
One Punch Man: Light Human

A man is sent into the One Punch Man universe. Fortunately, he gets some powers to help him on his journey of becoming a hero. Semi-OP protagonist Slight AU elements (I noticed that there was a disturbing lack of One Punch fan-fics. So I created my own. First time writing, so any feedback is welcome)

Golden_Eye · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Home Invasion




(Dr Genus POV)

"Mosquito Girl defeated, you say, That's expected; she was merely a prototype," I remarked.

I pulled up several images and videos on the green monitor. "Let's see how she performed." It appeared she engaged in combat with three different individuals. "It's no surprise; any single person would struggle against one of my creatures."

I click on a video and let it play, and my mood immediately changed. Initially, the cyborg-looking man caught my attention due to my prior experimentation with cyborg enhancements. However, it was the spiky-haired individual who truly stole the show.

His speed and strength far surpassed what Mosquito Girl was capable of. To add to that, he possessed the most captivating power I had ever witnessed. "Does he wield some form of Light Manipulation? This warrants further investigation," I mused, reaching for the hero registry to find any information on him.

"Asahi, A-class, Rank 12…This is interesting."

There's hardly any information available about him despite his high ranking. The best information I got were from an article detailing his involvement in a monster attack in A City. Additionally, he only recently became a member of the Hero Association.

The Hero Association remains an ever-present thorn in my side. Their ongoing attempts to track me down pose a constant threat. If I wish to study his physique, I run the risk of inviting more pressure from the Hero Association.

"Science always carries risks; his physique is too valuable to let slip away." I decided.

"Send a messenger to invite him here... to our House of Evolution," I instructed Clone 28.

"You might want to watch the remainder of the video," Clone 28 suggested.

'What else are you hiding?' The video continued. I witnessed Mosquito Girl's defeat, but something strange happened. A bald-headed man appeared near the end of the video, and suddenly, Asahi threw Mosquito Girl toward him.

That man sent Mosquito Girl flying away with one punch! 'It's no wonder I couldn't track her body.' His body might be stronger than Asahi.

The new presence of this man changes everything. Now, there are two specimens I need to get my hands on.

Thinking about all the possibilities, I can't help but smile. With these specimens together, I will be one step closer to a more evolved species.

"Let's make sure our visitors get a warm welcome" Clone 28 walks away, and I turn on screen checking on the remaining experiments.


(Asahi POV)

"I'm glad everything worked out"

I was worried that helping Genos would completely change the course of the series. But it worked out, Genos is currently in the other apartment with Saitama. He must be telling his backstory right now.

I would rather not destroy the timeline. If I make too many changes, all my future knowledge would be wasted. It means I must allow certain situations to happen, whether I like them or not. 'If I want to grow in power, then my future knowledge cannot be compromised' I intend to always keep this information to myself.

Anyways, I find myself busy at my desk doing paperwork. So much paperwork, writing a report of a single monster attack has so many boxes to fill. Witnesses, estamined damage, personal testimony, etc. But I have to write even more than usual considering this was demon level!

The Hero Association holds paperwork in very high regard. 'I might as well hire a secretary for all this crap,' I grumbled to myself, returning to my report until I sensed something incoming.

"Yaaaaaah!" Boom!

The wall separating my and Saitama's was destroyed as some green mantis-like monster burst through.

"My name is…huh?"

"Pay for my wall!" Saiatma threw a normal punch, killing the monster instantly. Then, he jumps out of the apartment and into the street to deal with the monster outside.

I flicker into my room and put on my hero suit as fast as I can. I jump over the patio to deal with the rest of the monsters.

Only to discover Saitama buried in the ground alongside two other monsters, with Genos to my right. Before I could say anything a robotic voice spoke out.

"Elevated energy levels detected"


A cloud of dust together with blue sparks materialized behind Genos, the culprit being a large metal armored Gorilla towering over Genos.

"You are not one of the targets" Its glowing blue eyes stared at Genos.

"What's going on? I can't see" Saitama struggled to move his head while underground.

"You are in the way!" Armored Gorilla raises his large arms and proceeds to slam his fist down on Genos. His fist misses and smashes into the pavement. Genos counters by jumping up and hitting his head with a spin kick. He slides back and they begin their fight.

The scene before me sparking memories of the story. I ignore Genos's fight as I know that he will win. I am more interested in Beast King, supposedly second to Carnage Kabuto in the House of Evolution.

Suddenly, my Haki picked up a monster tunneling beneath me. Predicting the attack, I swiftly raised my leg and shattered the ground. Rubble flew into the air alongside the tunneling mole-like creature.

I grab him by the legs and dangle him upside down. His face filled with fear and visible sweating. He clearly did not predict I could catch him.

"Hey, Didn't think I would catch you now did you?" I teased the terrified creature.

Attempting to wriggle free, it failed as I carried it while walking toward Saitama, who seemed to enjoy his time buried underground. 'But where is your leader?' Loud footsteps echoed, revealing a humanoid lion-like monster, towering at least three times my height and exuding a well-built physique.

"Well done Ground Dragon. Ground Dragon?" He looked around for the mole.

"Hey! Your friend is over here!" I wiggle Ground Dragon catching his attention. We make eye contact.

"Ha ha ha, you may be able to defeat those weaklings, but you don't stand a chance against Beast King!"

"Are you sure about that? I've seen housecats with claws sharper than yours," I taunted him.

"Grrrgh! Enjoy your last moment as I'll show you the power of the Beast King." Soon, his muscles expanded, and his claws lengthened.

"Can you guys get lost, I feel sleepy," Saitama's remark halted the Beast King's anger, triggering his frustration at the lack of respect shown towards him.

"I am going to slice both of you up!….Lion Slash!"

Multiple air blades flew towards us. I hurled Ground Dragon across the street to protect him from being sliced. The blades ripped up the street and a nearby house. As they hit me, the blades passed right through my body.

"Are you going to apologize? Now's your chance. You guys smashed our wall." Saitama appeared next to Beast King.

'When did he get there?' Less than a second ago, Saitama was buried in the ground, yet he was now next to Beast King, completely too fast for my sight.

'How fast was he moving? My observation Haki didn't sense any movement.' Saitama's power never ceased to amaze me.

"Surely, you must have a good reason for destroying our property," I remarked sarcastically at Beast King.

"Ugh, I was ordered to bring you two at all costs." Beast King appeared uneasy about Saitama's swift movements.

"Someone ordered you, Who?" Saitama spoke with absolute seriousness.

Saitama's expressions sent shivers down my spine. 'That face is scaring the crap out of me.' Beast King seemed to share my apprehensions.

"I am the second strongest of the House of Evolution; Our creator seeks your bodies."

"Sorry, but I'm not into dudes."

"I don't think that's what he meant; he wants to study our DNA for research in Evolution," I corrected Saitama.

"Then why must you bust my wall!" Saitama was not pleased.

"Such trivial things don't matter, because I will bring you, dead or alive!" Beast King roared, his muscles and shirt bursting as his anger escalated.

"Lion Slash: Meteor Power Shower!"

Countless claw strikes tore apart the nearby area. Beast King switched his attacks between the two of us.

Finally, I pointed my index finger at his chest. My finger glowed bright yellow as I prepared an attack.

'Light beam.'

A singular light beam hit Beast King in the chest, piercing through him. Surprisingly, he remained standing, unaware that his life was over. He launched one last attack at Saitama, all of them missing as he effortlessly dodged.

"Consecutive Normal Punches."

His body disintegrated brutally, bursting into pieces, the upper body completely missing, with blood and body parts raining down.

Watching the entire incident, it took Ground Dragon a while to realize what happened. Realizing the truth, he quickly tried burrowing away.

Saitama wasn't willing to let him escape, pursuing him through the tunnel. The street cracked as Saitama burst through the ground, launching Ground Dragon into the air.

Seems like our job is done here. 'Although I hoped that Beast King could have put up more of a fight.' His body couldn't withstand a light beam piercing him.

I turned my attention to Genos. I heard the loud noises from his fight, but it appears he just finished. Armored Gorilla lay defeated in the wall, lacking all limbs. We walked over to the two of them.

"You fool. I am the third most powerful fighter in the House of Evolution. At your power level, you will never beat the Beast King, the second most powerful. You will be destroyed," claimed Armored Gorilla.

Saitama pulled out Beast King's eye. 'Why the hell did he keep that?' I ignored his odd actions.

"Is this who you mean?" The eyeball bounced up and down.

"Yeah, that's the guy," I affirmed.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I'll tell you everything, just don't kill me!" Armored Gorilla's tone shifted completely as he begged for mercy.

"What the-? What happened to your robot voice?" Saitama was surprised.

"Sorry, I was just trying to sound cool."


Author's Note

Not my favorite chapter, MC didn't really do much, but I need to set up for the upcoming fight with Carnage Kabuto.