
One Piece: Ultimate Legends

Nouva died because his Television exploded. However, he was granted an opportunity to transmigrate the world of One Piece. He was granted a Unique Skill called Plunder.

GrottoHeaven · Cómic
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10 Chs

Quest Complete!

There was no way Nouva would consume just any Devil Fruit. It would be best to reserve some for selling or better, his future crewmates.

Nevertheless, Nouva was more than satisfied with his gains. Right as he was thinking to himself, one of the treasure chests popped open.

[Most helpful Devil Fruit identified!]

Seeing the line of words and the chest suddenly open up, Nouva smiled. The fruit inside was purple and scaly looking.

Nouva picked the fruit up and checked its status.


Store-Store Fruit

Class: Paramecia

Rating: SS

Control: This fruit requires Will to use, but very little.

Quote: Ah, the amount of things you could hoard and steal with this fruit! Incredible!


Nouva's eyes brightened, this was a fruit he needed most right now. Unfortunately, the system had no storage panel besides the Void storage. 

Nouva was hesitant before taking a bite out of the fruit which caused him to gag.

In the next moment, he stuck his hand out toward one of the chests before it was sucked into a purple portal. 

"Hahaha! This is just perfect! Did I get sent to the island on purpose?" This had to be fate for him to end up here.

Nouva smiled and proceeded to open the Three chests made of metal material. They were easy to open for obvious reasons.


[Fish-Fish Fruit, Zoan Model: Hammerhead Shark]

[Cool-Cool Fruit]

[Oil-Oil: Fruit]


Nouva's eyebrows rose slightly—these were interesting fruits he had never seen before. He quickly evaluated them and understood their basic functions.

"Okay, so the Cool-Cool Fruit is similar to Oven's Devil Fruit but ice instead. It falls into the same class, that being a Paramecia."

This fruit was quite good and was not to be underestimated. It looked just like a light blue pineapple with a cyan crown.

Nouva evaluated the Oil-Oil Fruit as well. He found that this Oil-Fruit was based on Carbon Black Oil.

"This Fruit has a clear weakness to fire. Even if someone threw a match onto the user, he would probably suffer some serious losses."

This fruit was inky black and came in the fruit form of grapes. Nouva stored this fruit along with the Cool-Cool Fruit. He had no intention of using these fruits for himself.

The Zoan fruit was pretty self-explanatory, as in you would turn into a Hammerhead shark. However, there was something else amazing about this fruit.

"You can actually swim through the earth like the Swim-Swim fruit. This fruit is pretty good, this is probably to compensate for its inability to swim in actual water." This fruit came in the form of Dark Blue Bananas. 

After storing them away with a smile, Nouva gazed over the other chest.

"I really need to open these, but I should do it later. Right now, I need to clear this place out and evaluate the loot later."

The capacity of his Storage Fruit was equivalent to a small city. As of now, he could only store non-living things.

Nouva imagined that if he awakened this fruit, he would be able to store living beings. Say, creating his own pocket dimension city!

"Haha, the thought alone gets me excited!" Nouva was smiling so much that his jaw was starting to hurt.

Afterward, he stored the other chest before going back to the treasure area. Nouva went around the whole room and stored everything inside.

This whole process took him an hour to complete.

"Oh, my gosh! I'm tired as hell! I just want to go home and go back to sleep." Nouva sighed and blamed his stamina.

He drank a bottle of water and rested for a little while. After some time, he stood up and inspected the room a bit more.

After finding nothing of value, he decided to leave the tomb the same way he came in. 

"Alright, let's finish this quest before going home." However, Nouva wanted to stop by the stream to capture fish after the quest. 

Soaring through the air, he made his way toward the place where he last spotted the pirates.

"The shore is close by, this is where the pirate ship is located." He had long stored his Golem away, this fruit was too convenient. 

Nouva appeared on the shore, there he saw a decently sized ship. This ship consisted of wood and iron. 

"They were supposed to go out and scout, why haven't they come back yet?"

"What if they ran into trouble, though this island doesn't have any threatening beasts, maybe. At least, that's what we heard from the rumors."

As they were talking, they were sipping booze and joking.

"How much do you think those three boys will go for?" Another pirate asked.

"They're too skinny and weak, so they probably won't sell for much. Nonetheless, some money is better than no money."

"What the hell is that?" The sharp-eyed man pointed in a certain direction. The men turned and saw something shocking.

Their mouths opened in shock, there was actually a little kid flying toward their ship!

He fearlessly flew toward the ship and boldly landed on the deck of the ship.



There was silence for a brief moment, there was utter disbelief in their expression. These pirates were still green when it came to this. They had never seen a human flying through the air, especially a kid.

Nouva sighed in his heart, but this was his new life now. Without waiting for them to come out of their stupor, he raised his hand. 

Suddenly, needles made of steel appeared in the void!

"What?!" The pirates exclaimed in horror and disbelief, how was this possible?!

Right then, a barrage of sharp needles stormed toward them.

"Shit!" One of the pirates reacted fast and moved to hide behind a sail pole.

"Ah!" The others weren't so fortunate as they were immediately reduced to porcupines.

"Kid, I don't know who you are, but you'll regret coming onto our ship!" The pirate that escaped pulled out a pistol.

"Oh, no you don't." Nouva manipulated the needles toward the man with the pistol.

"Ahhh!" The needles quickly pierced the man's arm before he gave a miserable scream.

"Brat! You're dead!" In an instant, a man from the bottom level of the ship appeared. He was armed with a pistol with an expression of greed.

Initially, this man had been watching in shock at Nouva's strange powers. However, a thought came to him. If he could capture this kid, he could get his secret or sell him at a high price.


With a sinister smile, the man aimed his shot at Nouva's legs to decapacitate him. 

Without a hitch, the bullet met its target and landed. 

However, the pirate was destined to be disappointed. He didn't get the reaction he was expecting out of Nouva.

"This is impossible! How could this be?" Upon inspection, he saw the hole in Nouva's leg rapidly healing!

Nouva glared at the pirate before he quickly formed a modern bullet of steel. The bullet tore through the air and penetrated the pirate's head.

"Damn it! Kid, don't go too far, do you know who we a..." The man with needles in his arm was struck with fear and began to threaten Nouva.

Before he could finish, a sharp metal pipe was shoved into his mouth before he dropped dead.

"Excuse my offense." 

Afterward, he checked the quest and found that there were two people left. Nouva quickly descended the ship and found the captain and his last mate.

The captain was a Fatman with higher stats than his men, of course. They were next to be stunned by Nouva's ability before being defeated.

From what Nouva could gather from their statuses, he surmised that the stats between 10 and 12 were the average man's strength. As for those with 13 to 18, they were one step above the average adult man.

He was also able to get information from the captain. This sea was indeed the North Blue as Nouva had thought.

The captain also had another map, it was exactly the map the men in the forest were gossiping about.

"The Paradise treasure map!" Nouva believed that the treasure would be multiple times better since it was in Paradise. 

Nouva thought about keeping the bodies for a possible bounty. However, he had enough money, and it would be weird if someone his age turned a pirate in.

"I'll keep the ship, this is the best reward."


First Contact

Destroy the Wild Boar Pirates! [12/12] Completed!!

-10 Distrubution Points

-Base Creation Token(Small)


Nouva checked the quest and saw that it was completed. Afterward, he quickly redeemed his rewards. 

Nouva placed 3 points into [Will], 4 points into [Stamina], and 3 points into [Agility]. 


Endurance: 1.22

Strength: 1.28

Agility: 1.48 → 3.48

Stamina: 5.11 → 9.11 

Will: 7 → 10

-Distribution Points: 0


Nouva felt the change in his body, especially when it came to stamina and agility. He felt much lighter than before, it was truly a good feeling.

"Let's inspect our brand new ship, this ship is surprisingly clean." Nouva was thankful that this was so, it made things more convenient.

He happily checked every part of the ship, after all, this was his now. The size of the ship was fairly good at that.

That's when Nouva reached the lower parts of the ship. He discovered that there were 2 jail cells there.

Gazing inside, Nouva saw Three boys in chains. All of them were thin, no, they were malnourished by normal standards. 

Despite their malnourished bodies, their eyes were brimming with life and determination. Their eyes simultaneously landed on Nouva as both parties stared into each other's eyes.

Nouva manipulated the bars and parted them. This scene caused the boy's eyes to widen with surprise.

Nouva gazed at their lips, which were clearly parched, dried, and cracking. Without saying a word to them he freed them from their chains. 

"T-thank you!" The boy who seemed bigger than the rest said weakly.

"No problem. Here, take this, you guys are going to need it." Nouva pulled out his last 2 pieces of bread and gave them to them.

He also made sure to give them the most important thing, water. 

The boy who was bigger than the other two had blonde hair and blue eyes. He calmly took the buttered bread buns and broke them into two each.

Afterward, he passed them out to the two other boys. These boys greedily gobbled them down.

Nouva took this time to scan the big blonde-haired boy.



Age: 6

Endurance: 0.4↓/ 1.1/ Strength: 0.3↓/ 1/ Agility: 0.1↓/ 1.4/ Stamina: 0.2↓/ 1/ Will: 3

Utility: D

Combat: S

Fortune: B


'Oh, this blonde-headed boy has crazy potential!' Suddenly, a bold thought overcame Nouva—something that would shape his future.