
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

Zaelum · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 26

"Captain, this is the man who rescued that female thief from us before. He's the leader of the thieves," said three pirates with bruised faces, who had rushed out of the bar upon seeing Eden.

"A leader of thieves dares to cause trouble for pirates? This is the Great Pirate Era, not a time for thieves to be rampant! And you dare to challenge me with a dog by your side? What a joke!"

Buggy's face turned grim, and he slightly bowed his head, closing his eyes as veins bulged on his forehead. The loud barking of Chouchou further fueled his anger.

"You idiot, why did you provoke him?" Nami asked, standing beside Eden. She noticed Buggy's trembling shoulders and bulging arm veins, indicating his extreme rage. Despite her anger at Eden's reckless provocation, she couldn't help but worry about him.

She even considered dragging Eden away if the situation worsened, which was why she stayed close to him.

"You're wrong. I wouldn't be so bored as to provoke a clown with a big red nose," Eden said, his face pale but his expression resolute. He looked at Buggy and continued, "Listen up, you big red nose. I'm not a leader of thieves. I'm a pirate, a true pirate!"

Nami, hearing Eden's firm declaration, was taken aback. She realized something, and her face changed as her mind went blank. She stood there, stunned, feeling a mix of emotions.

"So what if you're a pirate? From the moment you shouted at me, I decided not to let you or your friends go!" Buggy roared, his eyes wide with anger.

"Bring it on! When you fired those cannons at me, you sealed your fate to be beaten by me!" Eden shouted back. "Enough talk! Come and face your death, you ridiculous big red nose!"

"Woof! Woof!" Chouchou barked even louder at Buggy from Eden's side.

"Die!" Buggy, infuriated by Eden's repeated insults about his nose, charged at him.

Buggy couldn't tolerate anyone mentioning his nose, and today it had been insulted by both Luffy and Eden. He couldn't hold back any longer.

"Go, Eden, beat him up!" Luffy cheered from a distance, waving his fists in support.

"What are you doing? You know he's severely injured, and you're not stopping him! Is this what it means to be his companion?" Nami, seeing Buggy charging at Eden, tried to pull him back. Despite her efforts, Eden stood firm, unmoving. Frustrated, she turned her anger on Luffy.

"I'm supporting him because I'm his companion!" Luffy said seriously. "You know he's a pirate. If he doesn't fight back against another pirate's attack, he has no business continuing his journey."

"We're heading to the Grand Line next. There are even stronger pirates there, and we'll face dangers a hundred times worse than this. We can't back down now!"

Luffy glanced at Eden and smiled confidently at Nami. "Don't underestimate him. He's not someone who easily dies. I know this well. And he has his own pride. Unless he asks for help, I won't interfere."

"What's wrong with you people? Which is more important, pride or life? He's so badly injured, he could die at any moment," Nami said, sneaking a glance at Eden.

"Are you an idiot? Of course, living with pride is more important. That's what Eden is doing now," Luffy replied, leaving Nami speechless. She understood why Eden insisted on fighting despite his injuries, but she couldn't agree with it.

"Brat, enjoy this last bit of sunlight before I tear you apart!" Buggy yelled as he approached Eden, pulling out several throwing knives. "Prepare to be... dismembered!"

Eden, seeing Buggy close in, didn't wait for him to finish his sentence. He pulled out a large fishing net he had prepared and threw it at Buggy, entangling him before he could split his body.

Before Buggy could react, Eden tightened the net with his left hand, charged forward, stomped the ground hard enough to crack it, and punched Buggy's round red nose with all his strength. "Dismember this, you bastard!"

For the first time, Eden used a curse in a fight, his punch flattening Buggy's nose and making him see stars. Buggy's face contorted in pain, and he nearly lost consciousness, not even noticing Chouchou biting him several times.


Buggy was sent flying, breaking through the tightly wound net.

Just then, a cannon fired from the bar's roof behind Buggy.

"Captain Buggy has been punched away by that guy!"

"Captain Buggy, watch out for the cannonball!"

"Dodge it, Captain Buggy!"

Buggy's pirates panicked, shouting warnings as Buggy flew towards the cannonball they had just fired.

"I... I..." Buggy, dizzy and unable to think clearly, couldn't hear his crew's warnings. He never expected Eden, despite his severe injuries, to have such a powerful punch.

"Oh no, Captain Buggy hit the cannonball back at us!"

"Run, it's dangerous!"

The pirates on the bar's roof saw Buggy collide with the cannonball, sending it flying back towards them. In their panic, some jumped off the roof, breaking their limbs and crying out in pain.


Buggy and the cannonball exploded inside the bar, creating a deafening blast and a towering inferno.

The bar and several nearby buildings were reduced to rubble, smoke and dust filling the air.

"I'm a pirate. If you dare fire at me, this is the consequence. If anyone else wants to challenge me, come forward. I won't run or hide. I'll be right here waiting."

Eden stood his ground, leaving several bloody footprints behind him. He glanced at the pirates crawling out of the wreckage, battered and bleeding. "Looks like no one else dares to challenge me. Let's leave it at that."

Several pirates, their faces covered in soot and their bodies bleeding, struggled to stand from the rubble. Seeing Eden's unwavering stance through the thick smoke, they quickly averted their gaze, pretending to be dead, trembling with fear.

This guy is a monster! How can someone so gravely injured still punch Captain Buggy along with the cannonball? Is he truly invincible?

The pirates, seasoned in the bloodthirsty life of piracy, felt their souls shiver in fear. Their fighting spirit was utterly crushed.

Unbeknownst to them, Eden was at his limit. If they had mustered the courage to attack again, he wouldn't even have the strength to run.

"Damn you! I'll kill you for sure!" Buggy, looking at Eden with murderous intent, was covered in soot and his nose still throbbed in pain. Though on the verge of passing out, the cannonball's impact had reinvigorated him with rage.

Buggy felt something obstructing his vision, only to realize it was his swollen red nose.

Eden's punch had not only flattened Buggy's nose but also smeared it with blood, making it even more prominent.

Buggy's swollen nose partially obstructed his view, but he still managed to split his body in half, advancing towards Eden.

"Huff, huff..." Eden's face was pale from blood loss, and he was panting heavily. Seeing Buggy approach, he said to Luffy, "It's up to you now. I'm at my limit."

"Just rest. I'll take care of him," Luffy said, stepping on Buggy's detached hand as it attempted to stab Eden with a small knife. He cracked his knuckles, positioning himself in front of Eden.

Eden chuckled weakly, not even glancing at Buggy. He collapsed backward, confident that Luffy had his back.

"You're such a fool. Was it necessary to push yourself this hard?" Nami caught Eden before he hit the ground, feeling the sticky blood on him. She was both angry and concerned.

"Eden, do you blame me for your injuries?" Luffy asked, preparing to face Buggy.

"Do you feel guilty for hurting me?" Eden, held by Nami, caught a familiar scent of her hair as he replied.

"No, I don't feel guilty at all," Luffy said, stretching his arm to punch Buggy while smiling at Eden.

Luffy was sincere. Despite Eden's severe injuries, largely due to him, Luffy felt no guilt. He had fought Eden with a clear conscience, and if he had any guilt, it would be absurd.

When Luffy fought Eden, Eden hadn't denied hurting Nami. Seeing Nami cry because of Eden, Luffy resolved to punch Eden, believing it was justified.

Had Eden denied it, Luffy might have felt guilty, but since Eden admitted it, Luffy saw no reason to feel remorse.

Eden, having taken advantage of Nami twice, felt guilty himself. With Nami crying before him, he couldn't deny his actions.

Thus, the fight between Eden and Luffy, seemingly absurd in its cause, was inevitable. Better to fight now and resolve it early.

Moreover, Eden wanted to know his true strength compared to Luffy. The fight clarified their differences for him.

If he gave it his all, he could injure Luffy but not seriously harm him.

Fighting while already injured, Eden knew the result might differ if he were at full strength.

Eden had no complaints about fighting Luffy under these circumstances. "Next time you say you'll punch me, I won't hold back," he told Luffy, laughing.

As he spoke, faint red stripes appeared on his back, blending with his blood, becoming almost invisible.

Luffy laughed like a monkey, focusing on Buggy.

"Sometimes you people are really strange," Nami said as she began bandaging Eden's wounds. She gently laid his head on her lap, her voice low and filled with concern. "You still haven't answered me. Why did you push yourself this hard?"

"Do you really not know?" Eden's throat was dry, but he kept his gaze on Nami. "I wanted to make it clear to you. Woman, I'm a pirate, a thoroughbred pirate. Now you can't say I deceived you anymore, can you?"

Nami's heart trembled as she heard Eden's words. She had guessed Eden's intention earlier, but hearing it from him was still a shock. This man had risked his life to prove something to her. Despite its craziness, it made her feel a warm sensation in her heart. It was special, albeit in an unacceptable way, but it showed Eden's sincerity.

"I knew it. That's why I called you an idiot. You could have just told me. Why get yourself hurt this badly to prove you're a pirate? You big idiot!" Nami's voice held both irritation and a hint of affection. She was deeply moved but couldn't ignore the recklessness of his actions.

"Sometimes, words alone aren't enough. Actions speak louder. I wanted to show you that not all pirates are the same. You've seen it for yourself now, haven't you? So, stop crying. I never intended to deceive you. After today, you'll always remember that I'm a pirate, right?" Eden's heavy breathing indicated his fatigue, but he continued, "And you look terrible when you cry. I hate seeing you like that."

Nami's warmth turned into irritation. She understood the deeper meaning behind Eden's words. He wanted her to stop living in her past hatred. Not all pirates were like the ones who had destroyed her childhood. Despite her understanding, she couldn't help but tighten the bandage a little too much, causing Eden to gasp in pain.

"By the way, thanks to you, I almost forgot. I still need to steal Buggy's treasure. You're coming with me," Nami said, wiping her tears discreetly. Her tone was bright, and she wore a radiant smile.

"Hey, I'm injured. You can do that yourself. I just want to rest here for a while," Eden protested, feeling utterly drained and in pain.

"Don't be silly. Who's going to help me carry the treasure? Don't even think about lazing around," Nami replied, pulling Eden to his feet. She thought to herself: Idiot, I feel safer with you around. You have no idea.

Eden sensed the hidden danger behind Nami's smile. He opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it. Fine, I'll go with her. It's better than getting beaten.

As he followed Nami, faint orange stripes appeared on Eden's back, intertwining with the red marks, gradually spreading across his body...