
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Cómic
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351 Chs

275. How Do You Manage To Be So Serious And Funny?

"What an amazing Haki!"

Rayleigh observed Mihawk as he stepped back, sensing a touch of emotion within him.

Handling this new generation is becoming quite a challenge. Even a basic Conqueror's clash packs a more potent punch than the strength of a Armament haki.

And that young man we just witnessed...

If he assessed it correctly, aside from the initial trance and the chest wounds that could potentially burst open, his fighting capabilities didn't plummet drastically.

What bravery!

However, he could also perceive that the Shichibukai had no urgency to fiercely serve the Marines, so he didn't press on for victory and let the young man withdraw.

Just as Rayleigh was sighing, a surge of heat suddenly approached him. Raising his gaze, a multitude of massive lava fists were hurtling toward him like descending meteors, launching a rapid assault.

Ryusei Kazan (Meteor Volcano)!

"Rayleigh? Are you, an old-timer, standing up and courting death?" (T/N: There it is)

Akainu's face brimmed with anger, and his fists, now transformed into lava, continuously dripped substantial amounts of magma. The sturdy ice surface bore holes one after another, and white water vapor persisted, gradually vanishing into the air.

"It appears... we've encountered quite a troublesome individual?!"

Rayleigh's eyes gleamed red, and the entire world seemed to lose its luster. He wielded the long knife in his hand, darting left and right, skillfully evading the descending lava fists.

And... the occasional flow of magma passing by.

Rumble! ! 

Zizzi! !

As the magma descended to the ground, the ice surrounding Rayleigh swiftly melted, giving rise to copious amounts of water vapor. The once stable ground vanished, compelling Rayleigh to sprint in Akainu's direction.

"Dai Funka (Great Eruption)!"

Akainu wouldn't afford Rayleigh a moment's respite. He bellowed in anger, and the lava on his arms cascaded rapidly, coalescing into a colossal lava fist.

If one approached cautiously, they'd discern a constant, rumbling noise emanating from Akainu's body, akin to the build-up before a volcano erupts!

Boom! !

A resounding noise echoed, and a sky-enveloping lava fist was swiftly launched, its target:

Surprisingly, it's Rayleigh, relentlessly charging towards it! !

Akainu is fully aware of Rayleigh strength's.

Akainu excels in both close combat and long-range assaults. As a dedicated physical warrior, Rayleigh showcases adept swordsmanship and formidable slashing power. However, his limitations in long-range attacks are apparent!

Utilize your own strengths to exploit the opponent's weaknesses! !

On the opposite side, Aokiji regarded the man before him with an indifferent expression and remarked with hindsight,

"Why don't you go and aid your old comrade? No matter how illustrious you were in the past, time continues to march on!"

"No, as Roger's first mate, he alone is enough!"

Gaban stood firm, the ax in his hand glinting coldly beneath the sleek ice.

"If that's the case, then..."

Upon hearing this, Aokiji furrowed his brows, breathed out a burst of cold white air, and a slender ice blade suddenly materialized in his hand.

Ice Saber! ! !


"Marine major or higher, advance from the center and utterly vanquish the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Sengoku stood atop the execution platform, observing the three primary forces who had already engaged their adversaries. His countenance remained frosty, yet he calmly issued orders.

Kneeling beside him, Teach glimpsed a spark of hope in his eyes. He truly didn't anticipate members of the Roger Pirates coming to aid his father.

Despite the existing gap in combat prowess, it, at the very least, offers him a glimmer of hope.

Boom--! !

"You there! What mischievous notions are you concealing?"

Garp, who hadn't yet stepped into the fray, advanced and delivered an iron fist to Teach, adding another lump to his already unfortunate head.

Disregarding Garp's banter, Sengoku persisted in surveying the battle scenario and methodically gave orders,

"The remaining Marines will patrol along the periphery, and round up the remaining Whitebeard Pirates' forces!"

Sengoku's voice resonated like a bell, solemn and weighty, echoing clearly in the crescent-shaped port.


As the command echoed, a multitude of Marines leaped from the port, creating a sweeping blue and white torrent.

Enel was naturally among them.


Before Enel could surge to the frontline, a man sporting sunglasses obstructed his path.

His blue-grey hair billowed, clad in a white shirt, with a red dragon tattooed on the right side of his neck, giving him a fierce appearance.

"Hey——!! Who are you?"

Enel curled his lips in disdain.

After several years of training, not only had his physique undergone a complete transformation from when he initially enlisted in the Marines, but his strength had also become formidable.

Otherwise, Building Snake wouldn't have identified Enel in the crowd so effortlessly.

Even among the generals and officers, Enel's life force emitted a striking aura.


Silently, Snake intertwined his fingers in a cunning configuration, bent his wrists, and directed both his arms at Enel.

"Dragon Fist——! Give me advice!" (T/N: In fandom he is a swordsman, so there is inconsistency here)

"...You call this Dragon Fist?!"

The corner of Enel's mouth twitched. Regardless of how he observed it, he couldn't discern even a hint of a Dragon form in the other person.

By the way, how does this guy in front of me manage to be so earnest and amusing?

"60,000,000 V Jamboule (Sixty Million Volts Thunder Dragon)!!!"

A resounding cry rang out, and a plethora of thunder and lightning materialized out of thin air, swiftly intertwining to ultimately shape a vivid thunder dragon, coiling around Enel.

"Go! Let this guy witness what a Dragon truly is!!"

Upon the command, the Thunder Dragon lunged forward, fangs exposed and mouth wide open, aiming to bite Snake.

On the other side, Issho propped his staff on the ground and shut his eyes tightly. Across from him stood Marco, perspiring profusely and engulfed in immortal blue flames.

Evidently, he had assumed the Human-Beast Form.

"Why would someone like you suddenly appear in the Marines?!"

Marco's voice quivered, not out of fear, but due to the man before them exuding a life force akin to a beast awaiting its chance—a potent aura trailing closely behind their father, Whitebeard! 

Especially, his immortal blue flames made him particularly attuned to the vibrancy of life.

Even without relying on observation haki, the remarkably intense aura still startled him.

"Haha~ I merely stumbled into this war by chance. I'm here because of the... justice in my heart!!"

The moment he finished speaking, the staff and sword unsheathed, and purple gravity ripples enshrouded Marco.

Click——! !

The ice shattered instantly, leaving Marco in astonishment.

A pair of splendid wings swiftly unfurled from behind and fluttered urgently, attempting to escape Issho's reach.

"Jigoku Tabi (Hell Journey)!!"


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