
One Piece: Scientist Simulator

In the heart of Wanokuni, Edie, a brilliant yet enigmatic scientist, is deeply immersed in his research on Devil Fruits and advanced cloning technology as he Explores the Deepest Secrets of the One Piece World with his Scientist Simulator System.

NikaTheHonoredOne · Cómic
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47 Chs

Chapter 19: Sending Momonosuke Away!

"Zishu… my name is Zishu?"

The boy tilted his head, processing the new name. "Heavenly Father, since my prototype is Roger, why not just call me Roger?"

Zishu felt an inexplicable warmth toward Edie, a bond that went beyond simple loyalty. It was as if Edie were his true father, a connection imprinted deep within his bloodline, compelling him to absolute obedience and trust.

"Calling you Roger would be bad luck. It's the name of a dead man," Edie replied, his tone firm but gentle. "Zishu is a much better name, one of the twelve earthly branches. You also have two seniors."

With that, Edie introduced Zishu to Chenlong and Shenhou, his other creations.

"I understand," Zishu nodded, a newfound resolve in his voice. "From now on, I will be called Zishu."

Satisfied, Edie handed Zishu over to Chenlong. "Take our new compatriot around and help him get familiar with the environment."

As Chenlong led Zishu away, Edie exited the laboratory and made his way to the living area on the second floor, heading straight for Toki's detention room.

As he stepped inside, the sight that greeted him was unexpectedly domestic. Toki's two children were playing, making a mess of the room, while Toki herself sat nearby, a serene smile on her face as she worked on some needlework—likely knitting clothes for her children.

"Mr. Edie," Toki greeted him quickly, her tone respectful but wary.

Kozuki Hiyori, sensing Edie's presence, immediately rushed to her mother's side, clinging to her in fear. The little girl's eyes were wide, her fear palpable.

Momonosuke, on the other hand, reacted differently. Perhaps feeling stifled in the small room, or perhaps emboldened by childish bravado, he glared at Edie and spoke with a defiant tone.

"Hey, let us out already! I am the son of Kozuki Oden, the Daimyo of Kuri, and I will become the man who rules Wanokuni sooner or later!"

Toki's eyes widened in alarm, and as a mother, she immediately scolded him, her voice sharp and filled with fear.

"Momonosuke! Don't talk to your Uncle Edie like that!"

Her hands trembled slightly, sweat forming on her palms as she tried to rein in her son's reckless behavior.

Edie's expression darkened, a frown etching itself onto his face. Have I been too lenient? he wondered. Had his previous kindness led this child to forget his place?

He took a step closer, his voice low and cold. "Your father is dead."

Momonosuke stood frozen, the weight of Edie's words crashing down on him like a tidal wave. "No... no way, how could Father be dead? Mother?" His voice trembled, and he turned to Toki, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Toki bit her lower lip, her gaze filled with sorrow. She had been cut off from the outside world, unable to confirm the fate of Kozuki Oden, though deep down, she feared the worst. The silence in her response spoke volumes.

Edie shook his head, his voice cold and matter-of-fact. "Not only Kozuki Oden, but Kurozumi Orochi has also been killed by Kaido. As of now, Kaido is the Shogun of Wanokuni."

The room fell silent as the reality of their situation sank in. Toki's eyes dimmed with despair, but she quickly steeled herself, pulling Momonosuke close. With a sudden, fierce resolve, she slapped her son hard across the face, her voice trembling with anger and fear. "Apologize to Uncle Edie!"

Momonosuke, still reeling from the news of his father's death, was stunned by the slap. His world, already shattered, seemed to crumble further. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he began to cry uncontrollably, feeling lost and abandoned. His mother's harsh words, Edie's cold demeanor, and the suffocating confines of the small room overwhelmed him. To his young mind, it felt like everyone he loved was slipping away.

Edie observed the scene with a detached expression. He understood Toki's intent—she was trying to protect her son, even if it meant disciplining him harshly. But Edie also recognized the need for decisive action. The time for leniency had passed.

"The situation has changed drastically. Kaido now controls all of Wanokuni," Edie began, his voice firm and unyielding. "I cannot protect you indefinitely. Sooner or later, Kaido will come for Momonosuke, the son of Kozuki Oden. Keeping him here will only bring unnecessary trouble."

Although if Edie is being honest, He doesn't think Kaido will actually care about this wimp. He's just wants to get rid of him.

Toki's heart sank at his words. "Wait, Mr. Edie, are you planning to hand us over to Kaido?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Edie shook his head. "No. I will send Momonosuke out of Wanokuni, to a place where Kaido won't be able to find him. It's the best chance for his survival."

Relief washed over Toki, though it was tinged with sorrow. She knew this was the best course of action, even if it meant sending her son far away. Better to live in safety than to die in the clutches of Kaido.

"I'll send him to the Sea of Paradise, where the Revolutionary Army holds sway. If he's strong enough, he could rise within their ranks. Perhaps, one day, he can return to reclaim Wanokuni."

Momonosuke, hearing this, burst into desperate cries. "No! I don't want to leave! Mother, I don't want to go!"

Toki's heart broke as she watched her son's anguish, but she knew this was the only way. "Momo... Momonosuke," she said, her voice quivering with emotion. "Remember who you are. Be strong, no matter what challenges you face. In 20 years, everything will change."

"Mother! I don't want to leave! Please, Mother!" Momonosuke cried out, his small body trembling as Edie took him by the arm and led him out of the room.

Downstairs, Edie called for Chenlong. "Take this child to the Kamabaka Kingdom in the Sea of Paradise," he instructed, handing over a sea chart along with Momonosuke.

Chenlong grabbed Momonosuke with one hand, the boy's struggles doing little to deter him. "Heavenly Father, this child is very noisy. Should I knock him out?" Chenlong asked, his tone indifferent.

"Uncle Edie! I'm sorry! Don't send me away!" Momonosuke finally cried out, desperation lacing his voice as he begged for mercy.

Edie looked down at the boy, his gaze cool and calculating. "Your father is gone, boy. No one can protect you now. But if you go to the Kamabaka Kingdom and find a way to join the Revolutionary Army, you might just find the strength to take back Wanokuni. Perhaps we'll meet again someday."

With that, Edie turned away, signaling for Chenlong to leave. "Make sure to stay hidden," he added as an afterthought.

As Chenlong carried Momonosuke away, the boy's cries gradually faded into the distance. Edie watched them go, his thoughts momentarily drifting. Maybe when we meet again, he mused, Momonosuke won't be called by that name anymore.

The Kingdom of Kamabaka was notorious, known as the Kingdom of Demons and Shemales. It was a place where Sanji had once spent two years training with the Newkama. If Momonosuke was to survive there, he would need to "change" to become stronger.

Edie could only hope the boy had the resilience to endure.

Time flies, and before long, the year 1503 arrives, marking a new chapter in Edie's endeavors. The research on artificial Devil Fruits has made significant strides. Edie, though primarily focused on his own pursuits, keeps a watchful eye on Caesar, who has successfully developed the fruit tree culture solution known as SAD. This breakthrough paves the way for the cultivation of fruit trees capable of producing artificial Devil Fruits, a monumental step in their research.

Thanks to Caesar's achievements, Edie's reputation as a scientist has grown exponentially over the past six months. His name is becoming synonymous with groundbreaking discoveries, and his status in the scientific community is steadily rising. This newfound recognition has also earned him an additional simulation opportunity, though Edie decides to hold off on using it for now. Cloning anyone isn't a priority at the moment; he has other matters occupying his mind.

During this period, Edie has dedicated himself to mastering Haki. Under the tutelage of his three powerful subordinates—Zishu, Chenlong, and Shenhou—Edie's progress has been remarkable. All three of them are proficient in Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki, making them ideal mentors. With their guidance, Edie has managed to grasp the basics of both Observation Haki and Armament Haki in just six months.

However, Conqueror's Haki remains elusive. Unlike the other forms of Haki, Conqueror's Haki cannot be attained through practice alone. It is an innate ability, a rare trait that signifies a person's qualification to be a king. As Edie delves deeper into the mysteries of Haki, he realizes that Conqueror's Haki is much like a natural talent—some people have it, and others do not. It's like a mathematical genius; if you don't have the aptitude, no amount of effort can change that.

Edie is uncertain whether he possesses this rare qualification. Nonetheless, he meticulously studies the Conqueror's Haki of Chenlong, Shenhou, and Zishu, seeking to unravel its secrets. His observations lead him to an intriguing hypothesis. Conqueror's Haki often manifests under intense mental or emotional stress, suggesting that its awakening follows a discernible pattern.

This realization sparks a new line of inquiry in Edie's mind. If Conqueror's Haki is indeed linked to mental and emotional triggers, perhaps it can be studied and understood through scientific means. But Edie's curiosity doesn't stop there. He begins to ponder the nature of the so-called "king's qualification." What is it that grants a person this unique power? Could it be related to bloodline?

Edie considers the possibility that the ability to wield Conqueror's Haki might be hereditary. If a parent possesses this qualification, is it likely that their offspring will inherit it? And if so, does this talent reside within the blood itself, perhaps encoded in the blood factors that govern a person's lineage?

The more Edie contemplates these questions, the more intrigued he becomes. "I'm curious," he murmurs to himself, flipping through his recent research with a smile playing on his lips. The prospect of unlocking the secrets of Conqueror's Haki through scientific exploration excites him. If this power is indeed tied to blood factors, then Edie is determined to uncover its mysteries, no matter how long it takes.