
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Cómic
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190 Chs

Liu Fan #24

"Oh boy..." I muttered, massaging my shoulder as I watched the marine souldiers rummage through the ship, supposedly searching for a wanted criminal recently sighted in South Blue.

Though I didn't know who they were searching for, they were very likely someone dangerous, evidenced by the friggen rear admiral overseeing the search personally.

And let me tell you, suddenly waking up to a marine soldier barking at you to leave your own room while pointing a gun in your face was not what I'd call a good time. Standing on the deck in nothing but underwear and listening to a rear admiral barking orders was even less of an enjoyable experience.

'For fuck's sake...' I couldn't help but curse as the grumpy rear admiral looked at me, giving me a brief once-over before approaching.

"You there, kid..." The rear admiral said, his gaze appraising as he looked at me. "You look like a capable young man. How would you like to join the Marines?" He asked, his tone dead serious.

"And become a lapdog for some fat space pig in Marijoa? No thanks," Or so I wanted to say, but I wasn't dumb enough to do it. "I appreciate the offer, sir, but I don't think I'll fit in..." I replied with a respectful smile, shaking my head.

"Hmm? Are you sure? If you're as strong as your physique suggests, then I have no doubt you'll quickly climb the ranks..." The read admiral argued, clearly unwilling to give up so easily.

"Oh... these muscles just for show, sir. They help with the ladies..." I said, with a chuckle as I patted my biceps. "I'm more of a lover than a fighter..." I added, barely resisting the urge to scowl as I noticed Wayland, the ship's captain, roll his eyes at my words.

"Hmph... you're not fooling anyone with that pretty face, young man," The rear admiral said with a loud snort. "Anyone worth their salt could see you've shed blood from a mile away..." He added, raising a hand to interrupt as I tried to protest.

"I won't press you anymore if you don't want to join, but you better stay on the right side of the law," The rear admiral blankly said. "If I see a wanted poster with your face on it, then I will hunt you down and put you behind bars with my own hands," He firmly concluded, his tone firm.

"That's the plan, sir..." I replied with a shrug.

"Good... and if you change your mind, just head into any marine branch and tell them rear admiral Sicily sent you..." The rear admiral said with a satisfied smile, patting me on the shoulder with more force than was needed for the seemingly friendly gesture.

Rear admiral Sicily then turned around and prepared to walk away when a marine soldier approached him. "Sir, we've searched every inch of the ship and found no traces of the fugitive..." The soldier said as he stood at attention and saluted.

"Very well. Evacuate the civilian vessel and prepare to set sail," Sicily barked, and every soldier on the Happy Squid instantly obliged as they headed for the marine ship.

"I'll see you around, young man. Remember to keep your nose clean," The rear admiral said after waiting for his subordinates to leave, and I merely smiled and nodded.

"Carry on, citizens..." Sicily concluded, promptly jumping back into his ship with a giant leap that caused the Happy Squid to shake, much to Wayland's chagrin.

'He seems decent enough for a marine....' I mused as I watched the rear admiral leave the ship.

'Still... I wonder who they're looking for...?' I


Inside the marine ship

"Rear Admiral Sicily, calling to report, Admiral Akainu, sir," Sicily said, his back unconsciously as he spoke loudly into the transponder snail as soon the call connected to Marine HQ.

"I'm afraid we found no traces of Devil Child Nico Robin despite searching everywhere for the past two months..." The rear admiral said, his tone neutral. "I'm beginning to think the intel we received was faulty somehow..." He added, sounding a bit hesitant.

"How could such a small child possibly cross over to the other side of the world on her own in the first place...?" Sicily asked, a hint of compassion leaking into his tone, which didn't escape admiral Akainu's keen ear.

"You don't get paid to think, rear admiral Sicily..." Akainu angrily replied, causing the rear admiral to wince. "If there is even the slightest chance that this dangerous criminal is in South Blue, then I want you to devote every minute of your time and effort to finding her..." He added in a tone that brokered no arguments.

"So until you find Nico Robin or search through every inch of South Blue, don't contact me again... The admiral instructed. "Do I make myself clear, marine?!" He asked.

"Sir, yes, sir!"


Several days later

"This is it, lad, Karate Island, as promised..." Wayland said in a leisurely tone as he smoked his pipe. However, even a deaf person could tell you the ship captain couldn't wait for me to leave.

After five days on the sea, I had finally reached my destination, and I couldn't wait to get off the ship to explore and look around.

The island seemed to take the shape of a squircle, which is a fancy way to say a rectangular circle for those of you who might be less geometrically inclined or just not that bright.

From afar on the sea, Karate Island looked like a green floating mass with several Japanese-styled structures sticking out of the foliage, and up close, its port town, White Cub town, looked like a typical Japanese village.

Naturally, White Cub wasn't the only town on the island. There were, in fact, three. The previously mentioned White Cub town on the east shore, Blue Tarragon town on the west shore, and Black Leatherback at the center.

Apparently, the town's names had something to do with the level of its residents' martial expertise (as in belt colors or something along those lines) since the island and its citizens were devoted to studying martial arts.

As one might guess, White Cub town served as the island's only port, and it's an entry-level test for anyone who might be interested in learning martial arts. Or that's what I've learned from the Happy Squid's sailors, anyway.

"Hey, it's not like I'm freeloading..." I said, rolling my eyes at the ship captain as I jumped over the railing and landed on the port. "Anyway, thanks for the ride," I added, turning away from Wayland as I put my fingers to my mouth and whistled to get Chuchun's attention.

"Come on, boy, let's get going..." I said, to which the giant bird let out a faint cry and spread his wings, taking to the air. "First things first..." I muttered as I approached one of the pedestrians at the port, an older man in traditional Chinese attire.

"Excuse me, sir..." I said to get the man's attention, and he immediately stopped and turned to me. "Would you be so kind as to point me to the closest bar and brothel...?" I asked with a pleasant smile.

"Oh? I know a place that doubles as both..." The man said with a nod, smiling at me. "And it just so happens to be my current destination..." He added, his smile turning weird as he caressed his long, flowing white beard.

I was about to offer buying him a drink in exchange for showing me the way, but I had to swallow my words as the man circled me, giving me an appraising once over.

"Hm... solid, but not rigid... the perfect size to exert strength and allow explosive movement without hindrance..." He said as he stopped beside me, giving my left bicep a probing squeeze, much to my confusion.

"This can not be a coincidence..." The older man said with a satisfied nod as he moved to stand in front of me. "I say, young man, did you come here to study martial arts...?" He asked, rubbing his chin in thought, and I could only mechanically nod, still trying to process the situation.

"Then it is no coincidence that we met here and now, indeed it is not," The man said as he smiled broadly. "I believe fate has brought us together, but first, introductions are in order... I am Liu Fan, head of the Shaolin Dojo," He added, briefly joining his hands and bowing.

"I'm Cedric Strode, just a drifter..." I said with a smile as I gathered my bearing and tried to copy his gesture, but my form lacked grace compared to his, to say the least.

"Well met, Cedric... I believe we have much to discuss...." Liu Fan said in a heavy, solemn tone, radiating the aura of an old master. "But I'm sure you are wary of your trip... let me take you to Karate Island's world-famous Red Daisies brothel..." He added, his grizzled aura instantly disappearing as he put what I could only describe as a lascivious smile.

"Follow me..." Liu Fan as he turned around and started walking toward the town's center without waiting for a reply, seemingly more excited than I was about our destination.

'I have a feeling I'm going to get along with this guy...' I mused, grinning as I followed the man without hesitation.
