
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Cómic
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12 Chs


With the sudden peace came an unexpected disturbance, shattering the tranquility like a clash of thunder. Aki and Law instinctively turned their gaze toward the source and, Before them stood an army of towering rhinos, their bodies encased in impenetrable steel armor that reflected the sunlight, presenting an awe-inspiring sight. Each horn on their heads glistened like deadly swords, an intimidating display of power.

As the settling dust revealed the extent of this formidable force, a chilling voice pierced through the air, "Dahahaha.... Dahahaha!" His eyes widened when he glanced upward, beholding a man levitating effortlessly above them, his eyes gleaming mischievously. Aki's lips curled into a smirk, recognizing the figure. "Well, well, if it isn't the infamous Shiki. What brings you to our humble corner of the world?" he taunted, his tone laced with playful defiance.

Shiki laughed, reveling in his own arrogance as he surveyed the unfolding scene. "Ah, I am here to extend an invitation. Join me in my grand quest to reign as the pirate king," he proclaimed, his voice brimming with audacity. His gaze swept across the surrounding, relishing in the chaos.

Aki scoffed, unimpressed by Shiki's grandiose ambitions. "Save your delusions for someone gullible enough to fall for them, Shiki. I have no interest in your power-hungry exploits," he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Shiki's laughter wilted into a malicious chuckle, his eyes narrowing with malice. "So be it. If you refuse to stand with me, then you shall fall," he sneered, his voice laced with a chilling threat.

However, Shiki's attention abruptly shifted to a peculiar sight among Aki and Law's comrades. His eyes widened with intrigue as they fell upon Beppo, a mink polar bear hailing from the distant lands of Zou. Shiki couldn't hide his curiosity, his voice betraying his fascination. "Well, well, what do we have here? A mink in the East Blue? How fascinating," he mused, a sinister grin stretching across his face, revealing his razor-sharp teeth.

"You won't lay a finger on my comrade, Shiki," Law declared, his voice resonating with unwavering determination.

The rhinos thundered forward, charging in a stampede toward Aki, Law, and their allies, obliterating everything in their path. Shiki effortlessly soared through the chaotic scene, skillfully catching Beppo and ascending into the sky. Law's eyes burned with fury as he watched his friend being held captive. 

Swiftly, Law flicked his wrist, propelling a rock in Shiki's direction, desperate to buy some precious moments. With a swift motion, he activated his Ope Ope no Mi powers, creating a "Room" that allowed him to swap places with the rock. His body, swapped with the stone, sliced through the air where Shiki previously hovered.

Although Shiki managed to evade the fatal strike, a single strand of hair from his cascading locks was severed, cascading gently to the ground. The sight only heightened Law's determination to bring the self-proclaimed king to his knees.

Gravity did it's effect, as law started to fall. Yet, Shiki was no ordinary adversary. He unleashed a blistering barrage of attacks, his fists moving with blurring speed as he aimed to pummel Law into submission. Despite Law's agile attempts to evade, a crushing blow landed, hurtling him towards the merciless ground below. Fall made him unable to avoid the blows.

As Law's gaze locked onto Aki, as he got sent crashing to the ground. In that split second, Law instinctively activated his Room ability, swiftly swapping Aki with Beppo. The unexpected switch left Shiki grasping nothing but thin air, a look of confusion flickering across his face.

Shiki's eyes shifted to the figure now in his grip, and it wasn't the scenting prey he had anticipated. Aki's once-tightly bound top knot had come undone, allowing his long hair to cascade freely around him. But it was the replacement of his right arm that truly caught Shiki off guard—a massive M4A1 Carbine now replaced Aki's limb. To add to the surreal sight, a cannon-like gun protruded from his head, completely obscuring Aki's eyes.

In a voice that sent shivers down the spine, Aki spoke, his tone infused with a terrifying confidence. "And here marks the end of the great Shiki."

Shiki, shocked by the sudden turn of events, released his grip on Aki, his hands recoiling as if burned. But as he did so, a relentless barrage of bullets rained down upon him. The sky ignited with the sheer intensity of the ignition produced by the gunfire, casting an eerie glow that engulfed the battlefield.

Aki descended slowly, a wicked grin etching its way across his face, while Shiki's body became enveloped in smoke and flames, a testament to the firepower unleashed upon him.

As the dust settled and Aki's descent neared its end, the figure of Shiki emerged from the dissipating haze. His body leaked crimson from his legs, where his sword had been driven into the ground to anchor him. Though his form now was bloodied, Shiki's resilience remained evident.

Aki continued to unleash a relentless barrage of bullets even as he fell, determined to ensure Shiki's defeat. In response, Shiki, wounded but undeterred, retaliated with a flurry of attacks, his sword thrusting toward Aki's descending form, aiming for his shoulder. 

Shiki's sword missed its mark, narrowly avoiding Aki's shoulder by a hair's breadth. In response, Aki's head gun barrel unleashed a deafening blast, the bullet whizzing past Shiki's head, threatening to blow him apart. The air crackled with tension as their deadly dance of bullets and blades continued.

Realizing the intensity, Shiki swiftly changed his trajectory mid-flight, catching Beppo in his arms as landing gracefully on the ground. The impact reverberated through his body, but he wasted no time. Aki's eyes locked onto Law, who was poised to activate his Room ability once again.

However, before Law could make his move, a colossal rhino charged forward, its massive horn colliding with Law's shoulder. The force of the impact sent Law hurtling through the air, crashing into the unforgiving sea with a resounding splash. About to jump onto Shiki-

Aki's attention was abruptly pulled away as the sounds of frightened villagers reached his ears. Chaos ensued as the rampaging Rhinos wreaked havoc, smashing through structures and leaving destruction in their wake. Aki's gaze shifted to a group of children, their eyes wide with terror, as a charging rhino bore down on them.

"Help us, Aki-san!" the children cried out, their desperate pleas tugging at Aki's heartstrings. Redirecting his focus, he sprang into action. Bullets erupted from his arsenal, a relentless storm aimed at the charging rhino. The projectiles tore through the air, narrowly missing the children as they whizzed past, leaving the rhino's body riddled with gaping holes.

As the dust settled, Aki's attention turned skyward, hoping to catch a glimpse of Shiki's retreating form. But the pirate had vanished, swallowed by the vastness of the distance. Aki's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his desire for vengeance left unfulfilled.

Redirecting his focus, Aki turned his attention back to the rampaging rhinos. His anger, fueled by the chaos and the danger the villagers faced, exploded like a dormant volcano. With a single thought, bullets erupted from his body, each one finding its mark with chilling precision. The Rhinos' bodies were left riddled with holes, their once-vigorous forms reduced to lifeless husks.

The air hung heavy with the acrid scent of gunpowder, punctuated by the whimpers of the wounded and the relieved sighs of the surviving villagers. Aki stood amidst the aftermath, his body trembling, his mind reeling from the violence he had unleashed.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows upon the scarred landscape, Aki's resolve hardened. Law had done mending the broken and battered villagers, but now there was one figure missing within them. Aki closed his eyes, thinking of Beppo, his furry polar bear hair.

Law gently tapped on Aki's shoulder, and he glanced back with corners of his eyes. Law nodded, gesturing Aki and he understood. "Alright!" he replied.