
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Cómic
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44 Chs

Chapter 17: The Beginning...

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

It's been another year that has passed by me and my group during my time I solely focused on my training my Ice Logia ability and the same with the other three training their own powers.

I have to admit my time here was bearable in the tribe, but I really don't like the fact that we harm people that have not done anything wrong to me and Cinder personally but what I can do about it till Raven is gone.

The training has gone well as expected I'm now able to accomplish all the Rokushiki techniques without the need of my Semblance Eyes of the Lord into Intermediate level.

I combine my Semblance with my Observation Haki I practically became Raven's match but I still lost majority of times, but that was me holding back the use of the Moa Moa no Mi.

Also, in that time I left some fresh meat and fruits incased in ice for Rem and Ram to eat in the Door Dimension since I would probably get bored of eating all the same food over and over again and to my joy I find out that they take it time to time.

Me and Cinder have been training the most we can get out of Raven as much as it was fun its almost time for the promise day.

Another thing to point out is that Armament Haki has the ability to bypass a person aura and land a hit on the body I tested it out with Cinder just to test the theory if it was true and to my joy it does work that just means I have another skill to get Raven.

Do I want to fight Raven fairly… HELL NO!?!!

Why the hell do main characters want to fight with their weakest attacks first and not end it with their strongest attack and be done with it for a chance to let that person either talk or persuade them to give up their ways?

Nope not this guy right here the second when the attack happens and when its Raven's turn makes sure you aim for the head full speed up to x100 even with aura that will instant kill anyone.

As for the time during the tribe I look over the mission over a few times to see the rewards especially the FIT when I searched through the shop function of the system, I managed to see I can actually buy islands from the One-Piece world.

When I was looking through the shop section I managed to see a few islands that caught my eye that can be either one profitable, tradeable, and resourceful for me to use in this world then in turn bring in enough Lien for me to buy some skills or other Devil Fruits.

When I checked for each island, I was really about to have a heart attack just seeing some of the island prices are just above the 700,000,000 Lien marks but understandable since they bring each their own benefit.

The first island that I thought of that was useful was the one from one of the One Piece games the resourceful island since it already has a settlement ready, Jail Island or better previously known as Jewel Island.

"[Island: Jail Island (Jewel Island)

Description: Jewel Island is a lush, green island with multiple elevated surfaces and precious stone formations. It is stated to be rich in natural resources. It is divided in five zones, each of them with at least one main city. Moreover, there are three prisons already ready for use.

This island is also able to produce its Dyna Stones only the buyer knows the correct way to excavate them.

Lien: 950,000,000.]"

The next island I didn't expect to have in the shop since this was only in a crossover but regardless it has plenty of good sources of food the like that isn't seen in Remnant before that could bring in a lot of money.

"[Island: Hungry-La Island

Description: The island is spoken of in legend as being the home of the legendary delicacy the Hungry-la Bird, however this is actually a misconception as the island itself is the actual legendary dessert delicacy and it is essentially a giant all-natural pudding a la mode.

The misunderstanding comes from the fact that the kanji used to write bird and island look quite similar and often causes confusion to those who don't notice the difference in the writing.

This island inhabitants of the Gourmet Beasts will not leave their home and will reappear again after 10 days have passed once hunted, when the island reveals itself in its real form it will repeat again after a year has passed.

Lien: 1,230,000,000.]"

But the island that would be tradeable would be the island of Skypeia since it's an island in the Skypeia with its dials since when I learned more with Raven that apparently everything in this world is powered by Dust and only Dust so that means they haven't figured out any alternative means to power this world except powered by Electric Dust Crystals so maybe with Dials it would be possible and with their weird properties could be tradeable.

"[Island: Skypiea

Description: The Sky Island inhabitants are a danger to human life and will stay in the sky above 10,000 meters above the ground to which a giant snake acts as guardian for the island and the City of Gold. Dials, which normally are not available in the Blue Sea can happen to be found around the island but varies depending on which Dial is found in the island.

Lien: 900,000,000.]"

When I saw the islands at the time, they were extremely pricy but they were valuable in their own respectful sources but that will be when I beat the mission first which is coming around soon enough.

Oh, yeah what I did with the Reject Dial is customized it as a fingerless glove with the Reject Dial attached in my palm of my glove whenever I need to block attack I just use it as a shield to absorb the kinetic damage and save it for a later time for me to use.

I was a bit worried on having a dangerous weapon like the Reject Dial since it does x10 the damage when it absorbs the kinetic impact attached to my hand.

However, I found a way to avoid the backlash of it, fortunately when I elementalize my entire body into ice when I use the dial I can pretty much avoid any damage to my body from the backlash of the Reject Dial since it would breakdown and I reform myself again.

And when I used it with the Moa Moa no Mi… shiver…

Let's just say it was really overkilled to use it to increase my punch speed by x100 into the dial that can absorb and dish out x10 that damage on an open filed it can literally destroy anything in its path with the shock waves alone…

Alright as of right now I was waiting in my tent wearing a new set of clothing for myself during the times when we had to raid another village just to make it at the end of the day.

I look closely to what I'm wearing the clothes I have were a blue overcoat with six yellow buttons and cuff links, shorts and orange socks with thin black stripes, and a pair of blue shoes.

After a long year of waiting it's time to enact the promise day that we were waiting for, "Finally it's the time for me to finish off the Brawen Tribe once and for all good thing I already said to Cinder to get ready Nya~."

I see over my tent to see that it's starting to turn dark for the day before I left, I made sure to see my status on how I have progressed during the past year.


Kuro White: Good Health

Race: Half Faunus and Half Mink White Cat

Inherit Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Swordsmanship (Intermediate)

Rokushiki: Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate)

Haki: Observation (Intermediate), Armament (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Lien: 992,544]"

When I see over the work, I put in for the last year I smiled across my face seeing the results of my training, "Alright now I feel comfortably to finish off Raven but first its time to assemble everyone."

With that I used my Doa Doa no Mi ability to create doors and jump right into the Door Dimension and immediately went over to Cinder tent already ready wearing blue jeans, red vest with a white shirt underneath it and wearing brown boots.

I open the door when she looks up at me, she smirks at me and says, "Took you long enough Nero? What was taking you?"

I gave her a deadpan look while talking to her, "Well I did need time to change Cindy old pal and old friend Nya~. So then are you ready to cause some havoc pretty girl Nya~?"

Cinder laughs at my harmless joke and pack her things and brings them over to the Door Dimension after that we went one over to the tower that seems to be in a better postion than it was before, "Well looks like the twins made their efforts restoring the tower the better huh Nya~?"

Me and Cinder look around and we find the twins come out from the top of the tower crashing down…

…or so I thought.

When they started to come on down, we see Ram using her shadow to transform into a flying snake creature of shadow coming down our direction in front of us carrying a new club base weapon for Ram and Rem carrying a Flail base weapon.

When they appeared before us, they both said to us, "Welcome back Kuro/Kuro sir to the reconstruction of Re: Onigashima Tower."

Ok I definitely heard the Re: part so I ask the two of them, "Ok but what's with the Re: part in the naming?"

They just giggled at my question of I guess I'm not getting my answer then ok that's fine I can ask them later, "Ok looks like you two have been busy and with your new cloths I hope you haven't been slacking off Nya~?"

They both shake their heads no but I see they both wear the same type of clothing they both wear samurai uniform, which consists of a dark pink for Ram and navy Blue for Rem jacket with white stripes, a light top, a brown belt, white pants with shin guards and white boots.

Ram was the one to speak with a bow at the end, "No we haven't been slacking of Kuro, we have been trying to improve our skills in combat and with our own powers."

Huh… I guess they fit the part of being warriors, but I was kind of hoping for a maid outft maybe one day Kuro maybe one day I'll live long enough to see it happen…

With that I nod towards the two of them with a smile forming in my face while raising my fist up in the air, "Alright the mission begins! Operation Promise Day is a GO!!!"

Cinder, Rem, and Ram follows suit copying my action, "ALRIGHT KURO/NERO/KURO SIR!!!"

With that the plan begins!


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops

Lien: 992,544