
One Piece: System

A young man finds himself suddenly within a white void, and a voice telling him that he had died before his time and he is going to be reborn into a new life with a system to help him make the most of things, what will he do when he gets there, what dreams will he aspire to reach for, lets find out

PsyChotiX556 · Cómic
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46 Chs

Chapter three- learning the ropes

This made absolutely no sense to Gabriel, where the hell had this come from, he didn't remember anything about a devil fruit appearing during the Arlong Arc of One Piece, this shouldn't be here… unless.

Truthfully he shouldn't be here, he wasn't from this world, was he the cause of this somehow…. no he had only been in this world less than an hour, and he hadn't done anything that could cause this so what had…. the system, had it changed things in this world, was it still changing things.

Gabriel didn't understand it, but he wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. A Devil fruit regardless of its type or ability meant power of some kind, if he was going to survive in this world he needed power otherwise he would be trod upon by the strong. The strong always ruled above the weak, power mattered, anyone who says otherwise is a fool.

Sure he knew that if he ate this devil fruit then he would lose his ability to swim but so what, it just meant that he'd have to be careful around water.

Taking the devil fruit in his hand he looked at it for several seconds mulling things over in his head before he sighed, "screw it" and took a bite…. and instantly regretted it.

He of course knew that devil fruits were said to be the most foulest tasting thing a person could eat, but he hadn't believed it would be that bad. Oh how wrong he was.

Immediately Gabriel gagged and fell to his knees as he dropped the rest of the fruit as he brought his hands to his mouth to keep himself from throwing up. It tastes foul, like dirt, like dirt that a cow had taken a crap on and then something had come and long and died on that same spot.

He had to fight hard not to throw up but eventuality managed to get the bite down and was panting from the effort.

"What the hell" Gabriel said after a moment before gagging.

It took him several minutes after that to finally get over the taste of the fruit before standing up and looking at his hands.

"Okay, I don't feel any different so how do I tell what it did" he said before a thought came to him and he opened the system menu once more and sure enough one of the other icons had became solid and clear saying Devil Fruit

Tapping it he saw the screen change to a smaller menu of only six icons and he arched an eyebrow as he read the name of the devil fruit he had just eaten.

"Yure-Yure no mi" Gabriel spoke confused before tapping on it and read the translation, "the shake-shake fruit"

Immediately his mind went to Whitebeard's Gura Gura no mi, the tremor tremor fruit, was his devil fruit something similar. He quickly felt excited thinking that he could cause earthquakes or something similar with these powers.

Thinking for a moment he tapped the screen and dumped the hundred and ten points he had into his devil fruit abilities wanting to see what he could do with it and instantly felt his mind flood with information on top of another migraine.

As the pain passed and the knowledge settled in his mind Gabriel frowned to himself, it wasn't what he had hoped it was. He had gained knowledge of how to access his fruit's abilities but it was nowhere near the power of Whitebeards Gura Gura no mi. The shaking was restricted to his own body, that couldn't be all could it.

Opening his eyes Gabriel took a closer look at the icons on the screen as a thought crossed his mind and sure enough he could see a faint line connecting the other five icons and he felt a grin come to his face, an evolution skill tree, his devil fruit could evolve thanks to his system.

His devil fruit powers were restricted to just his own body right now but he had a feeling that would change in the future once he evolved his devil fruit abilities with the aid of the system, it wasn't ideal but it was what he had to work with.

The information he had gained from the system about his devil fruit had shown him various tricks he could use with his new abilities and gave him the instinctual knowledge how to do them, it would be up to him now to train and put them to use.

With that knowledge in mind Gabriel began to continue walking through the forest, now that he had some power of his own he wasn't worried about the fishmen on the island. He didn't think he had enough power to handle Arlong by himself but he knew he could handle any of the others in his crew.

As he walked he began to think about what he was going to do. He knew he couldn't become a marine, it wasn't like he didn't have a sense of justice he just didn't like the idea of being a dog to the Tenryūbito, and the marines banner of Absolute Justice felt too dark for him. Not that with a name like his they'd let him join, he'd be suspected of being related to Silvers Reighley and they'd arrest him on the spot.

He could become a bounty hunter he supposed, but then that would mean he'd still have contact with the marines when he went to turn in any bounty that he caught.

That only left being a pirate, and with a name like his, if it turned out the System has somehow made him related to the Dark king then being a pirate would be in his blood.

That settled it for him, he'd become a pirate, Silvers D Gabriel, a pirate… it suited him he thought. Now there was only just one thing left to decide, what would be his goal.

He knew if he was going to be a pirate then there was only one crew for him, the Straw hats, but he knew if he was going to join them then he needed to be like the rest and have a reason to do so the question was just what that reason, his goal, be.

Money? No that was Nami's thing. Exploration? No Sanji had that covered with his All Blue dream. Fame? No there was already enough of that between Zoro and Luffy striving for their positions.

As he continued to think about just what it was that he wanted from this life he finally came to a road and after reminding himself which way Gosa village was he began to walk in the opposite direction hoping it would take him to Nami's hometown.

"Hmmm what do I want" Gabriel muttered to himself as he put his hands behind his head and looked up at the sky.

He had honestly never thought much about it in his last life, he had been a graphic arts student specialising in 3D modelling and texture art. At the time he wanted nothing more than to create what he imagined but now everything has changed.

His past life was over, he would never see his family and friends again. Sure he knew that his family life hadn't exactly been great, and he didn't have a whole lot of friends but those he did have he knew he would miss a lot.

He shook his head and sighed, there was nothing for it, thinking about it would just make him depressed. He had the whole one piece world in front of him and his life as a pirate to look forward to. He would live this new life of his with no regrets, he could make new friends and reach new heights.

If Luffy's goal was to become pirate king then he knew just what his goal should be.

As Cocoyashi village came into view Gabriel's grey eyes glistened with determination, now he knew what he wanted and he wouldn't let anything get in his way.