
Chapter 122: Fire island

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 122: Fire Island

Kumas ability ended as she hover over the island.

"Uggg!" Vivi gave a painful grunt as she roughly landed on her face.

"It could have let me land a bit more gracefully..." Vivi grumbled while holding her red cheek.

She looked around the place where she had landed, it was a rocky beach. The rocks were very peculiar as they were completely black and had a beautiful shine to them.

"Could that be obsidian?" She wondered.

As she looked towards the interior of the island, all she could see were more black rocks and fire coming from cracks on the surface.

"Is like the core of the island is on fire and it's seeping through the cracks…what kind of place is this?"

There was only one thing she was certain of now.

"Kuma must really hate me to send me here…when he asked what kind of place I would like to go, I remember telling him that I like cold places…and then he sent me here…sigh."

She decided that nothing was going to be done by staying on the beach. There must be something useful on the island and she will have to find it if she is going to survive here.


"Uff…" It only took her a couple of minutes of walking to realize what the first obstacle on this island was going to be.

"Is so hot…" She was sweating bullets already.

The temperature at the beach was not that bad, maybe around 35°c(95°F), but as she ventured inside and found more and more patches of fire burning around the place, the temperature started to rise very quickly.

"It must be almost 50°c(122°F) already."

The good thing was that she was able to reabsorb her sweat, or any other fluid she lost, as gross as that sounds, so she would not be dying of dehydration any time soon.

The atmosphere had some humidity, but it was very minimal, so any loss of water will take some time to recover.

"Oh, that's new!" She now spotted something in the distance that could almost be called a tree. The objects had tree shapes but they seem to be made from the same black rock as everything else on the island.

"What the heck happened here?." She asked herself.

As she approached, it became evident by the amount of 'trees' that this must have been a forest at some point.

She touched one of the trees, the surface was warm but not too much, especially compared to the ground.

The surface rocks were so hot that she suspected that her boots would not take long before they start melting, compared to that, the trees were much nicer.

"Maybe I can use them to sleep on…" She looked around, there were only more of those black trees as far as her view went.

"The only saving grace of this place is that there are no wild beasts…I mean, I cannot imagine what kind of animal would survive in thi-"


A strong aura entered her range.

"Did I jinx myself?"

She heard loud noises and saw several of the stone trees being shared to pieces as the beast approached.

It soon came into her view. It was a giant gorilla, around 3 meters (10 feet) tall, and had vibrant red fur covering its body.

He looked to be enraged as he looked at Vivi.

"Hey buddy, calm down" Vivi moved her hands in a placating manner.

"I don't want to be in your territory either, but there is this guy who sent me here and…"


"Now that I think about it…gorillas don't roar." She looked pensive for a moment.

The beast had no interest in whatever she had to say and jumped at her with both arms up, hoping to crush her to a pulp with his great weight and power.

Vivi extended her right arm up.

"Gatling!" A barrage of water bullets came into existence and impacted the body of the gorilla as it came down.

A fizzing noise was heard as the bullets evaporated and disappeared, causing no visible damage to the beast as it continued in its path to crush her.

"Oh oh…." Vivi had to use her movement technique to get out of the way before being crushed.

"How hot is your body?...my water bullets vanished before impact!."

The gorilla just gave her another roar as the answer.

The gorilla was surprisingly fast as it jumped again toward her and each of its attacks would break those black stones like they were made of clay.

'This thing has the physical capabilities of a Vice-Admiral at least. Although, it is lacking their techniques…still is quite impressive for a wild beast'. Vivi thought.

The surface of its body was also extremely hot, more than enough to evaporate any water that got near him. She could even see the heat distortion in the air surrounding its body.

'This is bad…I could try using a water bomb, but if that evaporates before exploding, I will be losing nearly one-third of my body mass and it's very difficult to gather water here.'

She quickly decided what the best course of action was.

"Let's run!" She exclaimed.

The gorilla was not willing to let her go that easily and started to chase her but when it came to speed Vivi had the upper hand.


She had chosen to travel away from the forest. For once, that seems to be the gorilla's territory and there could more of them living there, and second, she had no confidence in using that movement technique while surrounded by obstacles.

She rushed at high speed back into a clearing, it only took her around ten seconds to lose the signal of the beast but still kept going at the same pace for another minute.

After stopping, she has huffing and puffed, feeling very exhausted, but there were no signals of any living being in the surroundings at least.

She was once again surrounded by nothingness. Just the vast emptiness of black rocks and fire.

"I remember seeing a giant tree in the middle of the island when I was flying towards it."

Vivi started to look around and spotted the shape of something very big in the distance but it was hard to tell what it was from here. There could only be one reason for that.

"This island has to be absolutely massive…"