
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Cómic
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12 Chs


In a peaceful coastal town on a calm summer day, a strange meeting occurred. The town was well-protected by the marines and situated between two islands, so pirates rarely ventured near.

Two figures, One was of diminutive stature, concealed entirely beneath a cloak of darkness, with only a pair of piercing eyes betraying their presence. The other, a man donning loose-fitting garments, sported a peculiar mustache that was all too clearly a fraud.

"I'm tellin' ya, we can't sink any lower," the shopkeeper grumbled, his voice laced with frustration. The trio stood within the confines of a humble builder's hut, renowned for peddling wares to the navy. It was a place frequented mostly by merchants seeking their wares.

"I understand your predicament, but it's four not just one," the mustached imposter muttered.

"We're even offering free delivery for this item," the shopkeeper retorted, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. "You ought to be grateful."

The fake mustache-wearer brushed off the remark. "Yeah, yeah," he scoffed. Then, from the recesses of his baggy garments, he took out an abundance of pouches brimming with berries. The shopkeeper's countenance brightened as he embraced the pouches.

"Now, where exactly is the delivery location of yours?" the hurried shopkeeper inquired, his eyes darting across the room.

"Right here!" the imposter bellowed, slamming a weathered map onto the table, marked with four distinct crosses.

A bewildered expression etched itself upon the shopkeeper's face as he questioned, "Are you absolutely certain about this?" His hand absentmindedly swept across his forehead, brushing away beads of sweat.

"Deliver it by tonight," he said, before turning around and striding purposefully toward the exit. The short figure trailed closely behind.

"Why purchase four ship anchors only to deliver them to the heart of the unforgiving sea?" the shopkeeper pondered aloud, massaging his temples. "But who am I to question such matters?"


At 11 o'clock at night, Aki donned in attire—shirt, tie, blazer, and dark pants. Positioned on a bench by the shore, he fixated his gaze upon the vast expanse of the open sea. Clutching a pocketwatch in his lone hand, one eye had eyepatch, and his remaining eye surveying the quiet sea.

Aki, with a mop of black hair, typically tied up in a topknot, rose as the pocketwatch chimed. He strode toward a small boat resting on the shore.

A man reclined in the boat, awaiting Aki's arrival. Aki positioned himself at one end, and the man occupied the other. Aki nodded, signaling the man to begin rowing them out to sea.

In the darkness, Aki ignited a lighter, lighting a sizable candle placed in the center of the boat. Its flame burned brightly, casting a luminous glow that could be spotted from a distance.

"Stop here," Aki directed, the chilly breeze caressing his face, causing his hair to sway.

Aki retrieved a cigarette and offered it to the boatman. The boatman glanced at it quizzically. "For me?" he inquired.

"You don't want it," Aki responded, already retracting the offer. Yet, the boatman accepted, placing the cigarette between his lips. He lit it using the flame from the candle.

Aki allowed the old man a few puffs before extracting another cigarette and lighting it with the candle's flame. He placed it between his own fingers. "You bear scars all over your body. What were you up to before this?" Aki asked, exhaling smoke into the night air.

The boatman, growing annoyed, retorted, "And you, with a missing arm and eye. Look at yourself before questioning others."

"Fair enough," Aki conceded, pausing to take another drag. "I feel like I've seen you somewhere, but I can't recall where." He held the cigarette between his index and middle fingers.

"Huh?" The boatman's irritation intensified upon hearing this.

"Ah... I remember now. It was on a bounty poster. You retired or something after your crew got captured," Aki revealed, locking eyes with the boatman.

The boatman remained silent.

"You turned over a new leaf. That's good news," Aki remarked, smoke swirling around his words. "Lately, there have been reports of kidnappings. Since you're always out in the open, do you happen to know anything about it?"

The boatman clenched his fist, his teeth grinding in frustration. Suddenly, a piercing noise pierced their ears, and a brilliant light enveloped them. "Too Bright!," Aki muttered under his breath.

Reacting swiftly, the boatman lunged forward, aiming a punch at Aki. But Aki, swiftly, thrust the blazing end of his cigarette into the boatman's eye, blinding him and evading the punch. Taking advantage of the boatman's unsteady state, Aki pushed him gently, sending him crashing into the sea.

"Quite pathetic for a man who's ventured into the treacherous depths of the Grand Line," Aki remarked.

"Who do you think you're calling pathetic?" the boatman retorted, clinging to the side of the boat as he hauled himself out, his gaze fixed upon Aki. But Aki dismissed him with a disdainful remark, "Wasted from sea water, Devil fruit user.."

Despite his weakened condition, the boatman managed to hoist himself onto the opposite end of the boat, his weary body now facing Aki. "You'll pay for this," he declared.

Aki, wearing a smug expression, responded mockingly, "Oh, I'm trembling with fear." The boatman's fury intensified, his body undergoing a transformation. Suddenly, he sprouted long, twisted horns, his skin turning pallid. "Animal Animal Fruit: Goat," he announced.

Amidst these events, the distant sounds from earlier materialized into a tangible figure. Four marine ships emerged, their synchronized movement cutting through the open sea. At the forefront of the vessel, a scout diligently gathered information every passing minute, his attention caught by the flickering candle's light.

"Rear Admiral Catacombo, you must see this," the scout urgently informed, handing over the binoculars to the high-ranking officer. Catacombo trained his gaze through the lenses, fixating on the source of the light—the boat.

Catacombo observed the astonishing metamorphosis—a formidable goat now stood upon the boat's surface. On the opposite end, a vulnerable young man with a single eye and hand braced himself for the impending confrontation. With a forceful thrust of its powerful hoof, the goat pinned Aki down, rendering him defenseless. Then, a faint cry reached the Marines' ears, "Help me! This pirate will kill me! Help, help!"

Catacombo removed the binoculars, his mustache curling with contemplation. "The cargo is of utmost importance. We cannot afford to jeopardize the integrity of the ship."

"Are we to abandon the civilian to perish at the hands of that despicable pirate, Rear Admiral?" one subordinate questioned, his tone laden with concern. Catacombo's countenance grew solemn.

"Given the presence of a devil fruit user, we shall unleash our firepower upon the boat. The pirate will meet his watery demise, and we shall rescue the civilian," the Rear Admiral proclaimed. "We can't let pirates roam around here, maybe he is even planning an attack on the ship."

"But what if the civilian is harmed by the canon ball?" another voiced a valid concern.

Meanwhile, Aki remained trapped, his body partially restrained beneath the massive hoof of the goat. The goat raised its other leg, poised to crush Aki's face. Yet, with a swift motion, Aki splashed seawater onto the goat, causing its grip to loosen.

Catacombo prepared to issue the command for cannon fire when a deafening whoosh reverberated through the air. The ship, previously in motion, came to an abrupt halt. One after another, all four vessels ceased their movement.

"Hmm!" Catacombo exclaimed, his gaze darting around the surroundings, surveying the perplexing turn of events.