
One Piece: Sign in

a traditional world traveler armed with a unique tool - the Sign-in system. One Piece World Fanfiction... (Other Worlds Travel is also possible)...

Aizen_Sosuke · Cómic
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25 Chs

Chapter 23

The departing crew of straw hats from Loguetown indulged in a lavish feast as Sanji gracefully maneuvered through the gathering, serving up an array of exotic dishes on gleaming plates.

Nami, seated closely beside Seph, couldn't help but voice her admiration, praising Sanji's culinary prowess.

"Sanji-kun, your cooking skills continue to surpass expectations," she exclaimed, savoring each bite. "Your dishes are even more delightful than before."

Kaya, her surprise evident, reveled in the flavors she was experiencing for the first time, a testament to Sanji's culinary mastery. 

"Truly, Sanji-san is a culinary genius," she remarked, comparing his expertise to the chefs of her affluent upbringing.

Nojiko, her mouth full yet expressive, nodded vigorously in agreement, giving Sanji a thumbs-up as a gesture of appreciation for his culinary craftsmanship.

Sanji eyes turned into a pink heart shape, as he moved amusignly with his legs, almost creating a blur with his legs.

"Thank you beautiful ladies for the praise! I'm glad you are enjoying yourself."

Beside Kaya, Usopp attempted to impress with his boasts, hoping to catch her attention. However, Kaya, now able to see the world with her own eyes, found Usopp's antics more irksome than endearing. She managed only a gentle nod, her gaze fixed on Seph.

Observing Usopp's futile attempts, Nami and Nojiko exchanged sympathetic glances, silently acknowledging his plight.

Meanwhile, the adorable Merry nibbled on peculiar metallic substances nearby, her expression one of disdain toward Sanji's cooking.

"Hmph! Not nearly as satisfying as the wooden scraps Seph-sama provides," she declared, her disappointment evident.

Sanji sighed despondently at Merry's rejection, his spirits sinking as he knelt in defeat.

Across from them, Zoro chuckled at Merry's reaction, taking a bold swig from a large jug of wine beside him.

With a mocking glance at Sanji, he taunted in a provocative tone,

"You're right, Merry. This perverted chef's creations pale in comparison to even the most inferior wine."

Sanji's decadent body flared back to life, his eyes blazing with indignation as he faced Zoro.

"If you don't appreciate it, then don't dare to partake!" he retorted, his voice laced with a hint of menace.

Ignoring Sanji's simmering anger, Zoro indulged in a hearty bite of the delicious meat on his plate, his tone brimming with nonchalant generosity. "Seems a shame to waste food. I'll reluctantly take care of it," he remarked.

Sanji's expression darkened, green veins pulsating on his forehead with suppressed fury.

Fortunately, Luffy's muffled voice broke through the tension. "Sanji, more food! It's amazing!" he exclaimed eagerly.

Sanji's scowl melted into a beaming smile as he dashed off to the kitchen. His recent apprenticeship under Nakiri Erina-sama had infused him with renewed vigor, and each compliment on his cooking felt like a tribute to her teachings. Even the typically bothersome Luffy's praise brought him joy as he happily prepared more dishes.

Meanwhile, Zoro glanced sidelong at Luffy's round form, his mouth bulging with food, and his stomach protruding, wearing a look of resigned helplessness.

His desire to goad Sanji into a fight burned within him, fueled by his frustrations from their rigorous training sessions in the virtual world. Yet, Luffy's interruption shattered his carefully laid plans.

Observing the scene with interest, Seph found the dynamics between his crewmates more captivating than the impending adventure that lay ahead.

With a curious gleam in his eyes, Seph suddenly inquired about their recent island adventure.

"How was it? Was it interesting? Did you find anything noteworthy?" he asked.

Zoro let out a bored yawn before grumbling,

"It was incredibly irritating! I encountered an impostor, and there were swarms of pirates, hundreds of them, but they were so feeble they crumbled before I could even break a sweat... so frail, so pathetic."

Seph looked at him incredulously.

"Seems like you're getting a bit carried away, aren't you?" he remarked wryly.

Ussop chimed in, striking what he imagined to be a heroic pose.

"Ussop-sama single-handedly vanquished thousands of pirates and gained a legion of admirers... Truly, I speak the truth this time! I swear!" he insisted earnestly.

However, his proclamation was met with skeptical looks from the group, even Luffy seemed doubtful.

Ussop's spirits deflated.

"I'm not lying, I swear!! Ugh!! You guys are so mean!" he protested, met with hearty laughter from the crowd.

Nami delicately sipped her colorful cocktail, her expression attentive as she recounted their recent experiences.

"The island was a whirlwind of chaos and disorder. The Marines seemed powerless against the overwhelming influx of pirates. We even encountered stores resorting to desperate measures, hiring gangsters and bounty hunters as makeshift bodyguards, some even demanding fees for protection. It's a stark departure from my previous visits.

And then there were those blind troublemakers! Hmph! Easily subdued by yours truly and transformed into our own small team of porters. They may be small in stature, but they're mighty helpful," she remarked with a hint of amusement.

Nojiko chuckled in agreement.

"They certainly added a dash of humor to our little (shopping) adventure!"

Kaya nodded, her eyes shining with warmth.

"Indeed, they hardly fit the mold of typical pirates. It's as if circumstances have forced them into roles they never desired.

The East Blue is a far cry from its former tranquility. According to the newspapers, the number of pirates has skyrocketed by more than tenfold. It seems almost everyone has turned to piracy nowadays! Thankfully, Seph's assistance has been invaluable in fortifying my own strength.

 Without it, protecting my family's legacy would be a daunting task."

Nojiko's shock was palpable as she exclaimed, "Ten times?! More?! So, everyone's become a pirate now?"

Despite Nami's blaming glare directed at Seph, he remained unaffected by her accusatory stare.

Returning from the kitchen, Sanji added his observations,

"I didn't encounter any 'civilians' or children. Everyone seemed armed, and conflicts were rampant. I had to deal with countless crazed pirates until I grew bored and returned to the boat."

Luffy, spotting another batch of food, leapt up happily from his seat. With an infectious grin, he recounted his own encounters.

"Oh, I ran into those pesky Navy officers. One of them was making a big fuss about putting an end to my adventures and how awesome his nature Devil Fruit abilities, but he was so feeble,"

 he said with disdain. "Couldn't even withstand a light punch. Such a waste of my super gauntlets... I thought he'd be tough like that magma guy, but he was just embarrassing."

Observing Luffy's carefree demeanor, Seph couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Smoker, if only for a brief moment.

Seph chose not to divulge his encounter with Dragon, deeming it unnecessary information.

As the banquet drew to a close, everyone eagerly made their way to the virtual world, with Merry continuing in auto-drive mode.

Before departing, Seph halted Zoro and took his sword, fulfilling his promise to enhance it.

Zoro seemed less concerned about his signature three-style technique now.

Previously reliant on his left hand and mouth to compensate for his weaker fitness, he now found the three-style lacking, especially after witnessing Seph's ability to cut through intangible objects. It made him reassess the effectiveness of his own swordsmanship.

With a touch of his hand and a whisper of energy, Seph bestowed upon Zoro's sword a remarkable ability—it could now replicate two additional swords, fueled by a fraction of Seph's boundless power. Instantly, Zoro's beloved Wado Ichimonji ascended to the status of an artifact, its sharpness, hardness, and appearance reaching the pinnacle of the human realm.

As Zoro beheld the transformation of his sword, his joy knew no bounds. The once-mighty Wado Ichimonji now possessed capabilities beyond his wildest dreams, thanks to Seph's incredible gift. With renewed determination and confidence, Zoro prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead, his spirit burning brighter than ever before.

Observing Zoro's exuberance as he bounded towards the virtual world, brimming with newfound energy, Seph couldn't suppress a chuckle.

Taking note of Sanji's hesitant expression, Seph, now endowed with omniscience, couldn't resist his curiosity. With a mere thought, he tapped into his newfound ability, instantly gaining insight into Sanji's thoughts and emotions.

What he discovered left him genuinely surprised, prompting him to regard Sanji with a newfound understanding and appreciation.

"Sanji, you truly are perceptive," Seph acknowledged with a knowing smile. "Your thoughts are indeed on the mark... Excitement, anticipation, fear, doubt—they all swirl within you."

Sanji's body quivered with a mixture of shock and excitement, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Such worlds actually exist? And you're really from planet Earth?" he stammered, his voice trembling with incredulity.

Sanji's skepticism grew as he watched an episode of Toriko, a popular anime, where he spotted the familiar faces of the Straw Hat crew. Initially, he suspected that Seph might be playing an elaborate prank on him. However, as he continued watching and saw the rest of his crewmates making appearances in the show, his doubts intensified.

The realization slowly dawned on him that there might be more to Seph's origins than he initially believed. Questions swirled in his mind as he grappled with the implications of this revelation. Could it be possible that Seph was indeed from another world, just as he claimed? The evidence presented before him seemed to suggest so, shattering his preconceived notions and opening up a world of possibilities.

Seph's reaction was one of calm understanding. The vast library contained countless tales of anime with Earth as their backdrop. Even the seemingly naive Luffy could sense the unusual nature of their circumstances. However, until now, no one had bothered to delve deeper or inquire about Seph's origins.

Sanji, as the intellectual backbone of the Straw Hats, was far from foolish. And Seph, after this period of time spent with the crew, felt no need to conceal his origins any longer. He exuded strength, and it was clear that he would only continue to grow stronger in the future.

Observing Sanji still in a state of shock, Seph decided to leave him be for the moment. However, before departing, he left a cryptic message hanging in the air for Sanji to ponder.

"Grow stronger, or it will be difficult for me to take you with me in the future..."

With those enigmatic words lingering in the air, Seph strode away, leaving Sanji to grapple with the implications of his newfound knowledge and the challenge laid before him.