

Veldanava D. Howard was on his way to his house, when all of a sudden a falling truck appeared on top of him killing him instantly. When he thought he had gone to the afterlife he finds himself naked in front of an execution platform surrounded by people looking at him weirdly, and that execution platform looks kinda like the one where the pirate king was executed in his favorite anime "One Piece".

Rin_Mori · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 12 ~ Bath talk

(Before they went fishing)

{At the Bath}

Juri: " Ahhnn~ nothing really beats a hot bath, well except torturing your opponents. Don't you agree?"

Juri asked Mai, as both of them were taking a hot bath at the same time. Mai looked at Juri, thinking that she really had the body of a fighter; she had a slender body but was compact with muscles. Mai can also feel the power emanating from her body just by sitting next to her. Despite all that, her figure is still much better than other models she has seen.

Mai: 'This girl is really strong and dangerous; everything about her just screams 'crazy'. I so don't want to be her opponent; I hope there won't come a time I have to fight her.'

Mai thought as she compiled all the things she discovered about Juri. She reached the conclusion that Juri is both crazy and a strong fighter.

Mai: 'Who would win if Maki fought this girl?'

Mai thought about who would win if Maki and Juri fought.

Juri: "Hey, are you listening? I asked you a question. How brave of you to ignore me."

Juri said to Mai, clearly irritated at the fact that she had been ignored.

Mai: "Sorry, I was just lost in thought."

Juri was intrigued after hearing this and wanted to know more. She also wanted to know more about this girl.

Juri: "What were you thinking about?"

Mai thought about it and decided to tell her about her twin sister and her past world. Juri listened to her words intently, seemingly curious and interested in her world full of curses and beings with amazing powers.

Juri: "So, you have a sister that has no cursed energy but is insanely strong, and you two were thrown by your father to a room filled with curses and were about to be killed. Then you sacrificed yourself for your sister by creating creating her a sword and giving her the ability to see curses, even without using her special glasses, and asked her to destroy your clan."

Juri summarize the story told by Mai. While Mai was relieved to talk about her story with someone.

Mai: "That is the gist of it. I was born to a crappy clan with little cursed energy, and what is worse is the fact that they reject the existence of us twins."

Mai continued to talk with Juri becoming more comfortable with her over time.

Mai: "But that was the end of it now; she fulfilled my wish; my sister has killed everyone in the clan, officially destroying it; at least that is what the system told me."

Mai let out a relieved sigh. Feeling an imaginary weight on her shoulders disappear.

Juri: "Man~ you've really lived a tough life. So, what are you going to do now?"

Mai went silent after hearing her questions at a lost about the direction she will take, in this new world.

Mai: "I don't know; I am already satisfied enough to live another life again. For now, I'll just stay with Howard and you guys; I do not have anywhere to go anyway. So, it's much better to be with people I have already met, people like you."

Juri smiled after hearing her answer as she was glad to have one more companion with her.

Mai: "What about you? What is your story?"

Mai asked Juri after sharing her life story with her she also wanted to hear her own story.

Juri: "Well, in the past, I was just a normal kid who was quite specially talented in fighting. I lived like a normal kid who enjoyed living her days with her parents. But that did not last long."

Juri said her last sentence with a sad smile on her face. Seeing that smile, Mai guessed something very bad might have happened to her in the past, and her guess was confirmed right after Juri continued her story.

Juri: "My father was a politician, so it was a given that he had some enemies. Those enemies attacked us one day, and that attack caused my parents deaths and the loss of my left eye. Since then, I have been living on the path of revenge, seeking to kill the ones who killed my parents."

Mai thought about her story and finally found the reason why she seemed crazy at first sight.

Mai: "You might have gone crazy and twisted along the way on your path of revenge. You look like someone who would do everything on the path of revenge."

Juri laughed after hearing Mai basically admitting she is a crazy person.

Mai: "So did the person who attacked your parents die?"

Mai asked this as she was curious on the ending oh the enemy of Juri.

Juri: "Yes, but I was not the one that managed to kill him it was another person, which frustrates me but at the same time happy that he has finally died."

Mai asked another question after hearing her words, this question has bugged her since their first meeting.

Mai: "You look like someone who would not follow anyone. So why are you willing to follow that guy (Howard)? Have you known him for a long time? Are you two in a relationship?"

Mai asked this because she judged Juri by her appearance and attitude. She came to the conclusion that she was someone who did not follow the rules and only cared about her own agenda. That was why she was curious about why she would follow someone.

Juri: "After the death of the one who killed my parents I also lost the purpose to lived as killing him was the only motivator I had in living. Without it I just whiles away my time in a gloomy haze without nothing to do and nothing to live for. For a thrillseeker like me being stagnant and boring for a long time is worse than death. That is why I am grateful to Howard for reviving my parents which haunted me in my dreams every night after their death, I know that it was the system that did it but he also has a part on it, I'm also thankful for him summoning me in this world filled with thrill. I have only met him today but I already liked him the moment we met, I don't have a relationship with him yet but he lookes like a person who would want a harem."

Mai nodded as she listened to her long monologue, she then proceeded to ask another question that also bugged her.

Mai: "Who was the person who was sprawled on the ground earlier inside the room?"

Juri: "That is a Kazama, it is a new species of lowlife."

Mai nodded at her words, as she had already decided to distance herself from Kazuma before even talking with him.