
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Cómic
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12 Chs

Se no!

Marines aimed their guns at Aki. They would have drilled him, if not for the Rear Admiral's intervention, who he held at gunpoint.

Other Marines from different vessels joined in, having dealt with the pirates on their respective ships.

The Marines' glances shifted back and forth between Law and Aki, their intense gazes uncertain of what course to take.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow defenders of justice, Marines. Allow me, Aki, to introduce myself as your new Navy Rear Admiral," Aki proclaimed, extending his hand while reloading his magazine. "I abhor violence, so I implore you to drop your firearms, unless my instincts override my better judgment."

Aki inquired, "Who possesses the greatest potential among the fleet?" Then he squatted down before the Rear Admiral.

Passing a cigarette to Bepo, Aki fixed his one dark eye upon the Rear Admiral.

Nonchalantly, Aki strolled toward Lieutenant Shuj, whose face was concealed by a cloth, his body divided into three parts—head, torso, and leg—courtesy of Law.

"Chief, I've found it," Penguin, a member of Law's crew, announced, producing a video transponder snail focused on the ship's deck.

"May Jesus save you," Aki uttered, his foot propelling Lieutenant Shun's head off the ship and into the sea.

On the opposite side, the nearby navy base bore witness to the unfolding scene. Penguin tossed the sound transmitter to Aki.

"Whoever you are, establish contact with headquarters. Inform them that the Gold, Taxes, Prisoners Cargo Navy ship has been hijacked," Aki commanded, turning to address the Marines. "Summon someone for negotiations."

All the Marines laid their weapons on the floor and knelt down on the ground.

The video transmission abruptly ceased.

In Sengoku's office,

After days of accumulated work, Sengoku finally managed to bring it to a close. He dropped his head onto his desk. 'Peace at last!'

"Bahahah, I'm tired of all this free time," Garo entered the office uninvited.

"Why are you here?"

"Killing time," Garp replied, settling himself comfortably on the sofa.

Sengoku was on the verge of exploding when the transponder snail rang. Sengoku picked it up. "Admiral Sengoku, it's an emergency. We're pressed for time."

Sengoku's face grew solemn, while a grin appeared on Garp's face. "What is it?"

"What does he mean by wanting to negotiate?" Sengoku bellowed, then composed himself. He understood the gravity of the situation. "We don't make negotiations with pirates."

After a moment's consideration, he glanced at Garp and dismissed the notion. They were too distant; he desired them closer.

"North Blue, then..." Sengoku mused, "Rear Admiral Hina would be a suitable choice. She shows promise."

Swiftly, the news reached Aki out at sea.

Rear Admiral Hina had been selected to engage in the negotiations.

"Promising," Aki reflected upon receiving the news.

In a matter of mere minutes, Hina was prepared to commence the negotiation with Aki.

The transmission commenced.

"Good night, Rear Admiral Hina... or should I say Miss Hina," Aki's voice resonated through the Den Den Mushi.

"Says the man who shattered my peaceful dreams," Hina retorted. "You can address me as you please; I am currently on the losing side."

"Miss Hina, your reputation precedes you. You are renowned throughout the North Blue. The tranquility we enjoy here owes much to your existence. Thirty million berries, fifty million berries... Even pirates with higher bounties have met their demise."

Aki smiled as he meandered around the deck, uttering his words.

"Regrettably, I am unfamiliar with you," Hina curled her lips. "Who might you be? A pirate, perhaps a revolutionary?"

"Nah, not either of those."


"I am from the faction that bears the brunt of all conflicts, known as collateral damage," Aki replied in a deep voice.

"What?" Hina's voice held confusion. "Which faction are you from then?"

"I am a citizen," he responded.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that everything only spirals into further chaos. Every day, villages are ravaged, countless families perish. I witness the Marines, the World Government, all hoping for a better outcome. But it never comes, never. Secret organizations decimate citizens, pirates plunder them, countries exploit them in the name of taxes, all while achieving... nothing. I am weary of this endless cycle, weary!" His voice boomed with anger as he discharged bullets across the deck, causing the Marines to retreat a few steps.

Law observed quietly from the sidelines, his presence noted but his words withheld.

"Hate the government, pirates, Marines, whatever..." Aki declared as he once again took a seat on the body of the Rear Admiral.

"Okay, okay! Calm down!" Hina interjected. "What is your demand?"

"I'm not in the mood for negotiations anymore," Aki replied. "I'll just blow up the ships."

"Wait, wait. That would render all your efforts in vain," Hina exclaimed, bewildered.

"Hmmm, you're right. I need to get myself in the right mindset," Aki continued. "Let me speak to Idol Uta."


"Uta, the idol. The famous performer with the white and red hair," Aki clarified. "Right now, this very moment."

Hina slammed her hand against her forehead, shouting, "Get Uta on the line immediately!"

Bepo gazed at Aki with pleading eyes. "I won't give you a chance to speak, no matter what expression you make," Bepo's mood instantly shifted to one of dejection.

While still in sound transmission with Hina, Aki connected with Uta through video transmission. Her figure appeared crystal clear, and she greeted him with a cheerful, "Hello, I am your favorite cute girl, Uta," winking and making an adorable expression.

Aki placed his hand over his heart. "Cutest overload. I might die from Cuteness Overdoes."

"You called for me." Uta pointed her index finger to her cheeks.

"Sing for me, the latest song from your album," Aki requested, placing his cupped hand against his cheek. "Few lines,"

The music swelled, and Uta drew in a breath, her voice poised to sing

"Se no! 

Demo sonnan ja dame 

Mou sonnan ja hora 

Kokoro wa shinka suru yo 

Motto motto"

Aki brought the transmitter closer to his lips, his voice cutting through the melody. "Miss Hina, patch me through to Commander-in-Chief Kong."

Hina's face betrayed confusion. "He's in the direct service of the World Government, probably out on one of their missions."

A smirk graced Aki's lips as he raised his gun, aiming it at a nearby Marine's head. "Well, I guess that means it's a 'no' then."

The video chat between Uta and Aki rumbled on, with Hina discreetly observing Aki's every move. She interjected, "It will take some time."

Aki's eyes flickered to the screen, where Uta's image glowed. "My dear Uta, how long does this song go on for?"

"Uhhh, five minutes!" Uta replied with an innocent tone.

"Get him on the line before Uta's song ends," Aki commanded with a firm tone. "If not, the Rear Admiral's life will drain away, and after Rear admiral death for every passing minute, I will blow up a ship."

As the transponder call came to a close, Aki rose from his seat aboard the Rear Admiral. Uta's voice filled the air, her song taking flight.

"Se no!

Demo sonnan ja dame..."

Aki stood tall, his grip steady on the gun. 

As the music took hold, he extended his hand, swaying and twirling in sync with the rhythm. His arms moved with grace, tracing ethereal patterns in the air, reminiscent of a bird soaring through the sky.

"Kotoba ni sureba kiechau kankei nara. 

Kotoba o keseba ii ya tte 

Omotteta osoreteta. 

Dakedo are? nanka chigau kamo…"

His legs swung back and forth, propelled by an unwavering rhythm, their movements traversing in every conceivable direction. With determined strides, he advanced through the sea of marines, dropping to his knees as he moved. The marines instinctively parted, creating a path for him to navigate.

"Sou sonnan ja ya da. 

Nee sonnan ja mada 

Watashi no koto mitete ne 

Zutto zutto.

Uta's body swayed with deliberate slowness, her movements synchronized to the melodic pulse. Her arms ascended gracefully above her head, only to descend in a delicate flutter akin to the flight of butterflies. She took a step forward, and then another, her feet gliding across.


Aki positioned himself before the screen, captivated by Uta's twirls and sways. With a sense of idolatry, he mirrored her motions, striving to capture her essence. Bepo, wearing an irresistibly cute expression, sidled up to Aki and peered up at him. "Join in!"

Uta, her dance brimming with charm, extended her arms skyward, twirling them in a circular motion, tracing an ethereal spiral in the air. Lena and Bepo followed suit, their limbs mirroring Uta's fluid gestures.

The marines, uncertain of their response, found themselves torn between indulging in the enchanting dance, succumbing to trepidation, or simply becoming entranced by the spectacle unfolding before their eyes. Their mouths went dry, their internal struggle manifesting in the involuntary gulp of saliva.

"Watashi no naka no anata hodo

Anata no naka no watashi no sonzai wa

Madamada ookikunai koto mo

Wakatteru keredo

Ima kono onaji shunkan

Kyouyuu shiteru jikkan." They sang along.