villain in the world himself, he can't answer anymore, because he's in a coma because of the punch he received from me.

My reason for being here is to fulfill my promise to go on a date with Yandere Toga. As she surrendered to the authorities and is obeying all the guards' instructions, she had her sentence reduced just like Twice. This allows Toga to spend certain hours outside of prison for a while, but this is only allowed if she is accompanied, which in this case I am.

- Are you sure this is a good idea Mr One Punch Man? - said a Guard who is next to me.

- Well, I had promised her that I would take her out of prison for a while, I can't break that promise. Furthermore, she needs time to see how the world is, after all, she has certain mental problems, right? - I say that to the guard.

- Yes! You are right. It's just that I don't know if it's safe for her to be in the city yet, since she's not 100% mentally fit yet. - Said the guard.

- Are you not confident that I can stop there? - I ask the guard who straightened up at the time.

- No sir! I have full confidence that you will prevent the worst from happening, I just can't stay away from this issue. - The Guard responds.

💭He keeps calling me sir even though I'm young. Just because I look like an adult doesn't mean I'm an adult's age!

At that same moment the prison gates open revealing Toga being escorted by a group of guards. She is wearing the same clothes that she used to wear which is the school uniform and she has an ankle bracelet.

One of the guards approaches me and says that Toga can only stay in the city for 6 hours there after that, I must bring her back to the prison. In other words, Toga and I can't stay in the city all day.

With that in mind I accepted the guard's instructions and the others returned to the prison leaving Toga in my care. She immediately hugs me the moment the guards leave.

- I missed you a lot, I missed your body, your smell and the wonderful feeling I feel when I'm close to you. - Toga said, giving me goosebumps.

💭We're off to a good start.

- Ok Toga, as promised we're going to go out around the city for a few hours until it's time to take you back here. Is there somewhere you'd like to go first? -I ask Toga as she is still hugging me.

- Anywhere is fine with me, as long as I have you by my side. - Toga said.

💭I shouldn't be surprised to hear that.

- I-It's fine. - I say this blushing a little.

I fly Toga to the city using my telikinesis, since the prison is on an island. It took a few minutes to get to the city and Toga watched everything around her.

As she said, she will be happy wherever I take her. I took Toga to a shopping mall. Unfortunately I couldn't buy clothes for her, but Toga said she will memorize the clothes I was looking at as clothes she will buy in the future.

Being an otaku hero, I've seen several animes where the protagonist takes the girl to various places, normally I would have a certain mentality about where I should take Toga, right? Wrong! I was completely lost like Zoro on what to do with her and nervous like Izuku to know if I'm doing it right.

Okay, that last part was a little exaggerated, but you understand where I'm getting at.

Fortunately, Toga didn't seem to mind it, in fact she was quite happy to see my effort.

💭Okay Saito. You have to think of another place where you can take her. The problem is where? Will it work in an amusement park?

- Toga, what do you think about us going to an amusement park? - I say this to Toga who hugs my right arm.

- Anywhere, I'll like to go Saito. - Toga responds.

- So let's go. - I say that.


Amusement park

When we arrived at the park, I can admit that we really had a lot of fun. Without wasting time, I took Toga to the games area to check if games I know exist. Fortunately they exist.

So I decided to teach Toga how to play a game known as: Mortal Kombat. To my surprise, Toga learned to play very quickly and her favorite character is Skarlet. To no one's surprise.

- I wish I had her blood ability. Could I apply that using my quirk? - Toga asks.

- I think you better not test this Toga. - I respond, getting goosebumps.

💭Toga using Skarlet's blood magic is a dangerous combination and something I would pay to see.

- Hmmm....I would love to wear Skarlet's outfit. Too bad this isn't possible. - Toga said this in a sad tone.

(A/N: She's referring to Skarlet's outfit from Mortal Kombat 11, not 9.)

💭 Honestly I wanted to see you wearing one.

We spent a lot of time playing various games, the vast majority of which had blood spurting on the screen.

Seeing this I almost tried to show her DOOM, but I knew that if I did that, she would get addicted straight away.

After that we stopped for a while to eat and I was going to take her to the ferris wheel, but the time for her to go back to prison was already close.

-Well Toga. It's time for me to take you back. - I say that and she pouts.

- Awwwwww. I wanted to spend more time with Saito-senpai. - Toga said.

💭Don't put the word "Senpai" in the middle.

- Sorry Toga, but rules are rules. - I say this, taking Toga in my arms and starting to fly back to the prison.

On the flight there, I talk to Toga.

- What did you think? Did you have fun? - I ask.

- Yes, I had fun. It reminded me of my past days when I was a student. Even though I was wearing a happy mask, I honestly enjoyed my friends' company. - Toga said in a neutral tone.

- But that's the past now that I have you. - Toga finishes saying this and she puts her arms around my neck.

💭Phew. Apparently I did a good job.

- Saito, I have a question for you. - Toga said.

- What is it? - I answer.

- You are dating with someone. - Toga said.

When she said that, I was in pure shock that I stopped flying and stayed floating.

- H-How did you come to that conclusion? - I ask, feeling a little scared.

- Because there are lipstick residues on your lips. - She says this in a serious tone and I immediately understand the situation.

💭 Holy shit!!! I forgot about Mina's kiss. She put lipstick on purpose!

- I-I-I.... - I get nervous like Izuku and when I would try to explain, Toga speaks first.

- There's no point in lying to me. Our connection doesn't allow this, forgot? - Toga said.

💭 Shit!!!! Why did I do that?!

- But that's okay. I now know I have a rival to overcome. You can be sure that I will steal you from her the moment I am released. - Toga said this with a confident smile.

💭That's not good! It's really not good!!!

I arrive at the prison after the sinister conversation I had with Toga. I wait for the guards to come get Toga. And the moment the gates open, Toga decides to kiss me on the mouth, taking me by surprise.

After a few seconds she turns to me and puts her face in my ear.

- Enjoy it as much as you can Senpai, when I leave you will be mine. - said Toga who released me and went towards the guards who were taking her inside.

I stand still like a statue recording what happened.

- I'm really screwed.... - I say this in a low tone.

💭I now have two girls to deal with.....and one of them is a Yandere.

- Today really isn't my lucky day... - I say this with a dry laugh.

With my promise made, I head back to the dorm. Little did I know that a certain bunny heroine is going to give me a headache.

End of ep.