
One Piece: Shadow Monarch

Follow Ash, and his journey after transmigrating into the body of Nico Ashborn in the world of "One Piece." With newfound powers and memories, Ash navigates the mysterious world of One Piece, unraveling secrets and confronting foes while seeking the truth behind his existence and the nature of his abilities.

Shadow247 · Cómic
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6 Chs

How can it be a devil fruit, without a name?

Seeing me absent-mindedly chewing my food, my mother put down the fork in her hand onto her plate and asked worriedly.

"Ash, is that nightmare still affecting you?"

Hearing her anxious tone, I halted my thoughts and said cheerfully.

"No, Mom. I was just wondering how you managed to make this simple breakfast taste so delicious?"

Seeing her chuckling at my words, I understood that, my attempt to divert her from this topic utterly failed. But, I didn't panic and asked curiously.

"By the way Mom, where is my sweet little sister Robin?"

Understanding that, I didn't want to make her worry, she smiled gently and answered my question.

"She is at O'Hara Library with Professor Clover."

Hearing her words, the image of an elderly man with a shaved top, with his green hair adjusted jutting on the sides and the back top, combined with a large beard, all in the shape of leaves came to my mind.

But, to Robin and me, he is a grandfather figure.

'Looks like the previous owner of this body respects him greatly. However, the way he addresses Professor Clover will make you think otherwise.'

Most of the time, Ash remains calm and collected just like Robin. But, he can be a bit unruly sometimes.

Finishing my breakfast, I left the house in search of Robin.


After some time, I arrived in front of the 'Tree of Knowledge' and I was amazed, to see the magnificent tree.

'If I recall correctly, it's a 5,000-year-old tree located at the center of O'Hara which served as a library and a hub for archaeologists from around the world. Man, it's gigantic. Too bad, I don't have any way to save this relic.'

The O'Hara Library is located inside this gigantic 'Tree of Knowledge'. While thinking, I made my way inside the tree. On the way, I met with several other archaeologists who seemed to cherish me greatly. Some of the older individuals even pinched my cheeks to express their fondness.

While rubbing my sore cheek, I started to think.

'It's pretty hard to be a child. But, I like this feeling of being loved selflessly. Now, I have more reasons to protect these fools.'

Thinking like that, I arrived in front of the library, where I saw an old man being tortured by a little girl's relentless questions. Even though I say, 'Tortured', the old man has a gentle smile on his face while answering the curious girl's questions.

Yes, the old man is Professor Clover, and the girl asking questions with curious eyes is Robin.

Looking at this scene, I couldn't help but grin toothily. After observing their interactions for a while, I entered the room through the open door and said.

"Old Man. What rubbish are you teaching to my sweet little sister?"

Hearing my words, two of them gave me two different reactions. While Robin ran towards me looking very happy, and yelling,


Professor Clover, on the other hand, looked at me annoyingly and yelled.

"Brat! Who are you calling an old man? And, how dare you address my knowledge as rubbish?"

Hearing them, my first thought was,

'Looks like the calm and collected Nico Robin was also cheerful at some point in her childhood. It seems the O'Hara incident, and the continuous struggle and betrayal of others after that messed up her personality badly.'

Watching Robin running towards me, I swiftly picked her up and said to the professor.

"You look as old as the 'Tree of Knowledge'. What should I call you, if not 'Old Man'? And, as for your knowledge of ancient times, what is it even used for?"

Listening to my reply, Professor Clover gave me a deadpan look.

Looking at his expression, I only had one thought in my mind.

'Man, I'm done for...'

Thus, for almost an hour, I was given a lecture about the importance of ancient history, and how they help us learn more about ourselves.

But I have to say, 'The old man knows his stuff. After listening to his lecture, I became curious about the ancient history of this world.'


After an hour...

I somehow freed myself from the clutches of the old man and dropped Robin in our house.

Then, I looked around the island, in search of a secluded place to test my devil fruit powers.

After a bit of searching, I found the perfect place I was looking for.

In a secluded corner of the island, I started to test out my powers.

'If I recall correctly, I should have gained all 5 abilities after my devil fruit awakening.'


Ruler's Authority

Shadow Extraction

Shadow Preservation

Shadow Exchange

Monarch's Domain

'Ruler's Authority is a form of telekinesis by which, I can control objects without touching them. At full strength, this skill is almost like a black hole in potency.'

'Shadow Extraction allows me to make a copy of a dead beast or human in the form of a shadow soldier with all its ability intact.'

'Shadow Preservation allows me to store the 'Shadows' I have created inside my own shadow, as well as summon and reabsorb them at will. By extension, the skill also grants the ability to share senses with the Shadows, being able to use them as a means of remote monitoring.'

'Shadow Exchange allows me to use the 'Shadows' I have created as portals to travel vast distances in an instant. As the skill works like a gate, I can bring other people with me while using it.'

'Monarch's Domain allows me to project my own shadow to create an area in which any of my Shadow will gain a status increase of 50% while fighting.'

'Although there is a catch while using any of these abilities, if I can master them I will become pretty overpowered if I say so myself.'

'It seems, like other devil fruit users, I can use my devil fruit abilities indefinitely, as long as I have the stamina to back it up.'

'Devil fruits are really overpowered.'

I was able to only test out the 'Ruler's Authority' skill. For the other four skills, I need dead bodies.

I also tested out one of the main drawbacks of having a devil fruit, which is 'Seawater'. And the result was...

'I was hoping that I won't be affected by the 'Seawater'. Looks like 'Seastone' will also have the same effect. Man, what a drag. Why the hell, those transmigrated characters were immune to it?'

After practicing the 'Ruler's Authority' skill for a while, I abruptly stopped...


I seemed to have forgotten the most important thing.

'How can it be a devil fruit, without a name?'

'Let's see...'

"It should be called: Human-Human Fruit, Model: Shadow Monarch."

'Oops... I accidentally thought out loud.'

(To be Continued)

A/N: The experienced readers may know. But, I'm telling this in case, there are any new readers. Double quote shows a conversation or MC is talking out loud. And, single quote means MC is thinking or talking to himself.

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