

Veldanava D. Howard was on his way to his house, when all of a sudden a falling truck appeared on top of him killing him instantly. When he thought he had gone to the afterlife he finds himself naked in front of an execution platform surrounded by people looking at him weirdly, and that execution platform looks kinda like the one where the pirate king was executed in his favorite anime "One Piece".

Rin_Mori · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 11 ~ Plans

Howard: "Mai, shoot its eyes now."

Mai: "Okay."

Mai did what Howard ordered, she shot the iris part of the eye of the biggest Sea King. Mai did what Howard ordered; she shot the iris part of the eye of the biggest Sea King. The eye of the Sea King bled; this just proved how powerful the firepower of Hecate was. The Sea King felt pain from its eye, and as they expected, the biggest Sea King trashed around, earning the biggest Sea King a confused look directed at it by other Sea Kings.

Howard: "Our diversion has been activated, let's attack the target now Juri."

Howard said as he flew to the target and punched with all his might, aiming at the left temple of the targeted Sea King.

Howard: "[Detroit Smash]!!"

Howard yelled as his punched coated with Armament Haki connected to the left temple of the targeted Sea King. Making it lost its consciousness for a few seconds.

Sea King: "Roar!"

The Sea King roared because of the pain it felt, from the punch Howard delivered to its left temple.

Juri: "[Shiku-sen]!"

Juri also yelled the name of her attack; she would not normally do this in a fight as it seemed like something stupid to do, but Howard looked excited when he threw his attack while yelling its name. So she wanted to try it too. Juri gathered ki to her foot and coated it with armament Haki. As she then used the foot to kick the Sea Kings right temple, knocking it unconscious, the kick Juri delivered was much stronger than the blow Howard delivered. Howard then created a long lance made of light.

Howard: "[Lance Thrust]!"

Howard yelled as he thrust his lance made of light into the left eye of the Sea King. The lance pierced through its eyes and reached its brain, killing the Sea King instantly. This happened so quickly that the other sea kings did not notice it.

Sea King: "Roar!"

The Sea King roared its last roar. Before it fully died, it saw its life flashing before its eyes, memories from the moment it was born, its fondest memories, when its mom sang it a lullaby, when it first entered the church to pray to the God of the Sea Kings, when its father left to buy some milk but never came back, and how sad it was when its mother died from cancer. All kinds of memories were watched by the sea king as he died.

Howard: "Store it system."

Howard said to his system as he flew back to the flying nimbus along with Juri.

Juri: "That was boring, I thought that it would be much more exciting."

Juri said as she was disappointed about the fight. She expected it to be a much more difficult fight as the sea king was so big and imposing.

Kazuma: "You really are amazing Juri-sama!"

Kazuma said this with the intention of sucking up to her. He didn't much believe Howard when he said she could snap his neck in the blink of an eye, but the fight just now proved that Howard was telling the truth to him before. He gave her a very bad first impression, so he was afraid she would kick him and send him to the afterlife if she ever got irritated.

Juri: "Can you not look at me like that, so disgusting."

Juri said to Kazuma after looking at his smile and expression. She felt creeped out by him.

Mai: "Aren't you embarrassed doing that Kazutrash?"

Mai asked, perplexed at the ugly mug that Kazuma is showing towards Juri, even she felt creeped out by him.

Menchi: "Have you considered wearing a mask for a lifetime Kazuma?"

Even Menchi felt sick after seeing the face of kazama.

Kasama: 'Just kill me already, I was only trying to suck up to you, why do you have to attack me like this.'

Kazuma thought while still having the same expression but now his face have tears on it.

Howard: "Let's return home now."

All of them felt good after hearing the word 'home' come out of his mouth. This word let them know that they were not alone in this strange new world.

Howard: "So what are your plans now?"

Howard asked them this question while they were flying back to their home.

Kazuma: "I'm a weakling, so I may not be able to survive in this world if I'm alone, so please don't kick me out Captain!"

Menchi: "Won't you also go on an adventure in this world? I plan to travel this world to search for new delecacies, but with my strength, I might die in my journey, so I'll just go on a journey with you guys; after all, you guys are strong, except for Kazuma."

Mai: "You are the one who summoned me here in the first place, so I'm your responsibility now."

Juri: "I'll follow wherever you go. I have a feeling that if I stay with you, living in this world would be quite thrilling."

Howard who heard their answers can't help but smile at them, they also smiled back at him.

Juri and Mai: "Kazutrash, don't smile, it's creepy."

The smile on Kazuma disappeared and was replaced by a frown and a twitching right eye.

Kazuma: "You ruined the moment!"

Kazuma yelled at the two, while the others just laughed at him.

{4 hours later}

All of the inhabitants of the Sixis island are currently in the courtyard of the residence that Howard bought from the system. They are preparing for the feast that is about to happen.

Howard: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. So let us cherish this night, as this night is the night that we feast as Kings!"

Howard started a speech as he was surrounded by the children he saved and those he summoned. Everyone cheered as they heard his speech. They held a feast in the courtyard under the night sky covered with stars.

Howard: "This taste so good!"

Howard exclaimed as he tasted the dish that Menchi cooked.

Menchi: "Thanks, I think I got too excited at the thought of cooking a Sea King and made too many dishes."

Menchi said reflecting at her actions, as she made too many dishes that their might be food that would be left over, from this feast.

Howard: "Don't worry, I'll just store it at the system space, time doesn't move there so the food won't go bad."

Howard said to comfort her.

Juri: "Here, Howard try this."

Juri said as she put a spoon in front of Howards mouth, seemed to be intent on feeding him.

Howard: "Thanks."

Howard did not shy away from her and ate it. Kazuma smiled as he looked at them doing that

Kazuma: "Go explode, Normies."

Kazuma said to the two, as his face was covered with the word 'jealousy' all over it.

Mai: "Don't smile Kazutrash, its ruining my appetite.

The feast continued untill everyone was full and ended when everyone was already tired and sleepy.