
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
44 Chs

Chapter 29: Fusion and Islands

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

While I was standing in front of me the system gave me a new function since, I unlock it by getting some of the required Devil Fruits used for fusion, as my response went according to a normal person, "Huh?"

"[Congratulation you have unlocked the Fusion Function of the One Piece System for finding two compatible Devil Fruits in different categories you have unlocked this function!]"

Now I was curious since I ask the system what can be fused, "Oh? System what can I fuse with and what exactly does the Fusion Function provides for me?"

After that, I listen closely to what the One Piece System started to explain to me how this function works.

"[The Fusion Function allows the user to fuse Devil Fruits together to make them Extreme models of a Devil Fruit depending on the fruits category that must have synergy from each other like for an example:

If using the Goro Goro no Mi and the Vari Vari no Mi, they can fuse together to make an Extreme model of the Devil Fruit provided.

However, you must know that you need to figure out yourself what is the right material needed to create the Extreme models of the Devil Fruit used to create them from the system and you can't buy the recipe needed to fuse them in the system since this is all trial and error.

However, the system will notify you Kuro that if you have any available ready to be fused also you can fuse items into Devil Fruits gaining their ability.]"

Huh? I guess this fusion function is going to be helpful to me at least but let's try it out first I checked the Fusion Function in the system to see what I can fuse.

"[Fusion Function now processing… Done you have one Extreme Devil Fruits ready to be fused together!

Vari Vari no Mi (Volt Volt Fruit) + Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble Rumble Fruit) --> Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi (Extreme Logia). But doing this fusion will cost you the fruits listed above to fuse.]"

Damn, I only get one I thought for sure that the Soru Soru no Mi and the Horo Horo no Mi would fuse? Guess I was expecting too much from it but for now, "System uses the fruits needed for the fusion!"

With that, I only waited a bit to see that only a few seconds a Devil Fruit immediacy appeared in my hand as I heard the system announce that it was completed while I bring out the Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko and the Soru Soru no Mi.

"[The fusion of the Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi is done but the materials of each fruit are now gone from your inventory.]"

Yes! Now time to get the three Curse Remover… "But first what does the system says about the Fusion and the Zoan lets see…"

When I saw the description of the two fruits, I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming here as I checked my eyes clear to see if I wasn't hallucinating this.

I made sure I was pinching myself to see if this is real, "I mean I know that the Devil Fruits were absurd before and powerful and all… but this is getting ridiculous here!"

"[Paramecia: Soru Soru no Mi

Description: The Soru Soru no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to freely interact with and manipulate souls making that person a Soul Human.

The fruit's power of soul manipulation consists of drawing out and manifesting fragments of human souls into a light-pink, spectral-looking but (for the user) tangible substance, which the user extracts by grabbing at it once it is surrounding the target's body and pulling it out.

This effectively steals from the targeted human's very lifespan, the amount of which being determined by the user, shown to be up to and possibly beyond decades at once and down to the second if desired. Thus, if they lose too many years at once, victims may be killed instantaneously.

By infusing objects and living animals with soul fragments, the user can "humanize" them. Recipients develop human-like intelligence, with inanimate objects gaining a life of their own in the first place and undergo transformations to more closely resemble humans. Though the only prominent change in objects are their human faces, animals will more so have their general physique affected to varying degrees, such as becoming able to stand up-right.

In addition to stealing and using the souls of other people, the user may manifest their own soul into living fragments in the form of roughly human-sized, dark, somewhat humanoid blobs, which possess limited sentience and can take people's souls as well.

Awakening: For Awaken Paramecia class has the power to change their environment, with the Soru Soru no Mi they can change their surroundings into souls and use them to summon up the souls of the dead bring them to battle without the need to actively get them and has the ability to rip the soul of a person without their need to fear the user to activate this ability.]"

When I look at the Soru Soru no Mi this fruit was basically busted in Remnant if I can make Grimm turn to me, I would get a massive fighting force but… "That draws in a VERY big problem and hate for my Kingdom if I tried… and even then, how would I know for sure if that is going to backfire since they originally hate us to begin with?"

I needed to test this idea out soon as possible if to see if they work on Grimm and they can 'humanize' them…

But I shake my thoughts out of my head for now as I look towards the next screen in front of me about the new fusion fruit.

"[Fusion Fruit: Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi

Description: This fusion fruit that created the Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi an Extreme Logia type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into Super Bolt lightning at will, making the user an Extreme Lightning Human.

This fruit has all the capabilities of both the Goro Goro no Mi and the Vari Vari no Mi as a Logia, the fruit grants the ability to transform into, lightning as well as create and control an element, namely electricity, which represents the natural forces of Super Bolts, normal lightning and thunder.

On top of simple electricity generation, the user is able to regulate the voltage, with the maximum output being 200 million volts, though not as much as the voltage of a standard lightning bolt, which is 300 million volts.

One of the usefulness of this fruit is the use of is how the user can use the power of this Logia to analyze their surroundings. Because of the powers, the user is able to listen to the electrical sound waves that traverse the very air itself or the melting power of the Super Bolt heat.

But the Extreme version of this fruit increases the power of lighting thanks to the super bolt which makes the actual maximum voltage of a Super Bolt ranges from 10 Billion to 1 Trillion making the exact power of this Fusion Fruit difficult to judge its power but gives the user full access to 1 Billion voltage as the stronger the user is will unlock to 10 Billion if trained.

Extreme Awakening: For Extreme Awaken Logia class has the power to become the natural force of their existing element, the limit of power that the user has when not awakened is a max of 10 Billion in their power, but once awakened they gain the power of all the max voltage of this fruit to 1 Trillion voltage power and command the very lighting in the existing world to follow their WILL to their command.]"

Wow… just wow…

That fruit is basically overpowered…

Which is something I just need for this occasion with this I won't have to worry too much about Salem and Ozpin force.

Ha! Take that you immortal jerks just watch as a kid just beat you in the elemental power department!

But then I look over to the Zoan fruit to see what can it do exactly since it is inspired by the White Tiger?

"[Zoan (Mysthical): Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko

Description: The Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Byakko is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into a White Tiger of Legends hybrid and a full White Tiger at will.

A user of this fruit's power is able to turn into a Byakko, a large and powerful, flight-capable Predator from the Legends told of it. When transformed, they become able to travel through the air at tremendous speed using the wind to fly around, covering large distances within short time spans, and enjoy a significant boost to their overall physical parameters, as to be expected of a predatory Mythical Zoan type.

The combination of great speed, strength, and size conferred by the transformation allows the user to cause notable damage to whatever they attack with their Wind-based attacks. The user who ate this fruit also receives the abilities of Wind as the White tiger represents the wind and gives great resistance to wind attacks.

Awakening: For Awaken Zoan class has the full power of the animal they have, with the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Byakko they will have the full power of one as well as another increase boost of physical strength but will have difficulty reigning in the instincts of said transformation when awakened.]"

Well, this has been far the most OP power I'll ever get better not waste this chance at the very least I don't think I'll need more Devil Fruits with this much of a power-up for a long while I hope.


"[Consumed the Devil Fruit Paramecia: Soru Soru no Mi.]"


"[Consumed the Extreme Devil Fruit Logia: Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi.]"


"[Consumed the Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit: Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko.]"

With that I already ate them up and used my three Curse Removers already gone to waste as I hear the system notify me of getting another skill gain, I can use now.

With that I have a smile on my face as I bring out 5 more Curse Removers from my inventory with the Horo Horo no Mi, Kuri Kuri no Mi, Pika Pika no Mi, Shakou Shakou no Mi, and the spare Goro Goro no Mi, "I hope the girls don't mind for what I chose for them, as for Cinder? I'm pretty sure she's content with the Spring Maiden power so no need to give her another Devil Fruit for the time being."

With that, I went the downstairs to the group where all of them were waiting for me and Nora came up to me full of energy, "Hey brother Kitty did you found what we get did ya! Did ya!"

I see the rest of the girls snicker at me for Nora still giving me that nickname, 'Tch! Well… at least Nora seems happy with the name she gave me and called me brother which is a nice feeling honestly… but why give me a Kitty next to it?!!'

With that, I smile at her and towards everyone, while I say to them, "Alright guys I did some shopping and found some fruits that might benefit you guys the most also Cinder I hope you don't mind getting one since you have the Spring Maiden power and all Nya~?"

Cinder looks over to me and just shrugs her shoulders with an uncaring look on her face, "To be honest I'm fine with that I still got the power-up from the Maiden so I'm good for now besides we have more important business with the Badlands right Kuro?"

Yeah that I can agree with the sooner we get some people the sooner we can start building a Kingdom that we can call our home, but what should I name it?

Nah! For now that's far away from where we are at but first I ask Nora while I give her the Logia Goro Goro no Mi, "Well then Nora, here is your Devil Fruit it's a Logia you'll understand when you eat it and make sure you drink the potion soon as you eat the fruit alright its named the Goro Goro no Mi?"

Awe… she shook her yes with those cute eyes of hers!

Then I turn my gazes towards Rem and Ram and throw their respective fruits to each other and with the potion as well, "Alright Rem you have the Pika Pika no Mi a Logia and you to Ram the Shakou Shakou no Mi they will help your Paramecia a lot better than ever before you got it."

They nodded their heads yes then started to eat the fruits power, lastly was Neo she was the one I wasn't sure she was getting since the Kuri Kuri no Mi would be good for her defensively but the Noro Noro no Mi bests it with its ability to conjure up Negative Hollows to help drag away Grimm or make their enemy's be so depressed they attempt suicide this.

But first I tossed one of the Curse Remover potions to Kagero just in case since he can't swim?

I wonder if a robot ate a devil fruit would they swim or not?

Whatever I see it got the potion and used it on itself and says to me, "I thank you Kuro sir, for the potion you gave me."

When I go over to her, I gave Neo a choice, and explain to her what these two Devil Fruits can do as well as the best way to help her, "So then Neo what choice do you want from these two?"

Neo looks a bit in conflicted on what to choose after a while of thinking she asked Kuro, "Kuro is there a way to make the Kuri Kuri no Mi strong I mean if that's all it can cause chemical burning is there a way to make stronger?"

That… I'm not really sure of but if I remember correctly no Fruit is useless and with Haki it would only help in the process, so I say to Neo, "Well there is a way to make you stronger with the Kuri Kuri no Mi? It's by learning Haki if you can get it a great degree then with this fruit you can get strong no time at all."

Neo looks at me with a happy look and says to me, "Ok then I'll chose the Kuri Kuri no Mi and the potion please!"

Hahaha… I guess even kid Neo has her moments but for now I gave her the fruits and potion leaving me with 7 left damn… but worth it.

Ok at least the Horo Horo no Mi will be saved for a later day at least till we get another valuable ally to give it to its off to the inventory with you!

With that I gather everyone attention towards me while they get their new power under control, "Alright everyone since we have six days left will use this time to train our new abilities as well get you into the practice to use Haki!"

Everyone looked confused except for Cinder during the two years we have been training our Haki during our time with the Bandits and a good thing at that Cinder managed to awaken it but only Beginner level, but the more practice is better for us.

But then Nora says to me with an innocent look of confusion, "But brother Kitty where will we train exactly?"

That is a good question now isn't?

We can't really train with each other mostly because of the strength difference unless we want to harm each other no, no, no sir not on my watch.

Luckily, I have an answer and a way to further increase our strength before we get to the Hunter village in the Badlands and a good way to make some profit in the real world when we have a stack of literally out of this world food and a base.

I took out the two FIT from my inventory and with a smirk I turn around to the open space outside the tower and say to Nora, "Well then it's time that we get ourselves a place to call home for a while as well as a place to train."

When I was searching through the shop for some Devil Fruits that wasn't the only place I was looking for since I looked up some islands in the meantime, I already knew I was choosing the Hungry-La Island for a source of income but when I found this island I knew I had to get it.

"[Island: Ancient Birkia Island

Description: This Ancient Island of Birkia is the true birthplace of the Skypieans that used to live in the moon. This island has since been long lost without its power source to refuel the place that is need for their creations the automata's and other works of mechanical creations that was once lost.

Criteria: You need the Goro Goro no Mi Logia fruit needed for it to activate the island power source if activated all the automata's will be loyal to you.

Lien: 2,000,000,000.]"

With that in my mind I threw the tokens away from me to see a blinding light come out temporary blinding almost everyone while I smile at what I heard from the system.

"[Use of FIT x2 you have gotten the following islands: Hungry-La (Lv.1) and Ancient Birkia (Lv.1) Islands.]"


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia/Logia User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User)

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, Cure Remover x7, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Kobu Kobu no Mi, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi

Lien: 2,001,492,544