
One Piece: The Hundreds Swords Pirate

Arima Koujiro, a middle-aged man who worked as a Yakuza was tired of his boring life. Being a Yakuza in modern times was not as exciting as he thought it was when he read the stories about Yakuza in his childhood. Expecting life full of action and glorious fights with the rival Yakuza clan when he initially joined Yakuza, instead, he was faced with boring ordinary office work with some "business visit" here and there to clients that late to pay their loans. On the night of his 40th birthday, he partied with a bunch of his colleagues on the penthouse apartment that he earned from his 20 years working as a Yakuza. Passed out after having too much drink, he woke up in the middle of nowhere instead of his apartment. Before he got to process what happened and figuring out where he is, a blue hologram screen popped out in front of him with a mail sign in the middle of it. This is a story of Arima Koujiro fulfilling his dream of exciting and full of actions life that he always wanted.

Kouhaii · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs


Quick note before yall read.

I just found out that when you comment whether in the paragraph comment or normal comment, it will automatically gets deleted if you guys use any swear words.

So, if you guys want to point out some errors and just plain old comment, please refrain using swear words.

I saw someone commented correcting some errors on the 1st chapter and I really grateful for it, but it got deleted because the sentence contains swear words, if you want to correct some errors and the sentence has swear words in it just skip the swear word or put spacing between the letters.

That's all from me for now, have fun!


'Ooh shit, I almost butchered the main character of the world. say H, am I even allowed to kill these kids?'

°Well, there's nothing written about no killing the main character of the world, aside from changing the whole plotline and the original story that you even barely know, nothing bad going to happen I assume.°

°But, based on 'general' moral compass, killing kids is bad.°

'No shit Sherlock, I never killed one myself, but I will if I had to.'

°You do you Arima-san, I'm just a helper with some morality conscience.°

'Did the old man put some sprinkles of 'righteousness' in your design? If so, he did a bad job making a helper that is suitable for me.'

°Actually no, the creator made me as a blank canvas with a self-learning function to adapt the way my partner needed me.°

'Well, you adapted the wrong way there chief.'

°As I said, you do you Arima-san.°

"Are you okay old man? You've been spacing out like that for five minutes."

Luffy waved his hand in front of Koujiro's face to check if he was still there or not.


"What did I say about calling me old man you brat?"

"Geez, what's with the head slaps, we don't even know your name to begin with, what should we call you then?"

Luffy said while rubbing his head feeling annoyed by the head slaps even though he didn't feel them.

"Ha, listen carefully you brats, the name is Arima Koujiro, Oni of Kanto region."

Koujiro proudly introduced his name while showing the Oni tattoo on his back.

"Cool name heh, people start calling me by the name after I cut my 10th head."

Luffy gulped while covering his neck with both of his hands, the other two also did the same.

'This old man is scary.'

The trio thought the same thing and nodded to each other in agreement.

"You kids live around here? I thought the island was empty."

"Umm, yeah, we live on top of the mountain with the mountain bandits."

"So you guys bandits then? Are there any villages or cities nearby? I would prefer going to a village or city rather than a bandit's camp."

"Yeah, there's Foosha village nearby, and also the capital of Goa Kingdom not far from here and we're not bandits, we will become pirates when we grow up."

"Whatever kid, show me the direction where the city is."

"That way."

Ace pointed out the general direction of the town.

'Scan the area that the kid pointed at H.'

°Scanning...found the city, it's a big one, surrounded by a wall, with approximately hundreds of thousands population.°

"Alright, so you brats are going home now or what? It's already dark though, you can stay with me for the night, I'll be staying here for tonight and head towards the city early tomorrow morning."

"Can you put your clothes on first? It's weird enough talking with you while you're naked, now you're asking us to stay with you here while you're still naked."

Ace pointed out that Koujiro was still naked and told him to get dressed before things got weirder, the other two just nodded agreeing on what Ace said.

"Fine...fine, you brats want to see a magic trick?"

Koujiro grinned thinking about showing these kids the inventory works.

"What kind of magic?"

Luffy was immediately interested in hearing about magic, Koujiro stood up then thought of the command to wear his clothes, and right that second the clothes immediately appeared on his body as if they were always there.

Now Koujiro was wearing a white silk shirt buttoned only halfway showing his two tiger paws tattoos on his chest, a pair of black tailored pants and a pair of boots made from alligator skin.

"Woah, that's soo cool old man."

Luffy shouted with eyes shining like a pair of stars, Koujiro was about to slap the kid's head again when he remembered that he would not feel any pain from the slap, so he just sighed and moved on.

"Pay attention, the next one is way cooler."

Koujiro smiled and sent a command to store away all of the crates of sake while leaving a bottle in his hand.

"Where do all those crates go? How did you do that?"

The kids were amazed and barraged him with questions while Koujiro just stood there smirking.

"It's magic brats."

Koujiro just answered their questions with a simple word.

"Can you teach us?"

Luffy asked with puppy eyes.

"I'm not going to teach some kids, go prepare a fire or something, I'm going to catch some food, I'm starving."

Koujiro folded his sleeves then pulled out both his Chokutō and Wakizashi, holding the Chokutō in his hand and shoving the Wakizashi through his belt on his back.

'Scan the forest for animals H.'

°Scanning...found a deer 200 meters north of you.°

'Show me where is north, I'm not a compass.'

An arrow showed up on his peripheral showing the direction, moving quickly towards his target he saw the deer and tried to get close for a clean head cut.

Before he even got close, the deer noticed him approaching and immediately leapt away.

"Shame, you choose the hard way to die."

Koujiro then pulled out his Wakizashi from his back and threw the sword with all his strength and struck one of the deer's legs.

"Hah easy, Luffy would've been a corpse right now if I was not tipsy from the drinks earlier."

Still trying to run away after one of its legs was struck by a sword making it basically a three-legged deer, he caught up to the deer easily and immediately cut its neck in one swift motion ending the deer's life."

'Store and clean weapons, store deer corpse, point way back.'

Following the pointer from the helper to get back, after a few minutes of walking he saw the kids already prepared the fire and tents for the night.

"I thought you were hunting, I don't see anything on you."

Ace noticed Koujiro walking out of the forest and saw he brought nothing with him.

Koujiro dropped the deer corpse from the inventory and also gave him the Wakizashi for processing the deer.

"Here, I assume you know how to skin and cut up a deer, careful the sword is really sharp, you might lose a finger or two if you do not handle it carefully hehehe, I'm going to drink by the fire."

An hour later the kids skinned and gutted the deer into small parts, then they sat around the campfire cooking the deer.

"That was fast, you brats got skills."

Seeing the kids already finished prepping the deer in just an hour, only an experienced hunter or butcher can do it that fast.

"Well, we hunt most of our food ourselves."

Ace shrugged and gave a portion to Koujiro to grill himself.

They sat around the campfire eating the meat, even though it's not seasoned the meat still tasted good, most of the deer meat eaten by the three kids, especially Luffy, Koujiro just ate the meat that Ace handed to him the first time because he's not a big eater, he just sat there enjoying his sake while watching the three kids eating and chatting happily reminding him again of his childhood friends.

Most of the night they spent talking to each other, telling stories, about themselves, mostly Koujiro boasting about his few adventures that he got during his time on the Yakuza, also he asked the kid about the pirate and stuff, even though they were children they had much more knowledge about the world than himself.

Few hours of talking and a crate of sake later, the kids already asleep in their tent, Koujiro just lying there on his back sipping his sake while watching the stars, he never saw the sky so full of stars like this, back on his world the stars are covered by the light pollution.

After a few hours of staring at the sky and thinking about what he would do tomorrow in the city, he needed money for sure. He would try to maybe find a job first before doing something criminal-ish like robbing people or just straight-up cutting people and take their stuff.

He chuckled at the thought of him cutting people up without getting hunted by the police. There's law enforcement here like marines and probably the city guards, but you can do almost anything in this world compared to his old one.

The world is basically still in medieval times, judged by the pirates and stuff that exist here, hell even he got targeted by the marines. The world is a huge world full of islands to hide from the marines.

Maybe being a pirate was not a bad decision to make, he downed his last bottle before going to sleep under the night sky.

The next day in the morning the kids and Koujiro said their goodbyes, even though he almost kills one of them Koujiro started to like these kids after spending the night talking about their life.

After saying their goodbyes the kids and Koujiro awkwardly walked in the same direction, feeling the awkwardness they just walked along until they separated with the kids heading to the mountains while Koujiro took a turn heading towards the capital.

After walking slowly for a few hours enjoying the scenery and killing some hostile animals every now and then, he reached the edge of the forest, walking out of the forest he saw mountains of garbage instead of a city wall.

'What the fuck is this? I thought we're heading toward a city here H, you're pointing the wrong way here or what?'

Koujiro covered his nose smelling the awful smell and immediately turned back to the forest.

°We're heading toward the city Arima-san, the city is on the other side of the scrap yard.°

'What kind of city got a scrap yard right next to it? The king must be stupid, can we go around it? I'm not walking through those trash.'

Koujiro complained about the king's stupidity, still walking away from the scrapyard to get some fresh air.

°You can go around it, but estimating the distance and your speed of travel, you will reach the city around the afternoon.°

"Man, I need to find a way to earn some money, I can't do that if I reach the city when the sun is almost going down, I don't want to sleep on the street either, YO, OLD MAN, CAN YOU HELP ME OUT HERE?"

Koujiro shouted towards the sky hoping the old man would hear him.

••Shut up brat, I can hear you clearly without shouting.••

"Hehehe, can I have some money, please? I don't want to walk through those trash, and I also don't want to sleep on the street."

Koujiro shamelessly asked for money out of his selfishness.

••This is the first and the last time, there will be no more help from me.••

The old man sighed then gave him some money to make him shut up and stop whining.

Checking his inventory he saw that he got one million Yen now, grinning like a kid that had given pocket money, he immediately checked out the shop for the first time.

"Hehe, thanks old man, you're the best."

'Now, what we get here, open shop.'

The shop interface showed up with endless categories of things that he could buy.

'Hmm, what should I buy.'

Browsing through the lists, Koujiro started walking towards wherever the pointer guided him.

After a few minutes of looking through the lists, Koujiro found a weapon section, after looking through the endless choice of weapons and the other weapon-related stuff, stopping at a display of relatively large swords, he tapped on it and took a closer look.

'Hmm, I've been wanting one of this huge Ōdachi, the lame-ass government decided that owning one is illegal, well, now there's no such rule here, sooo ... buy.'

Buying the sword like buying candy without even looking at the price tag, Koujiro immediately summoned his newly bought sword.

Opening up the portal in front of him and slightly above his head, the portal opened facing down dropping the sword.

"Woops, heave-ho."


He caught the sword with both of his hands, then swung down the sword as hard as he could, making a huge crater on the ground.

"Woah, what the fuck!!!"

Stumbling around before falling on his butt because he shattered the ground where he was standing, he took a closer look at his new weapon.

"What the hell? Is there a hidden rocket booster on the blade or something? I don't think I can swing a sword that hard, the sword is not even that heavy to begin with, to destroy the ground with its weight alone seems impossible."

Koujiro stood up and dusted off his clothes still not realizing his strength was not the same as he was back on earth, putting back the sword into his inventory, he took a closer look at the sword using the inventory interface for more detailed information about the sword.


Name: Norimitsu

Grade: Supreme Grade Meito

Description: Norimitsu is known as the largest Ōdachi ever existed, with length over 3 meters and weight over 14 kilograms, some says that it's wielded by a giant, some says it created as an ornamental, but the one thing that true is, this sword was crafted by a highly skilled swordsmith.

Passive: The sword will automatically adjust itself depending on the wielder's needs.

Ps. I modified most of the swords to make sure you can use them


"What the fuck!!! I know this sword, it was the huge Ōdachi from Kibitsu Shrine in Okayama Prefecture."

He took out the sword again to take a closer look making sure that it was the same Norimitsu.

"Hmm, it's definitely shorter from the one I saw back on the shrine, is this a fake?"

°It's not fake Arima-san, you should read the whole description of the sword.°

"Ooh, the old man modified the sword, neat ability though."

He said it with a flat tone then commanded the sword to extend to its original length.

"Woahahaha, it's the real huge sword from the shrine!!!"

Koujiro was amazed by the abnormal long sword and laughed like a kid while swinging it like a twig, still not realizing his new strength.

A few minutes and a few sliced trees later, Koujiro finished his swinging sword session and put the sword back into his inventory, opening the shop again, he browsed the weapon section again like a kid in a toy store.

After a few minutes of browsing, he found a sleek black tanto with a small fan symbol on its handle, golden carving on the edge where the handle meets the sheath with another golden carving on its pommel, and wrapped with a white snakeskin pattern rope on the middle of its sheath.

Immediately buying the small sword without seeing its price tag, he took out the sword and took a closer look at the simple yet beautifully decorated tanto. The tanto called Tetsugendo.

Storing away the sword and getting back to his shopping spree, he browsed the weapon section yet again.

While scrolling through the infinite amount of weapons, a familiar name flashed right before his eyes, scrolling back up he found it, the name of the sword is Myōhō Muramasa, the only Muramasa's sword that designated as an Important Cultural Property, with eyes full of stars thinking about sword crafted by The Muramasa himself was within arms reach to become his, he tapped the buy button, instead of a successful purchase notification, the text that appeared on his screen was 'Your money is not enough to proceed'.

Checking his remaining money, he found out that he only had ¥. 80.000 left, dropping on his knees, he can't utter a word, one million Yen just poofed to thin air like that.

Back in the old man's place, he's laughing so hard that he almost choked on his popcorn.

Shopping list for today:

1. Norimitsu: ¥. 900.000

2. Tetsugendo: ¥. 20.000

Total: ¥. 920.000

Remaining Money: ¥. 80.000

Let me know your thoughts about the chapter in the comment below.

Thanks for reading.

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